DANG….I felt more exhausted after my team’s meet yesterday than I would have been if I ran it myself.  It was 89 degrees (which is pure crazy for this time of year in Utah) and the course wasn’t marked as well as I’d hoped but overall it was a success.

One of my girls took FIRST OVERALL (4 schools)!! Her final kick at the end made me cry a little. My boys also did awesome with most of them finishing in the front of the middle pack.

They all learned A LOT.  For some of them, it was their FIRST race ever and it was fun to hear about what they learned from the race and what they will do differently next time.   Not gonna lie.  This is my favorite part of my job. Why can’t this be a year round sport….I will just have to count down the days until track season begins once cross country is over.


Right after the meet I had to rehydrate from all the electrolyites I lost jumping around and yelling. I forced Ash to go to Mickey D’s with me for lemonades.

Hello, Mr. Worker in the background. I bet he is stoked that he is now on a blog that talks abou running for FUN (some people think it is strange that we love to run…did you know that?) and a 25 year olds latest food obsessions.

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Dinner was a 3-course meal.  By the time I got home I did not feel like prepping my usual really fancy dinners (ie sandwiches or some sort of leftover I stole from my mom’s house) and so a salad was the next best thing.

Billy made brown rice earlier because he is responsible and thinks about the future.  I just benefit from his brains.

I currently cannot eat enough fish sticks. These ones are from costco and the seasoning on them are heavenly.

My sister would be ashamed. She does not like fish one bit ESPECIALLY those fried pieces of fishy goodness.

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And my third course.  Mug o’ Cocoa Krispies.  Just thought I would take an artistic food photo of my favorite part of this particular cereal…..the last few bites.

Any cereal that turns my milk at the end of my bowl (when I usually get sad that my cereal is all gone and I have to stand up and get more) into a chocolatey sugary milk= brilliant food engineering.

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Speaking of cereal.  Have you tried the LITTLE bites Frosted Mini-Wheats?  They are amazing.  Billy finished off the box earlier today and I may have been really sad about it because I wanted to show you how cute they are.

Billy says he still likes the regular sized ones better but these little ones had more frosting to wheat ratio.  I think you know which one I like best.

Photo on 9 27 11 at 9 03 PM  3


PS Remember to check out the Trianing Page for updates!


What was a lesson you learned from one of your first racing experiences?

-Body Glide is ALWAYS needed in multiple areas.

-Don’t go out like a speeding bullet because you will end up laying in the gutter a few miles from the finish.

What are the temps like where you are?  Is is beginning to look a lot like Fallmas (get it, you know the song, It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas….it’s late, give me a break)?

-Still HOT here but the mountains are starting to have splashes of orange and red.

What delicious cereal do you think I need to buy now that my preciuous mini-wheats are gone?

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More frosting = more delicious! I need to get my hands on those Little Frosted Mini Wheats!


had so much fun catching up with you last night! :) SO MUCH FUN. in fact… we should meet up again on Thursday. ;)

lesson from my first race?? Running is not as easy as it seems. and I should probably never wear shorts to run because no matter how much I weigh, my thighs like to rub together.

and I’m loving the Fallmas weather. chilly in the morning but still warmer in the day. Love seeing the color change in the mountains.

You should buy cinnamon toast crunch cereal. and share with me.


Lesson I learned: That I should use the bathroom before hand. TMI?? Probably but also very important advice! :)


Never TMI on this blog and it is crucial advice!


Congrats to your team! It is getting cold here – in the mornings it is around 50 degrees and will maaaybe get up to 60 throughout the day.


Congratulations on your team doing so well! That is so exciting!

I love apple cinnamon cherios, so good. I like the regular mini wheats better than the little ones. But yum, they are all so delish! Cereal is the best food ever.


Have you tried the Frosted Mini Wheats little bites in chocolate flavor? Um so delicious and my new fav cereal.


Great job to the team AND the coach!
I learned that there is usually beer at the finish lines. That is very motivating to me. And the sooner you finish, the shorter the line for the beer!

Its starting to feel like fall here in NC. We are still in the 80’s during the day, 60’s at night. But the humidity is down.

Frosted Flakes!

The Kidless Kronicles


Congrats Coach!! The kids are lucky to have you as their coach! :)

Girl, so many lessons! First lesson…go potty BEFORE the race begins. My first 5k I might’ve tinkled in my pants a little! Lesson learned! :)

Still HOT here in SoCal. Monday felt like fall but, now we are pretty warm for the rest of the week. Really looking forward to 70 degree temps. Hot cocoa, boots, sweatshirts! :)

Have a great day and again congratulations to you and the kids on a successful meet! :)


My first half marathon was a mess cause I didn’t have a clue on pacing. It took awhile to learn how to pace rather than not follow everyone around me!

The weather here is beautiful, although it’s still pretty hot. We almost hit 90 yesterday! The leaves are changing though, and the trees up by Aspen are gorgeous!!!


Congratulations on your teams first race! And 1ST overall? That’s awesome! Especially since it was an unfamiliar course, and the weather was so hot!

The weather has been so strange here, one day its chilly and beautiful, the next day is sweltering and raining. Um, get it together mother nature.

You salad looks delicious..peaches and fish sticks..never would have thought of that! Oh and I think the little mini wheat cereal is SO cute as well. Right now, I’m munching chocolate o’s. um yum.

Have a wacky, wild, wonderous wednesday!


Whoa, congrats to your CC team–that is awesome news!

Those little cereal bites are super cute! I’m obsessed with all things mini–did you know they have CHOCOLATE mini wheat bites too?! They are delish!

Lesson learned from first racing experience? Don’t run 15 miles 4 days before your first half marathon…you will be sore.

It’s chilly here–60s and low 70s–I love wearing my boots to work each day!


More mini wheats! Those things are addicting :)


congrats to your team!!!!! you’ve really done some work on them! And this was only their first meet? I can’t wait to hear how much butt they kick at the end of the season :-D

lesson from my first race…my first college track meet…COOL DOWN afterward and then stretch, or your legs will absolutely hate you the next day!

for cereal….maybe honey bunches of oats? I always go back to them when I’m at a loss. anything with crunchy clusters in it!


Nice going Coach! You NEED to invest in Kashi GoLean…I swear it tastes like Lucky Charms sans the marshmallows…you can always remix it with your own stash!


It’s cool here, but CRAZY humid.

I don’t actually remember my first racing experience, unless we’re counting sprinting on the track team, but I really can’t remember learning anything. Lol, apparently I know everything there is to know about running :).


I almost NEVER buy cereal because of my disturbing addiction to it, but Count Chocula only comes out for the Halloween season and I always buy a box or two. You should definitely get into the Halloween spirit and get a box! :)


You MUST buy Chocolate frosted mini wheats. Oh my goodness, they are so, so good!!


I love the little Mini Wheats! Have you tried the cocoa flavour? Heavenly.

Umm I learned hydration is WAY more important that you think. During training AND racing. I suffered from dehydration headaches ALL THE TIME.

You should try Puffins if you haven’t tried them yet! I also have a thing for Cheerios (obviously the sugary ones, any flavour).


it is finally starting to feel like fall here and I am SO glad!

oh, golden grahams will always, always hold a special place in my food heart. :)


Congrats on your team and one of your girls taking the first :D great coaching!!! I think I would prefer the mini mini wheats they seem like they’d be cute.

I don’t eat any cereal that changes the colour of my milk….but if I did it would be lucky charms hands down! go big or go home I always say….that or those reese cereal bites that are always eyeing my in the store. They look amazing!

It’s definitely fall here in Canada. it has been for a while.


Congrats on the cross country meet! How rewarding for you! Must be because they have such an awesome coach :)

My favorite cereal would probably havve to be Frosted Flakes….they’re greeaaat!


Don’t have dairy before a run, at least for me :)
It is looking like fall but not feeling like it! We have set record highs this last week!


Congrats to the runners!

I used to eat cereal all the time; yours always looks so good! I think you do have a slight obsession, though. I can definitely relate to the more frosting to wheat ratio; that’s a no-brainer!


i havent had a fish stick in forever and now you are making me crave them!!
lessons i’ve learned? definitely dont go out too fast. and dont be stupid and experiment with your eating the day before the race…no bueno!

its humid, warm, and RAINY here…it sucks. I want my fall hoodie and boot weather, where are you?!

i think you need to buy cinnamon toast crunch (which is my fave cereal) and i will buy frosted mini wheats. then we can have a cereal date and mix the two together. FABULOUS! :)


Congrats on the great race! I bet its really exciting to be a coach!
The weather in New York is pretty gross. Humid, 70’s and raining. I hate it. I just want fall to arrive!!!
In in first race I learned that running in the rain isn’t so bad. It makes me run faster so I’ll be finished sooner!


What is body glide? I need something for my half marathon to prevent chafing… is body glide for that??

also, what do you like more..gu or blocks?


You have got to try Cracklin Oat Bran. It’s so expensive you’d think it’s made of gold, but it is DELISH and totally worth it.

The weather here in NYC is crazy-one day it’s perfect 75 sunny, the next it’s humid, muggy, and rainy. Ick.


Even though I live in Georgia, the mornings are cool and I really love it! Yeah Fallmas, ha! I have to investigate those little bites, I used to love Frosted Mini Wheats and I may have to bring them back into my life!


We have 100 degree temps this week. I would take your weather. I just need to plan a trip to Utah, especially since I’ve never been and my parents have told me how beautiful it is.


Berry Flavor KIX is AWESOME!!! The bland brand of KIX is icky, but this new berry flavor is GREAT.

My fav. all time cereal is Lucky Charms – I can’t bring myself to buy it, since it is so bad bad bad for you….but it was great when I was a kid!

Temps in Michigan are 65 and PERFECT. Lots of color on the trees, red, yellow, orange. Fall here is gorgeous.

Happy Wednesday!


Congrats on your XC kids!! I’d be so proud!! Such a fun job.


yay yay yay!! so happy that your team did amazing! miss you sweet friend!


I know not to go out too fast in races, but in cross country, I NEVER followed that rule. Everyone sprinted out, and I wanted to keep up with them, so went out fast too.


Chocolate mini wheats are the best. They have little bits of chocolate in the middle as well as frosting. They are the best. Go get some right now! Like, right now!


Coaching sounds like SO much fun! Congrats to your team!!!


The 1st lesson I learned was, THIS IS AWESOME!, the second lesson was, I should try a training plan.
It is still miserable here. 101 degrees today, blech.
Cereal, we eat a ton of cereal in our house, and I try not to buy the ones with lots of sugar but sometimes I gotta. Recently Reese’s Puffs cereal jumped right into my cart! I was so glad it did. Reese’s Puffs with a sliced banana knocks my socks off.
Try it!


Body glide, for sure! Plus not changing around your eats on the day of the race!

Great job to your kiddos, I’m sure they’ll make huge improvements over the season which will be awesome for you to see your coaching “pay off!”

The weather here is soooo weird!! It’s getting up into the 80s to low 90s during the day, then getting into the 40s at night. Then we’ll have a day or 2 in the 60s or low 70s then back up again. Today’s supposed to be a record temp of 90 and tomorrow’s supposed to be a high of 72. No wonder so many people are getting sick around work right now!


I was going to tell you yesterday your fish sticks were looking oddly appetizing. Another picture today, girl you are killing me, I am going to have to run out and get some!!

Love the mini minis. Next cereal: lucky charms if you want a milk changer-colorer. or frosted flakes if you still have a peach obession (I heart peaches and a couple of walnuts on frosted flakes)

Congrats coach!!!


58 degrees on my run last night. Pure bliss. So proud of your team!


Have you tried the Quaker Oatmeal Squares cereal? Cinnamon or hint of brown sugar are my favorite.

One lesson I learned from my first racing experience is to remember to taper the week of a race to save your legs. No amount of last minute running the week of the race is going to make you run faster the day of the race. Also, make sure your Ipod is charged so it doesn’t die on you during the race. :)

The weather here has been beautiful. Been in the 60’s to low 70’s. I love fall in the Pacific NW. Nice breeze blowing through the trees with red and yellow leaves falling to the ground. I love running when it’s a little overcast outside and the leaves are blowing across the ground — makes me excited for Halloween and Thanksgiving. Can’t complain.


Loved the running tips…lol. In my rookie years, I definitely made the mistake of sprinting the first mile…then dropping dead in mile 2 and 3. ha.


I live in Denver, so I imagine that the weather is pretty similar to yours. I have actually never been to Utah though even though it’s my neighbor state.


I haven’t seen the mini mini wheats! I love those things and with that kind of sugar to wheat ratio, I’m getting them.

I’ve run 10k, but never had a problem with it. I’m doing my first half marathon on Sunday and am totally using Body Glide (why don’t think make those sticks bigger for more skin coverage, just saying) everywhere. Chafing is not fun!


I want to try the baby mini wheats (baby wheats?)!!

and I’ve honestly found (for me) that deodorant works better than bodyglide. thoughts?


YAY!! Congrats to your team, that is just great!!

I have learned so many running lessons but probably most important is it really sucks when everyone is passing you at the end because you went out too fast. :(

Yogurtland Thursday at 4:30!! Can you come?


I remember my first race was a Race for the Cure 5k 2 hours away (I grew up in a tiny town with no races close by). I was 18 or 19 and was just too in awe of the experience to make note of anything to remember for next time. I didn’t know anything about running clothes, shoes, pacing, nutrition….I really learned a lot 10 years after that when I completed my first half. Do not start to fast! I still struggle with this one which is why I’m considering getting a Garmin. I’m still not awesome at pacing!

And Congrats to you CC Team!!! That’s awesome! They are lucky to have just a cool coach :)


Your dinners are SOOOO much like mine! I eat so randomly at night when I am tired. ha! Love it!




Lessons learned:

1) Don’t freak out when people pass you and chase them like you can actually run a 5-minute mile like them
2) Rub Aquaphor on your baby toes
3) There is no better feeling in the entire world like crossing a finish line, so when you feel like quitting at mile 3, 6, 11, and 12, suck it up buttercup because you’re about to be in a crazy state of bliss!

It’s rainy and crapola weather here in Connecticut. Humidity and bad hair days all around! Excited for it to cool down and turn orange everywhere!

Fave cereal = classic ol’ Honey Nut Cheerios baby!


That’s awesome about your team’s meet- congrats coach!

The weather out on the east coast [around D.C.] is awful- I think the sun got lost somewhere in the far distance because it’s been cloudy and rainy for the past week [maybe longer, I’ve lost track]… Temp wise, it’s def starting to feel like fall!

P.S. Puffins [the cereal :P] are pretty awesome!


PS: Are you aware that you’re not only a running coach for those kids but also like 99% of your readers?


YAY for your team, you are an awesome coach :D I need to try those tiny mini wheats, so cute :) I used to love mini wheats in chocolate soy milk as a kid, yum. And you must try cracklin’ oat bran cereal if you haven’t had it before! It will look like dog food but taste like crunchy heaven in square form! Don’t tell anyone it tastes good, so when they see it they will think it looks weird and not eat it…. then you can hoard it all to yourself, just a thought ;) hahaha


I LOVE MINIWHEATS!!! try fiberone wheat things they are AMAZINGG oh and puffins…chocolate/ pb or just pb or just cinnamon= heaven
and i love how you eat it out of a mug= so do i and its the best way to eat cereal everrr!!
lessons i have learned are totally to NOT run out fast cause you will hate yourself later!!<3


Congrats to your tam Coach! I bet watching is more nerve-racking than running! You and Ash are adorable and TOO photogenic! I’m sure all your local friends are loving this extra time with you as Billy is preparing for the LSAT this weekend.

First race experience: practice your entire race (clothing, fueling, etc.) on a long training run.


When I ran cross it felt like we DID run all year round. As soon as state was over we would keep training for Footlocker in California. Then we would start training for indoor track and then we would start outdoor track. After track we got a couple weeks off and then had to start training for cross again in the summer. They engrained running into us so that we just never stopped after we graduated. It would be just way to weird not to be running… Hahah i think it might sound a little unheathy but we loved it.


I learned that I am never and I mean NEVER going to look good in racing photos. It’s just a fact. How some people end up looking so gosh-darn adorable I’ll never know… but I know I’d rather pass all the guys on my left and feel good about saying inside (you just got chicked!!) then smiling all happy go lucky into the camera :)

Also, I LOVE Barabara’s Peanut butter puffins.


I’ve never had the Minis, but they sound like a MUST try :)

Glad the kiddos did so well, it is most likely b/c they have YOU as their coach! Rock on, girl!


I used to LOVE that cereal! I haven’t had it in ages though. It’s still hot and humid here in south Florida. Mid 90s almost everyday. I’m ready for cool air!


I have an ‘extra’ box of those! I’ll send them ASAP! ;-) 50s here….makes for snoty running :(
Ok, now I’m craving cereal….off to eat cap’n crunch n berries!!!!!


Congrats on the meet coach. I’m proud of your kids.
Multigrain Cheerios are the best. They have just the right amount of sweetness for me and I love them with some fruit.
Current temp at 2:45 pm – 91 degrees. Tomorrow’s high 98 degrees. I acutally love it!


Have you tried chocolate covered mini wheats?!! They are delicious :)


CONGRATS to your team :D That is awesome!! I knew they would do great!
Ok, I have to admit, I love fish sticks!! They are so good- one of my favorite meals growing up was fish sticks & mac & cheese. (blue box only!!)


thats so exciting for your runners, they have a great coach!

i dont have cereal suggestions, but yesterday I found Hershey’s DARK chocolate syrup!!! i have some after my run this morning and it is amazing!

it’s still in the low 90’s in Texas, we only get about 2 weeks of fall before we start getting ice storms (no pretty snow like Utah)


im answering the only important question ;)



Neverrrr eat apples before running or chicken wings with bbq.

Just saw chocolate lucky charms today..yikes.


you MUST try chocolate mini wheats. they seriously taste like brownies except not chewy.

i live in South Florida, so it’s still pretty steamy here :/


Thanks for stopping by Janae :)

When did you start coaching? this year, or have you been doing this before? Very cool!

Love fried fish. baked fish, grilled fish. Fish is good.

Gonna check the training tab now!


So glad to hear your team did so well and good job to them running in 89 degree weather! I would have caved in that kind of heat!


Girl, have you tried the Blueberry Frosted Wheats?! I am addicted.


Random thought but you should try the new white chocolate candy corn m&m’s at walmart. Best thing ever invented!


Wowzers, congrats to your girl who was 1st overall. Reading about her “final kick” almost gave me some goosebumps, you must be so proud!


Congrats to your team on their 1st place finish! That’s impressive!


The CHOCOLATE mini-mini wheats are the way to go :) TRUST ME !


Awesome to hear about your cross country team! Congrats to your girl on finishing first! Keep the updates coming next meet!


Congrats on your CC team finishing strong! Sounds like you’ve got some great kids.
I am running my first full marathon in 4 years this Sunday, so all of this advice is great! My advice for racing is to take in everything at the start and along the course – the thrill of being with other runners and the spectators, the sights and sounds before the starting gun goes off, the singing of the National Anthem (this always gets me), and the buzz of energy when everyone starts running. It’s all so exciting and energizing!

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