Limeade in my water bottle.

Go ahead and ask me how my afternoon bike ride went…….

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Sometimes the most important part of training is sleep.

I know I know, probably the most flattering picture I have ever posted on the blog.  And yes, we have to buy microsuade furnature for easy clean-up because I am on the same level as a 3 year old when it comes to spilling on things or, in this case, when I drool on the cushions.   PS that scar on my elbow is from longboarding.

I did have a good reason to get up after a two hour nap though…….

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The birthday boy making fresh limeades….WOW, I am asking Billy if he will make those for me from now on during my marathons and hand a water bottle full of limeade goodness to me along the way….I am still on a glucose high from that baby.

And obviously the kids are also still on a glucose high…..

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No children were harmed in the filming of HungryRunnerGirl (yet at least).

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Dinner involved corn on the cob cooked on the grill.  I am trying to see how many days in a row I can wear a side braid. I just keep adding in bobby pins for all the hair that comes loose, I think I am up to 42 bobby pins.

We had grilled chicken (billy marinated it in jalepenos, limes and garlic…so so good), corn, watermelon and grilled romaine lettuce (oil, white whine vinegar, garlic, salt and sugar).

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I know this is a first in the history of my blog (seriously, it is) but we were all too full for dessert (ps a limeade does not count as dessert in my book) and so we will be enjoying crumb cake today for dessert instead:)


If you are a napper, where is your favorite place to nap?

-On the couch as I am watching something on hulu and laying on my stomach is mandatory…..pregnancy is going to be tough for me!

What are FIVE things that you are doing this wonderful Wednedsday?

-RUNNING:) teaching PE, going shopping with the sis for a dress for my aunts wedding, coaching cross country and eating leftover corn as a 10 a.m. snack.

Tell me about your worst fall….what were you doing? Running, snowboarding, biking?

-Longboarding down the canyon, hit gravel and my whole right side got really scratched up and swolen and had to have the gravel bit picked out……yet I still love to longboard, I told you my brain was a little messed up!

Favorite COLD summer beverage?

-It is official, Limeades win for me!

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Does chocolate milk count as a summer beverage? It does in my book! :)

Crumb cake–sounds yummy! Can’t wait to see pics!


I hardly nap, but when I do, its in my bed haha. My worst fall was either snowboarding or rollerblading…both have been epic falls. :)


oh Lauren….whenever I see “epic” I feel like there needs to be a picture accompaniment :) both those sports are dangerous girl!

my worst fall was most likely self-inflicted b/c I’m an idiot :P and I fall all the time


Five things today: working, studying for finals, taking my dog for a walk, becoming even MORE addicted to the USA Pro Cycling Challenge, and making a pie :)

Worst fall ever was when I was skiing and some guy came over the ridge and smacked into me and sent me flying into a tree. Good thing I wear a helmet!!


I rarely nap, because usually I wake up a giant grump. I did nap the day after my 19 miler this weekend, though and it was GLORIOUS and on the couch with Mike and the pup.

Five things: eating bagels, meetings, speed work, lounging, walking the dog.


That sounds like a pretty rockin fall! The last time I hurt myself, I was slacklining- set the line up high and tight which means that I was catapulted from it as soon as I stood up- leaving my chin to connect with VERY hard packed down sand/gravel.. Missed a huge rock by an inch thankfully :) AND I still had all of my teeth- didn’t stop me from slacklining :)


Today: Dr appt (exciting), minor-league baseball game, and not much in-between.
I don’t nap.
Worst fall was off the back of the stage during a play rehearsal.
Fav Summer Beverage: Caipirinha’s, Margarita’s, Water

The Kidless Kronicles


I am totally addicted to smoothies right now and would have them for every meal if I could! But as soon as the weather gets colder I stop even thinking about them.
Today I am blogging, going work, the gym, making minestrone soup for supper and watching Big Brother!
I had one really bad fall on my rollerblades when I was 12 and haven’t rolelrbladed since! Hit a pot hole on the street!


limeades for the win, definitely. and i LOVE your hair in that braid, girl. so cute!


WAIT A SECOND, never have I ever seen limeade made with the skins ACTUALLY STILL on them. Am I crazy?!

1. I’m not a napper. I wish I was, though…

2. Five things: laundry, packing to go home to visit my family (after 4 months! I miss them!), grocery shopping (so the hubs doesn’t eat mac and cheese every night while I’m gone), pool time, daily walk/run (depends on how hot it is… I ‘aint running in 108 degree weather).

3. Red Rover – totally slid about a mile on the playground asphalt… still have rocks in my knee from 3rd grade.

4. Sangria!

Happy Wednesday!


I love a good nap. Especially after a long run…anything over 15 miles.


It’s embarrassing how quickly I fall asleep but I’m with you on the couch, I fall asleep too long in my bed and the car is not comfy, it just happens. I fall often, I just fell down two steps at a party the other night while dressed up like a pirate in huge high heeled boots. Fortunately only two people saw and I wasn’t physically hurt, just the ego.


I can nap anywhere. Napping is essential for my functioning!

Five things: gym, visiting my grandfather in the hospital, walk (maybe a run) by the beach, window shopping, eating a dark chocolate dreams and banana sandwich! :D

I don’t know if it counts as a fall if you’re in the water, but I almost died my first time surfing. Got my feet scraped by coral and lost a toenail that was hanging loose from a marathon Ii had run a few weeks prior. Gross.

I love pink lemonade and iced tea in the summer!! I try not to drink too much because of all the sugar and stick to water as much as possible but it’s definitely a nice treat on a hot day! :)


Naps are awesome. I usually nap on the couch too.
Today is busy. I’m going to: lunch with my MIL & SIL, run, go to a job fair, call my mom, and fold laundry. Super exciting! lol
I had a bad fall while running a few years ago. The road was buckled and coming up in spots and I just tripped. I am clumsy like that. Fell and scraped up my hands, elbows, knee. I may have cried like a 3 year old on the side of the road.
Summer drink favorites are lemonade and smoothies! Oh and homemade sweet tea. :)


i love napping!! I usually nap at night for a bit since Kevin has an opposite work schedule…this means i get to stay up with him a little before actually going to bed. weird sleep schedule i have…anyways. my couches arent very comfy so i tend to nap in bed :)

5 things i’m doing today: getting even more into reading the girl with the dragon tattoo on my lunch break, running 7 miles after work, eating PB straight out of the jar, making myself a big bowl of ice cream tonight and catching up on True Blood :)

worst fall was running while training for my 1st was in the summer so i was wearing shorts and straight up fell on my hands and left knee got completely bloodied up (i still have a scar) but luckily i fell like…a block from my apartment so I picked up whatever dignity I had and hobbled back home lol.

favorite cold summer beverage…ummm…pink lemonade!! yum.

your dinner looks SO good by the way, yum!!


hmm with the peels and all?! I bet it was absolutely delicious, and I know you don’t like alcohol, but I think I would try to slip some tequila or vodka in that baby…just a little :)

BTW, It is Tripp’s birthday today, so I think I am going to try out that grilled romaine! It looks pretty interesting and different!


my bike ride wore me out yesterday and it wasn’t even that long but I tried to keep up a fast pace. Not a big napper here. I did fall asleep a couple times this summer on the couch in the middle of the afternoon, but that won’t happen once the school year starts up again.

5 things: Run, Shower, Drink Iced Coffee, Go to friend’s pool, Make s’mores in our friends’ fire pit tonight!

Worst fall: 1 week before my first half marathon, on my last long run I was feeling good and attempted to jump over a chain blocking cars from using the trail. It was at knee height and I had done it before. Well I didn’t pick my 2nd foot up high enough, hit my ankle on the chain, and fell flat on my face. And elbow. and knee. on gravel. And was still 1.5 miles from home. I pathetically walk/jogged home through the pain and bleeding just so I could get home faster. I was so mad. I took the whole weekend off and took it easy the week before my half marathon because I was so bruised, but I was still able to run my first half!

Fav summer drink: Iced coffee beverages. I want the recipe for that limeade!


Can you please post the limeade recipe? I have never seen anyone use the skins on the limes to make a drink!! Does he strain the juice after he puts it in the blender?


OH!! Girl, we totally drained the juice without the skins….here is the recipe link:


oooh, sweetened condensed milk in my drink. I’m sold!


If you are a napper, where is your favorite place to nap?
-on top of my bed with my ‘panther’ blanket. I love soft fake furry blankets/pillows and call them all my panther and snuggle them. And I even have panther socks. WOOW I’m cool

What are FIVE things that you are doing this wonderful Wednedsday?
-Working, coffee, lunch by myself at my desk bc my bf has a celebration for his work team having sold 3,500 units, tea, and hopefully an awesome run!!!

Tell me about your worst fall….what were you doing?
– Trying to keep up with my Bomb A cousin hiking up a mountain… but he’s Army trained and I am not so I slipped and fell and got like 7 houge gouges cut out of my arm. I was proud though – I feel like it’s a battle wound!!

Favorite COLD summer beverage?
– cold white wine sangria I make with fresh fruit!!!!!!!!


fave cold summer beverage – Sweet Tea and Prosecco! (Not together!) I’ve had some pretty nasty falls – hardest was off a horse, most bandage worthy was on rollerblades, and most embarrasing? probably walking down the street on an icy day :(

5 things today? run, work, pottery barn, fedex, and sleep – maye not the most exciting or wonderful wednesday for me ;)


I WISH I was a napper, but I have a huge LoveSac… So that would be the place I relax/rest my eyes ;-)

Today I will be swimming, tanning, baking, going to sports doctor, and attending a Pilates class!!!… Or maybe shopping, whichever comes first haha!

My worst fall was on rollerblades when I was younger. It was gruesome. I had to get stitches and I had road burn on every limb. Yumm.

My favorite summer beverage is probably Chocolate Chimp Smoothie!


I want a love sac so so so bad!!!! YAY for swimming girl….you are going to heal that knee asap!!


My 5 things: Working, gym, cleaning the apartment, blogging, early bedtime. Nothing too exciting but all necessary :)


I totally WIPED out on my bike when I was like 15 riding on this gravel patch to my best friend’s house. It was traumatizing. We called that bike the PURPLE DEVIL forever after! :)


Worst fall: first time riding with clipless pedals, forgot to clip out tipped over and got a hairline fracture in my collarbone.

Can you give me an intervention for my favorite summer beverage??? It is diet mountain dew. I know you have given up diet soda, any pointers? I love love love my daily can of this stuff.


Oh girl…..that fall sounded PAINFUL and a hairline FRACTURE…BOOO!!! How long did that take to recover? The only way I quit was because my dad said he would pay for my mouth surgery (EXPENSIVE) a few years ago if I quit because he thought for sure that is what caused the problems!! Money was my driving force and I am a cold-turkey kind of person so it worked for me! How is your day?


The day has been great (thanks for asking) because i did a group run this morning. Because i have been such an introvert runner a group run used to be anything but appealing, but thought I should stretch the comfort zone just to see what it was like…… was AMAZING!!!!

I think my favorite part was we started running in the dark……why does that have the power to make you feel that much more hard core?

Here’s to a smokin fast workday so you can get to the mall!


I’m not much of a napper, but if I do end up napping, it’s on the couch while I’m watching tv.

5 things today: going for a run, going to work, eating chicken enchiladas with my hubby, going for an evening walk with the hubs and puppies, and most likely baking some sort of sweet treat later on this evening.

Fave cold summer beverage: strawberry lemonade from Red Robin!


My worst fall was when I was in Australia, I was playing catch with a friend on the beach and she threw it a little too far so I back pedaled to catch it… and bit it over a huge rock, blood everywhere from my knee… for some reason our tour guide didn’t have a first aid box in the vehicle, so he had to drive 15 miles to the nearest place to get some supplies to bandage me up lol

On another note, how do you make limade? Clearly sugar and limes, but is it just water after that?


Limeade, yum!! I also love the iced Passion Tea at Starbucks!


I miss napping! I nap vicariously through my kids…and now you :)

5 Things today: 4 mile run, work, laundry, post office, farmer’s market

Favorite Summer Drink: This is a tough one! Love cherry limeade and pink papaya coconut water.


I’m not much of a napper, but I love it when I actually do! Usually on the couch. My worst fall was from being clumsy while running up an escalator. I tripped and my knee smashed into the edge of the escalator stairs…I have a mound of scar tissue there, and realize in hindsight I probably should have gone to the doctor!


I’m riding my bike, booking a flight to vegas, getting lululemon goodies in the mail, eating bananas smeared in almond butter, and emailing my students (so excited bc this is my first class ever!!).

My worst fall happened when I was young…I fell face first into a metal slide, broke three teeth in half and one came out of the socket, had to get a root canal, had blood everywhere….such a traumatic experience. And I just now got them properly fixed!


I am an anti-napper. I’ve tried SO many times in my life to take a nap but I can NOT do it. My brain refuses to shut down until 10pm… it sucks!

My worst fall happened when I was about 10 years old, playing football on our front driveway in my flip flops. Both knees and elbows were scraped pretty badly with gravel imbedded in my skin. Sheesh.

I think your hair looks really nice like that- it suits you!


5 things I’m doing today – blogging, running, showering, reading the Sept Vouge & kicking my husband butt in Jeopardy….hee hee :-)

xoxo from Trinidad


Limeade is fantastic, especially when you add triple sec and tequila. Oops, that’s easily a margarita.

5 things I’m going to do today – Bake cupcakes for my stepson’s birthday, blog, finish a paper for work, read The Help, help put a bicycle together for the same stepson.


Love your jeans and your side ponytail. :) You are simply gorgeous all the time. I fell on Saturday and am rocking my awesome Hello Kitty bandaids. I think I’ll keep wearing them after the fall just because they draw attention and make me look cool. :):)


I love the jeans too! TR is one of my favorites. My 16 year old daughter can wear my clothes now…and she thinks I should let her wear my designer jeans…..I DON’T THINK SO. I told her, “When you can afford to buy them, you can wear them.”


hahaha. have you SEEN the post (with illustrations) about my worst fall? cracked my head open. cause I’m a champ (not).



My worst fall was in elementary school on rollerblades. We had one day each year where we could wear rollerblades during lunch and I fell and tore up both my elbows. I was too embarrassed to go to the nurse though so I sat in class the rest of the day holding paper towels on my elbows. Now I have two big scars.

I’ve never seen limeade made with the whole lime, peel and all. Can you share Billy’s recipe? It looks sooo good!


YES!!! Here it is:

We actually don’t use the peel but just drain the juice out! SO SO GOOD! Oh rollerblades…….so so dangerous!! You are a tough girl for not going to the nurse!


Yay! Thank you! I can’t wait to make this.


I WISH I could nap it takes ME SO LONG! the only way i nap is if ryan naps with me and basically just makes me fall asleep because he refuses to talk to me or allow me to do anything but lay still and shut my eyessss! hahaha
hey it does work!!!
yayy so excited you get to run today!!! go get it girll:)


Love the action shot with the pouring sugar!


Worst fall was probably off of a horse, first time I was probably about 5 or 6 and nearly broke my leg (from what I remember) and the second time I was about 8 or so and was knocked unconscious for a bit. The second time was my own stupidity, though… riding bareback when I was a sucky rider.


If you are a napper, where is your favorite place to nap?
I AM a napper and I like to nap in a spot where the sun is shining through the window…

What are FIVE things that you are doing this wonderful Wednedsday?
1. lifting weights with my hubby
2. swimming lesson
3. running 4.5 miles
4. buying 5 pounds of tomatoes from the greenhouse
5. picking up our salmon jerky from the processor (we caught the fish…they made the jerky)
6. working….how can I forget that one??

Tell me about your worst fall….what were you doing? Running, snowboarding, biking?
When I first got my road bike I didn’t know proper trail etiquette (“passing on the left”) and I totally plowed down a little old lady. The WORST part is, I was on my brand-new-very-expensive-bike and I was thinking, “Dang! I hope I didn’t mess up my bike!” which is a horrible thing to think after you’ve just plowed down a little old lady.

Favorite COLD summer beverage?
I don’t have one. I only drink two things: water and coffee. I am not a fan of iced-coffee.


Speaking of naps, I was so exhausted when I got off of work that I fell asleep on my couch in full work clothes immediately. I even skipped my run, which is unheard of! Don’t worry, I am making up for it today. I lovvvvve naps and yes, always on the couch.

Mmm, Limeade! Girl, you got it good!! :)


mmmnnnn…..corn on the cob is my FAVORITE summer veggie!! yum!

NOT a napper, though wish i was. the few times i’ve ever been able to sleep mid-day, i’ve felt like crap the rest of the day. nap FAIL.

5 best things today…10-mile awesome run, enjoying this beautiful, perfect weather, giving massages to my clients, personal training a really motivated girl, and enjoying a much-deserved bowl of ice cream!

worst fall EVER was during a trail run last summer. i all but dislocated my shoulder (NOT ideal for a massage therapist!) and almost fainted from dehydration/heat stroke. not a pleasant experience.

fave cold drink…an ice cold bud lite lime!


Couches are for naps! I can’t take one in my bed or I never want to leave.
Today I’m giving a sales presentation, already did my 4 mile tempo run, eating at somewhere delicious in San Francisco, driving 4 hours to get to San Fran and working the rest of the day!


i just had pizza and reese’s minis (best invention ever) and am drooling over your dinner. i would make it tonight if i wasn’t so lazy. looks amazing.


Want to hear something sad? This is full on child abuse, but I wasn’t allowed to nap after 4 as a kid. My mom would get mad at us if we did. That and sleep in past 8am. Wrong, right? So I don’t enjoy naps at all.

I fell once while running a half marathon in the snow. Totally twisted my ankle, and it really ticked me off. Took me a while to love running again after that, but I got back in time to run a marathon in May … then fractured my hip without the help of snow– I must be very clumsy.


Unfortunately, I canNOT nap if I’m tired- I always wake up in the crabbiest mood after a nap :/ If I do nap [because I am feeling under the weather] I usually curl up in my bed and fall asleep watching some tele

1. Tried a new cereal- Nature’s Path Flax Plus Pumpkin Raisin Crunch [what a mouthful]- it was good! An amped up version of raisin brain :)
2. Had surgery on my leg- all is A.O.K. [woo woo]
3. Buying a few more things for my desk- I’m sure the 6 boys in my class will adore the pink theme I’ve chosen, HA!
4. Spending the afternoon with one of my best girlfriends
5. Planning to cook a Mexican fake-out dinner :)

Worst fall: running down the wet hill [it had just rained] in kindergarten after the teacher told us all to walk- I slipped and broke my wrist… But I got a hot pink cast!


If you are a napper, where is your favorite place to nap?
I love crawling back into my bed in the middle of the day… and having a nap there! I don’t nap a ton though because if I nap, usually I don’t sleep well at night!

What are FIVE things that you are doing this wonderful Wednedsday?
Going on a walk, cooking some rhubarb for a dessert recipe I’m making tomorrow, cleaning the upstairs of my house, hugging my hubby when he gets home and having breakfast (eggs and toast!) for dinner!

Tell me about your worst fall….what were you doing? Running, snowboarding, biking?
I luckily haven’t fell in a long time…. but my worst falls have been when I used to play soccer… my legs would get scraped up from the indoor turf!

Favorite COLD summer beverage?
Coolers, crystal light! Iced tea. Mmm yes, Iced tea.

Have an awesome day Janae! :)


I’m not a big napper. I have no idea why because I’m always super tired but unless I’m snuggled up in bed, no nap for me!

School, hot tub, foam rolling, playing with my pup, homework!

I’m really really clutzy. I had a terrible fall the first time I tried snow boarding I felt like I was going to throw up! I also fell out of a wheel barrow when I was 2 and broke my collar bone.

Iced tea / coffee!


I love crystal light lemonade (Weird, I know). And chocolate milk!

I am all about the happiness : Summer, swimming, new fitness clothes, a new purse, and an awesome husband!


I have almost too many falls to choose from.
I got a concussion after falling while snowboarding, I got a few really bad deep scars from falling off my bike onto a glass bottle when I was 5, I flipped over the front of my bike when I was maybe 10 and chipped a tooth, I slid across a doorway into class when I was 7-8 and cut most of the skin off my knee… The worst would have to be when I was sitting on a trapeze and fell off the back, flipped and landed flat on my face in the gravel. I passed out and came to with half the skin on my face scrapped off. The only scar I got from that though was a small one on my forehead, I got seriously lucky.


I can never take naps! I feel like poop after I wake up. I LOVE limeade. Best thing ever.


Unsweet iced tea by.the.bucket. I’m shopping, visiting mil, going to the park with kiddies, cleaning kitchen, cooking dinner!!


5 things on this wonderful Wednesday: reading blogs, snacking on trail mix, reading People, watching Dance Moms (oh my gosh this show is insane!) and thanking my wonderful husband for working from home & waiting on me hand and foot since I am on bed rest until Friday afternoon – due to my IVF embryo transfer that occurred yesterday!!!! :) :) Today is an awesome day in our house!


I also HAVE to sleep on my stomach when napping, esp. on the couch! Pregnancy will definitely be an adjustment!

5 things I am doing today: teaching two group exercise classes at work, walking my dogs, watching trashy reality tv, eating left over tacos while watching trashy reality tv, going to bed early since i have a 5am wake up call!


Nap? What’s that? Too many kids running around here.
Anytime I can grill most of my dinner, it’s destined to be a winner!!!


Can chocolate milkshakes count as my favorite summer beverage?? :)


I rarely get to nap, but when I do? Oooooh baby. Epic 4 hour ‘naps’ ahahahaha. Usually I’m pretty traditional – my bed is so fantastic I just can’t pass it up!

Worst falls = running. I did ALL my marathon training on this mountain/nature park near my house. Super rocky/gravelly/hilly. Plus I’m a massive klutz so RECIPE FOR DISASTER. My knees and palms of my hands are basically just GIANT SCARS (i seriously have no feeling in them anymore :\). You know how sometimes you get hurt and the adrenalin just kicks in and you don’t even really feel it anymore? That’s what I’d be like, so I’d just finish my run with blood running down my legs and dripping into my shoes. hahahaha omgggg I got the weirdest looks from dog-walkers and I’m pretty sure people thought I was on the run from a murder scene or something!

ALSO: i’ve been rockin’ the side braid all this week too! Perfect for hiding my greasy hair that’s sooo overdue for a wash haha :D

ALSO #2: homegirl, you need to get back updating that ‘didn’t cut it’ page! it was my fave because i have the attention span of a 4 year old and love looking at pictures! :)


Favorite place to nap is in my bed with it nice and cold and lots of blankets. I also love sleeping on my stomach and it’s made all of my pregnancies including this one hard.

Today we took a short drive to visit my husbands brother and his wife, then we went to the Children’s Museum in his town, followed by FroYo and shopping. Soon I’m about to veg on the couch and read The Help.

My worst fall happened my freshman year of high school on the first day of school. It happened inbetween classes and I was headed down the stairs. I slipped and came tumbling down a flight of stairs, taking out a couple of seniors with my shoes. So embarrassing and painful.

My favorite cold summer beverage right now is either a virgin pina colada or a decaf iced coffee.


naps in my bed, rainy afternoon, trashy tv…perfection.

i used to fall a lot in high school…i was a cheerleader, and tumbling caused a lot of bruised appendages. probably the worst was when i went skiing for the first (as to date, only) time…holy wow, couldnt walk for days. fell so many times it was ridic.

wed: spin, work, get stuff ready for tomorrow, cook dinner, top chef desserts.


Love the braid! I rocked one at work on Monday becuase I didnt have time to dry my hair and I got soooo many compliments!
Funny what happens when you aren’t trying to look cute!

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