The Veggie Grill and Ice Cream Candy

What else do bloggers and runners do together than go out to eat and talk about running?

Monica, Pam, Sarah and I went to the Veggie Grill to experience some vegetarian goodness.

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I had the Thai chicken salad and it was my first experience with fake chicken.

Isn’t my salad pretty?  I sure hope you guys think that food is pretty too, otherwise I don’t know why you would come to my blog considering 98.78% of what I post/talk about it is food.

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Maybe it is because of my strange fascination with ice cream?

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Little did you know that that is the thumb of a 25 year old and not a 73 year old.

The other girls had to be all responsible or something and go back to work?  Who does that?

Pam and I went for ice cream instead.  ****Life lesson: for those of you that live near a Golden Spoon.  Ask for two flavors in the cone and they always add way more for the same price!  I had red velvet and vanilla.  Pretty sure I want to rent her kids to hang out with me all of the time, they are the cutest things in the world, super speedy and hilarious!

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And the best present I have ever received was from Pam…..candy and ice cream combined into one beautiful gummy.

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TIme to turn on an episode of House Hunters and enjoy my gummy milkshakes.


Are you vegetarian?  Do you enjoy the fake meats?  What about veggie/bean burgers etc?

-It was different than anything I have ever had but it was still pretty good.


-I ran a mile and then did PUMP.  Is it weird that I do double the weight on my triceps as my biceps…my biceps burn out so fast!

Do you like fruit in your salads?

-I just found out my MIL does not like fruit in her salad?  Am I normal for loving any and all fruit in my salad or is she normal for not liking fruit in her salads?

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I am not a vegetarian but I do enjoy myself a veggie burger every now and then….and my Wednesday workout was 5 miles on the treadmill and spin class. :) Its my big workout day!

And I absolutely LOVE fruit in my salad…so I am saying that you are normal :)


Aahhhh, so bummed I couldn’t make it, I’ve been DYING to try Veggie Grill!!


Looks like you’re having so many fun days! :) Love the ice cream shot. I’m not a vegetarian either but kind of eat like one and love finding protein in other creative ways along with meat. And fruit in my salad? Love it! Bring it on – apples, blueberries, oranges, cranberries…delish. I’m also a huge mixer and love everything on my plate in one huge heap (different from you though, right?)…including fruit & salads. :D Glad to see you guys soakin’ up the CA goodness – enjoy it to the max!


gah – that ice cream looks amazing. Note to self – get more frozen yogurt in my life!


I am giving you homework this week……eat more frozen yogurt.


Task completed!




I want those candies! Gummies are my favorite!

My workout is going to be a 8km tonight. Inside since its raining out!

Of course I live fruit in my salads, berries and mangoes are the best!


You are going to rock your 8k!!!! Have fun and bummer about the rain! I need to add mangoes to my salad!


I am a vegetarian! I sometimes like fake meat but sometimes get creeped out by it. Depends on which phase I’m in. :)
I don’t really love fruit or nuts in my salad. I don’t know why but I feel they just don’t mix!

And today’s workout is a rest day! (haha) I am bouncing back from a hip tweak last week and had a good run last night so I want to let my hip rest today. And eat ice cream. My hip loves ice cream.


It definitely creeped me out at first too:) YAY for a rest day! Hope that your hip is feeling better!! YAY for an awesome run yesterday and you are 100% right about your hip loving ice cream!


I’m not really a fan of faux meat products – I don’t enjoy the taste of meat and the texture, so it doesn’t do much for me!


What? I absolutely love fruit in my salads, it’s so refreshing!
I actually like a lot of “fake meats”–I’m not a vegetarian though, but I sometimes get veggie burgers because I love em!


We have a Golden Spoon less than 1 mile from our home. I may or may not make the hubs get frozen yogurt with me most nights of the week.


May or may not….I hope it is MAY!!! What is your favorite Golden Spoon flavor?


It’s a tie…orange 50/50 and this AMAZING mango flavor they had last week. Topped with mochi, of course!


Are you vegetarian? Do you enjoy the fake meats? What about veggie/bean burgers etc?

– I’m not a vegetarian but my meals tend to be meatless. I like tempeh more than tofu, and I’ve got a batch of veggie burgers in the freezer that I made last weekend. (Turned out really well – Tonight is a Morning Star Tomato and Basil burger – but Monday was a big ole slab of ham. Salty goodness.


– 3.5 mile jog. Of course at mile 2.5 I managed to trip over the sidewalk and hit both knees, both hands, and my left cheekbone. Ouch all over the place. I picked myself up, walked for half a block, and then ran the rest back. My left leg was covered in blood by the time I finished. Went to the doctor – no concussion. Just a bunch of nasty scrapes.

Do you like fruit in your salads?

– I kind of do but would never think to put it in there. I’ll eat it when restaurants do it, I just don’t default when making my own. I think a lovely greens, red grape, pistachio salad may be in my future…


AHHH Thank you so much for the veggie burger recipe, you are the BEST!!! You TRIPPED…girl, I am SO sorry. I have done that too and it sucks. Are you okay? I am worried about you!


Aww – so sweet. Love the concern. I’m good. Actually – I have a 5K planned for Friday night that I’m still planning on doing! I’m just going to rest, Neosporin the heck out of myself, and thank goodness it wasn’t that bad.


I LOVE black bean burgers SO MUCH! I will do the occasional veggie burger because they are convenient at home and I don’t eat much meat. The Morningstar veggie “chicken patties” are seriously amazing though. Loveeee them! Yes to some fruit in salads (berries, nothing mushy like oranges) and heck no to the higher weight on triceps at Pump!! My triceps are so much weaker than biceps and I hate when I have to do dips on the bench!


Ya’ll are all wearing pink…almost!


fruit in salads = best combo EVERRRRRRR EVERRRRRRR!
60 min elliptical plus nike training club focus butt :) girl you gotta get nike training club app for your ipod/ iphone
its the bestttttttttt


Doing it right. this. second. Thank you so much Emily for the recommendation, you are the BEST!


:( i’m sad i never get to go to your blogger meetups.




when are you leaving? i’ll be home again the weekend of the 13th of August!


NOOOO that is the weekend we are leaving!!! How far away do you live? We may just have to meet half way!


Oh no! are you leaving the 12th or 13th?! I’ll be home the night of the 12th if that makes a difference! Otherwise…uh….I don’t know which way you go home but maybe we can have a quick meet up just to hug and say hi!


Love love LOVE fruit in my salads!! People always think I’m so weird for doing it tho. My post yesterday had my salad STOCKED with fruit. I could never be a vegetarian because I enjoy meat way too much. It would be a sad day for me to give it up. We are alike in our bi/tri workouts. I always use more for tris…. My Wednesday workout: (Cross-train day) elliptical 30min, abs, bis/tris/shoulders


ths is my favorite people post. all you need is Skinny runner to make it complete. What fun!
and yes, apples, strawberries, blueberries, and pears are ALWAYS welcome in my salad.


WE NEED YOU!!!!!! Woman, when can I finally meet you?!?!



I’m a huge fruit-in-salad-advocate.

I’m not veg, but I probably could be if I wanted to…. I LOOOOVE me some tofu and veggie burgers (the homemade kind) rock my socks off!

My Weds workout was the 5 mile round-trip to and from work.


That is so so cool that you run back and forth to work…you are my hero! I need to try a homemade veggie burger!


I know I think us teachers always have such a hard time coming back to reality after summer break. You are not crazy! I love fruit on my salad, everything form blueberries, pineapple, raisons, apples, oranges, and cranberries. I love meat, more turkey and chicken then steaks and hamburgers, but I have tried some of the veggie burgers, they are not that bad but not my fav.


I KNOW…how are we ever going to go BACK:( I am more of a chicken and turkey person too! Pineapple…brilliant, I must try that on my next salad!


I was a vegetarian for a long time and didnt really like the fake meats. Trader Joes had (might still have who knows because the nearest one is 3.5 hrs away) fake chicken nuggets that were soooo good. I love veggie burgers. They are hit or miss depending on the brand. Still working on doggy biggest loser- we ran .8 miles today and she didnt need a walk break! There is hope for the dog we got from the humane society, I keep telling her she is now an athlete and not a princess. I went to pilates and did some weights.


oh yeah and fruit in salad is awesome! my gym has a spinach, strawberry, turkey, feta, almond salad that is awesome.


I’m definitely not a vegetarian, but I love black bean burgers and tofu if it’s prepared right.

My Wednesday workout was training my PT client – we focused on biceps, triceps, and back today. I also taught an hour Zumba class tonight, which is always a great workout!

I LOVE fruit on my salads!!! Any and all of it!


ohhh noooo way-this girl likes her meat!! haha. if i’m going to eat meat, i want it to be the real stuff.
My workout this morning was a 5 mile run and level 2 jillian michaels yoga meltdown.


Ahhhhhh I heart Veggie Grill! I wish I could have met up with you all at lunch. Irvine it about an hour from my office so I would have been majorly mia, lol! I like their salads w/fruit and quinoa. Super yum!

We get mixed quarts from Golden Spoon! Love that place :)


I am a vegetarian so I’m used to the fake meats =) It takes some getting used to and is definitely not the same but some of it really is delicious!

My workout was a 3 mile run, random multiple walks around town and then another mile and pump later in the day! I can’t lift my arms over my head after that class!


i love that pam has a hello kitty tshirt on – that spells FUN MOM right there!
congrats on another mile!! you’re going places!!
i DO NOT like fruit in my salad, but that’s about it! my salad beasts are quite the mixtures….just no fruit.
i did my beloved stairmaster this morning and my first ever outdoor yoga class this eve – it rocked!!


Wednesday workout: lunges and squats, followed by 40 minutes on the treadmill. Nothing too exciting, but I was in a rush.

And that ice cream looks delicious… ALMOST as delicious as the brownie sundae that I had yesterday (pics are posted today)… prepare to be jealous! :P

I think you and I should get together and have an eating contest… it could get interesting. ;)


Pam does have super cute kids! that ice cream looks soooo good!


I’m a vegetarian, but don’t really do the meat substitutes. It’s probably because I’m a veg because I don’t like the taste of meat, so meat flavored things don’t really work lol.

That ice cream looks incredible.

My workout today was kind of a bust. I’m pretty sure I was dehydrated and ate really poorly today, so I had to stop my run after 3 miles because I felt like I was going to pass out.


My Wednesday night workout was Tri Club Night. We swim/bike/run in a practice atmosphere. Lots of fun. But..every Wednesday night the sentence at the top of your blog rings through my head as I pass people. I am on the bike saying “on your left” and then in my head I count 1..2..3 etc.


Yes! I am a vegetarian for 9 years now. Gosh how time flies! I do like veggie burgers and some of the other products they have out. I only eat them every once in a while though.
I had a busy day and didn’t take time to work out, boo me.
I hope that ice cream was every bit as delicious as it looked!!
My favorite fruit in salads = strawberries and apples.
Wish I could meet you girls! Looks like so much fun. Maybe when you come to NY for the marathon? :D


You better believe we are going to meet and play in NY!!! Girl….don’t worry about missing your workout, you were crazy busy and your body NEEDS a rest!


I can’t eat fruit in my salads. Something about fruit and veggies together. Blah!


You and my MIL should start a club:)


Are you vegetarian? Do you enjoy the fake meats? What about veggie/bean burgers etc?

I became a vegetarian after a bad experience with meat at camp when I was about 15. After about 6 months, my mom convinced me to add chicken/turkey to my diet for protein. I was red-meat free until about 2 years ago. Now I don’t “not eat” red meat, it’s just not very often.

I don’t really enjoy the fake meats, but I was served fake chicken in a casserole a few weeks ago and it wasn’t bad. I’m not a fan of tofu mainly because of the texture. The fake chicken reminded me of that texture, but I was able to eat it.

I LOVE veggie and bean burgers. I also enjoy turkey burgers.


My very first track workout:

Do you like fruit in your salads?

Nope. If it’s a fruit salad (as in ALL fruit) I love it. But I believe a salad that has lettuce in it should only have vegetables in it. I can’t imagine eating a piece of fruit with salad dressing on it. It grosses me out! Ironically the dinner party I went to that served me the fake chicken had strawberries in their salad. I picked them out and put them on the side to eat separately. I know it all goes to the same place, but I like to taste them separately!


I have never been to the Veggie Grill, but I totally want to try it! I don’t have anyone adventurous enough to want to try another vegetarian place with me :( lol




Yes, please! I’m game! :)


I try to be a vegetarian until dinner time but that doesn’t always work out. Love me some mock meat.


My workout was a 5 mile run with some intervals in there. I don’t normally have fruit in my salads, but I don’t hate it. I actually enjoy it when I do have it, however, I have never made myself one of these salads they are normally from a restaurant or at a party.


I wish I could be there to meet you and have lunch! I’m not a fan of fake meats – usually sodium-packed and really processed although some of them do taste OK. I went to a seriously sweaty yoga class today for a workout. Hope you are having a great night, sweet Janae!!


Not a vegetarian but love veggie burgers, hate fake meat! I get annoyed by fake meat because in my opinion if you’re going to go veg, you shouldn’t be trying to re-create the whole “meat” part. Just my 2 cents though.
Love fruit in salads!


Agreed. I learned my lesson ha!


Enjoyed our afternoon! :)

My boys approve of my choice of friends…”Mommy, all your friends are pretty and nice too!!” :)

I didn’t like the taste of that fake meat! Something about the texture. Give me the “real deal!!” LOVED the pom/blueberry yogurt at “Golden Spoon!!” After I saw your cone I was jealous! Might go again tomorrow! I’ll ask 4 a Janae style cone! :)

Love fruit in my salads! Wendy’s chkn fruit salads are soo good!! :)

Have a good evening!! xo


OH MY GOODNESS…I love you and your beautiful family so much!! They really are the best!! I agree with the real deal thing, but now I know:) Um, can I come meet you tomorrow and finally BUY YOURS!!!


i used to hate fruit in my salads, but i’m slowly beginning to warm up to the idea! i had strawberries in my salad one day and was pleasantly surprised!

im a vegetarian and actually don’t eat fake meat products very often. i try not to eat them more than once a week and usually am pretty good about it, but its helpful in a pinch! i love veggie and black bean burgers though! my favorite fake meat product is probably boneless buffalo wings by morningstar.


I’ve been vegetarian for almost a year now (nearly my vege-versary as it were) and I haven’t gone in for the fake meat thing. I don’t miss eating meat so I don’t really see the point in eating something that impersonates it. I am more of a CHICKPEA lover anyway :)
My Wednesday workout was a rest day (with plenty of baking) because my darn heel has been playing up!
While I’m healing (or should that be heeling?) and biking my butt off will you share the bench with me? (When you aren’t doing your awesome one mile runs that is). I have cookies ?


I’m not a vegetarian, but I LOVE black bean burgers. In fact, I love them more than real burgers. I also really like veggie breakfast sausage…I make egg mugs with it all the time…delish!
My Wednesday workout was my softball game…won 11-10! PS-I have the same issue with doing double the weight on triceps as I do on biceps…I can’t handle it!
I LOVE fruit in my salads! However, I can’t have fruity dressing with it…too much.


SOFTBALL….HOW FUN and congrats on the win. Okay, good to know I am not alone on stronger triceps…..let me know if you ever figure out why:)


I’m thoroughly enjoy a good black bean burger! the first time I had one I thought “WOW, I may never eat a real meat burger again…lol” I still did but, case and point..veggie burger = delicious!
P.S. I am a frozen yogurt addict! I also learned that eating the frozen yogurt from the shop is way better for you because it has more live cultures than the stuff in the grocery store.
5 miles on treadmill @ 7:30 pace and 100 push-ups! amen. :)


KILLER WORKOUT WOMAN!!! You are my hero!! Good to know that you are an addict too and it really is healthier going out for it right:)


Only weights today which is why I am coming home at 10:45 from dinner with a girlfriend, and still not tired…..Amazing……actually no, might just be a sugar high just ate 2 brownies.

I guess I do like fruit in salad because I ordered a salad that had pear, walnuts, goat cheese, and champange vinnagrette, and it was absolutely delish. The whole drive home I was planning how I could return for a repeat performance.


I’ve never seen House Hunters, but hearing you talk about it is making me want to watch it, especially since we are looking for a house right now! I love fruit on my salad! Strawberries are the best. Have you ever eaten at Zuppas in Utah? Nuts ABout Berries is my favorite salad. My Wednesday workout was a jogging stroller 5 mile run, and 30 minutes of my very first swim lesson since I was 4! Some day I’ll be able to swim. :)


Okay, seriously you HAVE to watch House Hunters…it is on HGTV and officially my FAVORITE show ever!! Please watch it and let me know what you think. ZUPPAS IS AMAZING and I love that salad so so much!!! GREAT WORKOUT….running and SWIMMING, you are hardcore!


I’m definitely not a vegetarian and i’ve never really loved “fake meats” and since I can..i’d rather just have the real thing! Did you like the “chicken”
HOW do they get the ice cream to stack so perfectly like that?! Talent.


I KNOW….I want to get a job there just so I can learn their talent:) To be honest I didn’t really like it so I drenched it in dressing to make it taste better!


that is one expertly crafted ice cream cone!! umm, and i need to get myself one of those hello kitty shirts…sorry, random side note there.

because i actually don’t really like any ‘real’ meat outside of chicken and turkey i’ve tried lots of the faux swaps and have to say i really like those. kinda funky how i can really not like ‘real’ sausage links but love the boca ones…oh well live and let be!

wednesday workout was a sweaty 9 miles on the treaddy, trust me i sweat like a freak! followed by core and abs…way to go on ur mile…keep it up girl and be patient! :)


OMG, Red Velvet Ice Cream???????????????????? Sign me up!


Ummmm how’d I miss that Pam has kids? Love it.
Random fact..golden spoon…my first job at 16. Yum.


Incidentally my workout today was walking 4 miles to yogurtland because I’d never tried it :P I took a bus for part of the way back (some of the places I walked thru were a liiiittle sketchy & I got hit on approx 3 times and it was uncomfortable) but ended up walking a total of 6 miles. For frozen yogurt.



AHHHH THAT ABSOLUTELY MADE MY DAY!! I love that you sacrificed so much to go get fro-yo. I knew we were best friends!


I also use a ton more weight with my triceps during Pump and then look like a wimp for biceps. My theory is that I am also working my biceps during the triceps track, so they are already tired.


I’ve been a vegetarian for 14 years now. I heart the fake meats; I really do. Your salad looks amazing (jealousy).

We have an awesome vegan restaurant in our area: It’s owned by Chrissie Hynde. They use gardein brand “meat”.

So. Darn. Yummy.


I am a vegetarian and I can’t eat those fake meat products. I once bought some vegetarian sausages and when they were cooked they smelled like real sausages and I just couldn’t eat them – to your disgust I had to throw them away, yes I know you are horrified that I threw away food. I promise I won’t do it again.

No workout today, but I have the same problem with triceps and biceps. I can lift a way heavier weight for my triceps. Isn’t that the smaller muscle??

Never had fruit in my salads unless you count avocado. I have had pumpkin, feta a pine nuts though – it is really yummy.


Red velvet ice cream? YUM. Can’t even imagine!

Definitely not a veggie here. I go through periods of not really wanting meat…but I always end up coming back to it!


I could literally watch House Hunters all day long….

*I love fruit in my salads, especially berries!

*For my workout on Wednesday I walked my dogs and taught two classes at work

*I’m not a fan of fake meat, but I do like certain veggie burgers!


I only like green grapes, apples, strawberries, and pears on top of regular salads. We tried adding blueberries and raspberries to an enormous garden salad last night and I found myself wishing it was just a fruit salad instead.


Dude, that is weird, lol! :-P My biceps are doubley stronger than my triceps…so the opposite of yours! :-) Maybe I’m the weird one and you’re normal. Who knows? And fruit in salads is delicious! Love it. Happy TV watching! <3 xyx


I’m a vegetarian! I eat fake meats a few times a week, but mostly because my husband (who is NOT a veg) would prefer a fake meat over a meal made up of only veggies and grains.

The best are the chik’n patties with buffalo sauce – over a salad it’s amazing!


I am not a vegetarian, I love meat! I’d rather eat a peice of meat (ingredient: chicken) than a fake meat (ingredients: lots of things that sound weird). I do try to buy naturally raised meat as much as possible, and have found I can sometimes get my hands on some local grassfed beef burgers. Yum.
I did once eat a peice of fake meat (tofu or something?) at a salad bar, it was disguised to look like chicken and not labelled!! I ate a piece and was horrified at the icky taste+ texture. Not for me!

My workout was nothing. I have family visiting from home (Ireland) this month. With 8+ hours at work, 2 hour round trip commute and trying to cook and entertain them… I am having a hard time fitting workouts in. I prefer sleep.

I love fruit in salads. I find the combination of greens, a fruit (apple/pear works well, grapes strawberries also good), a cheese and maybe a nut makes a beautiful and delicious salad. I find a salad with a good amount of fruit added does well with a tangy cheese, and with a balsamic or sherry vinagrette to balance out the sweetness. Yum. Is it lunch time yet?


Wednesday = Mile repeats for me :)


I eat less meat than most carnivores but am not a vegetarian. I used to enjoy fake meats, veggies burgers, morning star products, ect, until I learned that there is a lot of fillers like gluten, soy and weird stuff I can’t pronounce in them. I think I’d rather eat meat than “fake food”!

I loved your post about Trader Joe’s! I got so many tips from the comments on that post. I love me some trader joe’s!


I feel silly but I had to go back and figure out why you were eating fake chicken. Guess I wasn’t focusing enough on the post. Bad Tara!

All your ice cream and fro-you eating is taking a toll on me. I NEED to get some in me now!!! Or maybe tonight… or this weekend. But it will happen!!


Love that place and it’s right near my place of work!!


I went vegetarian for a year, just for fun. lol. I liked it all. I’m not very picky, and I like to try all types of food. I really like the fake beef jerky :/

Wednesday workout was an hour of yoga and taught Body Pump!

You’re not weird. I always lift heavier on my tri’s. Yes, bi’s burn out way too quickly!


I LOVE fruit in my salads! And ice cream at ANY time :)


I tried a veggie burger once and put on a ton of bbq sauce so I couldn’t taste the “non-burger!”
There are very few things that I wouldn’t put fruit on. I have a MAJOR sweet tooth so strawberries on waffles, apples and raisins go on my oatmeal, apples, mandarin oranges, strawberries, raisins on salad, grilled pineapple on steak, and warm peaches on ham. Ever tried mixed berries on buttermilk biscuits? Heavenly. I HAVE to try that pear salad dressing. Come to think of it, most of my salad dressings are fruit based.
My son gets that same gummy fruit tray but he gets the “fast food” version of it. It has fruit flavored gummy hot dogs, french fries, pizza, hamburgers, ect. My only gripe is that it takes longer to get all the little packages open than it takes to eat them!


Bahahahha I was thinking the exact same thing last night because it was taking way too long to open them all! We are way too alike;)


I am a vegetarian and generally dislike fake meat products, like veggie burgers that have super processed stuff to resemble the texture of ground beef, or fake chicken type thingies. However, for some fluke reason I LOVE veg. Sausage links (especially the Boca ones) and lately have been craving the morningstar Farms faux bacon. Why?!? Black bean and detectable vegetable veggie burgers are delicious :-)
Wednesday workout = Germanfest 5k race in Milwaukee. Janae, the strudel that was around tonight would blow your mind!

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