My Friday Favorites.

1. Convincing the sister to go to her FIRST PUMP CLASS today.  I think I converted her and she is NOW HOOKED on the amazing burn that comes with a killer pump class!

2.  Wendy’s salad’s for lunch.  The apple, pecan, chicken, bleu cheese combo is the perfect formulation for happiness.  Plus a free vanilla frosting is definitely makes the Friday favorite list.

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3.  These two, no explanation.

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4.  Chocolate licorice eaten at the pool followed directly by a sugar coma complete with drooling and a little bit of sleep talking.

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4a. The look on Billy’s face when I try to describe to him how delicious chocolate licorice is.

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5.  Little girls in a bathing suit is probably the cutest thing in the whole wide world.

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6.  My purple shoes with blue shoelaces.  I need to wear these more often……let’s just hope that it is acceptable for me to wear the same shoes that my high school students do.

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Have you ever convinced a friend or family member to try out a new workout? Did the love it?

Do you have any shoes that are interesting colors?

-I have green ones, red and purple!  LOVE bright shoes!

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My Friday favorites are watching movies. I have a colorful pair of coach sneakers.


Ahhh I am LOVING the bright purple!!! What brand of shoes are those babies?! I am a fan!


What’s wrong with your little twin? Hope ya’ll had fun at the pool! I love the purple shoes. Super cool. My favorite shoes aren’t a loud color but they’re a pair of brown and cream new balance shoes. They kind of resemble bowling shoes to me. :D


I have pink sparkly TOMS, those are a little weird I suppose :)

I have won some bodypump and spin converts! Those are two of my fav classes!

My Friday Fav is the Nordstrom Anniversary sale!!!!


my nike ids! i made them every color!
they kinda look like this

all fridays are belong to favorite section of life


I never convinced anyone to try a new workout, but I, myself am easily swayed into trying new routines. Two stress fractures, one right after the other, is a sure sign I needed to switch up my workout routines!

Friday favs: Red Box and Ice Cream!

I have a yellow pair of high heels that I can’t seem to find an outfit to wear with.

Your little niece has the CUTEST HAIR ever. Omg cuteness times a trillion.


i got my sister and friend HOOKED on p90x
love love LOVE those shoes! esp cause theyre purplee!

and you just have the cutest family everrrrrrr


You know I LOVE your purple shoes! I have some keds that are green, blue and white striped. I love them. :)


My five year old was looking over my shoulder and said your neice was cleaning her (as in my daughter) flip flops for her! LOL!


OH MY GOODNESS…that makes my day! Your daughter is ADORABLE!


Omigahhh. GIVE ME chocolate licorice, pleaseee. I went to Pump today tooo!


I love colorful shoes! I have plaid vans I wear all the time (not super exciting) but rarely do I go to church without a bright colored pair of pumps on!


Have you ever convinced a friend or family member to try out a new workout? Did the love it?
I’ve convinced a few people to start running and its so fun to see them enjoy it without me totally pushing it.
Do you have any shoes that are interesting colors?
I have pretty cool lime green ones!


I’ve convinced a bunch of people to run distances (like half marathons) and I have converted a few people into yogi runners.

In middle school I had a pair of vans that turned HOT pink in the sun! So awesome. I also had shoes with little lady bugs all over them. Now my bright shoes are my Nike Lunarglides. I have turquoise, purple, orange, and my gray ones have hot pink and lime green on them! My brother has CRAZY shoes (he’s a freshman in HS). I’ll have to take some pics next time I see him!


BodyPump!!!! I’m always trying to get my friends to go to a class with me!! LOVEEEEE the pump!


My style is never too crazy but I do love bright pink, so I have some bright pink Nikes! I also have bright pink and green polka dot flip flops!


seeing my fam this friday!! i moved down and am now within pop-in distance! yay! :) umm, hope they feel the same…lol.

oh, i have these awesome tealy blue paul frank shoes that i love…i’ve had them since high school! :)


AHHH I am SO happy that you are CLOSE to your family now…that makes my day! TEAL BLUE…that is AWESOME!


I love this category – my friday favorites today included a paid half day at work, fish tacos and drooling by the pool. Awesome shoes!


BEST DAY EVER!!! Fish taco’s are MY FAVORITE!! Please tell me you had guac with them!!


Oh absolutely, what kind of fish tacos would they be without guac?


Nordstrom. Anniversary. Sale. I got my dream boots for an awesome price today. YAY!

And your purple kicks are awesome. I have a pair of red Toms that I love! I also have some old beaten up Pumas that are bright orange and yellow – those get a lot of funny looks!


AHHH I am SO happy (and quite jealous) that you got new BOOTS FROM NORDSTROM!! Which one’s are they?! I HAVE RED TOMS TOO…they are the best!!! LOVE Pumas!


I have bright red slip-on Keds and I loooove them. Luckily, my school colors are red & gold, so they will hopefully come in handy this fall!


I WANT RED SLIP-ON KEDS!!! Do you mind if I am your newest twiner?!


I don’t mind at all :) Wearers of bright colored shoes unite! Blinding the world with our bright shoes is so much fun.


I took my best friend to my favorite kickboxing class. She liked it but she didn’t LOVE it the way I do :-). At least I tried.

Love the purple shoes. I have some purple high heels that are pretty awesome.


I love it when people try body pump! Coz it is awesome but I think the name puts people off!
My friday fave (well, it is Saturday here) was the chocolate almond fudge clif bar I ate today which I got from a bloggie food swap :)


chocolate licorice??? I want to know more!

Also, pump is the absolute best! I need more hours in the day and more money so I can join a gym again!


My running shoes are super bright. They have neon green, pink, purple, and some other colours. I love them so much they are on my banner for the blog. But alas they are DONE but I know I can’t find anything as cool as them so I have been slow to buy a new pair! I am in denial about them for sure!


love the shoes!! and I totally agree on the cute little kids in swimsuits!! so precious! I think it also has to do with the giant grins that usually come along with the swim suits


I LOVE this! I have convinced family members to go to yoga and they all hopped on the bandwagon and love it! <3 I taught my mum yoga for over a year when I lived at home too…that was awesome :-) My dad came to Bikram yoga once…he was not a fan…said it reeked, lol! :-P xyx


I tried a belly dancing video with a friend once hahaha that was not the best workout but definitely made for some laughs!! I also got my roommate hooked on Jillian Michaels videos…

I have cobalt blue sandals with 3 large fabric flowers on them so it’s almost like your feet are really a garden – but for some reason I LOVE them. Those and my totally blinged out sandals that are silver and jeweled.

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