I am a human garbage disposal

You know you need to do laundry when the last things left to wear to the gym are a blue sports bra, red top and shorts that were bought in high school (ten years ago).

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We were originally going to take the day off from the gym but as soon as we found out my FIL was going to get donuts to bring home for breakfast we figured that we probably should get our sweat on.  We did the elliptical for an hour while talking and watching House Hunters…..time flew by.

Originally we told my FIL that we were going to get the donuts but he got nervous about it…..

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I think he got nervous because he knew that we would probably come home with one donut per person instead of 4 dozen so he wanted to go instead.

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Donuts are my nieces and nephews absolute favorite food/treat in the entire world.

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That would be half of the donuts glaze on her sweater.

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After a few hours of napping and lounging around my body was SCREAMING for vegetables.

I don’t usually say how much I ate on the blog…..I would rather show the pictures of what I am eating on the blog and not say the exact amount I ate but I would like to tell you that I ate a FEW too many donuts and it was way too much and made me feel a little drunk on sugar.

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Vegetables never tasted so good.  You think that I am posing like this for the blog but no, in reality I guard my food and shovel it in.  Very lady-like, my mom is so proud.


Do you crave vegetables after eating a lot of junk food?

-I literally felt like my body was yelling for them after donuts and a late night Jack in the Box run.

What was your favorite treat as a kid?

-My favorite treat was blizzards from DQ (oreo).

Favorite Salad Dressing?

-My cute friend gave me a pear kind from Trader Joe’s and it is already gone because I practically drank it…..second favorite is balsamic vinagerette.


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I looove donuts, especially krispy kreme, which I don’t think those are! I can’t honestly say that my body screams for vegetables and I think it’s because I went years without eating many of them! Now I try to get some in daily. I can honestly say that my favorite treat as a child was definitely DQ blizzards too, except I loved resees PB cups!

What kind of donut are you eating in the top pic? It looks delish and different!


Yes I crave veggies/salads after bad food! I used to LOVE chocolate milkshakes when I was little. Now dairy makes me sick so I can’t drink them!


I go bonkers if I have not had fruits and veggies. I cannot go a meal without them!
As a kid I was in LOVE with lemon bars… I would beg my mom to make them!
I love how you always are eating such huge salads… I need to get some of those bowls so I can have big ones too!!


Your niece is so cute! What are their names?

I’m not a huge donut fan–I’m more of a cookie girl myself!

Do you crave vegetables after eating a lot of junk food?
YES! And some major gym time.

-I literally felt like my body was yelling for them after donuts and a late night Jack in the Box run.

What was your favorite treat as a kid?
Ooo I loved blizzards too…and those ice cream sundae cones…DRUMSTICKS!

Favorite Salad Dressing?
Italian or good old ranch. Or that funky asian sesame stuff!


I find that I totally crave fruit/vegetables after eating poorly! And I feel a strong urge to sweat!

I loved maple bars growing up – my mom always took us to a local donut shop on the weekends! yuuumm!

I like to make my old salad dressings – I have been using truffle oil in my dressings lately, SO GOOD! :)

Happy Saturday!


Oh, how I love a good donut. And by “a”, I usually mean three :)


I definitely crave veggies after eating bad! Last night I had pizza and suddenly wanted a salad! Still sounds good :)
When I was younger my dad owned a small burger/fry/shake type of place and if they had extra shakes at night he would bring them home for us! My faves were chocolate peanut butter and banana nut!
I haven’t explored very many salad dressings other than ranch, italian, etc. but I LOVE to put salsa on my salads! yummm

your nieces hair is quite possibly the CUTEST little girl hair everrrrr. she looks like an angel!


I am the same way. I ate a HUGE fro-yo with so many toppings the other day. Like REAL toppings. I was a bad vegan and ate everything with real chocolatey goodness in it. It was so good I cannot even explain. Thanks to you, the blog world, and the existence of self-serve fro-yo I have become a cheating vegan and I DON’T CARE! Anyway, point is, all I wanted was veggies for the rest of the day!

As a kid I HATED sweets. Weird, I know. When I was allowed a treat I wanted either McDonald’s french fries or nachos! One time for my birthday my mom made me a huge plate of nachos with melted cheese and stuck candles in it. It was absurd.

I love balsamic as well as any kind of peanut based dressing. YUM!


I just want to say that you have the most adorable nieces and nephew EVER!!! Beautiful family!!

That is all :)


I have a sweet tooth, so anything covered in sugary glaze that includes custard and chocolate is a win. Boston creme donuts are my favorite! I also never used to eat veggies but now that I do, I notice how much I actually need them. If I’m dragging, I actually think maybe I should have more veggies with the next meal :)


Jack in the box? Cmon girlie…you are way better than that…..hee hee of course I also just posted about ethos waffles with nutella and gelato… ;)

Always crave veggies, they r like water for me…I need them always!

Fav treat? My best friend and I would get waffle cones filled with spray whipped cream….no ice cream…seriously….oh to be in middle school again!


YES!! I crave veggies after a junk food meal…or day, whichever.

I discovered a new salad dressing recently. Lemon Juice. I’m not kidding. I add a tiny bit of garlic salt to it to give it some kick and it’s amazing!! I usually put it on romaine, but I think it would be good over any lettuce with the exception of iceburg.


Yep, definitely on the craving vegetables. I have no idea what my favorite treat was when I was younger; I was definitely not a sweets kid!


Totally–the moment I OD on sugar it’s like my mind can’t think of anything else except vegetables!


oh goodness donuts boxes were destroyed in my house in the scarf down madness! we were super loyal to this one local shop, Master Donuts, and i tell u they have THE BEST ones in the world. i kno everyone says that about their fav hole in the wall, but if my mom wanted to spoil us as a kid she’s let us go. i’d always get the (read: multiple) chocolate frosted logs with choc chips on top and cream in the middle…mmm, mmm.
but ya, now, when i OD on the junk food my body starts asking for something that is healthy. :)


I always want vegetables, but particularly after having a lot of sugar! I love how big your salad bowl is – can I just say mine is always that big too?!


ohhh i do sooo crave vegetables especially when I have been traveling. I notice pretty quickly that I just want a meal that feels good in my body…but that doesn’t mean I don’t love a doughnut or ice cream or a cookie!


haha I love how your sissy has one shoe off? Por que?!

mmm veggies!


Yes, I do crave freggies when I have not eaten any for a while, or if I have eaten too much carby sugary stuff… thank goodness I rarely do that!


i’m thinking your family needs to be some kind of all american modeling brochure. Super cute!! Love the donuts. Now I think we might need to make some GF bear claws tomorrow.

I always guard my food. I grew up with 3 brothers who stole off my plate if I wasn’t looking.


My favorite dressing is usually Asian Ginger! But TJ’s has this cilantro one that is basically to die for.


Cilantro dressing??? I must find.

I love the Asian Chicken Salad from Panera because they basically cover it in cilantro!


I ate the same dressing tonight! It is champagne pear vinaigrette and I agree it is delicious. However, I do like the spicy peanut dressing from TJ’s better.


Those donuts remind me of childhood when my dad would go grab 1/2 a dozen every Sunday as a treat. I miss those days! Especially the not caring about eating a damn donut part!


After a sugar-filled day I’m definitely ready for some veggies. I love my salad with balsamic vinaigrette, or sometimes just plain vinegar. Love it so much!


youre one of my favorite-est people ever. so freaking hilarious! thats awesome about your FIL! thats so something my dad would do, he always makes sure we have PLENTY of food! he shoves food down my throat most times, actually. but seriously, sometimes you just need one (or 6) freakin donuts. its good for the soul! you have the most beautiful family EVER, wow!


As a kid, I was all about the DQ banana splits, for which I got free coupons for doing the splits from my gymnastics place. Awesome. :)


Hilarious. post and pictures!


Tuhhhwinz. Now I want a boston cream donut!!


those donuts look DELICIOUS! my body desperately needs veggies after a day of overindulgence. i baked cupcakes the other day and after eating copious amounts of chocolate chips, frosting and batter, i felt absolutely horrible.
but it’s so worth it sometimes :)


I am feeling that feeling right now….but you are right, it is so worth it every now and then!


you are SO cute! love your blog!


THANKS DEV…you made my day!


YES to the veggie cravings! After coming back from vacation and then eating “snack” food for two days because we were leaving again and didn’t want to buy groceries, I told Daniel that all I want all week is fresh fruits and vegetables. Tonight we had roasted zucchini and a huge salad with five different veggies on it. It made my heart so happy.

M&M Blast from Sonic, pb milkshake from this old country place, and these “gooey bars” my mom made. YUM.

I love Asian pear dressing, balsamic vinaigrette, and basically anything that tastes “interesting”. I do love ranch, too.


First off, I just want your nieces hair! She is too adorable.

Well I crave healthy food after eating a lot of junk, not always vegetables. I love apples so that’s usually what I crave.
Reeses were my favorite treat as a kid, and I LOVE ice cream, so reeses blizzards were the best!
My favorite dressing is the dressing from Olive Garden that they put on the salads!! Mmm soo good!!


OH MY GOODNESS>…that olive garden dressing is to die for!! Reese’s blizzards….now I am drooling! Thanks for the compliment on my cute niece!


Love your nieces! Quick question, what app do you use on your iPad to blog?


I have the wordpress app but I have never actually used it!! What do you use? Any fun apps that you have found!??!


I just got it today! I forgot you switched to wordpress, I am still on blogger…. I have downloaded a bunch of calorie tracker/fitness apps I hope to use!


AHHH SO SO FUN!! You are going to be addicted to it….I never leave home without mine:) ENJOY!!!


I looove chococlate chip cookie dough blizzards, but I’m going to say my fave treat was chocolate chip muffins. The muffin itself isn’t special (it came from a grocery store), but here’s why it was my pick: my dad travelled A LOT for business growing up. But on the weekends he was home, I’d come down every Sunday morning to find a chocolate chip muffin and the Sunday comics laid out for me. Not going to lie – I got a little sick of the muffins, but I ate them anyways and now they have fond memories for me. :)

As for dressing – I love straight up balsamic vinegar. I also like straight up vodka. I’m told both of these things are gross.


I like balsamic vinaigrette too! Donuts looks super good! I love elliptically with friends and chatting because the time flies.
My sister had her baby today so after Pilates I FLEW to the hospital so fast to meet her as soon as I could! She is so so precious! I just put up pics on the blog. When she gets a bit older I bet she will rival in cuteness to your niece!


I always crave vegetables! But especially after I’ve eaten something really sugary and sweet. Massive salads are the way to go to clean off a sweet tooth :)


I absolutely crave vegetables and green food and fruit after indulging on the not-so-healthy but oh-so-delicious stuff. :-) I love putting stevia, sea salt and lemon juice on my salads, or balsamic vinegar. I would love to the infamous Annie’s dressings but we don’t have them here in England. But balsamic and sea salt is sooo good. I have also started smushign hummus into my salads so that it coats all the leaves, and that works like a charm! :-)
Favourite treat as a kid? Scotch pancakes with a thick layer of butter / flora on them so that when I bit into it you could see the lines of my teeth in the butter side on…so yummy! :-P xyx


my fave was oreo blizzards from DQ, too! :)

It was always such a treat when my mom would finally relent and let us go there. Now it’s a dessert I associate entirely with childhood – I don’t think I’ve had one in about 10 – 15 years! Excuse me, I need to go google if there are DQs in New York….


I love really good donuts. I don’t eat them very often, but there’s a place near where I work that has the best donuts… so if someone brings in a box to work, then I might just have to have one. ;)

And after eating too much junk food, I definitely start wanting healthier foods like fruits and veggies. I had a MASSIVE lunch yesterday after going to the beach, so when we went to dinner last night, I just had a salad topped with grilled shrimp and scallops. I needed something light after that gi-normous lunch! :)


Your niece with her donut looks pretty much exactly like me with donuts. I will fight people for them! I love your family.


Vegetables…always!! A big bowl like you’re eating is so satisfying! I have a Big Purple Bowl that I just got at a rummage sale for 50 cents! It’s perfect for my salads and I use it all the time. I like THE BIG SALAD! My favorite dressing is balsamic vinaigrette. I buy it bottled, but I think I like my home made the best. I use the bottled when I’m being lazy! ;-)


I LOVED donuts as a kid. I haven’t had one in a long time, but I want to make my own! I’ve seen some great donut recipes floating around the blog world.


Your family is so gorgeous and looks like they have fun! :-)

When my husband and I got back from wine tasting in upstate New York we declared that we needed to eat green stuff! We had definitely indulged a bit too much.


We were totally on the same page with our posts–getting some calorie burn in before indulging! And, I completely feel you having to “detox” with veggies post sugar binge.

Best dressing: Auntie Lilikoi’s Passion Fruit Wasabi dressing. A-MA-ZING.


I always crave veggies if i’m not eating enough!!! I totally understand!!


Really good article, it opend my eyes, many thanks!

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