Runner’s Corner-I am moving in.

Breakfast was a winner.  It may look like dirty grapes but that is just cinnamon on top of my fruit and yogurt bowl.  You may think that I am exaggerating but I like to take a bite of yogurt heaven followed directly by a spoon of pb.  We go through the costco jars of pb way faster than I care to admit.

I ate this on my porch on a couch (that I have no idea how it got there and what is stashed in its pillows) watching traffic and loving being hot.  I know you all thought I was talking about hot looks wise (still haven’t showered and it is now 3 p.m.) but I meant temperature.

IMG 6683

After bfast we went to my version of Disneyland.  Runners Corner.  They moved to a brand new building (directly East of Orem Costco) and it is the COOLEST place ever.

IMG 6682

There is even an indoor TRACK to test out your shoes!

That is the look of determination.

IMG 6674

I just want to burst into singing hallelujah when I see that wall.

IMG 6677

And the coolest part…..the upstairs where they hold running/nutrition courses, there is a kitchen and surround sound with a projector and a big screen to watch running all day long!

IMG 6669

We talked to the owner, HAWK (coolest guy ever) for a few hours about everything.  I am on Runner’s Corner racing team which includes coaching from Mr. St. George Marathon winner (along with a trillion other huge accomplishments) himself.

Key points that I took from talking to him:

-Grass/barefoot running.  Starting with 5 minutes today and adding one minute each day.  Billy is doing this with me!!!

-When I am able to run more and start training my schedule will be:

Sunday-Completely off.

Monday-EASY day.  (aka easy, downhill and shorter distance)

Tuesday-HARD DAY, speed workout, hard lifting and ending with swimming.

Wednesday-HARD DAY, hill workout.

Thursday-EASY DAY.

Friday-EASY DAY.

Saturday-HARD DAY-Long run, hard lifting.

Switch off every other week with harder and easier weeks.


You can read about my racing team and coaching here, and here.


What is your go-to place for running/workout stuff?

-Runner’s Corner!!!

Do you like cinnamon?  What are your favorite things that have cinnamon in them?

-Apples and cinnamon were meant to be together at all times.

Fill in the blank:

My version of Disneyland is _______________________?

Runners Corner, this candy store, I really do love Disneyland, Costco and cruises.

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I love to take PB on my spoon and then dip in my yogurt! Yummmm I think we have the same obsession with PB


Haha, that picture of you getting ready to try your shoes is great! I’ve been curious about barefoot running for a long time, but I overpronate so I’m very skeptical for me. Plus, I’m already dealing with trying to learn how to run through a different type of pain. But PART of me can’t help but wonder if it would maybe, just maybe, defy the laws of normality and actually help me.

You’ll have to keep us updated on how it all goes!!


okay, so i’ve got an idea for u: that pic features what looks like an almost full PB container, let’s track that puppy and count the days to see how long it takes u to power thru that sucker! then we’ll post that licked clean jar at the end. ;)

that store looks freaking awesome!! great that u were able to learn a lot and walk away with a solid training plan…good luck and have fun on those barefoot runs. :)


THAT IS BRILLIANT!!! I wonder if it will even make it through the weekend:)


Hmmm, I really need to find a good training plan. I do love cinnamon on lots of things. And my Disney could be Trader Joe’s.


Thats awesome! I wish we had somewhere cool like that!

I love cinnamon in oatmeal or spinkled on any type of fruit/PB sandwich.

Costco for sure :) And Starbucks…and when I go to the US – Trader Joes… man, this list could go on forever!


I love cinnamon and I love that new store!! I wish we had someplace around here as wonderful.

I think if I were on a racing team it would be for those who are stuck in the middle and can’t get out. The Black Hole team. :)


Running/work out stuff: I need to find a new place! I bought 5 identical pairs of shoes 3 years ago and now I have to find a new supplier!

My version of Disneyland is… San Luis Obispo!!!!!!!


Lauren forgot to add that we loveeee cinnamon!

Or at least I know I do. I think I consume about 4 teaspoons a day (via popcorn with cinnamon and maple syrup)… I can’t get enough.

I want to do the cinnamon challenge where you try and swallow a spoonful of cinnamon… no one is able to do it. I think I could though…


I want to go to there.

Seriously that place looks amazing. I want to make a pilgrimage to Utah now!!


COME!!! I will take you for fro-yo after runner’s corner!


Even better! Fro yo + running stores = my happy place :)


I love Lucy running clothes! They are super cute, fit great and aren’t insanely expensive either. My version of Disney land would have to be Gazelle Sports they have everything a runner needs.

annddd I love cinnamon. I put it on my oats every morning!


I LOVE that they have an indoor track!!! I got my last pair of running shoes at a Famous Footwear and jogged up and down the side of the store while my bf laughed LOL


I found your blog through Sweet Tooth, Sweet Life!

My version of Disneyland is: being on a beach (or in a pool, near a beach!) in a bathing suit with my hunnie :) I love warm weather & especially love being in the water.


HELLO!! So glad you came on over. I hear you on the beach….HEAVEN!!! Nothing is better than being in the water:)


I love cinnamon on oatmeal! One of versions of Disneyland is definitely DSW- I could try on shoes (and wish I had the money to buy tons!) all day long :)


Road Runner Sports is my drug of choice for all running needs! There brand of running clothes is just as good as nike/adidas/etc but cheaper!

I love cinnamon on a baked sweet potato!

My version of Disneyland is Vegas…it is pretty much the adult Disneyland!


Vegas is always a good time. I love that your running store is your drug of choice… make me laugh!


I have so much running gear that I try not to buy more, but Sports Basement gets me every time.
Toast with cinnamon and sugar is my favorite breakfast from childhood.

My version of Disneyland is probably Target, or whole foods.


I have never been to whole foods….I KNOW!! Target is absolutely AMAZING!!! I haven’t had cinnamon sugar toast FOREVER!! LOVE IT!


I love cinnamon on EVERYTHING! I have containers of cinnamon stored all over the place in my house and at work. I think I have a serious problem. Runners Corner looks SO COOL! I love that they have a test track and classes. I wish I could find a store like that out here in LA. I’m so happy for you being able to run again :-)
Oh, and I had PB today for the first time in a little while and now I’m having trouble ignoring the half full jar in my desk drawer.


Embrace the pb….do not ignore!! I will be in Cali soon. Come to a fro-yo meet-up okay!?!?!


You don’t have to ask me twice, sounds fantastic! Hmmmm… now to make a mental list of the best fro yo in LA. It’s like picking favorite children…


Cruises are my Disneyland too. I’ve been on over 20 cruises – shooting for at least one a year (I’m 30 yrs old). I just can’t fathom why everyone doesn’t go on a cruise for every vacation. You can eat cheesecake 24-hours a day! Just came back from a cruise on Oasis of the Seas – biggest ship in the world. They had like 12 fancy restaurants to choose from, a candy store, a donut shop, an ice cream store and a fro-yo machine on the pool deck. You would be in heaven.


MORE THAN 20 CRUISES…you are my hero!! WE ARE HOOKED, I don’t think I could travel any other way! I want to go on the Oasis of the Seas SO SO BAD!!! That sounds heavenly and I am so glad you got to go!


I think I just died & went to heaven reading about this place called Runner’s Corner. You should pull some strings and have one put in Madison, WI pleeaseee!! ;-)

All that’s missing is a fro-yo bar and I think that it literally would be heaven.

I really enjoy cinnamon on my oats, pb&js, and in my cofffee. It’s an extra taste that is natural & delish =)


I will work my magic just for you!! BRILLIANT IDEA about the fro-yo bar…I think we are soul mates!


I like cinnamon in food like cobbler, but I don’t like it sprinkled on lattes or apple sauce. I guess I don’t like the texture of plain cinnamon. :-P

My Disneyland is any grocery store, especially Whole Foods or Trader Joes. Ever since I was little I’ve always begged my Mom to take me with her when she goes. Even at 24, when I was home recently, I was pumped when my Mom said we were going to the grocery store! She always gets a kick out of my excitement for food-related things! Haha


HAHAHA!! I love going to the grocery store with my mom too and she always lets me pick a treat, it is the BEST!!!


I like cinnamon with apple too. And in coffee. Or zuchinni bread. Yum!


I wish I had a store like that close to me!! I order stuff from and they have a store about an 1 and 1/2 hrs away from me that I want to go to so bad!!


Oh, I love that store! I went in there the other day. So nice and spacious!!! My kids love the indoor track. They use it as their play pace while I shop! Ooops!

My version of Disneyland is Costco and Disneyland itself!!


That is so fun that your kids loved the indoor track!!! It makes it a lot easier for you to shop!!


It’s sopkoy how clever some ppl are. Thanks!


z6oNHR jkposgtpoznm


Cinnamon? Yes, we go through it so fast. I put it in my coffee, in my Rooibos tea, on yogurt, cereal, all fruits and in my chili and other soups and stews. It is the best spice ever!


I couldn’t agree with you more!!!


My version of Disneyland is Book Soup in Hollywood because I’m a dork like that. Either that or sitting on my butt and shopping on Amazon.

Super jealous of the running store. I buy a lot of my gear online.


Looks like you got an awesome training plan going, and that store looks like it is to die for! I just put cinnamon on my cottage cheese today for lunch, I love it on everything. I have even made it with cumin and chicken before.


My version of Disneyland is Costco, Target, Bloomingdales and Sephora all rolled into one. :)
I buy my running stuff at Road Runner Sports.


Target and Sephora for sure!!!


I have THE BEST cinnamon lentil soup recipes ever….SO easy & good… will post it tomorrow….


That store sounds awesome!!!!!!


There is a store here in Raleigh called Fleet Feet, and they measure your gait and all that for running shoes. I got a pair last year, and I’m about to go back to get the same exact pair.

Favorite cinnamon thing is definitely cinnamon-sugar toast. I go through phases with it where I will have it every night on raisin toast… yummy!!

My version of Disneyland is definitely the beach. I love the beach. It’s my favorite place in the world.


Yeah I don’t know what it is about running stores that really make me super happy.

Maybe it’s all the colorful gear and clean athletic smell?

Or more likely, it’s a place where all sorts of nutty people who understand my passion like to shop! It’s good to see other people who can understand the whole running thing.


Great post!! That looks like an awesome running store!! Mine is nowhere near that big!!!


I need to check to see if Runners Corner is a chain!! If not, I might drive down to that one!!

Did you hear about this Utah runner?! SO inspiring!!


I love that story! Thanks for sharing.


Cinnamon and sweet potato! Mmmmm… And I love to cook so a kitchen store would be my Disneyland or being on a boat with friends. And in the warm weather


I could shop online at all day long. There are no good running stores near me otherwise I’d probably be in there spending way too much money. Union Square Market in NYC is my Disney Land :)


My go-to spot for running stuff is online stores for my trusted Adidas Supernova running shoes- can’t live without them!

I love cinnemon and recently have been trying it with chocolate (a mexican inspired flavor combo). I make hot choc with it or sprinkle on brownies- YUM!

My version of Disneyland is: Disney World, haha


That’s so cool that they have a track in there so you can try out the shoes!!! That’s awesome!


And WHYY didn’t you invite me?


My version of Disneyland… ANY running store. Fro-Yo place with tons of topping choices. A skinny margarita bar. GAH.


You seriously are the best. I crack up every time I read your blog!


I want a Runner’s Corner, I love that they have a track! I go to RunOn. They do all the good stuff like watching you run and fitting you for a shoe. I always get nervous talking to them though because I know they know so much more than I do. I wish I had the nerve to just go in and pick their brains but I’m afraid they’ll think “you are so dumb, why do you think you can run”….even though they wouldn’t and their totally nice….that’s more about my insecurity/lack of knowledge

my version of Disneyland is a cruise; can’t get better than that!


I love cinnamon! And I put it on apples, too. And in my oatmeal. I also mix cinnamon into my almond butter jar. Mmmm. And this morning I woke up craving hot tamales (the candy) – so random.


I love cinammon in my oatmeal and on my French toast.

CK Sports is my favorite running store in the Dallas area. It’s locally owned and the owner is passionate about running/triathlons. I get fitted for shoes there and have never had so much as a blister. Do I sound a little obsessed?

My version of Disneyland is either a beach with the sound of waves crashing or a Philadelphia Eagles football game.


We have a store like that (minus the super cool indoor track) called Running Room. Runner’s Corner is definitely more awesome though. I want to open up a store like that right now. Maybe in my basement.

I am obsessed with cinnamon. I put it in my morning oats, in my smoothies, and on fruit (usually apples or bananas).

My version of Disneyland is Niketown, Whole Foods, and now Yogurt Spoon (see my latest post, it’s dedicated to you).


So…I’m glad you have a coach, but I’m concerned about your plan to do two hard days in a row. You need to recover in between hard workouts. I would recommend Monday/Wednesday hard and Tuesday/Thursday recover, or vice versa, followed by a Saturday long run. Just something to consider.

I want you to succeed in running and love reading your blog, so please be careful because inadequate recovery causes injury!!


::swwwoooon:: A track IN the store? WHOA BABY! That’s awesome. I just found a cool running store in downtown Orange called the running lab. I can’t wait until my running shoes get all crazy so I can finally get a new pair there!

Cinnamon…yes…one word…CHURROS! YESSS!

My version of Disneyland is at home with my Hubby!


Near me is a store called Running Away Multisport and are amazing. They also have a business called RAM Racing (get it r-a-m, running away mulitsport) that puts on the big races in the Chicago area, both running and triathlons. I am obsessed with both parts of this awesome business.


I’m the same with Peanut Butter! Love my P.B.!! :)

Love Runner’s Corner! I also love T.J. Maxx for tempos!!

Your workout plan sounds great!! Can’t wait to hear about your running adventures soon Janae!! WOOHOO!!

My version of Disneyland…def. “VEGAS BABY!!” :)


YOU ARE AWESOME JANAE. Just wanted you to know that, heh. I am also LDS! I also love running and had gotten passionate about it until my health went to bits early 2010 but soon I will be on my way to building back to running again!

What is your go-to place for running/workout stuff?
– Not really a particular place.. (yet!)

Do you like cinnamon? What are your favorite things that have cinnamon in them?
– I HEART CINNAMON. I love it on my yogurt combo’s and sweet potatoes

Fill in the blank:
My version of Disneyland is _______________________?
– Whole Foods, Wal-Mart (yes, I’m lame!), going out with my Hubby without a baby!!!


Running Corner sounds awesome!! I’d love to go to a place like that.

My form of Disney Land is TJ Maxx…they have everything..and for a great deal! :)


I love Lulu workout gear but it’s $$$$ so I also check out Sportchek for Under Armour stuff.

I am SO jealous that you have Runner’s Corner. We have The Running Room here but it’s tiny and the people that work at the one in my neighbourhood are not very friendly. So sad!

My version of Disney Land is the waterfront where I live. It’s so beautiful and I run there almost every day when the weather cooperates. I also love the grocery store. I’m a freak.


I really want to put chairs on my front porch so I can eat and watch my neighborhood. Then when I get old I can be the old lady that yells at those darn kids making all kinds of racket!

We have a local running store that does my running group and that’s where I get most of my gear!


Looks like an awesome store! I think you’ll be spending alot of time, or should I say $$ there. :)


JackRabbit in NYC. It’s my happy place!

I like to put cinnamon in everything – oatmeal, coffee, ice cream, yogurt, fruit. One time, I put it on broccoli…no judgments, please ;-) It was good!


Thanks for writing such an eaystto-unders-and article on this topic.


This is SOO cool!!!


Ahh! That store is so cool! I stopped in there once, and I wish we had one in Holladay!


Blogger will not let me comment on your post from this morning. :(

I must check out the new Runner’s Corner because it looks amazing! How did you get hooked up with running for them? Did they just recruit you because you are freaking amazing? I would love to race for a team and have a coach but I know I need to get faster on my own first. But I am just curious how that worked for you.

Love you and am so sad you are leaving Sunday! What will I ever do without you for 7 weeks? You guys are going to have so much fun in cali and you totally deserve it! :)


Bananas and cinnamon – this is my new thing. Anything topped with sliced bananas and cinnamon … froyo, ice cream, waffles, cereal … YUM YUM YUM!


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