This hurts to write.

Femoral Stress Fracture.

No Boston and no running for that matter.

It is what I do from this point forward that truly shows what kind of athlete and person I am.

This is what makes me, this is who I am.

Of course I feel like crap and I have stopped wearing mascara because every time I hear the word Boston (unless we are talking about a Boston creme pie) I start to cry uncontrollably but that is okay and that is normal.  Boston has been my number one dream/goal/obsession/thought/love affair for the last 6 months and now it is gone (for this year that is).

At least I know I can pull off a 1:30 half-marathon when I have a femoral stress fracture….don’t know if that is Bad A or I am just mentally not very smart and blocked the pain and ran through it.

I try to be my most positive self here on the blog because I know that a lot of you reading this are going through WAY HARDER things in your life and hungryrunnergirl is a bright spot in your day so if you are having a bummer day already maybe check back at about 4 for a post about cuddling the iPad or me eating ice cream for the 24th day in a row.

I definitely feel like throwing in the towel and letting silly worries like…..who is going to read my blog anymore now that I can’t run Boston and that I am out of the game for a while or that I am going to loose my speed/motivation and dedication to running……..but I CAN’T.  All I can do is hope for the best, give a big hug and remember that MANY STAR ATHLETES (if not all) have experienced MAJOR setbacks and they COME BACK stronger and smarter than ever.

It is the hard times in life that show us what we are made of.  I am showing myself and the world that this too shall pass and I will cry and let myself feel sad but it is only going to make me a stronger and more passionate runner than ever before.

I will be there next year Boston and Heartbreak Hill… will wish you never met me.


During this recovery process I will be writing a series of posts dedicated to injury prevention and recovery along with the normal everyday randomness…..hope you still come back to read:)


What would you do……

Still go to Boston and cheer everyone on or switch your plane tickets (remember we are poor) so you can do the New York marathon in November?

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Awwww, Janae, this is such disappointing news. You have the right attitude about it though. Can you do any exercise? Maybe you need to COMPLETELY take some time off so you can heal faster? It seems like all the spinning, ellipticaling, swimming, etc. wouldn't be good for it. But I'm a lawyer, not a doctor, so what do I know? Listen to your doctor!

I personally wouldn't spend the money on going to Boston just to watch. I know I would be crabby and bitter and a B*tch to be around if I were in your situation and I went there. But you are probably a much better/nicer person than I am! Talk to Billy and decide together what you should do.

Hang in there.


I'm so sorry to hear this, Janae. I haven't been reading your blog that long, but really love it – even if you never wrote about running again, I'd read it b/c you're so funny. You're going to come back stronger than ever, I know it!


My heart aches for you Janae:( I am so sorry that you have to go through this and even make decisions like that. You are such a strong and amazing person and you will be even better and stronger than before!

I say switch the tickets, I of course am partial since I will be in NYC for the marathon and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to meet you!


Oh man! I am so sorry. :( I don't read your blog just because you are a runner. I read your blog because you are awesome and hilarious! So keep it up! Boston will be there for you next year. And I'd say trade in your tickets so you can do New York. I know you'd be an awesome cheerleader at Boston, but being there and not being able to run might make you sad. Keep your head up girl!


Oh this is so sad! I am so sorry!!! I of course will still read because I love your blog running or no running….

I think you should switch the tickets– it would be hard to be in that environment without actually running it! Plus, who doesn't like new york?!


What is the saying, it's what what happens to you that defines you as a person, but what you do with it? Yes. That.

Listen, this does suck a giant bowl of gross awful stuff.

But, you're not dead. You're not limbless and living in a third world country. You don't have a heart problem that could kill you if you broke a sweat.

Your body is strong, and it will heal. You will run again, some day, even if that day is so far off it hurts. But it will. You will heal.

Some day you will look back on this and think of how strong you were to pull through. But, you have, for however long, lost something very important to you, so it is perfectly okay to mourn that loss.


Well CRAP!!!!!!! I had a femur fracture over a yr ago, it never occured to me that your thigh pain was that. If it's any consolation I just just diagnosed with 2 stress fractures, one in each of my tibias!! This will be stress fractures #5 in 4 yrs. My heart goes out to you Janae, really, honestly!!!!! Cry hard like I do, but rest that leg.


As much as I'd LOVE to see/meet you in Boston..switch the tickets. Run FAST in NY so you can kick ass in Boston next year.
Keep your head up girl. Regardless of your injury you've still been a HUGE motivator to me and my training. Boston will come again.


If you change your tickets to New York, you'll have a new goal to heal and work towards. We come here for your exuberance and to see your journey. This injury is part of that. Don't despair!


I would switch the tickets to NY. I know you're so disappointed, but try not to get discouraged! You'll be back and better than ever before you know it, as long as you take the time to fully heal!!
Also, we won't stop reading just because you can't run right now. To be perfectly honest, if your blog were just running stories I probably wouldn't even read it, even though you are such a fast runner! So keep posting whatever is on your mind, and we'll keep reading! :o)


Switch up those tickets, I say! I am so so sorry to hear about your stress fracture, and I know how sad and frustrated you feel :( I was set to run the Lake Placid marathon last year in NY and got a stress fracture in my shin, which almost a year later still bothers me sometimes. It was very hard to not run, and I ended up not even going because I didn't want to cry when I wasn't running it. You are awesome and will come back from this, just as I have. You just have a few extra steps you have to take now, and you will love running even more once you go back to it.


I am so sorry to hear about your injury! It really sucks when all your plans and training don't align with what your body is doing. Stupid legs, hips, knees, ankles, and every other body part that keeps us runners down for the count! You will totally kick butt after you are recovered and kill it next year! I say def do NY in November and then come back to the East Coast again for Boston 2012!!!!!


set your sights on that New York marathon, girlfriend! You are too awesome to give up. God's just making this rough on you now so the finish line will be THAT MUCH SWEETER.


I think this calls for YOGURTLAND.

I'm so sorry!

I don't know what I would do… You, and only you can make the decision of either going to Boston or switching the tickets.
But, if you do come to New York we'll be able to hangout and I'll take you to my favorite frozen yogurt place in the City!!!


Janae!! I LOVE YOU! And I don't think that anyone is going to stop reading your blog just because you aren't going to race at Boston. Seriously. You are SO MUCH MORE than just a race. You are a charming, sweet, BEAUTIFUL, funny, AMAZING, dedicated, strong-willed, wonderful person and I know you aren't going to let this stop you. YOU WILL GET THERE, maybe not this year, but Boston is always going to be there waiting for YOU Janae. I know this is so hard for you, and it has been your big dream. So if you need a shoulder or two to cry on, I am here for you! I think Boston should be scared that you aren't going to make it this year, because you are going to DOMINATE it next year. :) HUGS! Feel better!


Oh no!!! De-lurking here to tell you that your post made my heart sink. Yes, other people have "big stuff" going on, but this is still a big deal TO YOU. You worked so hard to run Boston and you have it in you to work hard to heal (and run Boston next year :)


I'm so sorry :( You are still so young and such a fast runner that there will definately be other Bostons (and other marathons for that matter).


Aww Janae, I'm so sorry. But you're right. A lot of hard working athletes run into this sometime in their career. Your time just happens to be now. But you'll bounce back and be better than ever next year. It's just so important right now for you allow yourself to heal properly! And you have one more year to become faster and stronger and really kick Boston's trash :)

As much fun as it would be to still go to Boston, I would probably switch out the tickets for NYC!

I hope you heal quickly girlie!!!

PS: You inspired me and I now am addicted to frozen yogurt bars. I'm not really sure how I lived my whole life without them, but never again will I miss out on the wonder that is frozen yogurt bars. Oh my, wonderful goodness!


So sorry to hear about the injury.
Your blog is so funny and awesome, who would stop reading it?!
Was running Boston about running Boston or just getting a sub 3? You're on your way to sub-3 anywhere, but if Boston is your dream goal, then save NYC for another time and go and support your fellow runners this weekend and enjoy it! A big part of the running community is runners supporting other runners!!


So sorry about your injury, but you've been doing all the right things!! I can't imagine how bummed you must be, but know that I for one would never abandoned your blog :) You are too much fun!! Keep your head up chica and one day when you kick Boston in the butt, you can look back on this as a great learning experience. If I didn't live in NY, I would totally take you out for some fro-yo right about now :)


Awww, I'm soooo sorry. It's so hard to let dreams go. You are amazing and you will be back. Switch that ticket. Being there may make you more sad. Plus, New York will give you something to look forward to. My humble opinion. You will rock it next year. Take your time and get yourself healed, and we will all still be reading your blog. Because it's you we like, not just your running. :)


i say pack your bags and go to disneyland! that always makes me feel better.


I'm not a regular commenter but… my heart is hurting for you right now. I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog because of your lovely abundance of positivity, because of your ability to pick yourself back up every time, and because you make this blog what it is! I hope you recover VERY soon and can get back into running because it's what makes you happy. And we all love to see you happy. :)


awwwww im so sorry to hear that, hun! that totally sucks.
i really like what you wrote "this time will really show what kind of athlete i am." it takes a very strong person to say that. i wish u a good recovery!
but u r more than running. u r u, and everyone out here in the blogger world loves u.


Hey, I've been reading your blog for a while now, and I just want you know you have been a huge inspiration for me. Bloggers like you make me train harder! So even though you're not running Boston this year, please know that you still kick major butt in my book.


you are awesome. even if you have no legs. even if you had a massive urge to always eat gummy bears. you rock. you always give good tips, are so upbeat. who needs Boston this year anyways? it will just give you more reason to kick its ass.


Save the tickets for NYC in November!!


OH NO! Major suck. So sorry, girl.


Aw Janae, I'm so sorry. :( I know you are so bummed (and I am too!) but I also know that you are going to kick butt next year. I am praying for you! Let me know if you need anything – swedish fish, frosted animal cookies, anything! I love you!


I rarely comment but I wanted to today. I'm so so sorry janae.

For the record, I read your blog because I think YOU are amazing and hilarious. Running or not – I literally get excited each time your name gets highlighted in my google reader with a new post!

So many (most) star athletes hit setbacks and they come back smarter and stronger. I have no doubt you will too – I hope you continue to share your journey because I'm sure so many people going through similar situations will love your enthusiasm and determination.

Hugs <3 <3


Switch your plane tickets! Maybe for next year in Boston? Hang in there!


I've been stalking your blog for a few months, but have never commented! Last October I ran my first half marathon, and set back 5 months with an achilles tendon injury(part of that time I was in a boot and couldn't exercise at all). I have been so encouraged and inspired after reading the posts about your injury, that I want to say "thanks"!!! You have had a great attitude about this situation and you will PERSEVERE!

Hebrews 12:1 And let us run with PERSEVERANCE the ran marked out for us.


Switch the tickets!! Girl.. praying for you. You don't have to be all unicorns and rainbows all the time! We will be your shoulders to cry on!


Switch your tickets and go to NY. It will give you something to look forward to and a reason not to give up. We all get injured and there are always other races. My motto has been live to run another day when I am injured. We like your blog because you are funny and human. We dont care what your times are or if you have to take a break, we all understand and have been there. Take your time to let it sink in and figure it out from there.


Very heart breaking! However, now you KNOW what the problem is and that it CAN heal and get better. Take time off. Switch the plane tickets. Kick the ING New York Marathon's butt in November. It's the right thing to do. You'll see Boston next year.

Also, part of the reason your blog is successful is because you are REAL. Rockstars aren't real. Humans are. Way to be you.


We'll still read. 'Cause you'll still have your spinning and swimming shenanigans. And general shenanigans.


Thinking of you! Stay strong


Oh my dear, I am so sorry to hear this. I have never commented before but have been a daily reader for months. PLEASE don't stop blogging….you are such an inspiration! I vote for hanging onto the tickets and kicking some tush in New York. You have every right to feel sad. But I have no doubt you will learn from this and you WILL hit your goal of a sub-3. Period.


I'm sending positive vibes your way, Janae!! Major bummer but I will still check in to read your randomness… Love it! I would switch the tix and I will see you in Boston in 2012. BOOM!


That sucks, I'm so sorry. Boston will definitely be there next year. In the mean time take it easy and remember you'll kick that Boston marathon in the A** when you get to it!

I'll definitely still read. I think I'm slightly obsessed with stalking people's blogs! :)


Janae! I am so sorry that you won't be able to go after your dream in Boston this year – But, before you know it, next year will roll around and you can DESTROY that marathon!!

Until then, soothe that injury with ice-cream and swedish fish, swap those plane tickets and set your sights on conquering New York! We're all behind you!

And please don't stop blogging! It is YOU that we all come back for! The fact that you write about running is just an added extra. Truthfully, it is not WHAT you write, but HOW you write that counts. Your personally really shines through in your writing. We all come back for YOU, the most adorable, funny, sweet and smart blogger ever. AND,more than that, you even made a story about pairing socks a worthwhile read, not everyone has your skill!

Praying for you, sending you love from England and looking forward to hearing about you flying through Boston 2012!


switch your tickets and go kick some femoral stress fracture a** in NY! love you and your blog…even without Boston! 2012 will be your magical year, keep your chin up, you rock!


Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your stress fracture. You are one tough cookie to run through that pain. I know that this has got to be so tough, but you are going to get back there next year, stronger than ever. I will keep reading and supporting!

If I were you, I'd switch the tix. Go to NYC and run that race. I think Boston would be too emotional (it would be for me), I think.

Hugs to you!!!


Wow, look at your support girlie! You are one loved lady! I doubt my comment will even matter with it being the 188th comment. I'm sorry janae. Trust that this will make you so much stronger. You'll have so much more fire and determination to fuel your running and you'll go on to do bigger and better than you ever dreamed possible. I have to go deal with screaming kids so I don't have much longer but know that I'm sending you love! And I say to save your money, cheer from afar and save your ticket for NY…which I could join you. And I say that a 1:30 period is bad A let alone iwth a stress fracture. I just hope to break 1:30 next race and I don't have a stress fracture so you surely believe it….YOu are a BAD A in every way! Huge HUGs!


You bet your sweet bippy I'll still be reading! Every post you write is fun and uplifting…you're always a runner at heart!


Oh sweet running girl. You will be in Boston next year! I say cry and feel sad. That is okay and then embrace your recovery plan like you would a training plan. Now go cry and eat a yogurt Sunday!!! Big hugs your way!!!


I'm so sorry. You will get past this & continue to be your amazing self!

I would switch the tickets – you want to use that money for a race you can run.


This sucks, but this is not the end of you or your blog. I'm pretty sure 100% of us will keep reading. Get well soon!


I hope you are smiling at all the hundreds of comments you are getting! You will come back from this 150% better and we will all be here following you and learning how to come back from an injury! We love you and will def. kep on reading!


I read your posts for two reasons:
1. your joyful, funny spirit
2. the fact that you are "real"
I don't see a stress fracture changing either of those reasons. I am so sorry that your plans have been altered, but you are correct that it is how you handle the alteration that matters. I will be thinking of you and praying for a speedy recovery. If it were me, I would change the tickets to NY and set my sights on a positive goal, instead of a sad Boston visit.


I know how much you love running and what a huge part of your life it is. With that said, swtich the tickets for the NY marathon. This will give you something to look forward to while you heal yourself. :-)


I am soo sorry sweetie, I read your blog faithfully and have never commented but I will still read it of course, you are an inspirational person!! and I am sure you will do even better next year, hang in their…..yep I would change my plane tickets if it were me!!


ps. I will still read your blog! I love your blog. You are such a positive, life loving person! I look forward to starting each day by reading what you write.


That is like the hardest question EVER! I don't even know. I would be cool to go get caught up in the excitement, but if that is too soon after finding all this out, I might swap them. Ahh!!! So hard! I might swap them????? Or how about option C! Change your plan tickets and go on a vacation with Billy and lay on a beach and forget all your problems! (I know you love to cruise, there are some good deals out there!)


Janae! I'm so sorry, but this will definitely make you stronger and you will learn from this and train better for Boston next year and you are going to DOMINATE it! How long until you are healed? I say move the tickets to November and go kill it in New York!


So sorry to hear the news! You have every right to be sad and upset for a couple days! Take care of yourself. Boston will still be there next year! :)


I'm so sorry to hear you can't run Boston. You are going to come back so strong, though!! And we readers are dedicated to your random daily activities and positivity. Don't let this get you down. Thanks for posting about *everything*, not just good times, because life happens.


I am so sorry this had to happen to you :( Please don't stop blogging! I look forward every morning to reading about your trips to yogurtland, insanely delicious meals consisting of salads as big as my head and candy, and especially the wonderful family and people you've surrounded yourself with! This injury happened for a reason and during this hard time and recovery process you will learn things about yourself that you never thought you'd be capable of and in the end this will all make sense and ultimately make you a better athlete ! My prayers are with you, stay strong and remember that this will be a learning experience and that everything happens for a reason :) You'll own it up Boston 2012 :)

p.s save the tickets for NY!


I'm sorry!!! You sound like your handling it really well though :) I'd switch the plane tickets to NY and run that marathon.

Just remember; what doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger :)

And I will still be reading your blog everyday!


You are amazing. An inspiration. I look forward to reading your blog everyday…and as a runner, of course I love hearing about your training and races, but I come back continually, because of you and your sparkling personality. Just keep thinking, it is only a SETBACK. Boston will be there next year (and the year after that, and the year after that…) and you will dominate. Chin up sweet girl! Sending healing energy your way!


So sorry to hear the news :-( Take it easy and know that you can (and will) run Boston next year!


I wish I could think of something clever to say that hasn't been said above. You will get through this stronger and better than ever.
If it were me I'd switch out my tickets to do NYC in November.
Love from Texas!


You can do this. You are young and talented. You can do this. It is just a test. To see how strong you really are. You will learn from this and you will be BETTER and more AWESOME. Ok the blog, don't worry about this, again look at SUAR, I started following her while she was not running and no she did not have a crazy amazing giveaway. nothing. just Beth. that was enough! Boston: Don't go. Go to NYC! Boston would be hard, going and not running? you are not a cheeleader, you are a runnner. DONT GO.
You can be down and moopy for a few days. I would be. You are human.
You will be OK. Hang in there.
Hugs from California


I know that this doesn't mean much today, but just last year I was in the same boat. My Boston dreams were crushed due to injury after months of hard work. And it took a lot of tears and a lot of ice cream and a lot of PT but guess what? I'm back!! And I guess won't know how much stronger I really am until next Monday, but I feel stronger and more prepared and that is half the battle, right? If there is one thing that injuries teach you it's patience. And if there is one trait that pays off on the Boston course. It's patience, so you're golden!

You've got this! And I'll keep reading. Obvi! :)



I usually don't comment on people's blogs I don't know very well but I thought the time has come to reveal my blog-stalking status of your blog. :) I love your blog and I hope that you know that your injury will just make you stronger.

I'm actually a fellow "spinner" of yours until my Gold's Gym pass expired and I had to switch to 24 Hour Fitness. Your Wednesday night spin class was my favorite. I remember you mentioning your blog in spin class one night and so I thought I would check it out. I've been hooked ever since. You have inspired me to have a better attitude about injuries.

Last fall, I really wanted to run a BQ time at the Top of Utah Marathon but I over-trained and ended up with a leg injury. I was bummed. Eventually, I recovered and was able to run a PR in my next half-marathon. I started to work on different leg muscles during my recovery time and I think it really helped make me a stronger runner and of course your spin class helped too. :)

As a side note, I actually think I went to the same Physical Therapist as you. I remember you mentioning that your PT did a lot of Iron-mans and Triathlons and mine did too — Steve Orrock, right? If so, he definitely knows his stuff and I'm sure you'll be back in action in no time.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that your blog is awesome and you inspire a lot of people. In answer to your question, I would switch your plane ticket and run the NY Marathon in the fall. You'll rock that race!


Janae – we read your blog for YOU, not because of your running! I am terribly sorry about your heartbreaking news, but I have no doubt that you will learn so much throughout this time (and share it with us, of course). Psalm 30:5b "Though the sorrow may last through the night, joy comes in the morning!"

I'm praying for you!
Much love!


Sending you big blog hugs and virtual chocolate covered marshmallow love.


Go look at the picture of the 80 yrs old guy on my blog. He is still running at 80 and running FAST. Count how many Boston marathon you can run until you get to be 80…the answer is:


I'm so sorry but you will get better :) I say switch those tickets and come run in NYC!!!!


Aw I almost cried when I read the first line of this post. I am so sorry!! :( Try to relax for a while while you recover. You deserve some relaxation time!

I would switch the tickets, though it'd be cool to be a spectator. When I'm struggling in a race, I sometimes get really jealous of the spectators haha.


"when something bad happens, you have 3 choices. You can let it define you, you can let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you."

You are so inspiring to me, whether you run or not.


Jeremiah 29:11

Isaiah 40:31


Oh sweet girl, I'm so sorry. This SUCKS.

And don't be ridiculous–everyone reads your blog for the goofy pictures, not the running. lol

Hmmmm… the tickets… I say trade 'em in for NYC. Boston is like your ex now. One week after the breakup is too soon to come face-to-face. Still too fresh and painful.

I have to ask though… WHY did they wait so long to check for a stress fracture?

Love to you.


Definitely thinking of you today! It's terrible that you can't run Boston this year, but your drive and passion is so strong that you will run it one day.
Of course, I'll still read your blog every day!


I'm so, so sorry to hear about your stress fracture. I had the same injury a few years ago, i know how hard it is. Pool running sucks, but it keeps you conditioned. you will be back!
I say save the $$ and run NY.


I don't think any of us read your blog because you were going to run the Boston Marathon. We read becuse you are funny, sweet, kind AND an amazing runner. Switch the tickets and enjoy New York, save Boston for when you will be there RUNNING!!


Awww HUGS!
Regardless of you running Boston I'll be here reading about someone else who has an insane love of candy and family. I have no clue on the plane tickets but I know you and Billy will chose whatever is best for you guys.


Run new York in November.
I am so so sorry you can't run Boston. I'm sorry your injured. But remember you are young and fast and you will heal and you will be smarter/stronger/more driven/more dedicated than ever! Your speed is a gift to you from god and it will be waiting for you, when you are ready to run again. Take this time to learn study running, learn all you can. Enjoy time with family and friends, rest, relax, and recover! As you said this too shall pass, I've been told that phrase so many times throughout my life and it is true.
Smile… Brighter times are around the corner. Xoxo – Lisa


Janae! Wow, look at all that love that is already flowing your way! Over 200 posts! Evidence enough that we'll all keep reading! You are an inspiration to all that meet you! Your students are so lucky to have someone like you in their lives! Even though I'm just an average runner, not a superstar like you, I can relate to your adventures and experiences. I am 39 and I still love teeny-bopper movies!!! Ha ha!
Anyway, save your pennies for NYC! Cry and know you will come back stronger than ever! Hopefully, you and your sis will keep up the power move tutorials for us! Keep them coming!



Switch that ticket for sure and enjoy every minute of the NYC marathon…


My dearest Hungry Runner Girl,
I am so, so sorry. I swear I can feel your heartache from here because it is my own as well. And because we are best friends (you said so, right?), I give you permission to cry and stomp your good leg and punch a pillow and eat as much ice cream and candy as you want. Get all of that hurt and negativity out. Then you will be left with nothing but the positivity to grow stronger and train smarter.

I am certain that Kara Goucher is reading this post right now and taking a deep sigh of relief that you won't be on her heels…this year. :) I will remind you now that when I ran my first marathon this year, it was a story that started almost 6 years earlier. In all that time I never lost sight of my goal and my dream, and it made my will to succeed and devote myself to the endeavor that much stronger.

When you are ready, we are ready to hear more about the diagnosis and the plan of treatment. We are all right here with you and love you even if you don't win Boston this year. :) Hugs, love, swedish fish, ice cream, and get well vibes to you.


Janae! I'm so sorry to hear the news, but I will be sending you positive thoughts for recovery! and, I will ALWAYS read your blog!

As for the plane ticket; that's a tough one. I feel like you may be torturing yourself by going to Boston and watching.


It's never fun to have to bail on things due to injury. I had to back out of a 50K due to an ITB issue, BUT I wound up racing my bike instead. I had an awesome time doing that, and looked at the injury as an opportunity to do something different. I think you should change your ticket and do NYC in November. I am doing it as long as I get in. I did the half last month… amazing energy in that city! Keep smiling… good things will happen. :)


So, so sorry! Go to NYC!! You are a bright spot in my day. You are my motivation. I started cross training because of you!!! Keep your spirits up.


Hey lady. As a big proponant of feeling your feelings (yep I'm a school psychologist) I suggest that you let yourself feel however you want to. Grieve your little heart out because no matter what dream didn't come true, how silly you might feel to be upset, its still your life. Cry and cry until you can't cry anymore…you'll know when its time to move on.

Also, switch your plane ticket. We'll see you out there next year. :D


So sorry Janae. You will be back. Better than ever. Your body is yelling, "give me a break." And you just listen to it … give it some more rest, and then slowly but steadily climb back to the top.

I would sell those tix, and save your "first Boston experience" for your run.


I have been following your blog for several months, but more and more I feel like I am reading my own thoughts when I come here. I ran 2 marathons last fall, then took a month off for some much needed cross-training/recovery. I began training for Boston as the new year approached, and I wanted to crush it. I ran HARD. I trained through snow, wind, aches and pains. I ran a half marathon in the beginning of March and it was a perfectly paced race (although a little slower than I would have liked :). Then, 5 days later, I felt a horrific pain. I knew something was very wrong. I saw my ortho doc, dilligently went to PT 3x's a week, and cross-trained my heart out, desperately trying to stay in marathon shape. I was "ok-ed" to run last week, and pushed myself through some very painful miles, keeping my eye on the prize. I knew deep down it still didn't feel right, but I wanted to toe the starting line in Hopkinton so badly. I finally saw my doc last Friday and promised myself I would do what he said. (He's a master of sports injury…he trains the Phillies!) He told me soft tissue injuries should take this long to heal, and sent me for a bone scan. 6 hours later, I learn I've been trying to run with a fractured pelvis. No Boston, no running, how do you even get a stress fracture in your pelvis? A part of me died inside. I canceled my flight and hotel reservations and called the BAA to ask them to mail me my race bib. I will use it for motivation. 4 months of training (for this race), 2 qualifying marathons (and that training), blood, sweat and tears. Now I feel like I have nothing. I know this will make me (us) stronger in the long run, but right now I feel crushed. Binge eating, crying and 4 seasons of the Hills hasn't helped so far, but it's all I want to do. But this is the kind of set-back that breeds a champion. This is what makes us stronger. Watch out Boston 2012!


I can't wait to come hear you talk about this at a runners motivational conference sometime in the future – obviously after you kill it at Boston 2012, go to the Olympics and become a world renowned athlete. It's going to be the coolest. So many people are going to be inspired by your determination, perspective and all around amazingness.

Three words – get. it. girl.

But for real, hang in there. And totally run NYC. I hear it's epic.


Switch those tickets. Watching Boston will be hard. I missed my first full due to the same injury. But you know what, I came back stronger because of weightloss and strength training during that time. Not that you need those…

It sucks, but you'll be OK. And we'll still be reading. :)


Keep that head up! This happens to EACH OF US! We all get injured. At least you did it doing what you love :) and you didnt slip on the floor at Yougurtland! Are you smiling? Good!

You will be back better than ever! No doubt gorgeous girl!


I think each option would be great Janae — I think you would be a positive spirit cheering, but the other option makes sense too!

So sorry you are going through this, but I still can't wait to read your blog — with or without Boston (this year)


Oh janae I am so sorry to hear that :( I say rest, recoup, and kill it in the NYC marathon!
I will read your blog regardless :) You're an amazing person, so strong, I admire you.


I know the feeling, I hope everything goes well and remember to tak eit easy and no to push yourself too hard right now. I would swtch and run NY. I'll keep reading!


I send you sincere hugs and kisses my dear friend!! I know it's soo hard to stay optimistic but, sweetie try okay?? You've got Billy, your wonderful family, "the man upstairs!!". This is just a temporary setback. In Kara's book she went through a similar setback…Deena Kastor (remember "spirit of the marathon!" she came back and took 1st place in Chicago!!

Go to NY!! I'll be there in November!! We can hang out, eat pizza/ice cream and chill!! :)

I'll see you in Boston 2012 girlie!! We're going to chick so many dudes and rock it!! :)

Love ya and I'm thinking of you!! xoxo :)


I just got injured yesterday and normally I would freak out but I though "WWJD?"
(what would Janae do?) So I decided to stay positive like you! It's hard, but reading about your healing process makes it so much better! And of course I'm going to read your blog religiously. Heck, I'd read if the only think you posted was pictures of Swedish fish.


Holy guacamole just look at all the support you have out here, girlfriend! I'm so, so sorry for you. I know completely how you feel–I'm supposed to be there on Monday also but injury took me out of it. However, I knew I wasn't going way back when…you're getting this news so close to the start line. Crappy, crappy, crappy!

I would NOT go if I were you…focus on what you CAN do, not what you CAN'T!

And I don't think you need to question whether or not folks will keep reading, do you?!

I will see you in Boston in 2012.


ugh. sorry to hear the bad news?! want good news? next year I will run boston with you.. okay.. like start at the finish line together and ill come in an hour later.. but you are amazing and its true what you wrote.. you will come back stronger and be faster then ever. take it easy and eat lots of ice cream! it really secretly helps..
If I were you Id switch my plane tickets for somewhere warm.. get out of utah.. the NY marathon is smelly.


Hi Janae,
Hang in there! And we will all read your blog don't worry. You'll be back at it in no time.

And DEFINITELY switch the tix! As much as I'd love to see you cheering us all on, I've heard NYC is amazing so you should do it :).


Of course we will still read your blog!
I'm sorry that you're going through this hard time right now. Just listen to yourself when you say that you can get through this and you WILL come back stronger & faster than ever!


We (your readers) would never abandon you during a time like this!! Switch your plane ticket :)


Switch the tickets and watch Boston online and cheer! I will still read your blog, it is a bright spot to my day. I am sorry to hear about your injury-eat lotsa ice cream and candy and swedish fish for a few days, then get back into it! You came back from a rest before and you will come back again. You are awesomesauce.

P.S I blame the yassos. So many runners have told me to ease into speed training because it can get you injured if your body isn't used to it and you jump in full speed. I have seen alot of runners start doing track work quite early and have gotten injured.


I love you and your blog!!! what ever you write about..I'll be here..swap tickets!!!! I am sending you massive hugs from are my role model..I've gone from not being able to jog for more than 30secs to jogging 8km non stop..takes me an hour but who cares I looove it and it's thanks to top girls like you!!….hang in there and cry as much as you need'll help you feel better..xox


Awwww, I'm so sorry to hear that! But you will heal and get better and ROCK boston next year. I would change the ticket and run NY marathon in the fall if I were in your shoes. Sorry again. I'll be thinking of you. You are AWESOME!


AHHH that is hard! I wish you the best–and yes you will be better and a faster runner because of this. All thing will give us experience and be for our good….but we got to hold on to that hope! I'd switch the tickets and run NYC….. you rock girl :)


Bummer!!! Take this lesson and inspire others. You are a great person and runner. But you are not just a runner but a person. Don't let running define you. You are special because of other things besides running! Get well soon :)


So sorry Janae. Remember, Boston does not get to define who you are!!
Switch those tickets, get healthy and run a different race- somewhere awesome so you and Billy can make a vaca out of it.


Janae I am dying for you right now. I know you are so upset…even if you smile and say everything is alright. You are so incredibly amazing and talented and there is no way this will even make things better, BUT because you are the strong incredible person that I KNOW you are…this is only going to make you better girl. I am so lucky to have you as my friend, and you are so much more than just a runner. Don't forget that…oh and like anyone would stop reading your blog…EVER. I love you with my whole heart babe. You're in my prayers. xoxoxo megs


My jaw literally DROPPED when I read the first line. I am so so sorry Janae. However, with the outpouring of comments, you know we will keep reading! We love you!! Boston or not. That race does NOT define YOU (you are mulit-dimensional–and freaking hilarious!!).

I'm torn–I think you would learn a lot going to Boston, but to be there and NOT run would be heartbreaking. My vote is NYC Marathon.

I actually think you should switch your tickets and join me in AZ this weekend! ;) Love you Janae!!


I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you started this post with this sentence:

"It is what I do from this point forward that truly shows what kind of athlete and person I am."

SO true. This is real, injuries are a part of being an athlete. Is it devastating? Yes. Will you become a stronger, faster runner because of this experience? You bet!

And clearly I will never stop reading as long as you promise not to stop writing :)

AND, it's definitely ice cream time. You've earned it.


Ohh, sweetie, I'm so sorry. Switch the tix! You'll do great in NYC- and have so much fun. Boston will always be there. :)


I would switch the tixs!! That should give you plenty of time to recover and you will ROCK NY and requalify for Boston with the new times!!! You might get slow (like me :-P) but with time you will be faster, like I hope to be someday!


Awwww… I'm so sorry, girl. I would obviously still love for you to come and cheer, since I'd love to host you for dinner Sunday night! Cheering might make you feel disappointed, but it could also bolster your resolve for returning stronger than ever the next year! Let me know what you decide.


Try to keep your head up and remember that you have some of the most important things going good for you:
1. your heath (the important part anyway)
2. your family (i lost my little brother 6 months ago)
3. your friends
4. your faith

This isn't permanent and you WILL run Boston next year! There are always re-do's. Not everyone gets that chance!


You are such an inspiration to all, and not only through your running. You are an amazing friend, wife, sister, and blogger…so OF COURSE we will all be back to read your blog everyday. I visit everyday because you are always so fun and always seem to be having a good time. And while you are injured and this is the time to be upset and cry, YOU will come back from this and you will be amazing. I just know you will. :)

I know there's not much many people can say to try to feel better, because I have been there with an injury, but I hope that all of these comments help the pain a little bit.

P.S. I need your address, STAT! So if you read this, please e-mail me! :) I love you!


Firstly, *HUG*.

Secondly, NO-ONE reads your blog cos you are training for Boston! EVERYONE reads it because we love YOU! :)

Thirdly, I would switch the tickets. You deserve the chance to make your dreams come true, and getting a sub 3 at the NYC marathon would be an AMAZING experience! You can just stalk everyone's bib numbers as support instead like I'm going to! :P

Fourthly, looking forward to these injury prevention/recovery posts!! I need those right now too…

Fiftly: For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. <—- God has a plan, just trust in it! You WILL achieve all those running goals of yours, k gorgeous girl?

Love you friend!!


I was going to simply write "I'm seriously about to cry for you" but then I rememberd that times like these are when we need friends to be oober positive and keep us away from sad thoughts. So here goes:
1) EVERYONE will keep reading
2) I bet Billy will buy you tons of ice cream
3) You are going to come back so strong and healthy and kick Boston's butt next year even harder than you could have this year.

Oh and switch those plane tickets asap girl. Everyone running Boston knows you're cheering for them from long distance :)


You have nearly 300 comments on this post, you are so well loved because you are AWESOME whether you run boston or not, we all love you!!!!
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs!!!



Hugs and prayers to you! Switch the tickets, run in the fall where you will be stronger and healthy


Change your flights, cry your eyes out for as long as you need to, and then eat your bodyweight in candy. Injury SUCKS, but you will kick its ass :)


After I took off 4 months for my PELVIC STRESS FRACTURE and then started running again, I was WAY FASTER!! (cut over 5 min off my 10K time.)

This will give you some great time to cross train (lots of swimming, yay.)

Trust me, taking off that much time was TERRIBLE and depressing, but if I can get through it, YOU CAN CERTAINLY GET THROUGH IT and come back that much stronger!!


So sorry. You know God has you in His hands though. Cuddle in for comfort.

Switch the tickets. You'll get back to Boston when your body is ready.



Mercy, sister! I'm so sorry. You shouldn't feel bad about feeling bad though… Others may have "bigger problems" but this problem is yours and it is big time major. I haven't been able to run because of a stupid plantar wart and it's sent my into a tailspin of horrific black days and I wasn't even really training for anything…certainly not Boston…so so sorry.


Maybe it's cheesy to say this, but I truly believe that "everything happens for a reason." Switch your plane tickets and make a new goal…something even better might come out of the situation! And it's okay to complain…we're all human and life isn't perfect!


Clearly you have TONS of suport! Though it is a difficult time you are doing so good to stay positive!

Switch the tickets may be a great idea, and help switch your focus to your healthy running future!


So, so sorry!! Sucks hardcore but you will come back stronger, faster, and even more appreciative of the gift of running. Cry all you want, girl. Change those plane tickets to NY and set your sites on plan B. You will rock it….the recovery and the comeback. Hang in there!!


I am so sorry to hear about Boston, but you have an AWESOME attitude and a amazing backing of support from the blogging world! You will come back stronger and better than Ever! I'm pretty sure everyone will continue to read and to support you in all of your endeavors!

I would TOTALLY switch tickets to go somewhere else or for another race! it will be something to look forward to!


I read your blog all the time and never comment (does that make me a creeper?? :) but I just have to say that I feel for you. I know it doesn't help to hear, (but sometimes misery loves company so I'll tell you anyway!) but I've been injured and unable to run since November and know how excruciatingly hard it is. I also qualified for Boston and luckily had deferred my registration til 2012 anyway (because I'm getting married this weekend!), so we can run it together in 2012!! Actually, I'll be way behind you, but that's just details :)
Anyway, I really admire your positive outlook and your resolve. I know you will come back stronger.
Oh, and I will 100% for sure keep reading your blog. I could really use advice on injury recovery and prevention!!


I got chills when I read those three words.

I vote save mula for NY and don't get bittersweet on B.. save the entire B trip for next year when you Kara Goucher it.


my heart is breaking for you!!
i cant wait to read you injury prevention posts! hopefully they will help some of your faithful readers avoid the heartbreak that your feeling right now!
i promise that i would be crying non-stop too if i were you. cry it out and then move on!


Girl, you know people read your blog not just to hear about your crazy running ability but also because of your quirky, humorous, joyous personality!

And definitely switch the tickets and kick A in New York!


I feel so sad for you. You are like my twin living in Utah. I look forward to reading your blog on my Iphone every day after my students leave. I will never stop! We are all thinking of you :)


I don't have my own blog but LOVE when your posts pop up in my google reader! Your love of running is so inspirational… if you do come to Boston, and need recommendations for fun stuff to do, I live in the North End, also known as Little Italy… and can give you tons of great recommendations on food and yummy desserts.

Keep your head up!


I am so sorry about Boston but know this is just a small setback in your rocking journey! I would switch the tickets to NYC and take it easy right now. You will get through this and wow you have a ton of support and love coming your way! I am a faithful follower of your blog and will be checking in every single day! Prayers and love sent your way!!


I just signed up so I could leave a comment (instead of stalking you from afar like I have been-lol). I am so sorry about your leg!! You are an amazing runner though, and I have no doubt that you'll be back. Please keep blogging because I love coming here every day for smiles and laughs.

And go for NY in the fall. I have friends who have run it and said it's amazing. Plus, think of all the yummy NYC pizza you can snarf down afterwards!


I'm sorry :( I wish I could give you a big big hug and take you out for froyo with lots of swedish fish sprinkled on top.

You are an amazing ispirational woman and runner. You are such a strong woman and you will come back from this injury better than ever.

I say cheer Boston from home and switch the tix to NY.



I'm so sorry to hear about this!! I don't normally comment but I feel like I have to know. My hometown is Boston and now live in Atlanta but I have watched the Boston marathon the past few years. I know you will be a MUCH stronger person after all this and I'll fly home to watch you kill it next year! :) Good luck with recovery!


so sorry janae! praying for a speedy recovery. as for what to do, that's a hard one- on one hand, it might be an advantage to scope out the race from a spectator's perspective so you'll know next year, but on the other hand, NY is something you can truly enjoy to the fullest–love the outpouring of support you've received already!


I am SO sorry to hear about your poor femur :[ I almost cried when I read those ugly words. Just remember, what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger! And now you get to eat all the calcium-rich, bone-building ice cream you can!! Switch the tickets for NYC – I'm running that one too! :]


Janae- I don't read your blog because you are a runner, I read your blog because you are my friend and my inspiration! Whether you are sad, happy, injured, or running… I care about what you write and how you feel. And I'm pretty sure EVERYONE else can agree with me.

I'm sending so many prayers and hugs from Baltimore, Janae. Recovery is just a phase– you'll come back stronger. This too, shall pass. You still inspire me everyday!


I LOVE YOU girl!!! Don't you worry one bit- as your brother said (or was it brother in law..? I don't remember..sorry!) Boston will be there next year…and even more scared of you!
I don't think you have to worry about losing readers, I don't come here to read about Boston, I come to read about YOU & for your positive attitude. You are AMAZING.
I am thinking of you & praying for you! Stay strong!
PS: I think you should have your favorite salad from Cafe Del Rio (that's right..isn't it?!) & a big bowl of ice cream. :)


I'm so so so so sorry to hear about your injury!!!

You are amazing and you have helped more people than you know! My sister told me about your blog when I got my own stress fracture about 6 weeks ago. She said you were injured and I should learn from your shinning positive example. Which I did.

I know this is awful and you are completely valid in crying and being a little frustrated and angry too! You're an athlete and when we get injured its normal to feel grief. So definitely cry and definitely get fro yo with gummy bears! You'll come through this sooner than you know and you will be stronger. And as for your fear that you won't be strong and you won't be as fast or dedicated. That's impossible. You are so positive and so focused this will only enhance that! And even in this time off you are still a runner! That hasn't and won't change! You will certainly destroy Boston next year! Good luck and heal quickly (ice cream has calcium) :)

My sister told me about it (she reads your blog and suggested it to me). See my sister suggested your blog when she saw you were injured because I had suffered a stress fracture. I was training for my first marathon and was doing pretty speedy work for myself and I was devastated. I know how much this is awful and how the worst thoughts are crossing your mind but you are right you will get through this and stronger too! Physically and mentally. I think it has really helped me to 1) appreciate running and 2) realize that I may place too much empahsis on myself as a "runner" but you are so much more and an athlete in every sense of the word. Its so normal to feel grief right now, but you are still hungryrunnergirl and you're still a runner during this time off too! I don't know if this is making too much sense but I just wanted to say its ok to be sad


I am so sorry…I can't imagine how hard this is for you but like your brother said…Boston will be there next year and who knows how much you'll improve EVEN MORE in the next year! I would switch tickets and big some major butt in NYC come November.
And are you kidding me? Um, we read your blog because you're adorable and dedicated and hilarious. Boston was just a bonus!


Of course I will still read your blog daily! You are even more of an inspiration by showing how you are dealing with your injury. I am battling an injury right now too, and your daily dose of sunshine is really helping me not get so down about it. Please know that you are helping people like me by sharing your struggles.


I will keep reading! : )
I'm sorry you're having to go through this. I know you'll come out on the other side a stronger runner.
Cry, cry some more, and have some ice cream–I think that's healthy. : )
And yeah, I would switch the tickets to NYC. That way, Boston will be new, big, and super exciting the first time you're there to run.
Hugs to you, girl!


I know this must be so hard on you! I can't imagine what it would be like if I got sidelined for my first marathon this October…much less Boston!
Don't worry. I will definitely keep on reading!


I'm so sorry!! I was injured last year and that was frustrating, so I can only imagine how you must be feeling. But, you'll come back from this better, faster, stronger, and smarter, too!

I would switch and stay home and shoot for NY. After all, you could take Monday off and have breakfast in bed and your own mini "I'm the and am going to eat pancakes all day" party. :)


Bless your heart!! You have so much support on this blog and we will continue to support you. I tune in for the silly faces and eating adventures but I liked the running stuff to. Sounds like a hard day already so I will keep it short but my vote is to turn in the tickets and run in New York in the Fall. Especially if you are poor….I did our taxes today and paid those so I know the feeling!


I'm so sorry to hear this news! It broke my heart to read it, I can't imagine what you must be going through.

Just keep being your absolutely fabulous self and everyone will keep reading your blog. Reading it has never been about you conquering Boston (which you WILL do). We all love you for the person you are.

I'd probably trade for NYC since I heard Apolo Ohno is running. That in itself is making me want to recover from my injury faster! (Can't believe I just dissed Boston like that – it's a fantastic city and it'd be great to see you here!) You just have to do what feels right for you.

Keep your chin up – you are amazing!!


Janae I'm so sorry – you are amazing and I know you will get another chance to run this race, if not SO many more chances.
Physically and mentally getting through this injury will make you a stronger and tougher runner, I know it. Please email if you need anything! <3


I am sooooo sorry!! I know how you feel missing a race because of an injury. But guess what? Boston will always be there and you can ROCK it next year. You are so amazing and hilarious and I will read you EVERY single day no matter what. Your blog is my new obsession, who cares about facebook anymore, you are WAY more entertaining :) If I were you I would trade your plane tickets and do the New York Marathon. I think it would be REALLY hard to sit and watch all of the other runners, that is why I didn't go up to the TOU marathon. Hang in there because we all love you and you will be running again in no time. I never know what name will show up as I comment so this is Stephanie Anderson, just in case it says Jake :)

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