HungryRunnerSister Race Recap

Dear HungryRunner Readers,

Janae has given me the awesome responsibility of this post.  To truly capture this beautiful experience let’s start at the beginning, the night before the race.

After picking up my packet at FleetFeet, the Panda Express across the street was calling my name.  This is not the typical pre-race meal but I thought, “What the heck, the race is going to hurt anyways does it really matter if I add additional pain to my suffering?”

After the 3-course meal and fortune cookie that said, ‘You will gain favors by expanding your social circle’ I thought, “I am now ready.”

Later that night when my stomach started hurting I realized spicy chicken is not the way to go.  Lesson learned.  If you gain anything from this blog, I hope this is it.

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As I started the race I noticed the tornado in front of me and questioned if this is normal.

Janae assured me from the side lines that it was normal and since I believe everything my amazing/beautiful/awesome/ sister,  wait Janae why are you now typing , this was supposed to be my post.  Anyways, to say that this race was windy would be a serious understatement!   By mile 1.25 and after being nailed in the head by flying debris I wondered “What in the world am I doing?”  But then I saw my wonderful sister cheering me on and I pushed through.


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Wait how did this picture get in here.  Sorry Janae, but what’s done is done.  The picture on the right was taken seventeen years later and yes Janae could still put on the same dress she wore when she was six except now as a stylish shirt.  Okay now back to the race….


By the middle of the race the tornado had diminished to a strong gale (is that another word for wind?) and I was feeling pretty good and confident that I could indeed finish this race.

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That is until I saw the final hill.  (Keep in mind that I had already run about 3,000 hills in this race.)   As I was approaching the final torture that my body had to endure, I saw my sweet sister standing at the base cheering me on.  Somehow knowing she was there gave me the last ounce of strength I needed to finish.

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This race taught me that I can do hard things, especially when I have the love and support of friends and family.  Thanks for reading and don’t worry Janae will be back at the keyboard for the next post.

Questions still by Rachelle-
What is the craziest thing you have ever eaten before a race?
-Panda Express.  For Janae……..8 breadsticks at Fazoli’s.
Would you rather run in rain or snow? or sleet or hail or ice storm?
-I ran in ‘hail’ yesterday.
Question by Janae, “Should my sister start a spin-off of my blog called FasterHungrierRunnierWoman?
-Yes, most definitely.

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Oh my goodness!!! That sister picture is HILARIOUS! so funny. Nice work on the race! Thank you for the recap!


Great race! I love your post! and yes you most definitely should start a blog!

I would rather run in snow!


Haha! I will read the spinoff blog!!


Godnesss you to are hillarious you both brighten my day, I would love to read a spin off blog..


LOL I love the blog title idea! You two wonderful ladies should write a book together!

Congrats on your race!!!!


Awesome job on the race and love the recap!!! And deffff write a spinoff blog! I'd totally read :)


Yay hungry runner sister! i love your post!


Hahaha, adorable! You two are amazing together!! Congrats on a great run :-)


I love the sister picture! You should definitely start your own blog, although you might pick a word other than runnier. It makes me think of egg yolks.

Congrats on your race! It sounds like a really tough one and you blew it out of the water! Guess you should always eat Chinese before you race.


I love your sisterly love. You two are darling!


Congrats on the race. Love the picture. Can I have some of your gene pool. You two are gorgeous. I dont think I would eat chinese before a race.


This is great! I definitely agree with the spin off blog! The craziest thing I ever ate before a race was nothing. What was I thinking?! I just get so nervous sometimes I forgot to eat. I was cramping so bad but I lived to tell about it :)


Omigosh–I had no idea you had to battle winds like that–boo! This was a hilarious recap–I can see humor runs in the family!

The dress is picture is genius!! Kudos to mom for keeping the outfits 17 year later!!! ha ha!

I ran my first marathon in the rain and that is probably the nicest of the choices listed!! :P


I love it! Thanks sis! You two are quite the pair. I would love to see that blog spin off. and congrats on a great race, you've got lots of good support.


I love it! Thanks sis! You two are quite the pair. I would love to see that blog spin off. and congrats on a great race, you've got lots of good support.


I had a grande fiesta burrito. Just like the name, it was a "grande" mistake.


Brilliant race recap!


You two are so FUNNY and both so GORGEOUS!!
A HUGE well done to FasterHungrierRunnierWoman, who should defo have a blog spin off!!! :D


So lovely to meet another part of Janae's life! You both are so incredibly gorgeous! would be the next hottest trend. Totally do it.


love this post!! so fun! the wind was definitely crazy yesterday…but you are amazing for pushing through it in that race…please start a spin-off blog! I would definitely read it :)


Rachelle!! OMG I can't believe you did that half marathon yesterday!!! I went running not even close to that far yesterday and the WIND was KILLER!!! It seemed to always be blowing against the way I was running. Not fun, especially for race day. Good job! I'm pretty excited for my half marathon next month… I will be sure to take your wisdom for NO panda express the night before! :) P.S. I don't think anyone is supposed to be that gorgeous after running 13.1 miles. You're a babe.


hahaha. very cute. love the sister pics.

snow vs rain? depends on the amount of wind.


AWESOME RACE!!! dang good job!!.. i would prefer rain for sure! i actually love running in the rain.. so therapeutic!


Um yes, you and your sister are hilarious! I love her recap!

I hate hills like it's my job.


Um.. you are just as hilarious as Jenae… please make a spin off of her blog so my days will be filled with hilarious people and lives I wish I had cause you two are AWESOME! ;) Congratulations on your race!!!


Congrats on your race!

I fully support the idea of a spinoff blog. lol

Friday night, I was thinking I was making a mistake. I didn't have a race Saturday, but I had a long run of 11 miles. What was my fuel of choice? A Chicago-style hot dog and onion rings. But as it turns out I had one of my best long runs to date! Weird, huh?


I almost peed myself laughing at those matching pictures. hahaha!

Congrats on your race…wind sounds tough. I am praying for a perfect weather day on April 30th and that all the hills in Nashville magically flatten out. Hey, a girl can dream!


Congrats HungrySister. Spin off blog would be great. Selfishly I already have a topic for you……how to be an older/sister and friend. I have an older sister and she can be kind of bossy and competitive. I crave the relationship you two seem to have.

Worst choice before a race……eggs…..why????


Great blog! loved it!
My sister and I have a pic similar to that. When we were little (I'm 3 years older) we had matching red pajama dresses and one night we accidentally grabbed the wrong ones. Mine came up to my knees and hers trailed way below her feet. In the pic she's draped all over me with her mouth open wide in a ginormous laugh. Love it!


Awesome job! Running in the wind is tough for sure! :)

I definitely prefer sunshine and blue skies but if I had to take one I would take rain or snow. I wish snow didn't have to be so cold to run in though. :(


Running in the rain can actually be quite cleansing and enjoyable, so I would definitely choose that as my weather option.

And heck yes to a spin-off blog…did you post your time for the half by the way? I'm dying to know.



Congrats on you race!!!!

I love the picture of you two! That is hilarious!!!!

The worst thing I've eaten before a race is Thai food. Luckily it was just a 5K!


Awesome race girl!!! You two are great! I hope we read more random posts from you :)


Great race! I would love a spinoff blog- make it happen!


awesome job!

um, those sister pictures are AMAZING!


congrats on the race!! Love the matching outfitss–reminds me of me and my sistas when we were little :)


Congrats girl!! And yes you should start a spinoff, that would rock all of our socks. Slash spicy food = never going to do that before a race. Thank you for the valuable lesson:)

Bee tee dubs you are GORG and I love your jacket! And definitely rain. It makes me feel like I'm in a movie, and it is like a shower so I feel much cleaner than I am:) But only if I'm wearing waterproof mascara. Otherwise it is just a mess!


Congrats to your sister!! I love that sister picture of you guys. She should definitely start her own blog.
I like running in summer rain, I did my last half marathon in the pouring rain last summer, and it was actually pretty awesome!


Ah, sister, I feel for you! The night before a marathon I had spicy chicken wings and Malbec. And no water. I was so dehydrated and my stomach was soooo upset!


Oh I should add that marathon was a 20-min PR for me; it was my first BQ time so I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger ;-)


That picture of you guys in the same outfits as when you were little is hilarious!!!
Great job on the run! From that list, I'd rather run in rain. :)


matching dress pictures… Omigosh. I almost fell off my chair I was laughing so hard. :)

HungryRunnerSister is awesome, just like HungryRunnerGirl. :) She should totally have a spin-off blog. I'd totally blog-stalk her too!

HungryRunnerSister should not have had Panda Express as a pre-race meal. ugh. I dry heaved just thinking about it.


matching dress pictures… Omigosh. I almost fell off my chair I was laughing so hard. :)

HungryRunnerSister is awesome, just like HungryRunnerGirl. :) She should totally have a spin-off blog. I'd totally blog-stalk her too!

HungryRunnerSister should not have had Panda Express as a pre-race meal. ugh. I dry heaved just thinking about it.


Great job on the run!! I totally want to see a spin-off blog. PLEASE!! :) I am loving the sister picture! Hilarious! And you two are GORGEOUS!!


Sounds like an intense race; congrats on getting to the finish! I definitely agree that having someone to cheer you on is incredibly helpful.

I'd definitely rather run in rain.


GREAT JOB RACHELLE!! Congrats on finishing!!

I'm a wimp (or just not dedicated enough to running) to run in those conditions! YUCK!

That sister picture is HILARIOUS!!!! I only have a brother and we don't have very many pictures like that.


You and your sister rock. I especially like the matching shirt picture. That just makes me laugh uncontrollably!


Yay Rachelle! I loved the post!! Congrats on the race! That is awesome. I'm training for my first half so you should post again and talk about your training schedule. PS I love love your running attire!


Great job lady!! Congrats!!!


I'm so bummed, because I totally live in Eagle Mountain and had no idea there was a race out here on Saturday. I guess being pregnant and crippled by the aches and pains that come with it has left me completely out of the local running loop. I could have come and cheered :(


Congrats! I love the Hungry Runner Girl Sisters!


Haven't had a run yet, my first is in May.

I would have to say rain. I think hail would hurt and I don't get the other choices where I live.

Yes, definitely, your sister should do a spin-off blog!! Can't wait till she starts it:)


You rock!!
And, my first race is in April, so know crazy pre-race foods (yet).
I'll definitely take the rain over the snow!


Great job on the race! I love the sister pictures… your sister should definitely start her own blog!


This post had me in tears, so funny!


I love a little dessert before dinner. A few thin mints here or there while cooking always helps! As far as an amazing Wednesday…does a 2 hour delay becasue of yet another winter storm count. I guess the extra time in bed made up for the slow moving car ride to work! Hopefully the rain we are getting now helps clear the driveway before I head home!


Congrats on the race

I am not a crazy eater before a race, my stomach is touchy as it is

I love running in the rain

I little sister off with the blogs, should be good, though getting over a 1000 followers is really tough to do


But look, you learned from your mistakes. The candied nuts were kept till the end, unlike the Starburst flavors! (Pinks are my favorite, too!)

I love the picture of your sister and you, it`s sooo adorable, and you are two very beautiful women!

And about the dumping, I just went through a breakup yesterday, too. Do you mind coming over here? He doesn`t have a car, though..

Finally: the questions: I first had that awful head gear, then braces, braces again and YES, braces for a third time! (My doctors screwed up.) and now I am on a retainer.

My fun countdown: 1. of July: no more exams!

Something awesome was my hill run today.

And about the food poisoning: I ate Pizza Baguette where all the veggies where still cold, after that I was sick for a week. And I never ate another Baguette-style pizza again. Only the real, round or square style.

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