Guess who’s back…back again, Janae’s back, tell your friends.

I can officially change my name from just plain old hungry to


I have had no knee pain for about two weeks.  I got to the gym this morning and decided I was going to try it……

I strapped myself onto the treadmill and I was going to run until I felt the slightest pain, and once I did I would go stretch and ice.

1 mile, 2 mile, 3 mile… pain.

I ran out of time.  I felt like I could have gone forever.  I had to jump off the treadmill at

TWELVE MILES at 1.5% incline!!  I had to stop, I was going to be late to faculty meeting ha!

I took it slow but I finished in 1:35

I stretched and foam rolled for 15 minutes and went to school.

Have I felt any knee pain since my run this morning?  NO WAY JOSE.

I am like a Janae in a candy store.

5 people at the gym thought I was high because I was grinning the whole time and sang ‘Like a G6’ at least 7 times out loud.

You better believe I stuffed my face like my neice when I got to school……I was H.U.N.G.R.Y.


How I healed:

1st- I think it was pump that was killing my knee.  I had never felt knee pain until I started taking pump this summer.  Once I stopped taking the class than the pain has been demolished.  ***Remember this is what works for me.  I am fine never doing a squat or lunge again but no running…..I refuse.

2nd- Foam rolling and icing like it was  b̶l̶o̶g̶g̶i̶n̶g̶ my job……I may be spending a little too much time blogging, but I love it.

3rd- Take a break. Rest days, no running (I took 2 FULL months off).

4th- For me, I wanted to keep my endurance up because I have some big dreams up ahead, so I kept cross-training.  If I ever felt pain I stopped and stretched.  This helped me keep my endurance up big time but I do feel like I lost my speed.

I am not going to run on it for a while for the risk of re-injuring myself.  I am going to cross-train with a few runs until Jan. 10th when my training for Boston begins.

Lots of icing and lots of stretching:)

Peace out my sista’s and brotha’s from ‘nother mother.


(After the Britney Spears concert, now that was a good time)

Wanna see my fitness gift list ideas??  Head on over to my besties beautiful blog,!!

Love Britney or Hate her?

-She is crazy but I love her music and she puts on an amazing show!

What was the best thing that happened to you today?

-Running, boo-ya.

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Congrats! How long were you injured?


First of all, congrats on being able to run again!! One question: does your gym not have time limits on machines? My gym has a strict 30 minute time limit… How are you able to do 12 miles without getting kicked off/dirty looks?


On no planet is 12 miles in 1:35 slow. So jealous of your super speedy legs! Congrats on a great run. May you be pain free forever!

best thing that happened to me? My hot water heater is getting replaced for FREE. total sweetness.


1:35 for 12 miles is not slow, dang girl, you impress me! 2 months off and you can run that on the tready. WOOHOO! You amaze me.


1:35 for 12 miles is not slow, dang girl, you impress me! 2 months off and you can run that on the tready. WOOHOO! You amaze me.


1:35 for 12 miles is not slow, dang girl, you impress me! 2 months off and you can run that on the tready. WOOHOO! You amaze me.


YES YES YES!! I'm so stoked for you!! :D

best thing that happened to me today? DISNEY WORLD PLANNING :D


Yayy running again! I've been a Britney fan since the beginning. I'll even admit to having an all 90s music running playlist – Britney, Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys.


Best thing that happened to me today? My friend gave me a fabulous dip server that I absolutely love! She gets me! And I got to vacuum with my new vacuum. Loved it.

by the way, you run pretty damn fast.


Oh no big deal, 12 miles. GEEK! Well I'm glad that your knee is feeling good! That rocks!! It was so smart of you to take such good care of it.

I like Britney, she's pretty cool… minus the whole kid debacle. Best thing that happened to me today…. getting my @$$ kicked by the personal trainer at the gym!


Thanks for the comment on my blog! Great post! I loved the pics. I look forward to following your journey to Boston!


YAY and i love britney. i can't wait for her next comeback ;)


Excellent! Good for you. :-)
12 miles.. I ran 12 miles last WEEK and was ok with it. 12 miles in a day is enviable….
And you are still crazy fast. I never want to see your face at one of my races!! (even though I bet we'd get along like peas and carrots…)




No knee pain + running 12 miles = my new hero :)


Congrats! I was sidelined for several years with plantar faciitis and now I am back to marathoning, so I know how good it feels to finally run pain free!


Yay, great news, so happy for you!


amazinggggg! 12 miles?!! congratulationssss i'm so happy for you!


a) 12 miles on the TREADMILL, way to go!
b) 12 miles in 1:35 = not slow! (9 miles in that time would be good by my standards!)


12 miles on your first day back? You are INCREDIBLE!

Good work, and welcome back, runner girl!


Wow, 2 months off & 12 mi on your first run back! Dang girl! Nice job….but be careful :)


I'm supposed to love Brittany because she's from LA. But she irritates the crap out of me. I hate bad decisions! Happy for you and your knee :)


I wish I was "slow" like you! I'm doing the happy dance over here for you! Taking time off really takes dedication and self discipline. You earned it!


Congratulations! That's awesome!


12 miles! DANG! I wish I could run 12 miles right now. Just give me some time and I will catch up.


Simply awesome for you. You know i am jealous, but i can still be happy for you. Awesome. Like a G6. Out.


Oh seriously, no biggie. 12 miles. Haha! You are a spaz, way to go! I am so glad you aren't hurting!!


Congrats!!!!!!!! I would loooove to be able to run 12 miles…..I'm so glad you didn't have any pain afterwards!!! =D


YAY!!!!!!! I bet you feel amazing!! I'm so glad you were pain free! Thanks again for doing the guest post. You rock my socks! xoxoxo :)


12 miles on your first day back? You're a rock star! I can't imagine 12 before school. You're my hero!! : )

LOVE Britney. Always have…even though she canceled a concert I went to 3 songs in. ugh.


say what! you took TWO full months off?! That would drive ME CRAZY! Glad you are back and feeling happy knees again though.

Janae is my daughters middle name btw.


Great job on the run! Nothing beats being able to run a long distance without feeling any pain.

Best thing that happened to me today: watching Wheel of Fortune while on the elliptical. It made the time go by much faster, and I'm a Wheel of Fortune nerd but never get to watch it.


woo hoo – shhheees baaaccck! Sweet!


AHHHH! Did you go to the Circus tour with PCD? I was at the show in Vancouver where they stopped Britney for HALF AN HOUR because too many bored boyfriends, I MEAN concert-goers, were smoking pot. The whole arena was cloudy and it made for a dangerous dancing environment…


This “free sharing” of information seems too good to be true. Like communism.


And obviously I LOVE HER!


Whoa, whoa, whoa crazy face. Twelve miles on a treadmill!!? That deserves an award right there. The only time I was ever that crazy was one time I was home from college and got bored at my parent's house, so popped in a couple movies and jumped on the treadmill…for 20 miles. WHA?! Ya, that was like 8 years ago. Not happening now.

CONGRATS on feeling better!


Coming back from an injury is the best feeling ever. Yay for you!


Okay, you just hopped on the treadmill and busted out 12 mies like it was no big thang. You're crazy – in a good kind of way of course. Congrats!!


Nothing better than that first run/ride/swim back from a tough injury. Pure euphoria. Glad you got to experience it today!


Not the best and not the worst but kinda funny…

My 6 year old told me I was going to get fat by eating plain tuna on crackers.


that is LITERALLY the BEST news i've hear ALL WEEK LONG!!!! i am so freaking happy for you! seriously you have faced this injury better than i could ever hope to and now you have overcome. not just overcome, but kicked some serious tail. you are such an inspiration.

brittney is awesome. if only i could dance like that…ah well, that's what the world of dreams is for, right?


oh oh oh oh i LOVE Brit-Brit! Yeah, I call her Brit-Brit cause we're pretty much like BFF's ;) Been a fan since the begining!

the best thing that happened to me today: being completely done with Nursing school fooooooooorever! :)


Congrats on being back! 12 miles is amazing!! I do have a question for you though. How did you not get bored with 1 hour and 35 minutes on a treadmill….running especially! When walking I can check email etc, but running I can really only listen to music and try and convince myself to keep going. I get so bored! Please give me tips to keep going on the treadmill!


Seriously? You are superwoman. Have I told you lately how amazing you are? Just making sure! :)


You were bookin' girl!! I'm SO SO SO HAPPY that you ROCKED a 12 mile run like it was nuthin'!

I bet it felt amazing to be able to flat out run when you have been cautious for a couple months.

When you started running, did you have any idea how naturally gifted you would be?! Was Boston always a dream?!


Oh my! I'm on my phone and can't even make an adequate comment here. That is just awesome! I'm SO happy for you! I hope Billy is reaping the benefits of your good fortune-ha! Ok-I can't even read what I'm typing! I will have to comment more later! And 1:35 is not SLOW!! You're just wicked FAST!


Congrats! :) I'm so happy that you can run again. This may sound funny, but althought I have just began to read your blog, you have inspired me a LOT as a runner! I get so running-motivated every time I read your blog and star to plan my future workouts. :)

Btw, what kind of running background you have? You must have worked really hard for a couple of years, because your maraton PR is so fast! How many hours per week do you work out nowadays?

Ps. Sorry my poor English. :)


That is SO great! I am so happy to hear your are rockin 12 miles with no pain! You are really inspiring me to get a foam roller and take better care of my own aches and pains! 

You niece is SUCH a cutie!!! :)


I have to say that this has got to be one of the best parts of my day…this was such a good blog post…so happy and full of life….I can seriously feel your runner's high through your words! You were probably so hyped up all day. Did people at work wonder why you were smiling from ear to ear? Well, you strike me as the kind of person who is always happy so they might not have noticed.

You played it smart! How did you get so wise at such a young age? Thanks for listing these things…great reminders. My first time using the foam roller was tonight. I'm not sure I'm doing it right so I better go back and watch your video.

I can't wait to watch you destroy the 3:00 marathon time! Because you will. And 1:35 isn't slow!! Goodness lady! For just a run at the gym?! You might want to go delete that part so you don't make the rest of us feel bad. :) joking.

Anyway, looooong comment short, you're a bad ass! So happy for your Janae!

P.s. My husband likes me blogging as long as I don't get carried away with it. If I didn't have kids, I'd be a blog crack head and I would probably be on here allllll the time. I might have more readers that way though. :) It is fun, I agree. I predict that at your rate, you will be well over 900 readers/fans in no time and you'll be one of those people on the Today Show that everyone falls in love with! :)


Are you sick of these blog books that I write on your posts yet? No need to respond. :)


Yay! I'm really happy for you :)


Oh, I am SO excited for you!! I love that you basically ran 12 accidental miles on a treadmill. AND, I love that you were smiling the whole time. I cannot wait to follow along with your Boston training starting in January. Also, yes – my Billy is a lawyer…and I used to be a teacher! We're like you…but older. ;)


I almost want to say "I Love You" when i hear things like I can run again. I'm still not running, but I'm on the mend. But this isn't about me it's about you and just getting on the Treadmill and running. I like it…

So you want my Happy News: I had 8 Athletes last night at training, and the holidays have started… That really makes me happy.


You are insane! Congrats! I probably would have died of boredom after 12 miles, but I am a lot slower than you :)


WOOOOHOOOO! I am not going to say be careful- cause you already know it and that would really bug me.

Have fun!! Anxiously awaiting updates in training!


soo happy for you. I can feel your excitement and see your smile all the way over here! Took me longer to run 9 miles and I was dying! You are super fast. Best thing that happened to me today was that I found some new workout pants and a sports bra that I love on sale. Woo Hoo!


1:35 on the treadmill! That's just crazy………


Yay for running again! I'm so happy for you :)



Wonderful news! Best thing today: came home after a 10km run at 5AM and my 9 year old son greeted me at the door and said: "dad, you are the greatest man alive".


Yaaay, so excited for you!!! Yesterday was very uneventful for me but my workout made me happy so I guess that was the best thing :D


fantastic! congratulations!

You know what's crazy? I had some serious shoulder pain issues that I'm pretty positive were from pump. As soon as I stopped going, the pain went away.


Boooyah! So excited for you – that first, pain-free run back is the BEST! You are a great example that being smart and taking some time off works – I have no idea how you've been so patient :) Excited for your Boston training to start!


HOORAY!!!! That is awesome!


Awwwww yayyy that's so awesome!!! And goes to show that you can keep running fitness while cross training…which is something I learned when I had to take time off from running earlier this year. I can't wait for you to start running regularly again!


I just read this, and that is such great news, and what a killer first run in months, so wonderful!!!!

I know you said that you took it slow, but I would kill to run 12 miles that fast, or even 10, 5, 5k, ok you get the point!

Great job, SO excited for you!


Wahoo!! Congrats on running again! I am truly excited for you!! Boston here you come :)


hip hip hooray!


I'm still sitting here with my jaw dropped to my chin realizing you nearly ran a half marathon before work. What kind of cereal do you eat in the mornings. Can't be regular Wheaties. I'd ask you to pull up your shirt to show us your Super Woman emblem, but I'm sure that gesture would get misconstrued somehow ;)

(36 year old fulltime RVer living la vida loca with a cute-butt husband and a stink-butt dog!)


Ok I'ma have to dislike cause who runs 12 miles their first day back to running? Yeah, I'm jealous of your talent! :) welcome back!

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