Workout: 30 minutes stairclimber, 10 minutes abs and 45 minutes of spinning to techno tunes with a black light that made my socks glow.  During class I kept thinking about how cool it would be if our socks always glowed, that would look so cool during a dark race. Anyone wanna go in on writing a patent with me?

Food: Oatmeal, 2 small diced apples and an egg white cooked into my oatmeal.  Try it first before you gag.  Salad and wraps for lunch as usual. Apples, broccoli, a laughing cow cheese and Halloween candy that I stole from my students for snacks.

I know this is a healthy living blog and all but I made white bread today….. gasp.

1-We don’t have any wheat flour because we spent all of our money on frozen hot chocolate this weekend so we are poor and

2-We have a ginormous 40 lb bag of bread flour from Costco just sitting in the kitchen and it is either staring at me or Billy drew creepy eyeballs on the bag.  I can’t tell.

This is my favorite bread recipe and I hope you forgive me for eating my highly processed white flour.  Relationships come first and Billy loves me more for making him white bread with cinnamon goodness inside of it than if I made him whole grain rye oat 9 nut fiber bread.

Let the dough rise and go do something active so you don’t feel bad about eating warm crusty white bread all evening and because you have ADD.


13 mile ride up the canyon.  60 degrees, gorgeous leaves and only a few idiot long-boarders darting out in front of me.


Come home, put the bread in oven, take a shower…nah.

Take out bread, pat yourself on the back and enjoy every last doughy bite.  Billy really likes me right now:)



Dinner:  Salad with carrots, shrimp, broccoli, corn, tomatoes and red onions. IMG_1797.JPG

Maybe just a few pieces of bread:)


What is your absolute favorite type of bread?

-I love love love cinnamon sugar loaves:)

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Uh can I please have a loaf of that cinnamon goodness! That is my absolute favorite! You are so talented and such a busy body. How do you have energy to go go go after teaching all day. I think I am a wimp because I am just exhausted by 8 and 3 miles is all I could bust out today for my workout. I need to get motivated by you. The weather was gorgeous today though and I loved crunching the leafs as I ran. It's a hobby of mine… Well I am super excited for yogurt on Monday! Yum, Yummy!


That bread looks delicious! I love when bread comes in funky shapes, even if it is just normal bread. My FAVORITE bread ever was from Great Harvest…it was a spinach bread with parmesan and tomato. Oh my goodness…so good. Sadly, Great Harvest does not exist in NYC.


Ooh the bread looks good! And you make it sound so easy!


That bread looks really REALLY good – I won't judge you for the white bread because the husband loves me more when I make him white bread too!


That looks SO good, I think I am more of the white bread lover than the boy, but we don't have to tell anyone:)


cinnamon sugar loaves! bread, cinnamon and sugar–seriously, all I need! YUM!


just found your blog via the blue-eyed runner. and i'm in LOVE. you're crazy fast and full of energy. and, i love that you describe your husband as a "hates runninger" cause that is the best description of my hubby too! that bread looks amazing!

so, i'll be in boston too…probably won't see you cause you'll be in wave 1 and killing it. but maybe i'll see you at the expo :)


I love the bread served at nice Italian restaurants that is crusty on the outside, chewy on the inside, and perfect for dipping in oil + herbs. :D We can all use a little white bread now and then.

I love that picture of you with the car. I love any pictures that really show fun personality. :)



I'm craving some of that bread right now…


White bread fits into a healthy living blog. Part of healthy living is not being ridiculously strict with "food rules". No need to be sorry for eating white flour :) It looks SO good! Glow in the dark socks, I love it.


Looks amazing, going to make that ASAP!


Wow!!! Billy is sooooo lucky!!!! You're the best! I ran four miles today all the while looking for rattle snacks (it's *85 in So. Cal. today!!) and thinking that running is way more fun when you are here!!!!! Miss you!!


WOW that bread looks so yummy! Mmm…
My current favourite bread is apple and cinnamon-perfect this season! :)


Janae…I am loving your blog, but mostly all of your fun energy and delious looking meals. Can you cook for me?? PLEASE?! Your a doll!


The bread looks great!



I wish I could ride with you to the canyon!! TOO FUN!!!


I wish I could ride with you to the canyon!! TOO FUN!!!


I wish I could ride with you to the canyon!! TOO FUN!!!

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