(crop ((SALE)), shorts ((the best shorts you will ever own for running))

First speed in two weeks!  With a 10k on Saturday, I felt like it was time to get the legs moving a bit and I was excited to because our sleep has been much better the last few days.

The workout = w/u and then in minutes–> 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 with equal recoveries.  Seems like a short and easy workout, feels like a very hard and long workout.  I’m not sure if that is because it was our first hot run or because it has been a minute since I did speed but either way, fitness was built so it’s all good:)

We finished at a gas station and I saw these and almost passed out… How is this a collaboration?!  These two things are delicious separate, they don’t need to be combined.

At the end of our run, we cheered for this man running by us and he told us he is 89!! GOALS.

Skye is heavily interested in trying as many different new sports as possible and her top 2 choices are currently basketball…

And mountain biking.

We met with Brooke’s infection disease doctors and they are very happy with her blood work and improvements.

We also made it over to the park.

While we were there, some people started telling us about the Geocache app.   They were brought to this specific park because of the clues on the app and they found it under the bridge in the park.  It is a worldwide scavenger hunt type app and they went on and on about how fun it is and how they have found so many of these all over the state.  You write your name on the paper inside and then exchange the little trinket inside with one that you brought.   Knox is going to love this.

(I accidentally posted this portion on Sunday but it was meant to go up today:)

A while ago, we talked for a second ago about making friends as an adult and it’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately.  Over the years, I’ve been trying to figure out what might actually be holding us back and better at doing this… Why are kids so good at this skill, but then it gets harder as adults?  I came across something this influencer talked about, and it was a ding ding ding moment—> Is it because, as adults, we worry we won’t measure up?

We aren’t fast enough, we don’t have the perfect family, our house is a disaster, we feel uncomfortable in our clothing, we laugh too loud (me), we don’t have any huge accomplishments that we feel others will think are noteworthy, we are behind on our bills, we are sad too often, etc etc etc.  Kids aren’t thinking about these things; they just go up to people and make friends with them regardless of any of the things that might hold them back.

I am never thinking about any of these things in terms of my friends and their lives, so why would I worry about friends thinking these things about mine?  I really think we are all just searching for community.  We are all craving to feel connected to other people.  We just want to feel like we are part of something (one of the many reasons I think we all love running and races, etc).  Don’t let these expectations you hold about yourself keep you from going up to someone and talking to them, hosting a book club, or asking people to go on a run with you.

I could care less about what paces my friends run, what they are wearing, how educated they are, how many square feet their house is… I just want to connect with someone over the miles, learn about their challenges and strengths, feel less alone, and be there for them if they need someone to cry with.   I love to start multiple group threads inviting anyone I can think of to come to different runs… Sometimes, one person shows up, and sometimes, everyone shows up.  I love group runs with all of my heart, and missing out on those things because I’m worried I won’t measure up to other people would be so hard.

Whether you are looking for running friends, mom friends to go to the park with, or a friend to spend evenings with going to the movies… Don’t let these worries hold you back!  That person you see at school pickup or the person you see at the grocery store often with similar-aged children or the person you see at the book store loving your favorite author too or the runner that is on the other side of the road from you… They want community just as bad as you do and will be on cloud 9 if you invite them to do something with you!

Any thoughts lately about making friends as an adult?  Would love to hear them!

Any strange food combos that you have seen recently?

Any fun apps you have discovered?

Oldest runner you have met or know?

Good morning!  I can’t believe we finally have made it to summer break.  2024 has had some extremely rocky points for us, but I am optimistic that this summer will be our best one yet and filled with health, sunshine, and time together.  Today’s post is sponsored by Walmart, and I cannot wait to show … Continue Reading

I hope your Memorial Day is a special one as we remember and honor all of those who have passed serving our country. I am so grateful to those who sacrifice in any way that they can to help those around them. My Saturday run was supposed to include a speed workout but I didn’t … Continue Reading

6.5 miles @ 8:16 average We told the nurses so many different times that we wanted Brooke to make it to her 6th grade graduation and she did. When we pulled up to the school, her friends were all waiting outside for her. It made me cry. I love her teacher so much. Brooke’s hand … Continue Reading

I don’t even know if I really explained here how this all came to be… Last Monday night (5/13), Brooke played in her soccer game and had an awesome game. The next day after school, she started complaining about her heel. I took her into urgent care to get an x-ray. I was worried the … Continue Reading

I went for a run yesterday. Brooke had lots of people at home with her, watching her every move, so I felt ready to go. It was amazing to be outside, breathing fresh air, talking with Emilee, and moving my body again. Rewind–> On Friday, they told us the MRI would take 3-4 hours (thankfully, … Continue Reading

We are home. It feels too good to be true. They were just as shocked as we were with this news. We have a bunch of follow-up appointments and antibiotics 3 x a day for 6 weeks along with plenty of resting, but we have Brooke home safe and sound. Brooke and Moose: I have … Continue Reading