Summer Bucketlisting + What We Will Wear…

Good morning!  I can’t believe we finally have made it to summer break.  2024 has had some extremely rocky points for us, but I am optimistic that this summer will be our best one yet and filled with health, sunshine, and time together.  Today’s post is sponsored by Walmart, and I cannot wait to show you what we will be wearing this summer; you won’t believe how high-quality the pieces are.  Walmart makes it easy to dress the entire family, head to toe, for whatever plans you may have.

Me: earrings, ribbed tee 3-pack, shoes. Andrew: Top, shorts, shoes. Brooke: shorts, top, shoes. Knox: shoes, shorts, top, 2-piece set. Skye: Shorts, tank, shoes. Beck: Outfit, shoes.

One of the many reasons I wanted to be a teacher growing up was my deep love for summer and knowing that with that job, I could take the summers off:).  

There is just something about summer:  

*I see approximately 100x more runners and cyclists outside.  

*The fruit and vegetables taste better (GARDEN TOMATOES).  

*Nobody judges me for having a popsicle after every meal.  

*Mornings are way less stressful, attempting to get everyone to where they need to be on time.  

*Everyone emerges from their winter hibernation happier than ever.  

I could go on and on about why summer trumps every other season (remember, we don’t have humidity here, and I’m sure my tune would change if we did, ha).  Okay, one more…. I’m just so happy to have put my winter running gloves away for five months.  

I thought I would include a few of my summer bucket list items today and would love to read yours in the comments!  

*Go scuba diving with Andrew

*St. George with the kids at least twice

*Hike to the saddle of Mt Timpanogos with the whole family (Brooke’s heel needs to improve!)

*Camp (my kids honestly choose camping over Disneyland)

*Give back to Primary Children’s Hospital by bringing meals for the families

*Mountain bike as a whole family (on a trail that is easy enough that I don’t go over my handlebars again)

*Weekly outdoor movie night and night games with the kid’s friends at our house.

*Require everyone to take showers at night because we are all so dirty from being outside all day (<–more of a goal than a bucket list item)

Now let me share some of the outfits we will be wearing over and over again this summer as we accomplish some of these bucket list items:

You will not believe how cute the kid’s clothes are at Walmart. Kids grow so fast and stain everything, I am now hooked on getting there things from Walmart because they are the cutest and the prices feel too good to be true. 

Beck: Crocs, the most adorable 6-piece mix-and-match set (9 different outfits for $12). Skye:  Sneakers, outfit

I want to live in this denim coverup. This sunhat and these sandals will also be part of my summer uniform!

These sneakers —> They’re so comfortable and just $19! I got a pair for Brooke, too, and she agrees that they should cost more than they do.

You will not find a better price for the cutest boxy T-shirt ($9) or these shorts, which you would NEVER guess were just $12.  

The shorts also come in the cutest colors and are similar to all the shorts I have spent much more on.    

This seamless sports bra will convert you to Walmart fashion the second it touches your skin.

Walmart has us covered for outfits, now we just need to plan some dates for us to dress up for:). 

Me: Dress, sandals Andrew: Top, shorts, shoes

Happy shopping!  Thank me later for finding your new favorite outfits for the whole family at fantastic prices;)


I would love to hear about your summer plans!

Do you have any summer races this year? Does your area have many summer races?

I would love to hear some things on your summer bucket list!

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Cute clothes, Janae! WalMart definitely has some cute stuff for good prices. My summer plans include spending time with my new baby boy (Nate)- we are so blessed that he is out of the NICU and healthy enough for us to love on at home! I’m also hoping to tiptoe back into running postpartum. Do you have any tips for getting back in to a workout routine after a baby? I’ve been doing some walks, Peloton rides, and a little strength, but I am chomping at the bit to start running (or at least run/walk intervals) again. Wishing y’all a great summer!


Thank you, Emily! BABY BOY NATE is home! Oh Emily. I am so incredibly happy for you all. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been while in the NICU. You are all my heroes. How far postpartum are you now? I took 8 weeks off after Beck and that was huge for me. I just did walks and I loved it. My next step was running when I could… I did not force myself to do early mornings if I had a rough night of sleep. My real routine kicks in when they are sleeping through the night, that is when I start being consistent and run early. I figure that sleep is just as important as exercise and until I am getting sleep, I let go of any expectations of anything else. I know that feeling of just craving a good run after being pregnant. Patience is everything postpartum (I learned the hard way with Brooke and really hurting my pelvis area!). You’ve got this, Emily. Enjoy every single snuggle with Nate!


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I literally cannot comprehend summer without humidity. I would love to experience it though!!
I love eating dinner outside in the summer.
I’m thinking that my next race with be the Fourth of July 8K here in town.


Molly. I do not know how you handle the humidity. When we get 5% here, I actually melt. Nothing is better than eating dinner outside. Ummm an 8k sounds so fun. You will smash it. Happy Tuesday, Molly!


I love summer too! Eating dinner outside most nights is a high priority for sure (need to do my yearly deep clean on the patio furniture). Taking the pup to Dog Beach, and just spending lazy days at the beach and pool.
We’re celebrating our 30th anniversary this summer, and we’re going to Kauai! I cannot wait!
This is the last week of school for my hubby, yay! Bring on summer.


THIRTY YEARS! Wendy, I am so thrilled for you guys. That is amazing and no better place to celebrate than in Kauai. Please post all of the pics. Happy last week for your husband, your summer sounds amazing! ENJOY!


I’m excited that summer fruits are starting to flood our grocery store. I actually get my groceries from Walmart Market (it’s just groceries and home supplies) and they carry a fabulous selection. And their ice cream is pretty amazing – I bought Great Value Rootbeer and Vanilla Float ice cream that made the best Rootbeer floats!

We have two trips planned so far this summer – we’re spending Father’s Day in Tennessee with Les’ dad and plan to be there for about 10 days. Will meet up with friends and other family while we are there. In July, Les and his brother are spending a week in Southern France, they’ll be following the last week of the Tour de France and riding some of the epic climbs (huge bucket list item for them!) My sister-in-law and I are meeting them there and we’re spending a week together with stops in Monaco and Italy.


Summer fruits > all other fruits. WALMART MARKET for the win! I will be getting that ice cream for this weekend, thank you so mcuh. I am so happy you guys will be going out to Tennessee for 10 days and then Monaco and Italy. Kathy, your summer sounds heavenly!


Our city is humid & hot being in the south, but i freaking love everything about being hot, sweaty, tanned, and baking in the sun. My skin feels so healthy and I am waaay better at drinking water in the summer.
We had our major race yesterday-57 years running makes this the oldest road race in the city and it is epic. 8k of hills (actually small mountains🤣) and it’s basically 5k of up and 3k of downhill . There’s a 95 year old lady who walks the mile now but she has done the race almost every year! We also have a 5k in august for a runner who passed away but other than that summer races don’t really happen here. I used to have an amazing half marathon in June but it doesn’t happen anymore either….but summer running is my favorite!

Hope you have a great summer & Brooke continues to improve.


I love that you embrace the humidity and my skin could definitely use some of that humidity! That 8k sounds absolutely amazing! Those small mountains sound rough and that 95 year old, wow. Just wow. Thanks for sharing and I can’t wait to hear about your summer running, you inspire me. Thanks, Loribeth!


Your summer bucket list sounds so fun! I’m so glad to hear that Brooke is doing better every day! Those scooters are a little scary.

I have three big trips planned. Italy and Greece, a Mexican cruise with my daughter, and visiting my bestie in Charleston at the end of summer. I just got a road bike and did 43 miles yesterday, so my goal is to do a 60 mi ride by the end of summer :)


43 miles. Oh my goodness, Marissa. That is awesome and I can’t wait to hear about your trips and your 60 mile ride. Sounds like the perfect summer. Thanks!!


we’re getting more and more into stay-cations..getting to know where we are…a few races, but right now, getting over a sore throat and hope to run an off road race this weekend…..and have to figure where this sore throat came from?

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