Silentish Saturday

6.5 miles @ 8:16 average

We told the nurses so many different times that we wanted Brooke to make it to her 6th grade graduation and she did.

When we pulled up to the school, her friends were all waiting outside for her. It made me cry.

I love her teacher so much.

Brooke’s hand is improving… At one point it was past the dotted lines and way more puffy.


Andrew’s work brought a massive gift basket for Brooke and the kids.

And the most beautiful sourdough.

Time outside.

With a Cafe Rio picnic.

The difference between this Friday and last Friday is pretty shocking. So so lucky.
She is so good at using her little scooter to get around.

Tell me three things you have going on today!

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So glad she is home and improving and made graduation!
Farmers Market with my daughter, Peloton ride and reading at the pool. Maybe some home/yard work but the first 3 are the fun ones.


Thank you so so much, Nancy! That sounds like the absolute perfect day. ENJOY!


Good morning Janae! Soooo thankful to read these positive updates about Brooke! I’ve been following your blog since she (and my oldest daughter) were toddlers so seeing all Brooke has been going through really hurt my heart. Enjoy your Saturday! (Oh, and my 3 things today: a run outside, the FA cup final, and a friend’s baby shower) :)


Thank you so much! We have raised our girls up together! Thank you so much:). That sounds like a perfect day. Tell your oldest daughter hello for us:)


Such great news about Brooke. I have been following your blog since before Brooke was born and it’s hard to believe that she’s now graduating sixth grade. And Curly! She’s now practically an adult! Time sure flies.

Three things for me today are a Peloton workout, lifting, and yard work. And cleaning. Ugh.


NO WAY. We have been friends for so long. Thank you Karla. It means a lot to us. I hope the cleaning goes by very very quickly. I should probably do some of that too!


Crying as I read/see what Brooke went through. Looking forward to the soccer pictures again as she gets stronger. Today I’m going for a run with my niece , a hike with the dogs and gardening- a perfect day.


Thank you, Gail. I cannot wait to see her playing soccer too. A run with your niece… best aunt ever! Enjoy the hike and gardening too!


Yay for Brooke! So, so happy for all of you.
We’re moving our son and his girlfriend into their new apartment this weekend. It’s so fun and such an exciting time. Yesterday, she and I went shopping for all the stuff they need, and they need everything!
Hoping to get in some running this weekend too. Nala had her spay surgery on Wednesday, so we’ve been in recovery mode here, which is difficult for a 1 year old Boxer, ha ha.
Keep the good recovering going and enjoy your weekend!


Thank you, Wendy! And how exciting about their new apartment! Ahhhhhhh! I bet that shopping trip was so much fun too. Oh I bet that is hard keeping her relaxed right now. Hope you have a great weekend too!


You have the best people in your life!! It’s so nice to see so much love and positivity on the internet!
Today I have ran my shake out run, watched Tadej win stage 20 of the Giro, and now need to clean the house.
Have a fun weekend at home!


Thank you, Molly. People are so so good. Ummmm forgive me because I don’t know about what race you are doing tomorrow and I need to. Tadej is unstoppable. Unstoppable.


Oh my gosh, her hand. That is amazing she was able to attend her graduation – her sweet friends waiting for her! Off topic: My daughter is on a little vacation before starting a new job, she hiked at Zion National Park yesterday. She sent the most beautiful photos, Utah is breathtaking.

3 things, run, garden and make a huge fruit salad! *No reason, just in the mood lol. Fresh pineapple and all the berries.


Right?! We felt so loved by her friends and classmates yesterday. I LOVE that your daughter came here! Can I have some of that fruit salad, it sounds so good right now. Hope you have a beautiful one and thank you!


You are so genuine and inspiring. I love reading your blog, it always makes my day. I’m so glad your daughter is okay.

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