I’ve learned… (+ today’s sales)

I hope your Memorial Day is a special one as we remember and honor all of those who have passed serving our country. I am so grateful to those who sacrifice in any way that they can to help those around them.

My Saturday run was supposed to include a speed workout but I didn’t have it in me. Between the rain and feeling completely drained still, I didn’t think it was a good idea to put myself in a hole by trying to run fast, too. Years ago, I probably would have forced the speed no matter what, but I’ve learned to listen much closer to my body and what it is telling me it needs.

I have a 10k this Saturday and who knows, maybe this 2 week taper will be my secret to a new 10k PR;)

I love this tree tunnel so much.

Brooke is getting really good at maneuvering her scooter around.

Her grandpa came into town to visit and took us to her favorite restaurant!

Beck was happy to be out in the real world with everyone.

Every night was outside with the neighbors.

She is doing better and better each day!

Just in case you want to check out some sales today… Affiliate links included!

*The adizero crop top is on sale that I love, along with this high-intensity sports bra (the purple is too cute), the own the run tank top (so breathable and I have it in black and white), my favorite spandex, and the run leggings (the pockets are so good). Use code SUMMER for 30% off!

*Athleta has the cutest $17 shorts today, perfect for casual days. Their summer kick-off sale is up to 60% off here today.

*The Ninja creami ice cream maker is $80 off today.

*Our precious pebble ice machine is on a huge sale. I don’t know how I ever survived life without this machine.

*It’s the Nordstrom Half-Yearly Sale (up to 50% off)! The Zella jumpsuit, these tee’s, these biker shorts, this tank, and this racerback tank are all in my cart. Also, my favorite chelsea boots that I wear all winter long are on sale now, too:)

*Almost everything is 50% off at Old Navy!

I would love to hear what your plans are today!

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Yay for being at home and outside! I’m always so in awe of your mountains, too!
I just bought your black boots. Thanks for being such a good influence!! ha
Today I am mostly working. I’m hoping to get a walk in afterwards to shake out my legs from yesterday’s half marathon. It began to rain during the race while I had my sunglasses on. I decided I was just going for Clayton Young vibes! I can’t wait to see how your 10K goes!


CONGRATS on your half marathon yesterday. The pictures all looked amazing. You are on fire and the Clayton vibes looked so good on you. Next time you are in Utah, you better be coming to my house. I will take you all over the mountains. AND YAY for the boots, you will love them all winter long. Thanks Molly, happy Monday!


I love seeing Brooke out with everyone! And good for you for not pushing the speed.
I got a ton of yard work done yesterday, so today I plan on spending time reading in the hammock. Everyone will be home tonight, yay, so BBQ outside will definitely happen.
Have a wonderful day Janae


She is back in action! You make me want a hammock so badly, I think I will have to this summer. Enjoy the bbq with everyone, that sounds perfect. Thanks friend, you too!


Happy Memorial Day! Our plans include lounging, and reading, and lounging and eating and grilling and that’s about it. Sounds like perfection!

Question for you if you ever have time…. My fam (hubs and my 18 and 15 year old kids) are flying into Vegas in July and so badly want to see Zion and anything else amazing while we are there within a few hours drive time. Do you have any recommendations on where to go or things we have to do? I also really want to go to St. George after seeing all your amazing pics from there. I am not a planner so this is very difficult for me to think ahead lololol.

Have a great day!


Amy, I am so excited for you guys to go to Zion! We absolutely love Bryce Canyon. Snow Canyon is in St. George, and that is a must. Riding bikes on the Snow Canyon trail is the absolute best. The Coral Sand Dunes are amazing, too. This website has the best hikes listed out in each park–>. https://adventureswithtucknae.com/favorite-places-in-utah/. Please let me know how it goes and what your favorite spots are. I’m so excited for you!


Happy Memorial day!

It is our one year wedding anniversary so we will do something to celebrate..:)

Have a great day!


How has it already been a year! Happy anniversary! I hope you guys are off to do something fun and, I’m guessing, adventurous :). Thanks Kristine!


Hi Janae, thank you for starting your blog post with what Memorial Day is supposed to be about. 2 of my children are currently serving in the military (Marines and Navy) so it hits close to home for me. My husband also served in the Navy and I see the sacrifices he and my kids make for our great country. I also appreciate even more those who have died serving. God bless them and their families.
Have a great day!


Jessie. You and your family are my heroes. Thank you to all of you. I respect you so much!


i’ve been reading the blog since brooke was a baby – i’m so glad she’s doing better!
just a heads up that that style of doll is considered very offensive by a lot of people. i’m certain your friends didn’t realise but might not be the one to have on brooke’s scooter. more info here – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golliwog


OH MY GOODNESS! I HAD NO IDEA!!!!! Thank you for helping me out with this and keep in touch, Kate!

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