I couldn’t do this in the past (tracking), but I can now…

(shorts, shirt, shoes)

Do you ever just stand there and stare at your running shoes and feel so grateful for how much they have improved (looks and function wise) over the years? I hope I’m not alone in this.

They are saying this is our last freeze of the season and it is bringing me hope because my fingers are still cold from yesterday.

Imagine how sad Brooke was when we took her to her favorite acai bowl shop, and she realized the only topping her throat could handle were the bananas.

Andrew still cannot run after his ankle broke last October, but biking doesn’t hurt it one bit. His gravel bike has saved him this winter when the trails are too muddy for mountain biking.

We had soccer last night.

And had special visitors–> My brother and my nephew.

I was absolutely frozen.

It doesn’t matter how cold it is outside, my kids will happily eat snow cones.

As I am currently going through some early perimenopausal symptoms, I’ve been reading a lot about what I can do to help at this stage of life. One of the things I’ve been reading about is making sure I am getting enough protein. That then threw me down a rabbit hole about researching how much protein athletes need, and then I decided to track a normal day for me with protein. I hit around 60, and for how much I run, that is low. I am great at getting it in after a run, but as the day goes on, I eat less and less protein.

For so long after recovering from an eating disorder, I refused to track one thing because that was such a big part of my problem in my 20s. I would track calories obsessively in my early 20s, not to make sure I was getting enough but to help me get less. So, all of these years since, I have just tried to eat well and intuitively (intuitively, it turns out I eat 90% carbs;) without tracking, but wow, looking at it a few weeks ago, I realized I need more protein. I always thought I was getting plenty, but this has been eye-opening. I’m just tracking for a bit until I make it a habit to get plenty of protein, but I’m excited to see what upping it does for my training and overall energy.

On a few sports nutrition podcasts I’ve listened to recently, the dietitians have said that the biggest problem a lot of runners face is not getting enough calories or nutrients. So here is a reminder… We may think that we are getting plenty of nutrients and calories to keep up with our activity levels, but we may not be!

I would love to hear your thoughts on making sure you are getting enough or tracking or what works best for you?

What was the longest break you have ever had to take from running?

What shoes did you run in today?

Boston 12s

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Tracking can make such a huge difference in training!! I do macro coaching and see my clients makes amazing strides in strength, time, endurance and energy- both for runs and life!!! It’s amazing to see the benefits when you fuel your body well! I’m excited to see your changes with this. @themacrocounselor


Oh my goodness, I am SO excited to see what it does! Excited to follow you! Thanks, Cassie!


Yayyy!! Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help at all!


I had a similar issue! Not tracking weight or calories has helped a lot, but recently I weighed myself and it didn’t ruin my whole day or define me! Maybe after so many years we can start healthily tracking things when needed, like protein or carbs for carb loading or weight.

Brooks Levitate


What a beautiful step. I feel this in so many ways. FREEDOM! Oh my goodness, the Levitates! I MISS THOSE! Have a beautiful day, Mariah!


Great job getting on top of your protein now! It’s so important to help us not lose muscle as we get older. I aim for at least 100g/day but it takes practice! Protein shakes help me get it all in.

Warm weather is coming! I know this is cliche – but enjoy even the cold soccer games. You really will miss them when they are older.

Have a great day!


Thank you! That is my goal now too… over 100! I hit 109 the other day and started clapping for myself. You are so right. I will! Thank you, Colleen! Have a beautiful day!


This is very interesting to me. I’m starting down the menopause road, really haven’t done much reading about it, but now I think I will. I’m sure I’m on the low side for nutrients and protein. Thank you for sharing!
Oh my goodness it looks so cold at Skye’s soccer game! You definitely need warmer weather to show up.
I think I’m wearing my Saucony endorphin speeds for my run today. They’re the ones I wore for my half, and they make me so happy.
So good to see Brooke outside. Will she be back to school next week?
Have a good Thursday!


Protein protein protein! Let me know what you find interesting as you start your research! Hahah it truly felt like January! I was wondering what shoes you wore for your half. I hope your run was a good one! Yes, next week is the goal! Crossing all of my fingers and toes! She is still on so much medication! Thanks friend, you too!


I just wanted to quickly recommend Jessica Spiers on IG and YouTube. She is the true queen of clean nutrition, an incredible source of knowledge, has a double masters from Stanford and is a Mom who is turning 40 this year. Her guidance has helped transform my healthy, wellness and nutrition in a life changing and sustainable way. My family and I have never had better nutrition. Her content is amazing. I am currently learning also from Dr. Mark Hyman but I wouldn’t say his low carb (no grain, gluten) approach is sustainable for runners because of the lack of the ability to gain and store glycogen for our muscles. I don’t ever track but I am very conscious. Every podcast I’ve listened to with top wellness experts all say the importance of protein. Everyone of them. What I have found helpful, is I also make big batches of our proteins so I can have leftovers and throw them in or on top of meals throughout the day. Honestly I could eat salmon cold with some greens. Eggs especially fried ones go good on top of more things than you think. Season them with spices. Cottages cheese whole fat, is also something I’m loving. Think of making your açaí bowls but with cottage cheese. I put all the toppings.

Im currently at the last few days of the longest I have ever gone without running, it’ll be six weeks due to an ankle injury. Hoping to tackle some miles or my first attempt back on Monday! (Knock on wood)


I am SO excited to find her and learn from her. I am so happy for you and your family and thank you for sharing your tips on getting in more protein. This is truly exactly what I need. I am THRILLED that you are going to be running again soon. I hope your ankle is 100% on Monday and that all of the endorphins rush in quickly:). Thanks, Shannon!


Everyone should be eating their body weight or target weight in protein grams, ideally in whole foods. Adequate strength training as well to prevent muscle loss and not mess up your metabolism by only doing cardio.

P.S. Did you change a security script or something on your web page? I can no longer view your webbpage at work.


UGGGGGGGGG so many people are having this problem! I just sent your question to my host. I am SO sorry about that. Thank you! I’m fully in on that now… wish I wouldn’t have waited for so long! Have a beautiful day, John!


I have a similar history as you with food. I had to stop tracking in order to have a healthier relationship with food. I follow Intuitive eating now and that has been helpful.
The longest break from running I took was a bit over 10 years. I had to stop due to recovering from an eating disorder and running had become a trigger for me. I started running again earlier this year with support from medical professionals and I am doing so safely and it has been absolutely amazing. It feels great to reclaim running. I am so grateful to have it back in my life in a healthy and positive way.
I am currently running in the Brooks Ghost 15. I have the light blue ones and they make me happy. I love wearing a blue shirt to match my shoes.


Yep, stopping the tracking when we are in a bad place is SO healing. Thank you for sharing your story with us. It sounds like running is something that is completely different than it used to be for you now. I get it. “It feels great to reclaim running.” What a beautiful sentence. Keep me updated with it all and now I need to go look at the light blue Ghosts! I hope your morning is off to a great start, Cara.


I eat 150+ grams of protein a day. I was very Carb heavy but had gained weight with Menopause and something had to change. I started working with a 1st Phorm coach and she has helped me (over time) to increase Protein and lower carbs. It’s working but it was a real tough mind shift.


That is amazing, Jill! I hot 109 the other day and felt like I deserved an award. I love that you are working with someone on this! I hope you have a beautiful day!


I have also really struggled with getting enough protein, especially as a masters runner. I didn’t realize how much I needed until I started following Meghann Feathersun and listening to Fuel for the Sole. Meghann has a lot of info to calculate protein needs based on (real or estimated) body weight. I don’t weigh myself but I can usually ballpark it, so I just do that. It’s been SO eye opening!
I can’t have dairy, which complicates things, but I started filling in deficits with things like protein powder, peanut butter, almond milk yogurt, and Ripple protein milk. I try really hard go get it all from whole foods, but it’s difficult! I don’t eat a ton of meat, but I do eat a lot of fish, mostly salmon, eggs, tofu, beans, fortified grains (farro has a lot of protein) and also chicken. Once you start figuring out what works you won’t need to continue calculating and you’ll just know. I think you’ll notice the difference too, I did!

Have a great day, Janae!


Meghann Feathersun is amazing. I have learned so much from her about fueling before, during and after the run but now I’ll go read everything she has to say about protein all day. Off to go buy some Salmon because I am already sick of meat haha. I’m so excited about this. Thank you for sharing your story with me and I hope you have a beautiful day, Annemarie!


I recently started tracking my protein too! I went from only having about 50-60g a day to about 130g a day and the changes have been insane. I no longer crave sweets as much as I used to, I have way more energy through the day, and my runs feel better! I don’t follow my weight too often, just how my clothes feel, but I look and feel my best if I’m consistently getting over 100g protein each day. Today I’m running in the brooks ghost 15s!


Jordyn. We are twins. I cannot believe the difference this is making in my sweet tooth. WHO AM I?!! And the energy. How did we do 50-60 for so long?! SO happy for you! Let’s keep up with getting over 100g each day. I feel like a new woman. Oh, I love the ghosts! Have a beautiful day!


Tracking is super tough for me, for the same reasons you explained. I’ve been in ED recovery for about 12 years, and have refused to look at labels, cals, macros, etc. After teaching Sports Nutrition in my Exercise Science courses for the past few years, I’ve learned slowly *AND* surely reflected on how to work with food in a healthy way. I’ve been slightly more interested in tracking lately, and going over any anxious feelings with my therapist.:)


You keep doing whatever you need to do! I felt that same anxiety feeling too when I first thought about tracking but looking at it as to make sure I’m getting ENOUGH rather than limiting took the anxiety away for me. Good luck and I love that you know what you need and you are working with your therapist. Keep me updated, Tiffany! I hope you have a beautiful day!


Ran in my Clifton 8s this morning– I desperately need a new pair!

Did you see that the New York Times did an article about Connor and Clayton? So good!


I DIDN’T… Off to go read it! Oh the Clifton 8s. I wish they would bring them back so bad. Thanks Molly, have a beautiful day!


What are your go to protein foods? I need more too.


Right now I am using Core Power, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, chicken, string cheese, kodiak cakes and hamburgers the most. I hope you have a beautiful day, Mary!


I focus on the protein at the meal or snack then build around it. So like breakfast I always have eggs and turkey bacon, then build around that for carbs and fats. Lunch and Dinner same thing choose the meat then build around it. Hope that makes sense.


The perimenopause thing is so interesting to me. I’m 42 and when I started increasing my protein too high (above 150, sometimes as high as 200g per day) I started experiencing night sweats! Once I went back down to more of a plant based approach to eating and increased my carbs, my night sweats vanished! I think you have to play around with what will work for you. The general advice I was implementing on myself just did not work for my body. I also felt sluggish and had an over all heavy feeling in my body with higher protein. Of course, some women feel great on a higher protein diet! You just have to do what works for you! I have found that I just don’t do well with a high protein diet. Once I increased my carbs through more beans, veggies and fruit and decreased my animal proteins (though not eliminated them entirely), my night sweats went away and my running times drastically improved without even trying! I also have way more energy now :) I wish I did better with more protein b/c I truly enjoy those types of food but my body just does better with more carbs. Good luck on your journey and keep us posted! Love reading about everyone’s unique experiences with all of this :)


Great post! I am post-menopausal and I’m also on a tracking track to get enough protein. I’ve known for a little while that I need more. So how did you size your Boston 12s compared to your Superblasts? I can’t try on locally and that’s the only thing holding me back from getting some and some Pros, so TIA for the help! (I’m 7M/8.5 W in SB).
I ran in a fresh, hoarded pair of Asics Novablast 2 today. :)


I’m on the same page with trying to up my protein game as I navigate perimenopause. And like you naturally gravitate toward carbs and salads. It really has helped me feel fuller and sleep better though with being intentional about getting in protein.

Asics Gel Nimbus

And Brooke, you’re doing so great, hopefully almost out of the woods!


This post is perfect timing for me! I’ve been struggling with hormonal imbalance stuff and have been reading about how protein can really help that so I just started tracking my macros. I’ve been using the app MacrosFirst. The free version has everything I need. I used to track calories and so I really didn’t want to go down that rabbit hole again… This app tracks calories too but the main focus is much more on your macros. Keep us updated on how you are feeling!! Would love to read a more in depth post about what made you look into it and what you are doing. Maybe a Friend to Friend post? Have you looked into somatic exercises?


I track protein and fiber and it’s been SO helpful. I aim to get my body weight in grams (120/day) in protein and 30g of fiber. While occasionally it’s hard to hit my goals (b/c each meal really needs to revolve around protein) now that I’ve been doing this for 4 yrs, it’s second nature. I feel *great* and don’t have the energy dips I used to have after carb centered meals.

My best tip is to front load your protein so you aren’t struggling to get it in at the end of the day. I do 2 servings of Fage yogurt with blueberries and PB2 powder every morning. It’s 50g of protein and keeps me really full. If I’m low at the end of the day, I eat Lillie’s shake for dessert (instead of my usual Yasso bars) for an additional 20-30g. (https://lillieeatsandtells.com/chunky-chocolate-peanut-butter-protein-shake/)


Mel’s Kitchen Cafe just posted something the other day about an app that only tracks protein! Might be something to look into since you don’t care as much about the other macros.


Protein can sure be tricky but I sure feel more satiated with a proper intake. I do not eat meat but have added eggs, cottage cheese, and some cheese and I feel so much better. Mixing a protein and higher Protein carb can boost your amount too: orange lentils with brown rice as a base to a “bowl” meal, chick pea pasta with your regular sauce, quinoa and garbanzo salad with feta and nuts/ seeds are some of my go-to concoctions. Sometimes I recommend people to look up vegan protein meals then add their preferred protein in addition with the recipe to get a power punch.


Are you still drinking your green smoothies? Is there much protein in them? Just curious.


yeah, no…I’ve tried tracking my diet, using apps, way too much work..I just eat well, and eat a lot, and almost always….
as for shoes, it’s intersting how things have changed, selling them, now so many choices, and the way they address different issues….I’m so glad we’re getting away from stability and motion control….but, trying to explain new runnets that ‘no they don’t need carbon fibre and they don’t need to spend $300 on shoes….grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…..

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