Moody + My Recommendation + Our Weekend!

(Long sleeve, tank, shorts)

Happy Monday! We finished off last week with a 15-mile long run @ 7:23 pace.

We decided to throw in a 20-minute tempo on a slight down/flat section and I made the choice to see how poorly I could pace it;). I went out so fast, and I started seeing more stars with each minute. I guarantee when I am 70 years old I will still be making this mistake at times.

The canyon was especially moody on Saturday.

I often get questions about recommendations for running coaches, and goodness, do I have one for you today. I have known Kodi for years, and besides her impressive times, she is one of the best humans I have ever met. She is now offering in-person and online coaching. I asked her if I could share this about her because I know she will be able to make a big difference in so many athletes’ lives. Her PRs are a 1:12 in the half, a 2:32 marathon, and a 16:36 5k. She would love to work with any pace and goals!

“Running has been a companion to me for the majority of my life. It’s taught me to stay strong, stay patient, and love the process of living as I’ve come to respect it more and more. I think everyone could benefit from developing a loving relationship with running!

Reach me at (435) 813-2633 or [email protected]

I’m glad we agreed to lift after our run the night before we went because I wouldn’t have said yes if we had come up with the idea after the run. My glutes are so dang sore from this move:

I don’t even remember what we did with our Saturday’s before the soccer season began.

After all of the games we went out with Megan D and her husband.

Sunday was a pretty relaxing day. I took the longest nap and woke up feeling like a million bucks.

Our chickens are so incredibly loved.

We hit the jackpot with a surprise visit from nieces and nephews.

Our happiest times are on the scooter.

Baseball every night is our new thing.

My blog was broken most of Friday and parts of the weekend too (hence, no Saturday post) but it is back up and I thought I would include the links from my Friday Favorites post here too:

My spring/summer non-running clothes wardrobe:

*These birkenstocks.

*These Levi denim shorts.  I have them in Ojai Luxor Last and also in Black.  Friends ask me where they are from whenever I wear them!

*This jumper… My friends have it in the shorts and pants version and I had to copy them with the jumper but I truly want all three.

*The skim dupes t-shirts… They are so soft and feel much more expensive than they actually are.

*These oversized shirts with biker shorts!

*This matching short/shirt set… I wore this so often last spring/summer.

*Andrew brought home this super light orange button-up, perfect for spring… I’m buying the matching shorts to use as a swim coverup, too.

Anyone else have chickens? How many eggs do you get?

-Usually one a day or every other day from each chicken.

Tell me a highlight (or more) from your weekend!

Do you like naps… do you wake up feeling better or worse?

Anyone else currently living on sports fields, too?

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We just got chicks so no eggs yet! But 15 chicks. That my black lab thinks are walking chicken nuggets. How did you socialize your dog to them?


YAY for 15 chicks! They really are the best! Our chickens now come out every morning and roam the yard until they put themselves to bed at night in their coop! Beretta doesn’t go near them and they don’t go near her either. When they were little she did grab one one time (it was totally fine but gave us all a heart attack) and we let her know that wasn’t okay… We just had to make sure we were back there with her anytime they were together. Once they got bigger, she has no interest in them. I think she is probably nervous about them pecking her now that they are huge ha. Our chickens bring me so much joy… they give us the best eggs, they make my kids so happy and eat all of the bugs in our back yard haha. Keep me updated on your chicken adventure!


I thought I had dodged a week of amazing links but now I have to practice restraint again today. My husband’s birthday is today so my credit card is feeling a little tired from all the birthday fun so far. I’m pretty sure he wanted that Alison Roman themed birthday dinner last night rather than making that menu for myself. hehehe
I am so jealous of your canyon run! My lungs don’t miss that altitude, but I miss the views.
I was supposed to run an 8K this weekend but there was packet up pick up disaster and I didn’t do it. I have messed up 2/2 races this year. It’s going well!
How amazing is it that your nieces and nephews hang out with your family so often?? Love that!


Nope, I’m here to influence you today to spend money ha. Happiest birthday to your husband. Off to check your IG for your dinner pics to make me drool. Truly, I need to race more at sea level. The altitude kills me here. haha I have a good feeling about race 3 of 2024. If all teenagers were like my nieces and nephew, they are a dream. Happy Monday, Molly!


Yes to naps and yes to spending all of my free time on a sports field. But it’s so fun to watch your kids find activities they truly enjoy and excel in (even if I still don’t know the first thing about soccer).

I raced my first half this weekend and outside of committing the cardinal sin of going out too fast (and then staying well ahead of my goal pace for too long), I managed to finish under my goal time and goal pace but man I hit the wall at mile 10. I took top female and 3rd overall so I was happy. It was a great morning for a race but can already tell I need to hydrate more as the weather warms. I liked the half more than I thought and will definitely be doing more.

As for chickens – hard pass!

P.S. Your non-running clothing recommends are amazing – thanks for sharing them.


CONGRATULATIONS! KJ! Top female and 3rd overall. Sounds like you raced it amazingly! And under your goal time. I am thrilled for you! PLEASE let me know what you do next!

I totally agree with you about kid’s sports… Whatever they are passionate about makes me passionate about it. It’s so fun. Happy recovering!


I LOVE a good weekend nap these days. I can now at my age (43) take a long nap and still knock out at 10pm and never feel groggy or restless.

Highlight of the weekend, I had a great run in new sneakers. Nothing like a fresh pair of new sneaks.


I’m right there with you, Jacinta. Andrew wonders how I can still fall asleep at my normal time after taking a monster nap. It’s a talent. NOTHING like a fresh pair of shoes, you’ll have to let me know what you ran in. Have a beautiful day!


Living on baseball field 4 nights of the week! Do you do weights without shoes?


Hahaha I feel you! What did we do with our time before sports? I do when I’m wearing expensive shoes… I don’t want to waste one step not running fast in them;). Hope you have a beautiful day, Mary!


San Diego birthday weekend = so many highlights! We ate so many good things – found a Mexican restaurant that made their own corn tortillas, tried sweet corn pancakes at Encuentro Cafe (Venezuelan food) and had the most amazing peppermint malt at Corvette Diner! We got new shoes from Road Runner Sports – it was fun seeing my name on their digital board as a VIP member for 24 years. And we went to the SD Zoo and rode our bikes around Mission Bay. Epic way to turn 60!

I am the 20 minute power nap taker and Les can nap for 2 hours then fall right asleep that night.


I am so happy to read that you had such a great birthday weekend! I need to go to the Venezuelan and Mexican restaurants… yum. 24 years, that is so great, Kathy! Truly the best 60th birthday. I’m like Les:). Happy Monday!


I love naps! Sometimes I wake up feeling more tired, but after long runs it’s totally worth it.


Worth it and needed! Hope you have a beautiful day, Mariah!

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