The Midlife Crisis is Expensive -> my new hobby:)

Wasn’t it just like 3 weeks ago that I was pushing her around in the jogging stroller around San Jose?  She only has a few weeks left of elementary school! HOW?

This is a nice blurry screenshot from a video that I took from the run. My friend in the middle is running Boston next month; she will be in the ELITE corral. I’m so tempted to fly out to spectate.

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I am still so in love with this watch (my review is here).  The bright screen is one of those things that puts a pep in my step.

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Beretta would be glued to Andrew if she could. This pup sure helped Andrew during his single years when Knox was gone, too. They have been through a lot together.

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I started a new course!  This midlife crisis thing is getting expensive;).  I’ve been scuba diving once when I was younger in Hawaii, but for some reason, that company didn’t require certification (um, probably not my best idea), and I loved it.  Andrew and I have been talking about doing this forever, and I finally signed up.  He is already certified, so we can start diving together after I get my certification.

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We ran some errands…

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We got to take my mom out for lunch to celebrate her birthday.

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And then I hung out with my nephew…

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He is also training for a marathon, so we went to the running store to have him try on shoes. Skye did laps the entire time we were there.  My nephew decided on the Brooks Launch!

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Evan Kim is only 12 and just ran a 2:58 in the Ventura Marathon; I can’t imagine!  At her age, the mile in PE nearly killed me.

I would love to hear your thoughts on whether teens/tweens should be able to run Boston.

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Scuba diving… Who has done it?  Favorite places you have gone?   Would you like to if you haven’t?  

Is anyone else picking up a new hobby these days?

What are you making for dinner tonight?

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I’ve only scuba dived at the Great Barrier Reef in Australia (I know I sound so spoiled). I actually didn’t love being under water that long. I was holding onto an instructor the entire time but panicking a bit even though I love swimming. My husband loved it though. He did a scuba diving course after our trip and loves going diving. He has mostly done local diving in upstate NY in rivers. My sister is planning her wedding in Mexico for next summer and my husband is looking up diving spots around Tulum. I’m sticking with snorkeling for now. Although I feel like if I did a course and started in a swimming pool maybe I would be more comfortable with diving.


That. Sounds. Absolutely. Amazing. We are dying to go to Australia. And Tulum, what a fun destination wedding. You guys are going to have a blast! Have a beautiful day, Alicia!


Xel-ha Park outside of Tulum, Mexico was great for snorkeling and I believe there was scuba diving too.


Thanks Corry. Definitely will check that out.


I am also obsessed wtih that Garmin–is it the Forerunner 265? I love it. I’m also a big fan of Brooks Launch. I’ve been wearing them for years and when I line up at a start, everyone’s got on fast shoes…and I’ve got my launch’s on! :)


Yes! It really is such a good watch. Hey, I have done many speed workouts in the launch. They are a fabulous and fast shoe. Have the best day, Avery!


I would be concerned about internal pressure for a 12 year old no matter how much he/she denied any pressure. I’m also curious about that level of stress on a growing body.
Has this nephew always had curly hair??
If you road trip to Boston to spectate your friend, swing by and pick me up, please!! I’ll bring snacks.
Ok, and in today’s Tadej update…! Yesterday in the beginning of a 100+ mile race, he and a teammate pulled a prank by hiding in the bushes from the peloton. Sadly there is no recording of this. I guess they were 200 meters ahead, decided to conveniently take a “nature break” and to trick the other cyclists. And then he came out of the bushes and beat the field by 90 seconds in freezing rain, atop a 7,000 foot mountain. I’m still trying to process how this person is human.


I can barely handle the internal stress with these things at 38 ha! Not sure I would have been able to at 12. With age it has gotten curlier and curlier for him. I will absolutely grab you and enjoy the footage you got like you did in Chicago. A NATURE BREAK! And he still won? Maybe this is all AI or he is a robot or survival of the fittest theories have resulted in people like Tadej. Incredible!


Scuba diving is one thing I am deathly afraid of 🤣. I could never. I love that hobby though!!! It’s so fun to pick up new things at our age. I just started boxing and…I love it. Like I would love to get to a point where I could actually fight. 🥴🤣
I have mixed feelings on someone that young running a marathon. I’m beyond impressed by her. Incredible. But they’re so hard on your body and that is SO young. I guess you could say similar things about young competitive athletes in other sports too. But it just seems so unnecessary to run that far at that age. I wouldn’t let my own daughter do it. Curious to see other opinions!
We’ve been living the Trader Joe’s 5 ingredient cookbook btw!!! Game. Changer.


Haha maybe I need to be more afraid. BOXING. Okay, now that is cool. I want to come with you. It really is so true, I’m sure Olympic trajectory gymnasts are putting just as much stress on their bodies but that feels normal to us?! I have no idea! I would definitely not have my girls though too. Off to purchase the cookbook. I can’t wait. I also found this account that I’m loving:
Have a beautiful day, Mollie!


Hi Janae!
I don’t feel the 12 year old should be running marathons. Just because someone CAN do something doesn’t mean they SHOULD be. I would be more concerned with her long term potential and wellness. The teen years involve so much growth…that is hard enough on a body!!!

Scuba diving sounds scary to me as I am afraid of the water…but the views sure are amazing! Anxious for you and Andrew to go on adventures together.

No new hobbies for me quite yet but I do wish to learn more about cooking. I watch FOOD network often and I am amazed at what those chefs can create.

Tonight’s dinner will be a recipe I have for Honey Pecan chicken breasts. Easy and tasty!

Have a great day!!!!


Ohhhhh that is a great point. Can does not = should. Thanks for sharing that. Hoping that I don’t get freaked out and waste the expensive course ha. FOOD network is so fun. That sounds delicious, ENJOY! Thanks, LC!


I remember a time just before Brooke was born . It’s amazing how fast time flies. My girls are grown now and I have a 3 year old Grandson! I’m really not sure how that happened. I’m still 29 right??!! 😂

My daughter is scuba certified. She loves it although has only done lake diving. I’ll stick to snorkeling 🤿

Wow! Evan Kim is an amazing young lady. As for running in Boston I would say if she’s training as an Olympic athlete then they should let her run. She’s proven herself more than capable. I would say that those under 18 should be reviewed on a case by case basis with it being the exception not the norm.


It really is the strangest thing to feel like that was a month ago and also a lifetime ago at the same time. You have a grandson! Amazing how that happened when you are 29:). I bet you are the greatest grandma. More than capable that is for sure! I’m just so amazed she has the drive to marathon, I was too busy playing with my American Girl dolls still at that age ha. So impressive! Hope your day is a wonderful one, Lisa!


I would love to pick up a new hobby I just can’t find anything I care about that much. Plus I’m not sure I have the time or mental bandwidth for anything else right now. Running, work, kids and running a household keeps me busy enough.

I do want to add that I did the Michigan workout this morning – I needed a speed workout and didn’t want to just do laps. I love that workout – thank you for sharing.

I will not be cooking tonight. Our kids go to church on Wednesday nights (where they feed them) and I insist on my husband taking me on dates (when he’s not working) while the boys are at church.

It’s a beautiful day in Central Kansas! Perfect morning running weather. Hope everyone has a great Wednesday.


MICHIGAN WORKOUT. KJ. That workout is something else. Congrats on that one. I love your Wednesday date night tradition. That is perfect. Enjoy the weather, we are getting the sun too and my mood is so much better because of it. Happy recovering after a great workout and enjoy your date!


Good morning! Just putting it together, that you used to live out in San Jose Ca? I live in Mountain View. Small world! I took your suggestion and went to my shoe fitting and was recommended on Brooks Ghost Maxs for treadmill training. I also sized up like you suggested and have switched my socks. The socks maybe have been the main culprit so my feet and I thank you! I have been temporarily sidelined from establishing my running schedule because of my kids were sick and shared with me. It’s the worst when you’ve reached your personal best just to sit it out right after. I have to ask, I don’t have an actual running coach or belong to any running community groups. Not yet at least. Do you have a recommendation for a free resource that can help devise a training program for a half marathon? Wishing you a good day! Oh and I hope one of my girls will run Boston one day! But not until they’re at least in high school to marathon train. I never wanted to run the mile either at that age!


Brooke was born in Mountain View! Such a beautiful area. YAY for the Brooks Ghost. I am so excited for your new foot setup, they are going to be so happy now. I hope you get feeling like yourself again asap! Ugggg. So frustrating. As far as free resources go, I’m always a big fan of Hal Higdon’s plans: I’ve done many of his workouts, they are awesome and you can choose your skill level and distance very easily. Hope you all feel great soon. Thanks Shannon!


I have scuba dived once. I am not sure if this counts as a midlife crisis but years after completing university I am thinking about grad school lol

As a long time runner honestly think that 12 is a bit too young to be marathoning. Regardless I think that Boston shouldn’t lower their age limit just because someone is young and fast. This girl hasn’t hit puberty yet.She will have a lifetime to race. Too much too soon has the potential for long lasting harm. But that is my 2 cents :)

Have an amazing day Janae!

PS Brooke looks like a teenager now:)


KRISTINE. Okay, that gave me chills! You have to keep me updated on your grad school plans! I agree; they need to stick to their 18-year-old rule, having younger athletes puts a lot of liability on them too. I KNOW… I truly cannot believe what is happening. Have a beautiful day.


Scuba diving… Who has done it? Favorite places you have gone? Would you like to if you haven’t?
hi Janae! I think about this one a lot living here in HI. I am much more inclined to learn to be better at free diving than scuba but looking forward to your experiences!

Is anyone else picking up a new hobby these days?
I started writing a substack, which is a big step for me! One of my intents for manifesting in 2024 is connection, and so far this has been on the most beneficial steps I have taken. I am also trying to take my cooking to a new level :-) that one is always fun!

What are you making for dinner tonight?
I just got back home from a trip to Chicago and leave again on Saturday so I have nearly zero food in my house. Dinner will likely be some tuna mixture and crudite veggies.


Andrew really wants to get better at free diving too! I’m kind of nervous but hoping I can feel confident by the end of the course. Connection is everything. I want to be included in your substack! Hey, that sounds delicious and full of protein and fiber, enjoy:).


That is one amazing 12 year old but… I don’t know! I’d be nervous if it was my kid! And it seems like a HUGE liability for the Boston Marathon so I really can’t blame them.


I love that you’re scuba diving! I absolutely love reading posts about how women (in their 30s and beyond) take up new (or revive old) hobbies. Doing it while being a mother, even better. It would be great to hear how things progress.


I am VERY impressed that you’re taking the scuba course, it seems so cool to get to travel to exotic locations for it. My husband and I did a few learners dives where you’re paired with instructors in Hawaii several years ago, and I had a hard time relaxing enough to enjoy it (I’m very claustrophobic so not a huge surprise). We did a snorkeling trip off the coast of Myanmar and that was much more my speed.

Yay for your nephew, that’s so exciting and I feel like he’s at a great age to do a marathon (talk about a confidence boost for life). Is there a little rivalry going between him and his little sis, hah?

My brain exploded over this 12 year old running a sub 3. It feels a little weird to celebrate that because I certainly don’t think it’s right for 99.99% of 12 year olds, but she might just be a unicorn. I feel like there are other Olympic hopefuls like swimmers, skiers, gymnasts, ice skaters that are doing extremely challenging things by that age. I hope she has lots of support and love and gets some good mental training to handle the pressure and gets to love running for a long long time!


First, how is your nephew a full-grown man? Ha!

Scuba diving freaks me out but yay for you guys finding a hobby that you can both enjoy!

I have conflicted feelings about someone so young running that much. I think our bodies are growing and changing so much during that time. And I wonder why she wants to run long distances. It’s hard for me to imagine a 12-year-old who wants that for themselves, without any pressure from adults around her.

Tonight is super easy: chicken quesadillas and beans :)


My only scuba experience was also a little suspect! It was on a trip to Mexico and there was no certification either.

I have been trying hobby after hobby to find one that will stick, and that I am really into. Well, it finally happened! I learned to row / skull and joined a local team here and I absolutely love it. Practices start at 6 AM… I don’t even do my runs that early, so that says something. It is so peaceful and calming, and I have even gotten used to the super early morning wake ups. And apparently, sunrises are beautiful. :)


Evan Kim is amazing but if she has her sights on the 2028 Olympics then she should be encouraged to run short distances-in my opinion. Also, if she hasn’t had her period and starts years worth of intense training her future as a runner is likely screwed because chances are very high she will bypass a normal puberty. The rule should not be bent for her, there’s a reason for the age limit. I wouldn’t feel safe having my 12 year old daughter solo on the course with all those crowds.

Scuba sounds fun! It’s not for me but I am a total fish in the water. So many diving choices!


Dang that girl is fast! I don’t think Boston should allow minors because that opens the door for a whole host of logistical things that are just more complicated when minors are part of it. That being said, I think it’d be cool of them to tell her that time would last for her as a qualifying time until she’s 18. That way she could run Boston then without worrying about her qualifying time expiring. Although let’s be honest, she’ll probably be an elite runner by the time shes 18 haha


I love scuba diving! Getting certified in Utah does not prepare you for how awesome it can be. I started in Bali with a discovery dive. Of course I love diving in Bali but I’m sure there are other spots. I’m so excited for you!


You will now find with scuba diving that you have another hobby to plan entire vacations around, like you have with your new international marathon hobby lol. I learned to dive in South Africa 25 years ago and only afterward did I realize the place I learned was called SHARK ROCK POINT and maybe I should have been more scared! Anyway, if you guys ever get a chance to go to Fiji, the diving is amazing and the people are even better. And once you are comfortable, I could see you and Andrew LOVING Bonaire. All the diving is from the shore and you literally just rent a truck and drive around the island where there are hundreds of dive sites marked with rocks and you just go wherever you want.

I am in Poland at the moment where I am meeting my friend to run the Warsaw half marathon, which reminds me of your European running adventures, though mine will be muuuuuuch slower.

Can’t wait to hear how you like scuba diving!


I was just debating about doing a scuba diving course after an upcoming work trip! I am taking this as a sign. My husband is already certified so I always feel bad that he has do the “fun dives” with me when we travel, but then don’t carve out the time to get certified myself. I think I will take the plunge now!


Scuba diving is a big no for me. I tried on my honeymoon in a pool and the exercises where you have to take off your breathing mask to practice what you would do in an emergency freaked me out. My anxiety went through the roof. Good luck! My husband has done it but he doesn’t get anxious like I do in crises- he can stay calm and collected and my mind starts to go wild.


Lucky husbands of ours… Andrew is the same, he can be in a complete crisis and his heart rate is still 50 bpm. I am hoping that I can handle it! I hope you have a beautiful day, Lori!


I actually gave SCUBA lessons for my husband back when we were dating as a gift bc I was already certified and wanted to have a diving partner. Luckily he LOVED it and we have gone diving on most of our vacations pre kids. We have yet to go since I was first pregnant nearly 6 years ago, but we so miss it! We’ve done Hawaii, Great Barrier Reef, Belize and the Great Blue Hole, Bahamas, Florida and California. I can’t wait for my daughter to be old enough to get junior certified!


I’m okay with the 12 year old racing marathons. I think about my 9 year old who has been in competitive gymnastics for two years. They w/o 12 hrs+ a week all year round. I see no difference.

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