Let’s catchup + only 17 minutes of work.

(bra, shoes, tank, shorts)

The river has gone up OVER the path in one area now… I wonder if more and more spots will be flooded soon.

Most of us are running either the 10k or the half-marathon on Saturday so we did our speed workout on Tuesday this week. It was another fun one that took so much brain power to remember as we were going that it distracted me from my quads being shredded from Buffalo Peak the day before.

W/U, 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 2 min, 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 2 min, 1 min fartleks, C/D. The recovery was equal to whatever the upcoming interval was. Try this one out, it is only 17 minutes of work, but it sure burns.

Twelve miles total, and I feel stronger with these shorter intervals than I have in a long time because I’ve been doing so many of them lately.

The world’s best babysitter.

We will be loving at pools for the next few months.

Water fights are happening too.

These reusable water balloons are so much fun. They work way better than I even expected them to.
I started this book, and it is heartbreaking so far…
I’m just so happy we can be on our scooter again. It sat in our garage for way too long.

Alyssa recommended these baked crispy tacos, and she won for this recommendation.

This picture is from Monday night and is one of my favorites now.

We shared this too, and it was heavenly.

Rejeanne Fairhead is amazing.

What are you reading right now?

Does anyone have a pool?  Or a community pool?

Out and back or loop course for your run today?


-Lately, it feels like a mix of socializing, seeing gorgeous places and wanting to get faster.  Although, the last part isn’t as important right now as it has been in the past?!  Maybe being at the race this weekend will get me back to normal with that?

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Hi… dropping in to ask where you got your porch chairs from? In the shot of Andrew and Brooke having a water balloon moment. Thank you!


Hey Alecia! We love these and have had them for a few years now. We took off the pads but here they are https://shopstyle.it/l/bWVTt
Have a great day!


Mostly running for sanity right now lol. Oh that book is on my list too! I saw it in the book store.

My moms place has a pool but right now not hot enough to go swimming!

My runs on week days are usually out and back. Not sure what today will be!

Have a great day Janae!


SANITY! It keeps us sane, that is for sure. Still cannot get over your gorgeous wedding pics. So happy for you and I hope you get plenty of pool days when it heats up. Thanks Kristine, you too!


Just finished Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld and loved it!! Also am listening to The Boys in the Boat and it is incredible (true story of the 1936 men’s Olympic rowing team). Never gave a single thought to rowing before but this story is just so good!

Our community pools just opened and I’m so excited to go this weekend :)

Right now I run to turn off my brain haha. Thankful to be able to move! Hope you have a great day Janae!


Adding both of those to my list right now. Hahah I feel that way about things… I start a show or book about it and suddenly I need to know all of the details. Can’t wait to become a rowing expert:). Enjoy your community pool this weekend. Love turning my brain off too. Thanks ML, you too!


I see that you’re taking more fake looking photos. Utah is really showing off right now!
I’m going to have to try those crispy tacos now.
I just finished Emily Henry’s newest book, Happy Place. Her books have been SO good lately.
Your summer looks SO fun already!


We just bought the green screen so expect many more fake photos haha;). I saw that book at Barnes and I was wondering about it, I’ll pick it up. Enjoy the crispy tacos and happy Wednesday!


I just started Kara’s book! I ran an 8k on Memorial Day, one of my favorite races, but it is intense! So many hills, including one massive one you race up then down the other side. Didn’t pr but did ok considering I feel out of shape after my marathon last month.


Her. Book. Is. So. Good. I just cannot imagine everything she went through. I always feel like I’ve never ran before the month after a marathon. Way to get up that hill and rock that 8k. Happy Thursday!


My next read is going to be a baby-sleep book of some sort (no clue which one to pick yet…there are SO many out there). It’s been 4+ years since I have had a baby, so I feel like I need a refresher! I am also building my running audio-books list, for when baby arrives – the last one I added was Meb’s 26 Miles, which somehow I had never heard of before?
I’m going for a run-walk over lunch time today, because I can! A somewhat hilly bike ride over the weekend got my hips/pelvis back into alignment, so yay for biking too. I almost always do out & back runs – it’s the easiest way I know to manage my run time, so it’s perfect for me.
I was wondering if those reusable water balloons were any good – the regular water balloons are such a mess, I am totally going to buy these this summer!


I always need a refresher too before a new baby, so so thrilled for you. Oh my goodness, you are going to love Meb’s book. It is so touching. I hope your run-walk this afternoon is perfect. I seriously was shocked over how good the balloons are, I did not expect them to be this great. Have a beautiful day!


I agree with Molly… Utah is stunning right now!
I just started reading The Sanatorium, a thriller, and so far it’s good with a twist already.
We have a neighborhood pool that we love, but it’s been so chilly and overcast that I haven’t wanted to go hang out yet.
I’m currently running to stay fit. But once a week I hit up a new trail or one I haven’t done in a while for some fun and explore running. Those have been my favorite lately.
I need to try those tacos!!!
Have a great day Janae


It really is just insane right now, I want this month to last for ever. Ohhhh I haven’t read a good thriller in a while. I will add that to my list. Thank you and I hope you are able to make it to the pool soon with great weather. Thanks Wendy, you too!


Hi Janae! Reusable water balloons?? That is so smart! In currently reading that book you recommend a while back- Why We Sleep. It’s so good!!
Right now I’m running because I can! I’m not training for anything but I remind myself it’s so nice to just be moving and not be injured.
Happy Wednesday!


Oh that book is so important! I think they need to make it required high school reading now ha:). We need sleep! ‘Because I can’… that is truth and I love it. Hope your morning is off to a great start!


Hey there Janae! I have three books currently going, ha. I’m a retired librarian so I need multiple avenues to pick up depending on my mood:). I am currently reading the fourth book in the Game of Thrones on my iPad, and also just bought Next Level by Dr. Stacy Sims because I think I am either entering or exiting “that” part of my life and it’s been eye-opening and confirming some things I suspected. BUT, the best book I am reading right now is “Safe All Along” by Katie Davis Majors. I’m so glad she wrote this book and highly recommend it.

We don’t have a pool–we live in a wooded area and I do not want that upkeep! We do belong to a club with golf and a pool available. When my kids were small we lived out there all summer long–so many good memories!

I ran through our small town today so I was out and back and all around, lol. Lots of different tangents to run down and back and around blocks to get in the miles.

My current “why” for running: to maintain my health and fitness. I have a half in June, but I’m not really shooting for a time.
Have a great day!


Three books is the way to go… it seriously is so nice to pick up the book that you are in the mood for. I need to pick up Next Level and absolutely adding Safe All Along, thank you for sharing. I bet your run today was so peaceful and gorgeous, I love small towns. Enjoy your half training! Thanks Jen, you too!


Janae! I did speed this morning with the endorphin pro’s for the first time and OH MY GOSH. They’re amazing. They wrecked my achilles a little bit, I won’t lie, but at least it was fun in the process, haha. So I guess I’ll need to figure that out…

I recently read, ‘Maybe You Should Talk To Someone’ and I loved it. I feel like anyone who has been in therapy will relate and enjoy it.


YOU GOT THE PRO’S! Oh no about your achilles, what happened? Did it hurt during or after? Oh I loved that book too. I read it a few months ago, so so good. Have the best day, Tess!


I’m almost 5 months pregnant and I’m running because it makes me happy :) This is my second pregnancy and I was not in running shape the first time around so being able to run this pregnancy has given me so much confidence!!


I like making up my route as I go along…..some days I turn left, sometimes right…and yes, sometimes I do get lost…
I have my community pool, laps after a run feels so great….there is a hot pool, I’ve been using it a bit, but have felt really faint after about 6 minutes….so may skip it in the future….one of our political leaders runs on my regular route (she’s a personal hero) so I always find that really cool…..I’ll vote for someone I see everyday, and does what I do….maybe
book……two of them, one on the hanson marathon method to help me sleep, and Des Linden’s book….and why? because it’s fun…..enjoyable…

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