A public apology, and finally, a speed workout.

(pants, long sleeve, vest, coat, shoes, a face covering from 10 years ago, but I found a different one that also tightens at the top… it was 10°)

Oh, man. Never have I related more to this clip below than my workout yesterday. It was so hard. I don’t actually regret the run, but it was so cold I felt like my face was going to fall off. Running in temperatures like this requires more fuel because your body is working hard to reach homeostasis. My heart rate was higher, and my breathing was much heavier, so I took in more calories than usual to help it out.

@lauramcgreen I want to hear everyone’s regrets. Please tell me I’m not alone. #run #runtok #truecrime #trail ♬ original sound – Laura

We did have clear sidewalks, so that felt like a miracle not worrying about slipping when running fast.

16.7 miles @ 7:24 average. 3 mile w/u and then 6 x 1 mile (mostly down, part flat)–> 5:32 average, my last one being the slowest. Positive splits for positive people, as Ali says.

I actually wore pants, but my friend, Kodi, was still rocking the shorts. It makes sense though, she is lightning fast.

PS I think I owe Andrew a public apology. Yes, at 10°F I decided to wear pants, but above that and I’m wearing shorts and a bra on workout days, ha… I think I actually am crazier than Andrew for his shorts in winter decisions because at least he wears a sweatshirt.

It was so good to see Knox after five days apart. Beck asks about him every day he is gone, he doesn’t quite understand the situation yet!

 My cereal intake goes up 400% during marathon training.

It’s pretty amazing how all of the cold feet in our house find it necessary to warm up on my legs.

The other day I realized that Skye had been climbing out of her crib and coming into my room when she was younger than Beck is now.  I’m hiding this picture from Beck, so he doesn’t get any ideas.

I feel fortunate he lays on his bed until I get him and doesn’t try climbing out. Brooke was the same way when she was little.
Congratulations everyone. That was one of the toughest years I’ve ever had, but we made it…


The winners of my Core Power Giveaway are:


Did your January feel like a lifetime?

-I’m so glad to say goodbye to it.

Do you lay in bed for a bit before getting up or do you spring out of bed?

-It depends on whether or not I have to use the restroom.

Any runs that you do regret?

-Anytime I have ever run on an injury because I thought I would be fine even though deep down I knew something was wrong (aka years 2010-2011).

Tell me about your workout today!

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January is an eternity! Overall, it just feels dull, like a long, drawn out business meeting compared to the fun of December. I’m glad February is here! Yes to the increase in cereal consumption with higher mileage! Isn’t that one of the best perks of running?!? You are so strong for completing that super cold run! Have a great Thursday, Janae!


Eternity is the proper word for that. I hope you get some delicious cereal soon. Thank you, I’m going to think about that run when things get tough during Boston ha. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Emily!


I’m so happy for more sunlight during my runs now that January has passed.
Way to go on running 16 miles in that cold weather! I can never find a face covering that I don’t have to constantly adjust. I just go bare face and am ok. I just can’t talk afterwards until my jaw defrosts.
I hope a cereal sponsors you next for marathon training! haha


Hallelujah. It’s only going to go up from here. Hahah when we finished I kept trying to say things to my friends but I literally couldn’t move my mouth. I’ll reach back out to General Mills haha. Thanks Molly and have a great day!


I ran in a thunderstorm so bad once that I thought I was going to be struck by lightening. No phone with me but my husband knew where I was running and came and got me. I returned the favor a couple months later. A couple of years ago, we had a derecho move through (basically an inland hurricane). I heard the sirens go off mid-run but the sky was blue so I thought it was a malfunction. About 5 minutes later, they went off again. I turned to look behind me and the sky was a seething cauldron of green and black. I hightailed it home and arrived just before the 90+ mph wind hit. They lasted for 30 minutes. Yes, those too runs I definitely regret.


Jackie. Your comment left me sweating. I CANNOT EVEN IMAGINE. I’m so glad you were okay!


Hey! I haven’t tried it yet because I’ve been avoiding the cold weather still for workouts but I read putting a thin layer of Aquaphor on your nose and under eyes (I guess any part of your face exposed) makes a big difference with how cold it feels since it creates a barrier and holds the moisture in/protects from the wind/air. Worth a shot? Or get on the treadmill like me hahaha :)


You. Are. Brilliant. I am absolutely trying this. Thanks Jenny, have a beautiful day!


I do this all the time. I don’t think it helps block the cold, but it definetly keeps my skin from drying out from the cold.
It was -30 celcius (feels like -40 with the windchill) here yesterday…nothing can block that cold.


That video… I am laughing so hard right now! But what an absolute dick-move to break up with someone during a run…
Runs I regret… the injured ones and the ones on days I should have rested… Nothing good comes from those :/ Also all the runs I did when I was anorexic and was not fueled at all (insert big fat face-palm emoji here…) I am glad I didn’t die on one of these, it certainly felt like it sometimes. How is it that some actions can only be appreciated in their stupidity in retrospect?!
I am SO GLAD January is over! Febuary is only marginally better but after this January my year can only get better. And I am so happy the days are getting longer! I started noticing it a week ago and I can’t wait to run when it’s light out in the mornings or at night :D


RIGHT?! I could never! Yes yes yes… I relate so much with you. Look how far you have come. You are incredible and those days brought so much growth. Hey, we got the hardest part of the year out of the way. Congrats to us and we need the light. Happy Thursday, Moni!


A speed workout in 10°??? You’re amazing!
Yay for Knox being back! I know it’s not always easy, but you guys seem to handle the back and forth with the older kiddos really well.
January does always seem so long. And I think it is because it’s dark longer outside, usually the coldest month, and this year we had a ton of rain! You guys with all that snow! I’m looking forward to longer days with more sunshine for sure!
Today is a treadmill workout and Barre strength class. My legs are already a little tired and sore, so today will be interesting, ha.
Have a great day Janae.


Thank you, Wendy! I can’t believe we have been doing this for almost 7 years now… time has flown. You are so right, the dark makes it feel so much longer. I bet you rocked your workout even with your tired legs. You are on fire. Happy Thursday, Wendy!


Coming to your area soon and it’s my dream to run with you on a speed day. I need to see 5:32 miles in action!!
I’ll keep you posted. Have a great day!


That would be amazing! You too!


January was not my favorite.

I regretted a run I used to “test” an injury.


We did that together… not sure why we thought making it worse would test it ha. We’ve come a long ways. Happy February!


January is way too long, long live February!! The only runs I regret are when I run too soon after eating…so mostly I just regret not eating earlier. ;) I’ve been trying to get up early to workout (typically an after work runner), but today is a bike day and I just couldn’t do it. I’d rather spend an hour on the treadmill than 30 minutes on the bike! I can’t!


Isn’t it crazy how things already feel so much better just two days into February?! Hahaha I can see that causing some regret. Come use my Peloton, they make bike days so much more fun. BUT I know those days you are talking about and nothing could convince me to do it either. Hope you have a beautiful day, Tess!


Hi Janae! I remember exactly all the runs where I ran harder than I shouldve (injury or trying to keep up with fast people when I should’ve had an easy run) and I can remember exactly when I made an injury happen or get worse! Live and learn, right?
I think like you said before my bladder is what gets me out of bed most days!
Have a great day!


YES YES YES… we’ve learned some good lessons so I guess we can’t regret those because of the growth! Haha it’s the best way to force me out of bed. Happy Thursday, Amy!


So here’s what I figure about you being in a sports bra when it’s that cold (and forgive me if the language seems a bit too basic–I don’t know how else to say it and convey exactly what I mean): guys don’t have to deal with the SUPER DUPER EXTRA situation of boob sweat and the band of a sports bra (even when it’s a pretty comfortable sports bra). That adds extra heat. And the areas that get overheated are awfully close to the lymph nodes in the arm pits, so it turns into extra over-heating and extra sweat.

As un-scientific as it is, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. ;)

January–it felt like fifty thousand years. Why is that?!? I don’t know…but thank goodness it’s over. I think I’ve also seen more grey days and rainy days and weird weather days this past January alone than I had seen in the entire time I lived in Georgia (6.5 years in Atlanta + 2 years in Savannah). It’s almost like I am back in the midwest or back in Boston where it’s lots of cement-grey skies. No bueno.

I hope that your February brings you amazing, amazing things!!!! <3


What brand and model of shoes is Kodi wearing in that picture? Thank you!


the only runs I really regret are the ones I don’t do…I’m a champion procrastinater…..I’ve skipped races because, well, I just didn’t feel like, and then would run that race distance later in the day….I once skipped the Vancouver Half Marathon, went out on my own that afternoon, and ran on part of the route, and the aid stations and the cheering sections, the music was still up for the marathon……I think I even had a picture taken……
there was one run though, let’s just say I was a bit irregular and leave it at that…..but yeah, I have slept in and skipped runs, and whined about that afterwards..
January was okay….it seems the days are going by way too quickly….I’m just at a point where I don’t know what or which way I want to go…I’ve signed up for almost everything I want to do in 2023 (and yes, I’m signed up for 3 races on May 7th, in 3 different cities…I’m crazy like that)….I’m just getting tired of running in the cold, dark mornings, dark evenings…where the air hurts my face


Love your public apology! You’re too cute! :D


Yes January definitely felt like a lifetime! Where we live it waa cold dark and grey and onto better weather hopefully .

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