I think I regret doing this + 12… ehhh 10 x 1k.

(shorts, vests, shoes)

I know. It’s a flat road. I’m pretty sure we haven’t done a completely flat road workout in years. We always do our workouts on hilly routes, so this felt very different.

We were lucky with where we planned to do the workout because everywhere else was so windy besides this area.

We warmed up for about 3 miles and then started the 1k (.62 miles) intervals back and forth over the same stretch. I like it when we go off of markings (starting at this crack in the above picture and finishing at a flag) because we don’t have to check our watches and can just run.

After each 1k, we had a 90-second standing recovery, and a friend of mine kept me honest on those and starting again right at 90 seconds… I was trying to stall.

We were all feeling pretty off for the intervals based on our Valentine’s Day chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate diets. You’d think we would learn our lessons on this topic but nope. My coach decided for us to not do the last two intervals and just finish up the mileage because of how everyone was feeling. Flexibility in training is necessary.

The thing that helped me the most to speed up in the interval was leaning forward from the ankles up… it forces your legs to move faster to keep up with the rest of your body.

Kodi makes me feel like it’s normal to wear shorts in such cold weather, but it’s definitely not.

You know you have a problem when you even have chapstick in the shower…

These two just waiting at the front door for their besties to come over. We hit the jackpot with the best neighbors ever.

We had a chill afternoon at home.
Choosing out recipes with Brooke that we want to make…

I wanted another piercing on my birthday, but this one hurts so bad. It didn’t hurt very bad when it was pierced, but holy cow, this thing is painful now. If it keeps hurting for a few more days, I am definitely regretting it, ha.

Let’s not get into deep regrets (unless you want to) but anything silly that you slightly regret?

-Above piercing just because it hurts so bad.

Does anyone else have a chapstick addiction?

Are your speed workouts usually on flat or hills?

This Q is from Tess, and I would love to hear your opinion–> “I’m getting ready for my first half, and wanted to know if you have a preference between local, small races or bigger more established and well-organized races for a first-timer? Any suggestions?”

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Yes to the Chapstick addiction! I have so many tubes lying around I lose count. Silly regret would definitely be letting my best friend in 8th grade (still a best friend today :) cut bangs for me. She cut them way too short and I ended up rocking Mamie Eisenhower bangs for the last few months of 8th grade. I have not attempted bangs since, lol. Also, to answer Tess, I am doing my first half next month and I decided to do an out of town race (Blue Bell Fun Run Half) but not something super huge. From what I’ve heard it’s well attended and there is a lot of crowd support, but it’s not overwhelming like a major city race. Happy Thursday Janae!


Now you have me looking the Blue Bell Fun Run Half… I’m in College Station, so it’s less than an hour drive for me, lol!

And I’d say on picking size/location… it depends on what fuels you – if you think you will thrive with structure, support and big crowds – then go for a bigger one… but nothing can beat a home town race in terms of ease and not having to worry about a lot of pre-race logistics. Have fun either way!


I used to have piercings in the cartilage and eventually took them all out. While the immediate discomfort and pain did lessen over time, they were often so sensitive. Even a few years later. And it hurt to sleep so often, and nothing messes with my sleep. 🤣🤷‍♀️

As for the question, I think it is subjective to each person. But for me personally I loved a bigger race. My first half was the Disneyland Half Marathon. It was big, exciting, with lots of energy and things to see on the route. This really helped me get energy from the crowd when I was tired and have things to look at as those miles clicked on. But other people may feel differently.


Bahaha you definitely put a lot of trust in that friend. She should let you cut her bangs now;). I am SO thrilled for your first half next month. Will you PLEASE let me know how it goes. Sounds like the perfect race!


I ran the Blue Bell half the first year they added the half distance. I’m sure they’ve gotten their act together by now. There was no water at the first couple of water stops, not a single bathroom on the course, and the medals didn’t arrive in time for the race! There were not very many of us doing the half and no crowd support on the country roads. In spite of all that, I loved the course. The scenery was beautiful with bluebonnets in full force. Just make sure you prepare for the hills. When you turn the corner right at the end, your jaw will drop at the size of the hill in front of you, but just get to the top and it’s downhill to the finish. Have a great race!


I hear ya on the intervals! I was a bad girl and made my Tuesday speed intervals a bit easier….

Answer for Tess – I did my first half marathon away from home and solo. I would not recommend that. I finished the race SO excited as I beat my expected time and I had no one there!!! With my first half I was so anxious about my carb loading and different things, I thing it would have been easier in my nerves if I had done one closer to home! That said I wouldn’t have signed up for one at home 🤣🤣🤣. The whole reason I did my first half was because of the location. Bottom line – have support, someone to share it with regardless of where it is and ENJOY it. I think it is my favorite distance.


You know you’re a runner when you can convert miles to kilometers!
17 miles for a mid week run? WOW! I am so excited to see how Boston goes for you. I really hope the race gets fair weather. And maybe a little tailwind!
Have you listened to Des and Kara’s newest podcast episode this week? I could listen to them forever!


I haven’t yet… thanks for reminding me. I cannot wait! YES to the tailwind (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE). Have a beautiful day, Molly!


Supposedly the farther up the ear the piercing is, the more it hurts. My sister has an industrial piercing at the top of her ear and she said it was horribly painful and it took something like a year to heal. That’s supposed to be normal for those. It looks really cool but having that information makes it a big NO for me. It looks really cool.
My speed is generally hilly. It’s uphill the first half and then down hill on the way home. Most of it is long flatish hills but you can definitely see it’s hilly. the first .75 from my driveway up to the main road is a giant hill. I try to keep that mile at 10 minutes so that I can make it the other 5 miles.
I did a small half for my first. That was mainly because it was in my home town and I knew my dad would want to meet me at the finish line.
Have a great Thursday!


Lol “let’s not get into deep regrets” – Love that preface! I am so cheap when it comes to haircuts because I mainly just go to get my split ends taken off … Be careful with that. Last time I got it cut, my hair was uneven for weeks lol.

Tess – Good luck with the half!!! So many pros and cons with both smaller races and large races. I would say if it’s your first half, a big city/more established race is the way to go. The more people on the course, the more energy you’ll have and that makes the WORLD of a difference. I just ran a local half and while the logistics were so easy and I loved being able to get to the start line a minute before it started, it was a tough course because there was no crowd support and fewer runners.


I like the word pregret. You know you are going to regret something before you even do it. I pregret a lot of things but then do them anyway.

As for the races, for a first timer I would say bigger races. A half maybe not as big of a deal, but my first full marathon was in Erie, PA, and it was 2 laps around an isle. The back part of the course is EMPTY of crowd support and it could make it really difficult to get through some of the later miles especially when the pack thins out and you might not see anyone, crowd or runner. I was lucky and had a huge group of friends running it with me so I was never alone. if I was running it myself with no crowd support, I might not have finished because some of those miles can feel grueling with no one to cheer you on.


I like the word pregret. You know you are going to regret something before you even do it. I pregret a lot of things and then do them anyway.

As for the races, I don’t know if large or small matters, but find one that has good crowd support. A half marathon might not be as big of a deal, but my first full marathon was in Erie, PA. It was 2 laps around an isle, and the back half of the course was EMPTY of crowd support. After the pack thins out, you might not see anyone, crowd or runner. I was lucky and had a huge group of friends running it together, so I never lost support. If I was alone, I might have quit running because those middle miles can be grueling. You’re tired and the finish line still feels so far away and you just want to quit. Having the crowd support during those miles can be HUGE in pushing you to the finish line, especially for a first time marathoner who might not know what to expect during those miles.


Your new piercing is so cute! I had an industrial (bar) piercing for many years and tea tree oil saved me in the beginning. Hope yours feels better soon :)


Off to get some tea tree oil!!!! Thanks for sharing and I bet your industrial bar looks SO good. Have a beautiful day, ML!


Oh I was thinking of a 3rd piercing but maybe not in that spot ! But it looks super cute..hope it stops hurting soon!

For my first 1/2 I did do one in my hometown but we live in a big city so there was plenty of support friends and cheering.

I do speed on flats but I prefer hilly routes in general.

Have a great day Janae!


Those hurt so much! My piercer told me “anti-inflammatories will be your friend” and they are! I also used a pillow with a hole in the middle so I could sleep at night (ear piercing pillow on Amazon). The irritation/pain definitely gets better with time but they take a LONG time to heal. It’s super cute though!


I need to take some anti-inflammatories and grab that pillow asap! Thank you for the help… I love the way it looks and want to keep it forever! Have a great rest of your day.


Hi Janae! I hope your ear feels better soon! I didn’t know the piercing can hurt after getting it pierced!!
I think for a first time race maybe it’s good to find a race that has pacers at least. The pacers are usually so nice and will keep you going when things get tough.
Did you go post valentine’s day drugstore candy discount shopping? My college roommate and I used to love doing that and I think of her every year around this time.
Happy Thursday!


I just got my conch pierced about a year ago. It gets better, I promise! One thing that helped me was not sleeping directly on it at night. I got one of those travel neck pillows with the opening in the middle and put my ear through that. Also, saline spray is the only thing to use to clean it. The cool mist felt so good! Looks really cute. :)

I’m training for my first marathon right now and losing steam in my motivation. I’m hoping a new pair of shoes, a few days off to rest/recover, and a little grace will help get me back on track! Thanks for being a great source of motivation!


YES on the chapstick addiction. I read there are some chapsticks that have chemicals in them that dry out your lips to promote more use. My lips got so bad and I had to use Aquaphor for 5 months for them to detox and heal. I just learned last week Aquaphor makes actual chapstick! I had been carrying around a bottle of it everywhere LOL.


Neil man’s sterile saline spray is your best friend! Also get an ear piercing pillow as someone else recommended


Ordering the spray and pillow. You guys are saving me. THANK YOU, Amanda!


Answer for Tess only -lol – I feel like if you have a cheering section it doesn’t matter. But for me, I LOVE the big races because there are more people out cheering you on. I did a smaller race not too long ago and I have to admit the lack of people cheering me on was sad! I didn’t have a cheering section, but if you do it is something to look forward to and see familiar faces. :)

Regrets – I always regret not doing more mobility work, until I do it and I am like WHY do I always skip out on this!?


First half for me was a Rock ‘n Roll in a different city and I think the crowds, music, and energy definitely got me hooked! But, follow it up with a local, small race – in my case, I felt fast (despite not being fast) and it was encouraging to see my age group placing so much higher. Who cares if it’s because there weren’t a lot of runners – made it fun for a entirely different reason than the big race!


If I were to do it again, I probably wouldn’t get my belly button pierced. I had a hoop and never changed it out. I randomly took it out one night with the help of friends since I didn’t know how to change it 7 years later but still have the hole. I’m glad I had it out before I was pregnant… not sure how it would’ve stayed on with a growing belly!

I ran my first race out of town and it was a very small race. While it was a great experience bc I ran it with a faster friend, I wish it would’ve been a larger race! All the cheering from strangers really help, plus all the water/gel stations too. However, I also wouldn’t go too big… my only marathon I’ve ran was the Marine Corps Marathon, which is huge and I was weaving through large groups until mile 9… granted I thought I was going to be a lot slower than I actually was, so I should’ve moved closer to my goal pace group. However, everyone that came out to cheer and support all the runners was amazing and had me tearing up a bit at it all.


That is so interesting… I’ve never thought how pregnancy would effect a belly button piercing. That is SO true about the draw of a bigger race for your first one. The cheering helps so much, we are so lucky to have that kind of support at races. I really want to do Marine Corps one year. I hope your day is a beautiful one, Kathy!


I sort of regret my piercing at the top of my ear cartilege. I’ve had it for over 20 years and it still hurts every time I sleep on that side too much. On the upside, I only sleep on that side when I’m having trouble sleeping, so it’s a good test of whether I got a good night of sleep.

I still have, and love, and don’t regret at all getting my belly button pierced the minute I turned 18. It took forever to heal and looked a little gross for the first year, but now it’s fine.

Your ear piercing is so cute! I want to be a daith piercing, but my ear isn’t really the right shape. I was thinking about doing my tragis, but I’m worried I won’t be able to use my earbuds ever again. Happy to learn from the comments that ear piercing pillows are now a thing! Let us know how healing it goes, and what works to keep it comfortable.


Hahah I’m glad you can use that as a way to judge your sleeping each night but so lame it still hurts when you sleep on that side. It’s crazy because the second I turn onto my left side, it wakes me up now. Off to get one of those pillows. I’ve been thinking about the daith too. You have to let me know what you do next. I totally will keep you updated. Andrew put on some Neosporin on it and that is helping a little bit but one of the kids accidentally whacked me in the ear with their head and I saw stars for a while there ha. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Emily!


LOL, I had a cartilage piercing that I took out because things kept catching on it. Ha. As far as pain, I also have a tiny piercing in my nose, and holy cow, that was painful!

I have purse chapstick, work chapstick, bedside chapstick… Yes! And I prefer Carmex over everything.

99% of my workouts are flat unless I’m on the treadmill or traveling because I live in the valley and it’s super flat. For example, I ran 11 mi. this morning and had a 71 ft ascent.

I’m not a big fan of local races because I often run those locations and I prefer somewhere new, beautiful, etc.


Thank you Janae, and thanks everyone for your responses!!! I’m blown away. It sounds like people typically prefer a bigger race for their first one! Maybe the logistics/parking will be worth it in the end, I would hate for it to be anti-climactic when I’ve been wanting this for so long! Thanks again. :)


I lke both….I loved NYC because it was so huge, and the crowds, it was a spectacle, the history was amazing….but my most memorable races have been small and smaller races and sme shorter…a 5 Mile race in New Haven that started and finsihed beside Yale was almost 23 years ago, and I still remember it like it was yesterday….


Love the piercing, it looks great! I got a tragus piercing a few years ago and am still in love with it! I agree with the other comments though, don’t sleep on it..

– Can’t think of any regrets except for the panacotta I ate last night which looked good but was way to sweet and made me feel sick!
– No to the chapstick addition (hardly ever use it haha!).
– Intervals usually flat! And preferrably with tailwind ;)
– First half: I would pick a bigger race as it’s your first and you want it to be a real party when you cross the finish line!

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