Friday Favorites & I did something big for our marriage.

Jo is back from Europe, and we were able to catch up yesterday with some trails–> 8 miles @ 10:07 average with 1200 ft of climbing.  My legs were feeling it yesterday.

Who else is ready for Daylight Savings?

I need headlamp recommendations!

I also did some chest & back strength and then lost to this girl several times.  I don’t know how she always wins every game she plays.

This guy is most likely in a huge growth spurt, he has been sleeping so much.

I did something huge for our marriage last night.  I went to the Haunted Forest with Andrew.

It was terrifying and not something I want to do again, but he was in heaven!

He soaked it all in.

My favorite part was the hot apple pie pockets while in line.

We survived and Andrew was very proud of me but I still refuse to watch scary movies.


Let’s go over some favorites from this week:

*This one is from Lauren!  I wear and love this style of sunglasses pretty much every day, and she found a cheaper version.

*I found this bag through Julie, and I’m obsessed.  SUCH a great pool bag (and I even used it as a gym bag too on my trip) for a great deal.


*Supergoop GLOWSCREEN.  My friends were using this in Palm Springs, and I bought it after trying theirs and loving the glow and tint it gave me.  I cannot say enough good about it.  I’m wearing it running now and for the rest of the day.  My friends are good at showing me the things I need in my life.

Have any fun plans this weekend?

Use a headlamp ever?  Any recommendations?

On my IG post yesterday, I found out that a lot of people have to chew gum while they run?! 

What about you? Haunted house… your thing or no way?

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Chewing game while running? I am unaware of anyone doing that. Wow. Thanks for the investigative journalism. Hehe
I work this weekend. I had to ask my coach to move my Saturday 22 mile run to my off day on Monday. But I will be eating lots of carbs meanwhile to prepare!
And I feel like watching Dateline on Friday nights while home alone is scarier than a haunted house. So that’s what I’ll be doing!


You are so welcome for opening your eyes to this haha… we should both try it and see what we think. A fresh mouth does sound nice! Happy carb loading this weekend and I want to hear all about your 22 miler! I fully agree with you. I could never watch that alone, you are brave. Hope work goes well this weekend, Molly!


True love is going to a haunted anything with your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/etc. PROUD OF YOU!! I personally HATE that stuff and don’t picture myself being able to go to one anytime soon lol.

It boggles my mind how people can chew gum or real food as fuel for runs. It’s so much effort?! I also feel like I will choke at any moment ha. Hope you have a great Friday with zero scary movie or haunted attractions!


He was so proud of me too and now I just need to wait a few more years until Knox will happily join him haha. I think I would definitely choke on the gum too but I do want to try it! Hahaha same to you, we need peaceful weekends. Thanks, Maureen!


No to the haunted house… and to scary things in general! My bladder is not strong enough for that, ha ;)
I started using a headlamp this year to keep running in the mornings but I find it super annyoing because every time I breathe out the air turns to fog which is illuminated by the light and I can’t see anything but white… Breathing out through my nose solves the problem, but I’d have to run really slow…
My weekend will include recovering from a cold, watching some good movies and making lots of pumpkin soup :D


I was very concerned about my bladder yesterday too ha. Uggg that is very annoying. We’ve gotta figure out this light situation. I hope you are feeling 100% asap. Share any good movies you watch and enjoy your soup! Thanks Moni!


Haunted Forest!?! That sounds like so much fun! My husband would hate it though. He’s like you, hates horror movies. I love them.
So interesting that you said a lot of people said they chew gum while running. To me, that seems like a bad idea. I would be afraid of choking on it, ha ha.
We are going to our big neighborhood adults only Halloween party tomorrow. It should be fun! They always have a theme, and this year is Studio 54. Bring on the disco!
Off for my early morning run with friends 😊
Have a wonderful Friday!


Oh my goodness, our marriages are the opposite when it comes to scary things ha! I’m positive I would choke at some point too. You are going to have the best time at the party, your neighborhood sounds amazing. I’m sure your morning run was amazing with friends today. Happy weekend!


I use a Biolite 330 and LOVE it while running! The rechargeable battery is in the back and is really light. It’s bright and holds it’s charge for a long time!


I’ve heard really good things about this one… I’m going to get it. THANKS, AMANDA! Happy weekend!


I use an ultraspire waist light and love it so much more than my headlamps! It gives off so much light. They have headlamps too that work really well. I used both last weekend for a very cold, it snowed during the night, run and they didn’t give up at all!
So brave of you in the Haunted Forest, I am such a wimp! Going to the corn maze this weekend is about as scary as it gets for me!


I will have to try the waist light too… I see runners with those on and they are SEEN out there on the dark roads. So smart. I hope that there is nothing jumping out at the corn maze. That was terrifying haha. Have a blast, Tisha!


Haunted House: Ummmm nope. I am a scaredy cat. I went to a Wax Museum with my son this past month (he has been asking for years, and we just never did it). They had a “hall of villains” that had Michael Myers, Freddy, Jigsaw, Dracula, Jason, Patrick Bateman and more and I was terrified just in there. I can’t imagine being somewhere that scary things are coming at me. #shudder

Fear Conquering: On the other hand, I DID sign up for something that scares me – a CrossFit competition next month. CrossFit is my usual form of exercise (I run sometimes too..but not as much), and I have done comps before, but they really cause me a lot of anxiety. Steeling myself to try and enjoy the experience. It’s a team comp, so I am with 2 good friends – so it WILL be a fun time, even if I feel like I am about to pee myself the whole day, lol.


Ummm yeah, the wax museum villains would have freaked me out too. It really was terrifying, I must really love Andrew ha. Okay, I am THRILLED about your upcoming CrossFit competition. I love that you are going with friends too. Just remember, all you have to do is put out your best effort which you know you will do. Don’t let your mind hold you back… big things are coming your way! You are amazing, Melissa!


Hi Janae! It’s getting dark so fast now that we have to use headlamps :(. We got the three pack from Costco a few years ago and they are still going strong! Great for camping too.
Haunted houses or corn mazes are not my thing at all! Good on you for going!
Happy Friday!


Wait … isn’t daylight savings time ENDING in November?! I’m not ready!! That means earlier wake up times for the kids, blah… I’m so not a morning person!
Haunted houses – NEVER!! Same with scary movies – I hate being scared!! I’m impressed you were brave enough to go, good for you! I love chewing gum but can’t say I do it while I’m exercising …
Working this weekend 8-5 both Saturday and Sunday, but Daniel will take allie to dance and a birthday party and we have my nephews 19 birthday party on Saturday night.


Absolutely not (for the haunted forest/house). However, I do agree to one scary movie a year on Halloween. Not sure what it is going to be this year…


This is the best headlamp and it is only $15.99. Not batteries needed and is super light weight. Our running group LOVES.

4.4 out of 5 stars3,694 Reviews
500 Lumens USB Rechargeable Headlamp, Lightweight Super Bright LED Running Headlamp for Runner, Rainstorm Waterproof, Hoxida LED Headlight Flashlight with Sensor, Headband Light for Running, Camping


It is my husband’s 40th birthday tomorrow, so the party starts with homemade pizzas & scary movies tonight! We are going to his favorite brunch place tomorrow for massive breakfast burritos and then just doing whatever he wants all day. Then we will go to Nashville next week to continue the party! Even our TX roadtrip in 3 weeks is part of his birthday, so we’re celebrating it the right way! We actually watched the video of when he was just a day old in the hospital and his 1st birthday. His uncle works with video production so had a video camera in 1982, pretty rare, and it was weird to see how much hospitals and protocols have changed!!

No haunted houses for me or my husband, although we are both as into it as Andrew seems. We just prefer the movies & decorations to actual people jumping out at us. But I am sure Andrew really appreciates you going with him:)


I love haunted houses!!! Lol. the most lumens you can afford lol. I have a petzl Nao. It is battery operated and rechargeable but I need my headlamp for the middle of the night in trails. 100 will not cut it 350 is better. I think 600-700 is great for darkness in trails.


Haunted Houses are an absolute no for me. I can handle scary movies but don’t like the stress of waiting for someone or something to jump out at me at a Haunted House.


I have to chew gum while running! Otherwise my mouth gets too dry. I’ve never choked on it though!

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