Friday Favorites!

(shorts, long sleeve, shoes, hat)

When I am in marathon training, I fall asleep within minutes of laying down.  Before increasing my mileage, I could stay awake for an entire movie with Andrew at night, and now I can’t make it past the opening credits.  Nine hours of sleep on Wednesday night… boom.

8.4 miles @ 8:04 pace with two friends a bit later in the morning.

Does anybody else wake up and think they want to paint all of their main living spaces?  Maybe that is just Andrew;).

Beck thought that he was really helpful.

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We set out on a bunch of errands and school…

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Including getting Brooke and Knox some new running shoes for their cross-country that starts soon.

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Dinner was as simple as it gets, but these types of dinners are usually my favorites: grilled cheese, roasted brussels, and mango.

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I have some favorites to share this week…

*I refrained from buying this at H&M because I have way too many sweatshirts, but this running sweatshirt is so cute.

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*My sister sent this to me, and I’ve been doing it with my kids in the morning… so cool!

*I’m really into my drinks, as you can tell ha but LIQUID I.V. is another must for me, especially during heavy training.  If you like grape-flavored drinks, you are going to love this one.  It is SO good, and I’ve been taking it daily to help me stay hydrated and feel good.  Code HUNGRYRUNNERGIRL will get you 25% off and free shipping here.  I also love the pina colada flavored one!

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*The sandals I will be wearing each Sunday to church this spring/summer.  They are surprisingly very comfortable, and I can walk normally in them, which is not the case for me with most heels.

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*A runner’s dream carb.  I ate two within two minutes because they were so good.  The chewiest and thick carb that is lightly salted—> pure joy from Trader Joe’s.  I will be buying these each time I go there.

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*Knox’s popcorn trick.  Just put it in your hood for convenience.

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Can anyone help out Lindsey?

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Does anyone have an April birthday, race, or anniversary?  Tell me about it!

Heals do you wear them often?  Are you good at walking in them?

How long does it take you to fall asleep these days?

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Oh man I can’t remember the last time I wore heels. Actually I can if heeled booties count haha. But in the spring/summer I LOVE a wedge. So much easier to walk in and more comfortable in my opinion.

Making a grilled cheese with the unexpected cheddar is genius. Can’t believe I never thought of that! Also finally got around to having the buffalo chicken fries you shared a few weeks back. So tasty!


Heeled booties definitely count! Agreed about the wedge. Please let me know what you think of the grilled cheese and I am so happy you loved the fries. Happy weekend, Maureen!


Oh how I would kill for 9 hours of sleep!! I fall asleep so quickly, but then wake up around 3:30 almost every morning. I toss and turn and eventually go back to sleep, but uuuggg. I have a couple of friends that are experiencing the same thing, so maybe it’s an age or hormone thing?? Plus, with our dog having some issues right now, I will often have to get up with him once or twice during the night. It sort of reminds me of having infants in the house.. ha.
Thanks to you, we love liquid IV in our house! ?
Off for my early run with friends! And yay my hip flexor is feeling better!!
Have a great Friday Janae ?


NO WENDY! That must be so frustrating each night. I hope that this turns a corner soon and you are back to a good night of sleep! Yay for a happy hip flexor so you can go run with your friends, that truly makes me so happy. Thanks Wendy, you too!


I would love to know too if shin splints happen more in warmer months too! I also suffer from shin splints- hope you feel better soon Lindsey! I’ve used Zensah compression socks. And tying your shoes with your foot pointed up can help with shin splints.

I used to wear heels a lot for work pre-pandemic, and now I never wear them. Need to learn how to walk in them again.


Thank you so much for sharing that link. My shin acted up this week and I had to take a couple days off running. I watched that video and will definitely will do all of what they suggested. Thank you again!!!!


Betsy, I am so sorry about your shin acting up… keep me updated with how it is feeling! Have a happy weekend!


This is all just so interesting to me! I am so sorry that you deal with shin splints too, Mariah. Thank you for the helpful video. Hahah walking in heels truly is an art;). Have a beautiful weekend!


For Lindsey: Stiff shins seem to happen to me each spring. It is stopping me from training well for a half-marathon right now. My chiropractor thought it might be related to my body’s circadian rhythm. I find that it eventually goes away on its own, but is very frustrating and uncomfortable to run through. I do wonder if it is tied to taking allergy medicine? Anyone else have any suggestions on this?


Meghann, I am SO sorry that you are experiencing this right now! Anybody have any tips with this? Please keep me updated!


Ugh, I dislike painting to much! That and moving.

I wear heels about 2x/year. I used to wear them daily and I have no idea how.

No races this month, but I did sign up for Grandma’s marathon on a whim. I said I would NEVER do another marathon, haha. I am not sure if it is because I am turning 40 this year or I need something to give me a little motivation. Of course, today I am questioning may sanity;-)

Have a fabulous Friday Janae!


I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT GRANDMA’S!! Becky, this is just so thrilling. Please keep me updated with all of the training and I think this is the perfect year to do it!
PS I’m with you… painting and moving are two of the worst tasks. Our house currently looks like a tornado went through it.


Good morning friend! The photo with Brooke and Knox’s shoes is kind of unreal, I feel like they became grownups overnight. That dinner also looks epic, btw!
My birthday is Boston Marathon Day this year and I am headed that way to cheer on all of you! Last minute decision but will no doubt be a blast. I just want to be around the energy and get motivated myself. I hope I see you out there; I’ll be cheering so loud!
I am obsessed with sleep these days, as it is so critical for our bodies. Living in Hawaii but working East coast time makes for a weird schedule but I finally am in to a rhythm where I am getting 7 hours and feeling refreshed for my 1:30am wakeup time. Being in the ocean an hour before I go to bed makes all the difference in helping me fall immediately to sleep, for some reason.
I hope you have a nice April Fools Day, will be fun to hear if your little ones take advantage of the day :-)


one note to add regarding shin splints…warmer weather means a few things for runners. For your shoes, its important to keep them in a temperature controlled environment. The materials in the midsole are not designed for extreme temps and can degrade faster if not kept in moderate environment. For the human :-), we may or may not notice we sweat more, which impacts our mineral levels in our bodies. Proper hydration, stretching and good shoes are even more critical when the temps and your mileage goes up!


HEY AMANDA! AHHHHH it’s your bday on Marathon Monday and you will be there!? I have to see you! This just made me smile so big. I love that you go into the ocean before bed, what a beautiful ritual. Hahaha we all forgot about it today but my sister sure didn’t… her poor kids;) Thank you for that tip on shin splints, I would have never even thought about this. SO so true. Happy birthday month!


I turn 40 tomorrow! I feel blessed to have an awesome family to celebrate with. :-) Have a great weekend!



HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW! I am so happy you guys will be celebrating together and I will eat some cake too:). Happy 40th, Sara!


This is weird! I also am randomly starting to have shin splints! Mileage is consistent and nothing in my training has changed. Maybe Lindsey is on to something with the weather – or as Meghann said our circadian rhythm. I oddly feel better knowing other people are having shin splints right now too.


NOOOOOO booo! I hope everyone’s shin splints disappear asap! Keep me updated with how you are doing, Rachel!


Re shin splints: My shoes are definitely impacted by the heat/sweating, and shin splints can be the result of bad shoes. If you think that’s correlated try rotating shoes more often so you let the foam bounce back after a run. Just a thought! And stretch! ?
I tried on those shoes at target!!!!! They’re so cute! I may have to go back and get them!


That is SO interesting… thank you for sharing that Mollie. I would have never put that all together. Yep, you need the shoes! Have a great day!


Wow! sounds like i’m not the only one suffering with shin splints right now. Thanks for all the advice so far! i’m going to be going down a Google rabbit hole researching this and your other suggestions (shin splints in spring/related to allergies/etc).


I am SO sorry about this struggle right now but happy the comments are helping! Keep me updated, Lindsey!


Not to try to sway you, but I bought the H&M Running sweatshirt and it’s so soft and comfy. It’s the best!


And you officially did sway me and I don’t think I will regret it. Have a beautiful day, Katy!


I’ve never heard of heat causing shin splints…usually running on hard surfaces like concrete or asphalt…tight calves, sometimes really old shoes….whenever I hear someone talking about shin splints I always think, well, stress..what’s causing that stress, and is it shin splints or something else (I’m not going use the words stress fracture ever) compression sleeves sometimes help hold the calves in place….you started using a new shoe recently right?… your body just getting use to that change?… it on one side of the calve or the other? that usually says something..but a cure may be to get off road
first day of april, april 1st, one month from the BMO Vancouver Half Marathon….unless I decide not to go…


THANK YOU FOR THE HELP ON SHIN SPLINTS! And one month to go, I think you need to go! Have a great day, Warren!


I’m running BMO half too :)
One month to go ahh!!


Hope and I have that H and M sweatshirt!!! One of the favorite things I have ever twinsied with her. I am thinking you should justify it as you CC coach uniform and then of course get a matching one for Brooke too. (and Skye, cause I always look out for the little sister. :) )

Andrew, no. No I never just want to paint the main living areas.


Well, now I really do need it… off to buy it for all of us! Hahah he was up until 4:30 am last night so I think he is now regretting this decision.


I doubt that temperature changes cause shin splints…but if the Texas runner has started running in shorts instead of leggings, or changed her shoes and socks, and those changes affect her gait, I can see a gait change causing shin splits.


That is so true! I hadn’t thought of that point! Thanks Audrey for sharing and I hope you have a great Friday!


good thought! but nope, always run in shorts down here. same socks, shoes are in great condition-got them about 3-4 months ago. i’ll pay attention to my gait!


Ahh shin splints! Luckily I am good on that so far – and my IT band is better!!

Painting the main area = NO. We actually hired someone to do this just recently! BEST decision :) I appreciate Andrew’s ambition with 4 kids. That did not happen in our 4 kid household!

Races this month – YES! I’m running a 15k next weekend – The Hot chocolate 15k! The swag was amazing so I had to sign up!

ALSO – just registered for St. George’s this morning!!! So excited!!!

Have a nice weekend, Janae!


ALSO! I have the same Hoka’s as you!! Loving them!


My sister’s birthday is April 23rd and mine is the 27th. There are 5 years, 4 days and two brothers between us. Our parents were busy ;)

I usually wear heels to church, but definitely a block heel or wedge. I said goodbye to all my spiky heels a long time ago.

Falling asleep is unpredictable for me. Sometimes I nod right off, other times I will lay there for an hour or more.


Great video…


I fall asleep in two seconds because my one year old still loves waking multiple times in the night ?

Question- do you know what colour that lulu long sleeve is?? I love it, it looks great on you!!


Thanks for sharing the Mel Robbins video! Gonna give it try!! (& the TJs pretzel/bagels too!!)

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