(tank, shorts, shoes, bra, hat)

Morning!  Let’s jump right into talking about yesterday’s speed workout.

The weather was perfect (45°F), there was a great group of runners, and the workout flew by because the intervals were short and fast.

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2.25 mile w/u, 10 x 1 minute fast & 1 minute easy + 10 x 30 seconds fast & 45 seconds easy, c/d of 5ish miles—> 14 miles @ 7:29 average.  I have no idea what my splits were for the intervals, but I felt strong doing them, making me even more excited for Boston.

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I honestly do not understand how I have gone so many years of running without Maurten in my life.  I used them yesterday during my long run, and they have changed my running life.  They are SO easy for me to take (I couldn’t even taste them!), and my stomach didn’t feel them, but my energy levels did.  It made me realize how much other gels have felt like they sit in my stomach or leave a film in my mouth for a while afterward.  I’m so happy they will pass these out along the Boston course.

These are a gamechanger for my stomach that I didn’t realize I needed until I tried them.

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I also squeezed in some strength training for runners on the Peloton app.

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Skye had gymnastics, and one of the girls in her always brings fruit snacks for everyone afterward.

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Beck is a runner.  The girls both stayed somewhat close to me when they were Beck’s age, but anytime he has a chance to run away, he takes it.  He doesn’t even look back until he is stopped at a dead end.

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Skye and my nephew were in the backyard for five hours straight yesterday, I had to bring water and food out to them because they did not want to come in!

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All I could think about yesterday was guacamole, and so we based dinner around that—> steak fajitas + chips/guac.

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PS I had another forgetful moment—>  Last Saturday, I hid my Novablasts in some bushes during my run just in case I would need to switch over to them.  Tuesday night, I was looking everywhere for them to get them out for my speed workout the following day and realized I had forgotten to grab them.  Luckily, they were still there and only a little wet, but I just threw them in the dryer… marathon training has taken my brain.

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PPS I have to share these important reminders from Amy, Christine, and Aimee about yesterday’s post on fatigue!

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Any running gear/tips/tricks that you have learned lately that made you wonder how you lived without them for so long?

What is your perfect running temperature?

-45 with some clouds and zero wind.

When it comes to iron and/or your nutrition… have you noticed how these things have affected your running?  

Parents reading> when your kid(s) were little did they stick to you like glue or run?

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45-50 degrees, sunny or partly cloudy. Love the crispness.
Runners, all, like Beck would look back at a dead end.


Hahaha it’s true! I hope you get plenty of 45-50 degree runs this year. It just feels like heaven. Hope your day is off to a beautiful start, Nancy!


I agree 100% on the weather – 45 degrees and cloudy with no wind is ideal for running.
Have a great day, Janae!


Right?! It just feels like heaven! I hope you get plenty of 45 degree runs this year… I think I will get another today too. I hope you have a great day too, Allison!


Ha ha… The difference in opinion for perfect running conditions always cracks me up. For me (since we don’t have cold temps really) it’s 55-60°, no wind. 40° seems cold to me, and you’re in shorts! Ha ha
I always loved when my boys were outside for hours when they were little! My youngest definitely clung to my side until he was about 3, then he was super independent. My older son was a good blend of staying close but also pushing his independence.
I am so happy to hear that you love the Maurten gels. I have been thinking about my fueling for longer runs lately, and have wondered about different gels. I have never taken them, just always used chewy energy bites. And although the bites taste good, I don’t feel that lift in energy. Thanks ?
Have a great day!


Haha we really do acclimate to our weather… when I first moved to California I remember people staring at me like I was crazy wearing a tank and shorts at 50 degrees and they were all bundled up! I love hearing about your boys when they were little. Oh I love the energy bites because they taste good but you will have to try Maurten and tell me what you think. Thanks friend, you too!


surprised you used the dryer, we’re always told that’s a huge no no….when my shoes become my yardwork shoes I throw them in the laundry and then the dryer so that I’ll never use them again to run in…..there’s so many glues and materials in shoes that all dry and different rates….do you run barefeet?


That is a very good point! Luckily they were just in there for a few minutes! I do not run barefoot very often but I really should more! Hope you have a great day, Warren.


Ugh fine, I may finally be convinced to try to Maurten gels now! I’ve been resisting them for a while because of the higher price tag, but I’ve heard only great reviews. Do you think it’s too late to do a couple trial runs with them before Boston? (I’m doing one more long run this weekend, so may be able to try them on Saturday, if I can pick them up in time!)

As far as running gear that has changed my life, I started running with a Koala Clip a few months ago and wow, I love it so much! I never ran with my phone before that because I hated the feeling of an arm band, but with the Koala Clip, I can’t even tell my phone is there. Truly a game-changer!


Hahah I’m sorry I convinced you bc the higher price tag really is annoying. I don’t think so at all, maybe even just take them before your next shorter runs too (ie I took one before my 8 miler this morning just to make sure it wasn’t a fluke and they work well with my body). Let me know what you think! Seriously, the Koala Clip is the best… total game-changer and I love hearing that you love yours! Have a great day and keep me updated!


Ok, so Beck is growing so fast–and his hair is so cute. So funny you mentioned that about guac, because I have been eating so many avocados lately and just made guac last night for dinner and lunch today. So filling and so delicious. I actually love to wrap it in cabbage or romaine and add sprouts and some raw walnuts. It’s my fave.

Thanks to you, I no longer have to live without my Brooks spandex shorts. I call them biking shorts, but I know they are for running. Obsessed with all of the pockets and how they don’t ride up at all. So good!

Also, thanks for sharing this speed workout. I’m putting it on my schedule for next week. Need the motivation to do some speed. :)


Your guac combo sounds amazing! YUM! This makes me so happy you love those shorts, you reminded me to pull them out! Thanks Avery and let me know how the speed goes next week, you’ve got this!


My son was a runner too, it was a very stressful time in life. He stopped fully at 3 and a half. Hang in there mama!

I will have to try those gels!


Good to know this stage will end because I’m about to just lock us up in our house;). Let me know what you think of Maurten and I hope your day is a great one, Beth! PS I hope you guys are getting some sunshine in Colorado!


Hi Janae! I starting using a koala clip a few years back when you recommended it and like others have said it’s a total game changer! Well that and getting wireless earbuds, I was definitely funny looking when I tried to run with my koala clip and wired earbuds coming out from my back hahah. Sometimes people ask me what it is and I say it’s a jetpack.
Happy Thursday!


I am so happy that the Koala Clip has become a game changer for you, it really is the best. Oh and wireless earbuds… how did we live before those? Hahaha about the jetpack, that is hilarious. Thanks friend, you too!


Thanks for the Maurten review, Janae! I need to try them. And the Koala Clip! I always run holding my phone, even for 20 milers. I have a feeling I’ll be amazed by the freedom of it.

And completely agree with mid-40s and partly cloudy. Perfect for running!

Both my kids have been runners! I was just chasing my 2 1/2 year old! She loves the game, but it is stressful sometimes. I even bought one of the child leashes (in the form of a backpack:) so that they can’t get too far away in crowds and on busy streets. People laugh, but it’s necessary sometimes!


My favorite running temp is 35 degrees, BRIGHT AND SUNNY, and zero wind. Followed closely by 50 degrees, cloudy, and again, no wind. No wind is a must at all times…it’s definitely my least favorite “element” when it comes to running (and life).


question for you and your readers…
Weather down here in TX is starting to get warmer (YAY!!) but i’ve started getting shin splints due to it ( i think…?) Has anyone else noticed shin splints with warmer weather? also…best compression sleeves/socks??


Hey Lindsey! I haven’t experienced this but I will absolutely ask in the questions of tomorrow’s post. GOOD LUCK!!!


I totally agree with checking your iron and other blood markers if you’re feeling fatigue! A couple years back I was donating blood pretty frequently and I got a letter from the donation center saying my ferritin levels were too low and I should see my doctor immediately. It turns out my ferritin was at a 3 and my doctor said she liked to see female runners at more like 50. She also said the low ferritin was likely the cause of my restless leg syndrome which was affecting my sleep. I had to try a couple different types of iron supplement to find one that didn’t have side effects, but once I got on track I noticed a huge increase in energy levels.

And that’s too funny about your precious Novoblasts! I swear, every time I leave a layer somewhere I run right past it and forget to pick it up. Luckily the running gods have been with me and it’s always there when I come back for it.


If you are feeling extra fatigued you should definitely check all of your iron levels. Have a complete panel taken both hemoglobin and ferritin. I have had anemia off and on throughout my years as a runner. The first time I had it I assumed like most female runners that my tiredness was marathon training, being a mom , and doing all the things. However, when I had my bloodwork done and all of my iron levels were critically low I ended up having to undergo IV iron infusions just to get out of the hole I had dug myself into before I could start supplementing. Aside from not getting enough iron in your diet there is also a phenomenon called foot strike hemolysis which means that every time your foot strikes the ground you break down red blood cells so as runners we are prone to break them down faster. Here is more information. I hope this helps ! I am glad you had a great run today and I am so excited for you and your Boston marathon! Have the best day !


Hi Janae! Is your green patagonia sweatshirt the organic label crewneck? I love it and wondered if I may ask what size you wear in it? Thanks!

Happy weekend!


Thank you so much Anna! Yes it is! I have it in a large, I love it so so much!

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