Silentish Saturday!!

A run with my sis…

and the bump:)

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Saying their goodbyes for the weekend.

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Grandma School (Knox missed it this week since it wasn’t our day yesterday).

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The theme of the day was ’31’ which meant they ended the day at 31 Flavors (aka Baskin Robbins).

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Our Costco now sends samples with you for you to eat outside.

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Came home and snacked together.


Officially getting to the stage I need a hand getting up out of my bed;)

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Cousin sleep over at our house!

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Each month my sister and I switch off and take each other’s kids so we can have a night away!

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I did exciting things like painting my nails (this is my favorite at home set) until Andrew got home.

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Time for a run/walk and missing having my group to meet each Saturday morning!

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PS some of our leaves are changing colors which makes me very excited.

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Tell me three things that you have going on today!

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Leaves in Boston are starting to get yellow tips! On a walk in woods this morning I spied a wild turkey!! Fall is coming and I am so thrilled:)


Oh I bet this time of year and the fall is just stunning in Boston! A wild turkey wahoo. I hope that you have a beautiful weekend Nadya!


This reminded me that I need to paint my nails too! Do you have any tips or tricks? My favorite trick is to use disposable cotton applicators to clean up mistakes—they’re like q-tips but are flat at one end and pointed at the other end. Game changer!

I also need to get to my local Great Harvest to stock up. It’s raining pretty hard today so I’ll probably skip the run and do some chores instead.


Hey Cynthia!! Oh I love that trick and I am going to copy you. I wish I had any good ones besides I just go into it expecting it to not look nearly as good as when I go to the nail salon and have them done ha. I keep my expectations low so I’m not disappointed:) I hope the chores went well and I want to go to Great Harvest with you! Have a beautiful weekend and I hope you get some sunshine soon!


Yay for fall!! We finally broke from the high heat and humidity the last couple of days, so my morning runs have felt cooler and hinted at fall. I too saw a tree with the tips turning just slightly.
My husband took a long break from running, and is getting back to it, so this morning will start with a long-ish run/walk with him, followed by pilates, then some house stuff and cleaning the patio. Nothing too exciting happening this weekend.
Have a great Saturday and relaxing Sunday ?


HALLELUJAH for the cooler temps in your area… you guys deserve it! I am stoked to hear that your husband is back to running, that is so exciting. Keep me updated on how his return is going:) Thank you Wendy, you too.


I love your grandma school so much! What wonderful memories your kids are going to have with their grandparents! Your mom is so sweet!

Just finished a 12 miler on a beautiful morning with a little bit of rain and great conversation. My friends and I are trying to keep a good running base while we wait to see if Boston 2021 is going to happen for us. We qualified at St George last fall and are so hopeful we will get to run! (I don’t know if you’d remember us but the three of us met you at the finish of Hobble Creek half last year?).

Good luck with your last stretch of pregnancy. I know you mentioned that Skye’s binky was going to go to the baby when it’s born. I think it would be wise to transition her out of her binky before the baby arrives so she doesn’t have a reason to resent the baby. She will already have her little world upended somewhat by its arrival and if she thinks it’s because of the baby that her binky is gone that may make it worse for her and you. This is totally unsolicited advice so feel free to do what works best for you and her!! ?


AHHHH NATALIE!! I absolutely remember meeting you at Hobble Creek. I remember it made me so happy that you guys did. CONGRATS on your BQ and I really really hope that Boston 2021 happens for you! I think you are totally right… I NEED all of the advice I can get. I think in the next month or so we are going to take her to Build a Bear and have her put her binkys in a bear so that she isn’t saying goodbye to them forever but she gets a new stuffed animal and won’t be using her binkys anymore. Who knew that binkys could cause a mom so much stress haha. Have a beautiful day and I am so glad you had such a great 12 miler today with your friends!


Oh binkys only cause stress when you’re trying to take them away! Ha! All my babies loved them. That Build a Bear idea is perfect! She’s going to do great!


Run this morning. Saw my mom out there and ran some miles together. :)
Ate some banana chocolate chip bread upon return tasted like a million bucks.
Date night with C tonight.


I LOVE that you saw your mom out there while you were running. That makes me so happy! Might have to copy you with the bread and we are having date night too! ENJOY!!!


I almost bought that gel nail kit the other day! How long do they actually last? I just had a great easy long run (in the heat/humidity ?), then made fresh orange juice with our new juicer. I think we’re probably going rock climbing later today, which is my kids new favorite thing! ? I hope you have a great day! (And fun fact, 31 flavors was my first job! Gold medal ribbon all the way! ?).


Mollie, now you are making me crave Gold Medal Ribbon… that is my #1 favorite too! So fun that you used to work there. Way to get out in the heat/humidity for those miles and I must get that juicer! So great that you guys are climbing together, I love hearing about ways like this that families bond. The gel nail kit usually lasts me about 4 days and that’s with a lot of dishes/chores so I’m happy with them:) Have a beautiful rest of your weekend!


Picking up coffee
Watching the Tour de France!


I didn’t know the Tour de France was happening… thanks for telling me so I can watch too! Enjoy Molly!


I’ve only got 2 things going today:
Bike ride
Trip prep. We are flying to Hawaii tomorrow so we can clear out of the condo the company has been leasing for us. It’s a quick trip – we’re coming back home on Tuesday. Hawaii has a mandatory 14 day quarantine or the length of your stay whichever is shorter, so we just want to get in and back out as quickly as possible. They’ve gone back to mostly lock down again, even beaches are closed.


I didn’t know you were leaving to Hawaii! That is a short trip and good luck clearing the condo out. My friend lives in Hawaii and she was telling me last night about the lockdown! Good luck Kathy and I hope your bike ride was an amazing one. Safe travels!


Hi Janae! How is it possible that leaves are changing already??? Time went by so slow but also so fast this summer. Today I am doing some cleaning! I had to clean out my space at work so I have some boxes to go through. This means that I am now thinking of which tv show or podcast to binge to keep me sane doing this. I’ll also go to my friend’s house who is out of town to steal all of her backyard tomatoes (and water her plants for her). Happy weekend!!


I totally agree… spring felt so slow but summer zoomed by! I hope you found an awesome show or podcast for your cleaning spree! Good luck and enjoy all of the tomatoes! Thanks Amy!


Oh my gosh, is that “Curly?!” She’s so grown up!
Three things:
1. We just moved last week, so today we are spending some more time unpacking and making our house a home.
2. Nature walk with the wee ones (and husband)
3. Cooking chicken breasts in the Instant Pot. I always thaw first, but just found out I can throw them in frozen. Wish me luck — this could be a serious game changer.


It is Curly!! She is almost a teenager, it goes by too fast! Congrats on your move and I hope you are just loving your new space and area. It’s so nice to start fresh! YES!! I always put my chicken in there frozen and it turns out great. Enjoy Stacey and have a great rest of your weekend.


Ahhhh, you are so lucky to have so many cousins to share life with your kiddos.

I am so excited to see some signs of fall too!


— ran our “St George” marathon (basically all over town until the watch said we were done) (we bumped up the training schedule and date – school schedules were making weekday runs hard to be consistent and we were fine with being slower)
— painting toenails
— making cookies (I have plenty of calories to spare today and, more importantly…it’s cool enough to turn on the oven!!)


Grocery store samples have been high on the list of things I miss about pre-covid life.


Today I’m meeting with daughter and granddaughter for lunch in the park. Yea! I am also going to workout at Orangetheory Fitness. And go to work…well, go, as in walk down to my office in the basement. Still working from home. Take care! Stay safe! Have fun!

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