Selfishly + Showing Off + My Favorite Running Lessons.

Can you believe it is the last day of August?!  I swear this month just flew by and I am officially ten (give or take a few days) weeks away from having this baby now.

6 miles with walking breaks and then it was straight to the fields for soccer games.

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We got home from soccer and Brooke made us all our second breakfast of pancakes.  Her interest in cooking is my favorite.


And then we picked raspberries from my sister’s garden.

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The rest of my Saturday was all about celebrating Megan!  I couldn’t be happier for her and her husband.  They are perfect for each other.   Selfishly, I’m very happy that she married a runner because now they run together all of the time and Andrew and I will join them for their mountain adventures after this pregnancy.

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Her reception had the best food ever.  Andrew and I kept going back for more and more.

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There were also tables of desserts and ice cream cones too.

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I already want to relive the night again…

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Our Sunday morning started out slow and when we finally got outside to go for a walk my body said no way to that idea because it was way too hot.  So we hung out in the front yard in the shade while the girls ran around with Beretta.   Skye missed our Sunday walk as you can tell.

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Beretta showed off her new favorite hobby… She pulls Andrew on his skateboard now.

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I thought I would share a few running lessons that I’ve had over the years that are true to me… they might be true for you and they might not be true for you but I’d love to hear some things you’ve learned about this sport over the miles!

*Celebrate everything.  Right after my  half-marathon PR last year I started thinking about WHAT IF I just ran 24 seconds faster so that I could finally break 1:20.  I was bugged that I didn’t just run 2 seconds faster per mile to hit that goal.  I decided to stop my thoughts there and remember that I gave everything I had and it was time to just focus on celebrating the PR.  We can always think… what if and think we should have done more but it is a lot more fun to celebrate right where you are now.  No matter how big or how small those accomplishments we hit are, celebrate celebrate celebrate and pat yourself on the back.

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*You can fool yourself into thinking that your legs aren’t that tired during a race.  You can fool yourself into hitting your dream paces even if your brain is telling you to slow down…. BUT you CANNOT fool poor racing nutrition.  I can’t tell you how many times it took for me to learn this lesson but it finally happened.  I remember in 2011 I ate candy on the way to the start of a half marathon and felt like death during the race.  I remember MANY marathons where I started fueling at mile 15 and pretty much had to crawl the last 6 miles.  BUT what I really remember is the races where I fueled properly and while I was tired at the end, I never felt that depleted/zero glycogen/want to die feeling during the race.  I now go into half-marathons and marathons eating 600+ calories in the morning and fueling regularly throughout the race (starting at about 30 minutes in and then continuing every 30-40 minutes).  Fueling properly has been a game changer for my running and I’m so glad I now know how much more enjoyable long runs/marathons are now that I’m eating enough.  We don’t expect our cars to run without gas so why in the world would we expect our bodies to run without calories during a race?!

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*Races, times, performance have nothing to do with our self worth.  Sure they can fill us with confidence when we have a good one or bum us out for a day because we worked so hard for something and missed our goal BUT the time on the clock can’t determine how we should feel about ourselves.

*There is always another race (or another 1039 races).  I remember back in 2011 being so devastated that I wasn’t going to be able to run Boston because of stress fractures.  I remember in 2015 also feeling so down about the fact I couldn’t run the marathon I had trained so hard for because of health issues.  What I’ve learned through both experiences is that there is always another race.  There is always another training cycle.  You might miss out on some races every now (AKA ALL OF 2020!!!) and then because that’s just how life works but there will always be another race for you to do!  Those goals will happen but sometimes they just don’t happen the years or at the races we expect them to happen.

*Get out of your comfort zone more.  I’m the type of runner that naturally chooses convenience (aka running pretty much the same thing every single day during pregnancy) over experience but my training cycle last year (my coach and the people I would run with) really pushed me out of that comfort zone and they have helped me experience places/things that I normally wouldn’t do on my own.  IE go run up Timpanogos when I have trails that I know really well two seconds away from me.

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Tell me about any of your favorite running lessons?

Dog owners>  Tell me your dog’s favorite hobbies please!

If you have had a wedding reception/dinner etc—> What food did you have there?

How have you gotten out of your comfort zone this year?

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Her reception looks awesome!
Running has taught me to be proud of what I can do. I use to compare myself to everyone else while running, but now I focus more on what I can do, even if I have days where running doesn’t come easily AT ALL, I am still glad I can run.

At our reception we did snacks……krispy kreme donuts, coffee, and fruit trays. I loved it!!

My sister just got married (Friday!) and they had bbq. it was a fun reception with a Harry Potter theme! They had chocolate frogs and candies from the movies and turned those litte fancy gold hazelnut candies into snitches by adding wings. It was super cute!


I love that so much Loribeth and we all need to keep being so proud. This isn’t easy! You are doing amazing. Congrats to your sister and HP theme… Andrew would have LOVED that. Hope your week is off to a great start!


I’ve been following Megan for maybe a year now on IG because of you and I felt awful for her when the original wedding was switched around constantly. I mean I feel awful for any and all weddings that were messed up due to covid but I don’t know everyone getting married lol. Her reception looked amazing! Also I have to thank you for introducing us to Megan since I always look forward to waking up on Monday mornings and watching her IG stories for the memes!

My favorite running lesson is I can do hard things which I’m pretty sure you have written/said 2857430753 times so I would repeat it to myself when I want to quit.

My dog’s favorite hobbies include trying to get my family to feed her human food and snuggling up with me at night. If I could bottle up her nightly cuddles I would! Dogs are just too pure for this world.


Right?! Seriously… it just seemed like one thing after another for her wedding plans but it all worked out so wonderfully. She makes my Monday mornings so much better too! YES YES YES, best lesson we can learn from running. Haha your dog has excellent choice in hobbies. Have a beautiful Monday, Maureen!


so true about run times! I listened to a podcast recently and they were talking about how seldom we want to finish activities we enjoy faster LOL. Running is one of the few! So now I try to go out and just enjoy the run, without thinking about time at all.

Not so helpful if you have a time-related goal (or are pro) but certainly good for many of us most of the time.


Hahah that is so true and I have never thought of it that way! I agree, it is so good for most of us to truly just let go of the time and just run! Have a beautiful day Christine:)


My favorite running lesson…if you put in the work it will always show. Not necessarily when you want it to but it will.

Our dogs favourite happy is chase. Also my patner taught her to skateboard lol. She can push the skateboard yoo

I think this whole year has been challenging and pushed me outside my comfort zone…adjusting to working from home and a new puppy but it has also been a huge blessing. I think people are very resilient when we have have to be.

I hope you have a wonderful day Janae!


I totally agree with you and that one is so helpful to remember getting out the door when we don’t feel like it. SHE CAN SKATEBOARD?! I am so happy that you guys got this puppy! Thank you Kristine and I hope your day is a great one too.


That pic of beretta…dog heaven. She looks so happy!!


Right!?! They were both so happy! Hope you have a beautiful day Gillian!


Oh goodness remote learning 2.0 is going to do me in, first day back! Luckily I was able to move all of my students for the day so I am available. But teachers not knowing how to send out zoom links is completely ridiculous!!

Running lessons, I definitely need to learn to fuel more and I have a feeling that is what happened with my heel stress fracture (though maybe not as the doctor told me it was more likely a jumping injury- say no to jumping in barefeet!!). Nevertheless I am trying to learn from it. Right now, coming back from injury I am learning how to run regularly at an easy pace. I read an article about someone coming back from an injury who regularly did 6 min miles and was doing 10 min which made me realize I was going way too fast. Today I set out to just look at my watch for mileage as that is the way my doctor had me coming back to running, a ratio of run walk. I looked at pace at the end. I felt SO good! Not to mention, its so fun.


Ok I really needed to hear that about the missing races thing. I was all set to run an awesome virtual half in a few weeks, then last week I tripped and fell on a run and sprained my knee. It has been SLOW to recover and feel better and I haven’t ran since it happened!! I’ve been so disappointed and honestly angry. What if I had just seen that crack in the pavement!! But reading what you wrote really helped me. All my training from this long hot summer isn’t just going to disappear. It’s not all a loss. And it’s important I heal well. Thanks so much for writing this… I needed it!!❤️


Hi Janae! I’m so happy that you were able to celebrate your friend! I am still waiting to see when I will be able to get married. At a minimum we have to wait until both our parents can travel safely.
My parents have a golden and like most dogs she has no concept of pacing. She will drag me in the beginning of the run and then flame out.
Happy Monday!


I just hiked 23 miles this Saturday… definitely 100% out of my comfort zone! But I feel very proud and very accomplished.


My daughter got married in June. We had a typical buffet luncheon (slow cooker BBQ chicken, rolls, salad bar, tons of desserts). But the highlight was the Provo Bakery wedding cake: half chocolate, half white. The. Best. Cake. Ever! I was glad they went on a week-long honeymoon so I could eat most of the rest of the cake before it went bad. ;) And yes, I froze two pieces for their 1-year anniversary. :)


My one dog LOVES to swim! She is a pit/mix and can swim for hours. Pool, ocean, bay…it doesn’t matter. We can now just give her a ball and she will toss it and chase after it herself! I don’t think she would like the skateboard like Berretta because she is a chicken about almost everything (i.e. we have to take out the chlorine bobbers before she goes in the pool because they scare her).


Both you and Megan look so beautiful!

I have learned through running that I can do so much more than I think I can. I never thought I would run an ultra or finish an ironman, but here we are. I can’t wait to see what’s next.

Our dogs favorite hobbies are eating and sleeping (he’s a bulldog) my next dog will be a runner ;)


I had the Whole Bowl at my wedding–which is a delicious bowl with rice, beans, avocado, cilantro, cheese, special sauce, etc. Soo good and a big hit!

My dog loves to sleep, walk, eat, and play tug of war ;) she also enjoys finding gross stuff outside and eating it haha

Out of comfort zone=learning to play the piano this year!

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