Our Day’s Recap + New Addition to the Blog!

You’d think we would run out of things to talk about with all of these miles that we do together but we don’t…  PS we usually each have one earbud in to have some music in the background for the beat and just talk the whole time unless we are going uphill… then there is no talking.

We both get very excited when we are wearing our matching workout tanks.

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After tennis I needed a donut.  Badly.  Luckily, the girls were more than happy to join me on this adventure.

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We decided to ride bikes to go get them and just brought our masks on the handlebars so we could go inside.

At the end of the bike ride I felt like I had basically done an Ironman with the running and biking.

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Skye had her very first real timeout yesterday and she spent her time in timeout working on her V-Sits.  I was impressed.

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Followed by a bath.


We had a date yesterday afternoon.  We’ve been making weekly dates a big priority these days and it has been amazing.

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We tried a new place that we’ve driven by a million times and it was delicious.  A fried chicken, pickles and cole slaw sandwich from Love Birds.

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Then we went to Target together to get Brooke’s birthday presents… her birthday is next month but we have a big camping/cabin trip that we are planning in between then so we wanted to just make sure we were prepared.  How is she going to be 8?!

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Kati told me in the comments yesterday that her grandmother would always serve them fresh fruit with milk and sprinkled a little sugar on top too so I added that to mine and it was excellent.

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We had a bunch of cousins over for the night.

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They have started even wearing matching outfits.

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PS I finally updated My Gear page with the correct links and I also added my TOP favorite Amazon finds and will update that often—> You can find the page at the top of my blog or HERE.

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PPS This made me laugh so hard because Andrew actually doesn’t ever leave the toilet seat up but I DEFINITELY do this:

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Who has done an Ironman?  What was the hardest part for you… the run, bike or swim?

What is the messiest room in your house or the hardest room for you to keep organized?

What have you done recently that you are proud about (I WANT TO KNOW)!

What percentage of your runs are you listening to something and what do you usually listen to these days?

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If I’m running with someone, I don’t listen to anything, we talk the whole time. Running conversations are the best, you get to know people so much better! If I’m alone, I’ll listen to music or podcasts the whole time.

Sometimes doing ab workouts is like a time out haha, Skye has a good point!


I totally agree! For some reason exercise helps us to open up more and talk to people on a much deeper level. Hahaha YES that is so true! Hope your day is a great one Mariah!


This hits home today!! What is the messiest room? By far it is our toyroom… Luckily I can shut the doors and pretend it doesn’t exist… But it is overflowing with stuff. I have bins and baskets and things to contain it all… But it still overflows. When the kiddos were up and out at school I could go in every once in a while for a big purge, but with everyone home and watching that hasn’t been possible. They just don’t want to willingly part with anything. Any tips for what to do with all the little pieces that are literally everywhere ??


Carly, I completely relate with you right now. Our toy area is out of control right now and since everyone is home all of the time it makes it so hard to go through it all. I need tips for those pieces too… anyone?!? Have a great day Carly!


Is the bike you use with Skye on your gear page? We’re hoping to start family riding and there are so many options!


Hey Becki! It’s not yet, but now it will be… thanks for reminding me! I have this one and love it and I hope you guys have a blast on your family bike rides! Enjoy your day Becki. https://www.trekbikes.com/international/en_IN_TL/bikes/mountain-bikes/cross-country-mountain-bikes/marlin/marlin-6-womens/p/23123/


Love Birds is my cousins restaurant! Who is also the founder of Waffle Love! Since I don’t live in Utah I haven’t tried it yet but it looks amazing!

I mostly listen to podcast (only 1 earbud in) and chat with my 2 year old in the stroller about what she sees when I run.


No way!! Tell your cousin we LOVED it and loved the interior and how incredibly clean it was. We also LOVE Waffle Love so much and now I am craving it haha. I love that you run with your two year old and those chats are the best. Have a beautiful day!


I’ve done two Ironmans and the hardest part is leaving the changing tent after the bike to start running a marathon when you’ve been out there for 8+ hours and it’s already 90F out. Also by the end of the day my feet hurt something indescribable. It’s really just an incredibly long day of continuing to move forward.


Very well said!! And the foot aching thing is very real!


I. CAN’T. EVEN. IMAGINE. Seriously, that description just makes me want to go take a nap. You are amazing!


Thank you for linking all your amazon favorites!! I’ve bought several things based off your recommendations (those sandals that look like Birkenstocks are my current fav!) and have never been disappointed. Have a great day, Janae!


This makes me so happy! Seriously, those shoes are on my feet every day… they are just the best. Thanks Haley, you too!


Oh my word Skye looks so cute sitting in her time out!

That is a full couch! How fun!

I would say our living room. I try to have the kids keep their toys downstairs, but they want to be up by me in the kitchen or living room so they always make their way up. Plus, if they built something with LEGOs, they don’t way to take it down/put it away after they spent so much time building it.

100% of the time I listen to something and it is always podcasts!

Happy Thursday!


Hahah I agree, it was hard not laughing at her while she was on time out. I love that those kiddos want to be by you playing:). Stepping on those LEGOs sure hurts though haha. Thanks Becky, you too!


I am not a neat freak by any means however the area around my sink literally just has hand soap, face soap and my sonicaire. On my husband’s side is a basket full of stuff and he still can’t make the items into it. He also keeps spreading his stuff closer and closer to my side!! He is excellent at putting the toilet seat down.
Since I can’t run right now with my broken heel I have consistently kept up working out with Kira Stokes or Megan on instagram (adapting as I can but I also wear the boot so its protected and absolutely not jumping of course). I was doing this a little bit prior to my break and I realized that a lot of the core work is now getting easier. I have always given up on core work because that is my weakness and it just really takes a lot of effort with no visible results (I might get stronger but I am not sure a six pack is coming my way). I am proud that I kept it up! Going to keep that in place when I start running again. Not going back to the gym in awhile either!


Hahah I think you need to draw a line in between your sinks;). I am just so bummed about your broken heel but you are doing amazing and making the best of it by doing those killer workouts. That is awesome that your core is getting so strong and it will be so awesome for when you run again. Have the best day Carrie!


I wouldn’t say we have a messiest room but one section of the kitchen counter is a disaster zone. My husband piles everything there and it drives me crazy. It’s the first thing I see when I walk in the door and I swear my anxiety level shoots up instantly. After so long I give him the “you have until the end of the week or I’m cleaning it” warning.

I started a new job back in April and had in-person training until the beginning of this month. I’ve impressed myself several times since being on my own that I have figured things out without asking (not that I’m afraid to ask but I like to try first). I was so nervous after the first payroll I did on my own for the company that someone would call me complaining that I screwed something up but nobody ever did!


OH the piles drive me nuts too! You are not alone in piles causing you anxiety. I am so impressed by what you have done with your new job. That is huge and they must be so happy that they hired you. You are rocking it Erika, thanks for sharing and I hope your Thursday is a great one.


Hi Janae !
The last picture made me laugh too :)
I’m absolutely not a messy person. Even the opposite. Each thing has a place. Sometime I wish I could let things go and live in some mess, but i can’t ! Haha !
Are you thinking about trying an Ironman one day ? I’ve never done it, but i thing the hardest would be swimming for me. I’m sure i wouldn’t swim fast.
Recently I’m proud to step back and think about what i really want in my life. Covid19 is a bad thing but it allowed me to realize some things. In normal life we are stuck in our crazy routine and don’t even have the time to wonder if we are happy ! As i’m still teleworking (because of high blood pressure i’m considered more at risk if i get covid), i have more time to think and to ask me the good questions.
I’m still thinking about what to do (WE are both thinking, my husband and I), but there is chances we will change some settings in our life, i hope in not a too long time :)
I’ll let you know what it will be about, when i will know myself ! :)
Have a great day and enjoy with your beautiful family !


Hey Ingrid! I need you to help me with my drawers because every thing definitely does not have a place in there for me haha. Oh I am definitely not thinking about an Ironman one day… I’m with you on the swimming being the hardest part. You absolutely should be so proud about that, that is so important! You have to keep me updated about these changes, I’m excited for you. Thank you Ingrid and I hope your day is a beautiful one and I love the questions you are asking yourself.


Ha ha, Skye’s time-out… I am totally going to copy her after my run and practice V-sits.
Now that our boys are older, there really isn’t a messy room. However, I have one counter in the kitchen that is constantly cluttered with stuff: mail, my volunteer stuff, earbuds, random snacks, and usually 2 different water bottles…. It’s where I do most of my work. Ha
I haven’t done an Ironman, but my husband has. It is a long day for sure, but he said it was one of the best days of his life! He said physically, the end of the bike was the toughest. He started to cramp, so it was a little nerve wracking for him. But he has said that the support for and from all the other participants was incredible!
All the cousin time!!! So much fun ?. Have a great Thursday.


I should join you guys in those V-sits too. Isn’t it amazing how that one area can just build up so quickly, I totally have that too. I didn’t know that your husband has done an Ironman! I cannot even imagine cramping on a bike like that… wow. Thanks Wendy, I hope your day is a great one too.


Random question – Have you ever done a round up of your favorite rainy weather running gear (or even rainy weather best practices)? I’m wondering if I can finally convince myself to run in the rain. :)


I haven’t and that is a fabulous idea! I’ll get on that right away and I think you are going to rock your rainy runs!


I bought the joggers you posted last week off of amazon and oh my gosh, I’ve been wearing them ever since. SO SOFT! I’ll be getting like 10 more pairs! Thank you!


I don’t swim well at all, so no tris for me! I won’t drown, but I don’t have a solid swim stroke.

The “low spot” in our house is in our family room. We have a counter top that collects everything.

I took a rest day today and I’m actually proud of myself! I needed the rest. I’ll probably do some yoga later, but staying in bed until 7:00 a.m. is rare.

I just listen to music when I run and only upbeat tunes. I’m wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a good music player app. I’ve been using Google Play Music (I have an Android phone) but it is being replaced by YouTube music. I transferred my library yesterday and already hate the app. I don’t stream music, don’t want recommendations. I buy music that I like and I just want to play MY music. So… Friday favorites anyone?


Rocket player works fine for me: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jrtstudio.AnotherMusicPlayer&hl=en_US

I also use JRT Studios iSyncr to synch my iTunes playlists from my PC to my android phone. iSyncr and Rocket Player play nicely together since they are made by the same company.


Thanks, John!
I don’t have all my music in iTunes, so I’m trying to find a work around to get my music in to Rocket player.


I have not messed with Rocket Player on my phone much except to play music and playlists exported from iTunes.

However, i am fairly certain it is as easy as putting all your songs in a folder on your phone and creating playlists from within Rocket Player. There are tutorials on YouTube. I just watched this one, looks pretty easy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EenHWWCIxuU


Hi Janae! I find it so hard to organize papers and documents, got any tips? The only time I’m not listening to anything while running is if I’m with someone else or if it’s raining since I don’t have wireless headphones. Happy Thursday!


I’ve never done an ironman – it would probably take me all day just to get through the swim (I’m NOT a swimmer) but a friend of mine has done many full ironman’s and gone to Kona!

Our messiest room, by far, is the kids playroom. They are still little and working on picking things up when they’re done playing, hah it’s a nightmare in there for me! I’m such a neat freak but luckily there is a door and I can close it :-)

Lately all my runs are with the double stroller and I don’t usually put music on. But once a month (ish) I have childcare and I can get out for a run by myself with music and it is the most glorious time ever!! I think this is my answer for the thing I’m most proud of – all runs (3 or 4 a week!) with the double bob stroller! I’ve worked up to 6 miles and soon I’m going for 8!

I hope you have a great day, Janae! Do you usually post baby updates on Thursdays?? I feel like I was missing it today! Looking forward to whenever you post another one!


Torrie! You are right on and I totally didn’t do one this week… I. ran out of time! I’ll definitely post one next week, thank you for noticing. I am so amazed that you can run with the double stroller. That is IMPRESSIVE! I can barely push one baby at a time! I bet those runs all on your own are just amazing and I hope you get two this month! Hope your evening is a great one.


Yes to Ironman-one in Penticton, Canada and one in Coeur d” Alene, ID. The hardest part for me is the bike portion. It’s just a long time to ride. With running, you can walk and still go forwards! The swim was the easiest for me. I loved doing them because it was free time! (at the time I had three kiddos and the youngest was 2.5 years old)

I swear the entry way is the most cluttery place-it’s the drop zone!!!

How is it that we can talk non-stop on a run then suddenly have all new topics to cover when the run is over?!

Skye is a hoot in her timeout. Did you have to bite your cheeks to not laugh?!


I love your window seat cushions! Can you tell me where you got them?


Hey!!! So we actually had them custom made! If you are in the area, I’ll send you their info. Have a great night!


Random, but for years I ate fresh berries with half and half. I added honey on top and ate it like cereal!!! Rock your fruit and milk!!!:)


Oh, the striped window seat cushion covers are gone. Wah-wah.

That sandwich looks awesome!

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