Friday Favorites, Something I’m going to Work On & We are Joining a League!

I started off my Thursday with 8 miles.  I’m finding myself running these days like I’m cross country skiing and not lifting up my feet/knees very much at all so I’m going to work on that during today’s run.

I love when I find random things along the way on my runs…

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Brooke had her last day of tennis and they gave her a gatorade at the end so that made her day.  PS I love Target’s activewear line for girls.  I want everything they have in my size.

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A different brother (the one that wrote this post) came into town yesterday so we went to lunch with them.  Skye went crazy over the grilled pineapple and Andrew made sure to wear his Angels jersey because my brother is a big Dodgers fan.

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While we were eating I found out that my brother calls salad dressing—> Lettuce Lotion.

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And then we went and played pickleball.  We had a lot of people playing so we took up a few courts for our families to play.

PS my sister and I decided we are going to join a pickleball league so that will be exciting.

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I played a few games but then took it easy with Skye in the shade because it was 94 degrees.

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Non-stop fun with cousins is exhausting:

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I have some favorite things this week to share!

*We have officially used our Pickleball set every single day since we bought it.  We bought a driveway set so that we could play whenever we wanted or play when the kids are asleep etc.  The kids love it too and I highly recommend ours (HERE) if you are needing one.  Our sporting goods store (Als) had it on sale for $75 so if you live in the area, grab it there.

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*My sister brought over her salad spinner the other night and told me that this needs to be a Friday Favorite (and that I need to get one too ha;).  She uses it multiple times a week to clean and dry her lettuce and thinks everybody needs one.

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*Brooke is ALL about joining me in my 3492 nightly routines that I do before bed and we just started a new one.  We have both been using some of this lotion on our hands before we sleep and the smell really does help us to feel calm.

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*LOVED this episode last week with Ali and Jess Sims and now I really think we need a Peloton so that I can take her classes.

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*I bought another pair of the joggers.  These are the teal version and you just can’t beat how incredibly soft they are for $13.99.  They work perfect for being out and running errands and also for every second you are at home like what I’ve been doing:)

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*Ms. Chef over here made pancakes for 7 kids the other day and they tasted amazing.  We finally got a griddle and it makes life so much easier (and I feel better about Brooke using this vs the stove) and it makes it so much easier to feed big groups of people.

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What are you looking forward to this weekend?

Last sport that you played?!

Tell me some of your bedtime routines that you love?

Last random thing that you saw on a run?

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You can take Jess’ peloton classes just using the Peloton app! I took one of hers yesterday. It’s so fun and keeps running exciting. I just download it on my phone and prop it up on my treadmill. It’s works great. Definitely give it a try!


Oh that’s a really great idea. I will definitely take try that. Thank you so much Maria and happy Friday!


She also has strength classes that I have taken that only require light weights. Very motivating! The peleton app was running a free 90 day trial when I signed up when gyms were closed. Not sure if that’s still the case.


Yes…I LOVE the peloton app also! I used to hate running on the treadmill but now if the weather is bad I actually really enjoy doing a run on my treadmill. SO many great instructors/music/types of runs. It has also helped me with my speedwork with all the HIIT/Interval classes. Highly recommend! (Also I am definitely looking/feeling much stronger from using the weight training classes also).


Jess and Ally are so great! You’d love a peloton. They make working out so much fun. Matty and Cody are fun, too! I’m a chiropractor and I highly suggest it for cross-training. I started on the app to make sure I’d love it and got the peloton for Christmas!


This is all so so good to hear. I really think we will get one… maybe we will copy you and have it be for our Christmas too. Have a really great weekend Danielle and how cool that you are a chiropractor!


Love your clothes recommendations!
Unfortunately in Switzerland we can’t order from Amazon – how does your Swiss friend manage that?
Last time my husband and I went running, we saw a couple of beavers by our river! Amazing :)
Have a lovely weekend!


I need to just order things and send them to you! So she is usually back in Utah once a year (I see her on Monday wahoo) so she just orders a bunch of stuff while she is here and brings it back with her. Beavers.. oh that must have been awesome to see. Thanks Sarah, you too!


I am looking forward to sleeping in a bit tomorrow morning. I will thoroughly clean my house with my youngest daughter’s help. It’s the simplest things that make me happy honestly. As far as bedtime routines- I have quite a few. While I brush my teeth before bed I like to have worship and praise music on. Sets the tone for a peaceful night. I use the bathroom exactly three times before I tuck into bed. Maybe I have ocd? All I know is if I skip a step it doesnt feel right lol


I am SO glad you get to sleep in tomorrow, that will feel so good and your house will feel so nice and clean. I love your bedtime routine and you aren’t alone… skipping a step feels too weird to me. I hope you have a really great weekend.


I don’t even know what pickle ball is? I’ve never heard of anyone playing it before!


Hey Mary! So it is a lot like tennis, badminton and ping pong all in one sport:). It’s getting really popular in Utah and new courts are popping up everywhere. I hope you get a chance to play it and have a great day.


Peloton is 1000% worth the investment. the instructors are fantastic and make the rides/strength classes truly enjoyable…and hard! it’s been the perfect addition to my running routine. ps i’ve been on the fence about those joggers but since you’ve already bought another pair, they must be worth it! buying now


I hope that you love the joggers too, please let me know. This is so good to hear about Peloton and I think between me and Andrew using it, it really would be worth it. I just need to get over the monthly fee because the classes sound perfect. Thanks for sharing Lindsey and I hope you have a great weekend.


Are the joggers hot? They are made of polyester, so is it more of a knit or more of like a wind pant or tear away pant from back in the day?


Great question! I feel like it is more of a knit because they are so soft! So they definitely aren’t things you’d want to wear in 100 degree weather but in my air conditioned house/cooler mornings/evenings, they are heavenly ha. Have a beautiful day!


That is a serious pancake prepping face!!! I bet hers are just the best on the planet!!! Have you seen that guy who does designs on his griddle? It’s been years since I first watch it so there are probably a zillion people who do it, but he was a stay at home dad and came up with some wild designs. In the meantime, this looks hilarious:

About the joggers-do they fit true to size?

Salad lotion is the best term ever. I love it.


I have never seen this guy before and oh my goodness, those are AMAZING! I will be watching these with Brooke. They do fit true to size but if you are between sizes maybe size up?! Hahaha I laughed so hard over salad lotion. Have the best day Kelly.


I love the pancake griddle. My dad made pancakes from scratch most weekends growing up. I used to try to make mickey mouse and little mini pancakes like I see in that picture with Brooke. The griddle definitely makes it easier to make pancakes for a crowd.


What fun memories with your dad! We definitely need to find a homemade recipe to use! Hope you have a really great weekend!


That is so cool that Brooke can make pancakes and for so many people! I’m so bad at pancakes so I just make waffles instead :(

I’m going to have to check out Brooke’s tank at Target. I’m kind of short so sometimes I can wear kids clothes. I don’t know if it’s the pandemic or what but I am having the hardest time finding my size in running shorts and tanks right now.

Pickleball looks like so much fun!! And I’m dying at “lettuce lotion”. I never eat salad dressing. I don’t like my salad moisturized lolol

Last random thing I saw on a run – a Bobcat! Have a great weekend!


Our weekends don’t feel much different than the rest of the week. Our county’s churches are shut down again, so we’re back to online services. It’s suppose to be in the 90s for the next few days so we’ll be spending lots of time in the pool.

My bedtime routine always includes a trip through the kitchen that turns in to a mini cleaning session and prepping the coffee machine. I recently started braiding my hair before bed – no ponytail holders, it’s long enough that my hair will stay braided all night. It’s nice not having hair all over my face when I roll over ;)

I’ve been seeing a lot of sidewalk chalk art – glad the kids have something fun to do! Our county just announced they will be doing distance learning when school starts up next month. I feel so bad for everyone trying to figure out what they’re going to be doing next.


I’m looking forward to hanging out on the lake and doing nothing :)
My husband and I played sand volleyball on a coed team for a few years and it was a lot of fun. They aren’t having it this summer but we are looking into getting table tennis for something to do together.
On one of the trails I run on someone spray painted a frog – it makes me smile every time I see it.


I’m stepping in here to second those joggers on Amazon! I bought the teal early this morning before reading this. It’s my 4th pair I bought this week, 1 pair at a time. They feel like luxury and I’m careful mostly not to indulge myself but everyday I wake up and say just 1 more pair. I don’t want to wear anything else now. I’m going to feel so cool in my teal ones just knowing we might be twinsy on any given day, Janae! I really appreciate when you test drive these bargain finds for us.


Hi Janae! Lettuce lotion had me cracking up. I have that same exact salad spinner and I love it! Last random thing I saw on my run was a beaver! That was pretty cool. Happy Friday!


Looking forward to my treadmill run! Ha!!! Not really, but hubby has to work so you do what you gotta do, right? I am staying ahead of the Buzzard for the GVRAT (4 month virtual Ultra) and get a belt buckle if I make it across the state of Tennessee in time! So psyched! I’ll look good in a belt buckle.

We played baseball in the yard last week. Our family is a bit smaller (3), so you have to hit it hard to get around the bases and then to hit again.

I love reading to my son. My hubby has our son read to him, and then I come in and read. It gives his little brain a chance to wind down and I love that no matter how many times we have read a book we always seem to notice something new. Then when the book is over I turn off the light, turn on the nightlight, kiss and and hug, then snuggle till he is asleep.

Random thing on a run….hmmm…last weekend I looked up and saw a deer before it saw me, which is unusual. We were both so spooked we stood a little straighter but I kept going straight and she stood still.

What kind of griddle did you get? Electric I am assuming? Why is it less worrisome than the stove? Thanks for sharing :)


Lettuce lotion ?
Your brother is awesome!


Lettuce lotion LOL I’m sitting at DAL eating Whataburger reading about your brother (tell him a random co-heart says hi!).

Random thing I saw on a run a tarantula!!


I agree, I want Brooke’s tennis outfits! And your Sis is right, I’m not sure how I would function without my salad spinner.

Last solo run I saw a huge hot air balloon take off from the lake and fly overhead. I didn’t realize how giant those things are up close. Last time I ran that trail solo I saw a bear (luckily he was just as scared as I was and ran off into the meadow) so I guess the balloon is an improvement ;)


Buy the Peleton! Worth every penny!! I got excited when you said you might get one – would love to hear about your workouts!


Love my peleton so much! We got it in mid February and every time I use it, I love it even more. All the classes and instructors are amazing. You can do the classses anywhere. I think they are working on a cheaper model as well.


I use the Peloton app ($11.99/month) because I already have a good spin bike. I love the strength, yoga, spin, running and even family classes. As much as I’d love a real Peloton, the membership is more expensive and I already have a good bike!
I have the same salad spinner as your sister, and I would actually choose one with a pull cord like a lawn mower if I was buying a new one. That one feels like you’re smashing the counter with the big button, but my mom’s pull cord salad spinner (the lid is lime green, not sure of the brand) is so much more smooth & quiet!
Happy weekend!!


Ms. Chef, awesome!

Love clary sage for a stress fix (calm). Put it on pulse points, rub together and breathe in!

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