Silentish Saturday!

Beretta had so much fun on our run that I could barely get her to stop for a selfie.

1300 ft ascent, 26 degrees, 8 miles @ 9:17 average.

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We stopped for Beretta to have water breaks whenever we came up to the snow.

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Rock views.

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I always see this swing and wonder who actually uses it because it’s up pretty high off an edge!

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Felt good to have a training partner (and I desperately need to find our hands-free leash that I love again)!

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SO excited for show and tell so she could introduce her class to Ginger.

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Andrew went mountain biking and then we hung outside watching the kids ride bikes.

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She took a FOUR hour nap yesterday… having the big kids home all day is tiring for her.

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Did some planting.

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And relaxing.

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First beautiful watermelon of the year.

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Best cereal in history (from Costco).

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What we are up to this weekend (along with some running and cinnamon roll eating).

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Tell me three things that you have going on today?!

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Long run and I’ll be checking in on the General Conference afternoon sesh.
I love the show & tell pic. Brook looks so thrilled. ?


Angie! I hope your long run was fabulous and that you enjoy general conference! I totally agree, Brooke was just so excited to show her friends her new chicks. Enjoy your Saturday!


Dogs are great running buddies! They are always excited and it encourages me to be that excited when I run (which I probably am right now because I love the outdoor time :) )

Today I am doing homework, yoga and making brownies from scratch.


Crinkle Top Brownies… her picture made me drool! YUM! You are so right, dogs are the best example of Run Happy! Hope your Saturday is a beautiful one, Mariah!


Oh my goodness, Skye looks so much like Andrew in that picture of them!


I TOTALLY AGREE with you Ali:) Hope you are having the best day!


Hi Janae !
Oohh, my dog and I want to run again !
I know it is difficult to takes photos of them while running ! Ha !
Being hand-free is so much more comfortable !
I’m using this one :
and this is great. I hope you will find the one you want.
Today, pancakes, an episode of Black Mirror, and I suscribed to a MOOC, I love to learn new things.
Have a beautiful day !
(I just want to say hello to everybody who leave messages here every day. I love to read all your commentaries and I hope everybody is ok, we all are in the same boat during this time :)


That first run back with your dog is just going to be the absolute best. Your leash looks awesome! WE ALL hearing from you and I am so sorry about everything everyone is going through right now. Wish we could all get together for a group run. Thanks Ingrid and it sounds like you have some great things today!


Aaawww… Baretta!! I swear dogs really do smile.
Getting in a good run this morning, then a fun family Zoom call. I am so excited for this! April is usually the month we are all together a lot between birthdays and Easter, so having this Zoom call will be great.
Then I need to do a pretty big grocery shopping trip. Everything I’ve been hearing lately makes me nervous, but we need to restock so we can stay put for a good long time. But, is anyone else feeling like you are running out of food/Staples faster now that everyone is home all day, every day, eating every meal at home?
Love that Brooke took her chick to show and tell, so sweet!
Have a good Saturday and a very restful Sunday ?


Hey you! I am so glad you are getting to zoom with everyone… I bet you are missing them this month. I totally agree with you, we are running through things like crazy right now. I had no idea how much food we all ate until now. Thanks you Wendy, you too!


Skye and Andrew!! Daughter and Father for sure.

3 things:
– Zoom meeting with work colleagues :/
– Getting rid of old stuff/packing for a move next month
– Hopefully, a run


I totally agree, they are so alike in so many ways. Good luck with all of the prep for your move, I’m excited for you and I hope you were able to get a run in. Have a great weekend,Jenni!


Hi Janae! Yesterday was a worry-filled day for me–I feel like my heart leaves my body every time I think about my sweet parents (who fall in the vulnerable population) contracting the coronavirus (I’m so grateful they are being super cautious). I’m trying really hard to change my perspective today, so I will be watching the General Conference. I remember you have shared “Sunday Will Come” a few times and it’s been on my mind–the message is particularly relevant right now.

May this weekend bring much peace, understanding, and love to each and every one.


Oh friend. I am so so sorry. I hate that you are going through this and I totally understand how you feel and it is hard. Thank you for reminding me of that talk, I will be listening. Let me know if there is anything that brings you peace during the sessions. Thinking about you and I am so glad your parents are being very cautious!


Hi Janae! I don’t have much going on this weekend, hopefully I don’t have to work (I can work remotely which is definitely really lucky in these times). My parents are older and with health conditions and they live in a different state as me so I worry. But last night after many attempts all week my mom finally was able to schedule an instacart delivery for their groceries! I felt so much better knowing that they don’t have to go outside now, I just had to share with someone haha.

Sounds like you have a great weekend ahead of you, hope you get good relaxing time!!


Hey Amy! Oh I really hope that you don’t have to work! I am so so sorry about your worry and I understand (although how hard you live in another state).SO glad instacart is working now… what a relief. Thank you friend, you too!


Maybe a short rainy run for me, much overdue cleaning of floors today (hopefully), and a possible quick Costco trip-if the line is not 2 hours long like yesterday! And speaking of Costco, I need you to tell me about that cereal, Janae. I’ve had my eye on it but stopped short of buying it so many times because of the $12.99 price? It is a pretty big box though… You post about so many of the same things I love from Costco, Trader Joe’s, and even favorite candy from Target-I’m thinking I need to try this cereal!


HEY LIZ… You are talking me into cleaning my floors today too:) Two hour line? Unreal! I know, the price is crazy but it lasts so much longer because it is way filling. If you don’t love it, I’ll venmo you the price ha… that is how confident I am that you’ll love it;) Have a beautiful weekend and keep me updated with how you are doing. Thanks Liz!


Hi Janae! So nice to see all the smiling faces during this crazy time. Today is my birthday. Spent time face timing family, ran around my neighborhood this morning (funny to watch me zigzag and avoid people). Last night we did a zoom game night with friends. Nice to catch up from afar. Cake, dinner, and a movie tonight. Gonna find something my husband wouldn’t normally watch with me. Have a lovely day!


Happy happy happy birthday friend. I am so glad you were able to go for a run, talk with your loved ones and have game night with friends. Enjoy that cake and movie. Wish I could give you a hug! Thank you!


Thanks friend! Sending well wishes and virtual hugs from Ohio!


Long run! It was cold this morning!
Baking a Swiss Cake Roll.
Attempting to get my daughter to work on her social studies project although outside time might win out–hopefully we get in both!

Happy Saturday Janae! Those trails look so peaceful!


My long run was cold too! Swiss cake roll? That sounds amazing. I might have to copy you. Good luck with the project and I hope both things happen for you too. Thanks friend, you too!


That swing is so strange! And it’s right above my house! I’m coming back from injury and starting to do BST once a week since I need to and it’s only half a mile from my house. We’re going on lots of walks/hikes and doing lots of puzzles!


This will be our 4th Sunday watching our church online. It’s still a weird feeling but I’m thankful we have the option.


happy palm sunday! on my Friday run, listened to a podcast with you and Lindsey Hein talk about your 2:49 marathon! a belated congrats to you on a hard-won effort.

3 things:
– run and bike in the park — solo and with our 9 yo daughter
– spring cleaning (because what else is there to do)
– stand in line for an hour plus (up to 4 hour wait I hear) to get groceries w/face masks on… (in nyc)…!

an aside: we have heard they are restricting and/or closing the trails in NY/NJ (by way of twitter feeds) so we haven’t ventured out. That said, it’s really nice to see trails on your blog! please keep posting all the trail photos :)


I’ve been thinking about you friend because I remembered you lived in NYC. I cannot even imagine what you are all going through! PLEASE keep me updated and thank you so much:) So good to hear from you!

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