A Double Run, My Eyeballs Hurt & Made the Night.

My first speed workout on the trails done and done.   Such a fun group to try something new with and experience a different kind of pain.

Love these views!

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The workout= 1.5 mile w/u, 4 x 10 minute tempo based more on effort than pace since we were on trails.  The most exhausted item on my body with this workout = my eyes.  Running fast is hard on the trails because you really have to watch each step and dodge rocks to avoid falling.  It was nice doing a workout on the trails because it doesn’t give you a chance to look at your watch during the tempo intervals because you are too focused on not falling.

In addition to my eyes, my whole body was pretty tired as I was trying to go fast again after last Saturday.  The miles during the tempo ranged from about 6:10-6:50 depending on the sections of the trail.  The effort was there and that was the focus of this workout so I’ll call it a success.  We will be on the trails for half of our runs this week and I think all of the dirt running will help us to recover.

A big focus of this workout from our coach:  “This is the perfect workout to work on turnover (cadence) and mentally holding your form such as shoulders and back along with keeping hands and arms closer to your body.”   <— Definitely something I need to be working on.

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Handheld bottle cheers when we finished.  We didn’t end up bringing them for the workout portion which resulted in cotton mouth and cramps (I WAS SO THIRSTY) but I was very happy to be reunited with them afterwards.

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Back home to work on pull ups (Brooke is determined to do one too)… thank you for your tips yesterday, they really helped.  I am as beginner as it gets with strength training so I re-read all of your suggestions on ways to help a few times:)

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LOVE what Jill said.  I didn’t even think about warming up into them before I read her comment:

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The girls and I got in some school clothes shopping.  I seriously cannot believe Brooke is going into 2nd grade.  Skye was on cloud 9 that she got a new pair of jellies… she has a fascination with shoes.

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Fast forward to when Andrew got home from his trainings and we went out for my second run (this week our coach really wants us to build up our mileage).  Brooke was at a friend’s house but Skye was thrilled to join us.

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It rained almost the entire time and there were quite a few puddles everywhere but it felt like heaven after so many hot runs lately.  My body felt great but my stomach did not… that is the trickiest part about running later for me = figuring out what to eat all day long!

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4.83 miles @ 8:51 average with Andrew and it was so nice to get a run in together… it’s been too long.

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Picked up Brookester and went straight for the good stuff.  Steak burrito and chips and guac for the win.

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She’s really into all of Brooke’s Minnie Mouse toys so these new pjs made her night.

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Have you ever done a run double?  

-In the past when I was teaching I would sometimes have to break up my long runs to before and after school (I taught spin on Saturday mornings so had to do my long runs on Fridays) but this is all new to me.  Not sure how often we will be doing them but we will see!

If you have a significant other… do you ever run together?  How often?

Running in the rain—> love it or not so much?

Question from Andrew= What is your favorite amount of miles to go out and run?

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7-8 is my favorite amount! It’s just long enough to give you a goooood runners high but not so long that you feel overly tired. I’m actually thinking of starting double runs near the end of august to get my mileage up. I have about 40 min between drop off and work so I can squeeze in a few extra morning miles on easy days. It’s so funny how we train our bodies to run at certain times. I struggle with early morning runs–my stomach does NOT like them. But I “runch” almost every day and have no issues, even with eating and snacking all morning. Then at night, cramps, stomach aches…haha. It’s so bizarre!

And seriously, SECOND GRADE?? I can’t believe it!


It’s going TOOOOO fast!!! That is so interesting that your stomach does so well with eating all morning for your runch… our bodies really do adjust to what they plan on us doing ha:) . I’m excited to hear about your mileage ramping up! Have a wonderful day Mollie!


I do quite a few doubles, but I also have a hard time figuring out how to make my stomach happy. My body always feels great, but my stomach not so much – just like you said! I have no trouble with eating breakfast before morning runs, but I haven’t figured it out yet when it comes to the afternoon. Please share any tips you get/have. I would really appreciate it :) Thanks!


That burrito looked SO good!
I had an interruption to a marathon training cycle several years ago–think it was something I was trying to avoid becoming an actual injury(?)–so I missed a couple of the middle-longer runs. When it came time to do the really long ones, I split a couple of them into morning/evening to get the miles without having any setbacks. I thought it worked pretty well.
I don’t mind running in the rain as long as it’s not cold or huge, drenching drops. A little mist can be nice!
I think about 5 miles is my happy distance :)


I have split up miles when training for something in the past to help with my bad knee and due to time constraints. Funny enough I was toying with doing it tomorrow! Honestly I never noticed a big difference in my end results except for the fact that it did feel easier on my body. I was shocked that I really could build up mileage just as easily as doing it all at once! I do not suggest doing all of training this way of course but as part of my overall training it worked for me! This was when I was completely racewalking so 11 min miles which takes a bit longer then your 6 min miles!!! For the time being my knee is holding up and it’s nice to be able to churn out some miles faster. Knee isn’t perfect so I am going very easy!


I love so much that you and Andrew run together. My husband, Patrick, and I used to run together before we had our daughter. In fact, a week before our wedding we ran a half marathon! We used to run after work everyday too. Since having our lovely daughter, we have been more pragmatic and I run or workout in the mornings and he drops her off at preschool/kindergarten (!!! I cant believe she is going to kindergarten soon!) and I pick her up in the afternoon while he runs. We miss running together like before but when my parents visit and we have childcare we take a “date run.”

I haven’t done a double workout since pre-season in highschool! I love running in the rain as long as there is no thunder or lighting! Ha.


I like running with my husband sometimes, other times I enjoy that alone time.

I love to run in the rain on a warm day, so the rain isn’t making me cold.

6 miles is my happy place.

Finally – the girl in the red shorts on your trail run must have taken a nasty tumble – I spotted the blood on her knee – ouch!


YES… she did! She looked down at her watch and tripped over a rock. It was so sad. I hope that you get a warm 6 mile rain run soon. Thanks Amanda!


What stunning views wow!!

Girl you are crushing it! You are so inspiring that on the days when I don’t want to workout, I think about what you do and remind myself that I can do hard things too!

I love working out with my husband! He runs at a much different pace though soooo he does his thing and I do mine but it’s so fun! The cool down walk is always together! Talking and taking in nature… gotta love this planet ❤️ and the little chipmunks are my favorite..

No way I do not like running in the rain!!! My clothes feel blah and my hair and ahhh then I have to shower. And then do I wash my hair since it’s already wet?! See it’s a whole thing.. lol

Andrew. My favorite distance is a 10k run or walk. Sometimes I split this into two 5ks haha.

Weighted blanket into I must share! I tried the Blanquil brand blanket and am in love. I get super paranoid about germs and making sure things are clean. This blanket has a removable washable cover!!! And the cover is so so soft!!! A travel size weighted blanket is in going to be released soon too! They even offer a BlanCHILL for sure people who overheat easily. That one is more expensive but on my gotta have it one day list. The regular blanquil is on sale now for $99!! I am in no way affiliated with this company but thanks to you I am a huge weighted blanket person and felt compelled to share with you.

Good grief I have written too much! I do want to let you know you are in my prayers. I don’t know what happened in your life recently but please know I’m praying for all good things: I’ve been worried about you! So strange to worry about someone you’ve never met but honestly I’ve “known” you for so stinking long I feel like your a good friend. Take care!!!

Ps did you find time to watch The Bachelorette? ?

Have a wonderful day!! ?☀️


Oh thank you so so much!! I did (I skipped a few episodes but saw the end…) and I am NOT happy about it. I just hope Peter is the next Bachelor! AHHHH SO SO COOL about that weighted blanket… OFF TO CHECK IT OUT!! Oh you really are the sweetest and don’t you worry, everything 100% got worked out. I hope you have the most fabulous rest of your day and thanks for your friendship!


Hooray on catching the Bachelorette finale! Agree with you 100% that Peter should be The Bachelor. He seems to be a sweetheart and his family is too cute! Sidenote.. I think Hannah should get another shot at Bachelorette!!! Between Luke P and Jed I mean c’mon! Fun fact about Hannah… she says before the Bachelorette she only cursed maybe twice in her entire life!

I am SO relieved all is well for you!! I think prayers can work even if they come from far away! Hoping all stays well for you!!

Please let me know what you think of Blanquil if you give it a try! I’m not sure if you can read my reply to your reply but hey it’s worth a shot!

Have a wonderful day Janae! Oh fun fact.. I pronounced your name Jane for the longest time and you thought oh boy she has a cool spelling!! ??


How do those bands aid in pull-ups? I’ve not seen those before. And what pull up do you have? I want one but I don’t know where to put it in our house because you can’t close the door when it’s on, right?


Hey Mary! The pole we got at our local sporting goods store and we do not like it (it bends when Andrew tries to use it) so we are on the look out for a good one. If we find one I will definitely post about it! I just take it off and on when I use it and store it in my closet. It is super easy to take off. You can see how I use it in this post: https://hungryrunnergirl.com/2018/06/a-workout-for-you-w-fit-simplify-awesome-giveaways.html

Thanks Mary!


I like the idea of running doubles but I don’t get the opportunity very often. Once I ran a 5k early in the morning and did a short trail race the same afternoon. I’d love to do that again!
My H doesn’t run. He rides his bike when I run in our neighborhood. He carries my water and other stuff we might need. When I do hills he likes to race me up the hill. It’s hard to beat him sometimes lol
I don’t mind a little rain or if it starts raining when I’m already out. Cold windy rain is the worst!
I’m so impressed with you working on pull ups! That’s one of my goals too. I also need to work on the “chicken arms” when I run. I swear it feels like my arms are close to my sides. Photos show me how wrong I am!!
My favorite distance is 8-10 miles


Doubles are sometimes the best way for me to get my long runs in. I do some early miles then the other half during my daughters soccer practice. The weekends are kids sports games, so it works well to get them done this week during the week.

Light mist ok..downpour heck no! Once my socks get wet I’m a grouch.

5 miles is my favorite usually length of my Netflix episodes ?


I wish I could run with my husband but his knees can’t take it so at best he runs short sprints but no distance. We occasionally get to walk a cool-down lap together.
Right around 5 miles feels good to me but not in the rain.
Di you have a link for the muscle roller you use? I have only seen sticks but would love something that is two-sided.
Thanks for your running inspiration!


Wow woman – you are strong strong strong for running a tempo on trails and at that pace! Wow! Funny you mentioned getting cramps when you ran w/out your water bottle – I got cramps this morning on an easy run and I think it’s because I didn’t drink water before I started; I never put that together before!
I haven’t had double run days but I regularly do strength training and run back to back- does that count? I feel like it almost accomplishes a similar goal. Interestingly enough i find it more challenging to do strength before a run; perhaps because I’m more deficient in strength training? Who knows!
My husband does not run. Ever. Every once and a while I think he gets jealous of my girl time and jokes about picking up running to spend more time with me but I know that will never happen! And I’m ok with that!
I LOVE running in the rain! Unless it’s freezing sideways rain then I better at least be in the mountains to make me hate it less! Ha!
Favorite distance is 10-12 miles. I can accomplish that before work and without much planning. Going that distance also makes me super hungry and I love to eat! Ha!
Have a great day!!


I need to work on pull-ups too!!! I have never been able to do one. I need to find some type of thing to hang in one of our doorways.

My ideal run is 7-8 miles. My husband does not run, at all. We once ran .15 miles together once and he was gasping for air by the end;-). It would be nice to go out for a run with him now that the kids are getting older. It would be a great time to have conversations, but I don’t see that happening!


My boyfriend likes to go on short runs (3-4 miles) with me sometimes, but it really depends on my mood! If I’m having a bad run, I tend to take that out on whoever is closest to me at the time, so I try to spare him that as much as I can! I may have yelled at him a few times hahaha.

My favorite distance to run (for a training run) is probably 5-6 miles :)


I love a good run in the rain as long as it’s war rain. In high school we did two a days everyday…or almost every day. The trickiest thing for me was also stomach issues. I had to make sure I didn’t eat anything greasy or heavy for lunch and made sure I hade enough electrolytes because the cramping was bad some days. I had terrible nutrition in high school though. I think nutrition is probably the trickiest part of training for me.


I don’t often run twice a day, especially since I am doing a running streak, but occasionally I have, and it makes me so tired and hungry all day!
My husband doesn’t run, but he bikes with me occasionally and will carry my water, extra towel for wiping sweat, whatever I need. It’s pretty awesome and even though he’ll go up ahead and wait on me in places, I still feel like he is pacing me and I end up faster!

Love it. The tricky part in the South is timing. (especially in the summer) The storms come on suddenly and don’t last long, so if you aren’t ready to head out right as it starts raining, then you end up halfway into your run and the sun comes out and it gets UNBELIEVABLY MUGGY. If you nail the timing right, you get a refreshing break from the 90 degree days.

My favorite distance is probably 5 miles. That’s enough to feel like a solid workout, but takes me 45 minutes or less. When I am training for a marathon and my distance is higher, I like 10 miles a lot, too.


I need Chipotle right now. That looks SO good.

I used to do double runs a fair amount actually. I’d go to barre at 5:30am, sneak in 4-5 miles after, and then 3-4 more miles after work. It tuckers you out. Plus, I just do NOT like running in the afternoon. My stomach hates it too.

My fiance and I actually met through running! We probably run together 1-2x per week, it’s really all our schedules allow for. He’s more of an afternoon runner, because he does not mind the heat AT ALL. It’s so weird and a little annoying ;)

I love running in the rain, but I hate going out for a run in the rain. If it starts pouring mid-run though, I love it. But it takes a lot of mental strength for me to get out the door if it’s already raining.

I think my favorite mileage depends on where I’m at in my training. If i’m not training for anything, 5. When I am, it’s closer to 7 or 8, because that feels “short” but substantial.


YOU TWO MET THROUGH RUNNING?! I didn’t know that… just made me smile so big. I love that you still get out 1-2 times together a week. 5:30 a.m. barre… that is hardcore! Hope you have a fabulous rest of your day Annie!


Wow, you are killing this new training plan!

I LOVE running in the rain, it’s my favorite =) My hubby and I run together as much as possible, he is SO much faster than me but he takes pitty and slows down. I think my favorite distance is 10 miles, long enough to feel accomplished but not too much that it takes half the day and all my energy =)

I just love Skye’s personality, it really shines how sweet, spirited and spunky she is.


Beth! I LOVE that you two get to run together. I agree… those 10 milers are just the perfect combo. Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.


My husband and I don’t ever run together. He loves weight training and hates running, and I’m the complete opposite! ? So, he runs 2-3 miles on the treadmill and I will do everything in my power to avoid the treadmill. But, this past weekend our kids were at their grandparents’ so he agreed to hit the trails with me. He ran 6.5 trail miles with me!!! It was wonderful!! He couldn’t move afterward but I think he secretly liked it. ?


My husband and I run together sometimes- he pushes the kiddos in the double and that helps even out the pace difference for us haha! My favorite distance is 6-8. I think it’s the perfect run to start my day :)


You’re on a roll Janae! Double workout and pull-ups! You’ll smash the next marathon :)
I don’t think I’ve ever done a double run, but I have done quite a few days where I’d swim or run in the morning and do strength training in the afternoon.. And my coach also had me doing two long runs in one week.. but not in one day ;)

My husband isn’t really into running but he’ll run a fast 5km or intervals with me every now and then :) I always like it because he’s just a tad faster so that pushes me to work a bit harder!

I don’t mind running in the rain, but I hate starting in the rain.. So as long as it’s dry when I leave my house I’m not too fazed ;)

Favourite # of kms to run.. sort of depends on what I’m training for, but I’d say somewhere between 8 and 15km :) It’s short enough to not take up too much time of your day (I’m right at the end of my marathon training cycle and those long runs are seriously taking up half my Sunday haha) but long enough to feel like you’ve got a solid workout in and to explore a bit of where you are!

Have a good weekend!! I’ve got my last long run before my marathon this weekend.. 35.5km! I’ll meet up with a friend and run part of the course though, so it shouldn’t be too bad!


My significant other does not run. He doesn’t even like to walk fast.
Running in a light rain is ok, but a heavy rain…not so much.
My perfect mileage is 3.5 miles. I really want to build up to 7. The only reason for this is convenience. It’s 3.5 miles around my whole tiny town, starting and stopping at my house. I would love to be able to lap the town twice and call it a good run !!


I used to double run, I’m not sure if I could handle it now. Honestly, work + kids, each run is time away from something else (likely cleaning or sleep ;-) )

I can occasionally get my husband to run, max 3 miles. He tries using me as a windbreak to hilarious effect (6’3″ v. 5’4″).

Run running is good with company. Horrible alone or when temps are in the 30s.

Best mileage = 16 long run, 7 easy.


I do double runs a few times a week, but my first run is always 1-3 miles easy with my mom (new runner) and my second is never more than 5 or 6, so not at all as hard as what you were describing. Doubles are actually a little hard for me to handle mentally. Like my body can do them great, but I have this tendency sometimes to focus on running a little too much, and once a day generally helps me stay more balanced.

5 or 6 miles is my standard work out, but longer runs of 10 to 12 miles are my favorite. Thanks to Andrew for a great question. I did not know he is a runner!

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