Things I Need to Tell You +My New Fitness Goal

I think our training must be working.  In June I ran the AF 1/2 marathon and felt dead for at least a week afterwards.  After the the Timp 1/2 marathon (pretty much the same course as AF) last weekend and running pretty much the exact same time plus 13 miles afterwards… I have surprisingly felt really great.  I haven’t been sore or feeling trashed at all like I did in June (on Sunday I did feel pretty tired from the 3:30 a.m. alarm clock though).  I think our bodies are adapting to the paces and the hard workouts nicely… or maybe the delayed onset muscle soreness is going to hit me today.

Monday: 10.3 miles @ 8:27 average

Tuesday: 10.2 miles @ 8:10 average

This week our coach wants us to get that mileage UP but keep the intensity lower as we recover from last Saturday so that is exactly what we are doing.  My goal is to get to 65-70 miles this week.

Our coach also has another goal for us… PULL-UPS.  Never in my entire life have I been able to do one unassisted but I just started working on them and I am going to master them and get stronger.  Thank you to my pull-up assist bands to help me build up to them.   Without the bands I can pretty much raise myself about an inch so I’ve definitely got some work to do.

This is the quote our coach gave us to think about this week.  I love it… keep working hard!

8127 Vince Lombardi Quote The harder you work the harder it is to

And now for a bunch of bullet points of things I’ve been meaning to tell you.

*Turns out that Andrew and I aren’t plant people.  We tried and next year hopefully we can find some fake plants for our pots that look nice and stay alive looking.

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*Sometimes for a date you just pick up grocery store sushi, grab a Fresca and watch a movie at home while Skye naps and the big kids are playing at their friend’s house.

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*We watched Always Be My Maybe on Netflix and absolutely LOVED IT.  Andrew is blocking his face because he didn’t want to admit to tearing up (and feeling goosebumps) at the end of the movie.

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*I stand firmly behind my opinion that this is in fact the best chocolate chip cookie recipe.  They are dense and soft and delicious and I do not know how I went 33 years of life without them.

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*My aunt sent this to me hahaha:

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*Jess (one of my best friends that I met at college at BYU Hawaii) has been in town and it’s been so fun to spend time with her.  She brought these to the pool and I cannot believe how good they are.  This bag from Costco is way better than the Trader Joe’s version of them IMO.

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*We make the slow cooker chicken with purple cabbage slaw and garlic guac from Run Fast at least once a week.  The flavors are just all so good and they are perfect for leftovers too.

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*Andrew has been working a bunch of shifts in a row and Knox is at Lake Powell this week so it’s been just the three of us a lot.

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*You better believe it made my day that the girls had twinner hairstyles.

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*We hit up the library and Miss Independent needs to be doing everything herself lately.

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*We hit up Jamba Juice with a gift card which made them taste even more delicious.   Skye takes her smoothie drinking very seriously.

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*If it seems like I’m talking about food a little bit more than normal it’s because I am and that is because MARATHON TRAINING HUNGER HAS RETURNED.   Next to Jamba Juice there is a Great Harvest and when you buy bread there they give you a slice of fresh bread slathered with butter and it completed the perfect afternoon together.

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*Andrew keeps telling me that he can’t wait to buy me a new St George print for a new time with a 2:XX:XX and I wouldn’t hate that either… PS I keep my ultra award out too because it is quite fancy and that was definitely a one and done thing for me so I’ll just keep celebrating that ha.

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Can you do pull-ups?  Have you ever been able to do pull-ups?

Have a current fitness goal?  Tell me about it!

Any good Netflix recommendations for me?

Feelings on Fresca?  Do you like La Croix?  Do you like soda in general?

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Keep us posted on those pull ups. They are hard! I’ve never been able to do them without the bands and even with them, it is hard!

At the moment I don’t have a fitness goal, but next year I want to start training for longer runs. I’ve never run more than a half marathon and I really want to try a 25 kilometer trail.

Netflix tip, although I’m not sure this one is on the American Netflix as well: Bonusfamiljen (or bonus family).


Fresca is life!!


Oh I can’t wait to see if we have that here on Netflix! Thanks Sanne. I am cheering you on for your 25km trail race and training… please keep me updated on that. Have a beautiful day and I’m right there with you… the pull-ups are hard with the bands too!


So funny about the pull-ups because I literally just decided to make that a goal for myself as well Out of curiosity, what’s the reasoning behind your coach wanting you guys to work on pull-ups?


Hey Lidia! Let’s do this together! When he see’s us finishing a hard workout/race he has noticed that my upper body loses form and so he wants me to build strength up there so I can run tall from start to finish:) . Keep me updated with how it is going for you!


Great Harvest Bread is my FAVORITE. I wish they had them in Chicago!! Their cinnamon chip bread is heaven sent.

Next fitness goal … I don’t know when exactly this would happen, but I think at some point I might attempt a half ironman. I got the swimming and running part down … Just the bike that is gonna be a struggle!


I should have grabbed some cinnamon chip yesterday! AHHH HALF IRONMAN–> Yes, Arthi!! DO IT!


Is the same great harvest you mentioned. I see that we have some in Virginia so wanted to try it out.


While trying to get my first pull-up, it helped me to think of pulling my collar bone/sternum to the bar instead of pulling my head/chin over the bar. This changed the muscles that were cued, and it turned out to be a total game changer! It took a few months, but I went from not being able to do any to being able to do sets of 10. Getting the first one down is the most challenging, but once you do, it becomes easier to build up those sets. Good luck!


Oh I am totally going to visualize that now, thanks so much Chels… BOOM. Sets of 10, that is incredible. THANK YOU for the help and I hope you have a great Wednesday!


Try rock climbing! Super fun and you definitely work your upper body and the kids would have a blast too. I always had zero upper body strength until I started climbing and then BAM, all of a sudden I could just bust out a few pullups. Probably quicker/ more efficient to just train pullups directly but it’s way more fun on a climbing wall. :)


Pull ups are tough! You should try the Murph Challenge when you get comfortable with them. The Murph is a challenge to honor fallen Navy SEAL LT Murphy, who was obviously in super duper top shape. It consists of the following:
1 mile run
300 body squats
200 Push ups
100 pull ups
1 mile run
Usually when you do it, you are supposed to wear body armor the entire time, which adds another 30-40lbs. I did it this year on Memorial Day, and couldn’t open doors for like a week because my back was so sore from the pull ups (I did 97 of them with the pull up bands)!


My CrossFit box does Murph every Memorial Day and we do Glen on the Fourth of July. It is so so tough but such an honor to remember those people that sacrificed everything for us.


I’ll have to look up Glen and plan to do it next year on the 4th! It was really nice to participate in The Murph and be able to share in the experience. It was tough but there was no way I wasn’t going to finish!


Wow. Murphy sounds like an incredible person and Murph sounds incredibly hard. You guys are so so strong. Such an amazing thing to do on Memorial Day and I cannot even imagine adding on the armor too. Thanks for sharing Mercedes and Nadya!


I used to be able to do a few pull ups but it’s been years! Kylie is fantasy them though. My next fitness goal is when the kids start school to hit up my fitness classes more consistently since I don’t have to use child watch for the first time ever with all of them in full day. I like Fresca, am a no go on La Croix, and love my Diet Coke. Have a great day.


AHHHHH first time in how many years Sarah… 16ish?! Kylie needs to teach me how to do them! And lunch with me… right?!?




Such cute pics of your family! And that chocolate chip cookie literally looks like the PERFECT cookie! Drooling!


MAKE THE COOKIES NOW. They are life changing!!!


I can do 18 strict pull ups without ever letting go of the bar…1 year ago I could do zero! There is this misconception that women cant do it but that is not true- I am a tall very lean woman (5ft 9”) and it is certainly possible. It was my main personal goal to get strong, fast, and super fit in my 37th year. I am happy to say I am reaching my goals! I do five negative pull ups every day (you start with your chin above the bar then have a slow five second controlled descent) after I finish a hard workout. The key is to do the negatives when your body is fatigued after the workout- you want to get your muscles to do the hard work when you are already tired. There are some days after I have been on a hard run or a very intense weightlifting session that I dont want to do it. But I committed to the process. Then when the times comes to do regular pull ups and you are fresh- it feels like a breeze. I feel like negative pull ups are akin to hilly runs for runners- super tiring and sometimes a slog but the pay off is great. The negative pull ups helped me way more than banded pull-ups- give it a try!


18. Okay, Nadya… you are my hero. You are already so strong, you’ve hit your goals! I will have to try out those negative pull ups tomorrow. You are my example


I’m not a super speedy runner (yet :), but I can do a few pull ups. Last year my max was 13. I’m at 7 right now. I should do them more often! Maybe my love of monkey bars has helped me with pull ups.


THAT IS AMAZING ANNIE!! Way to go and you are my goal! I hope you have a wonderful day:)


I think I could squeeze out 1-2 pull ups… but with the bands or the machine to assist, I can do more (of course!) They are hard! Good luck on building up those!
Well as of yesterday, I am officially signed up for 5 different races… two 10ks, 2 5ks (in the same weekend, one on a Saturday, one on a Sunday – good thing they are only 3 miles!), and a ~5 mile timber/mud run. I’m not sure what came over me yesterday, but I was only signed up for one 10k… decided that wasn’t enough and found more! So my fitness goal is to just keep healthy and keep running!
I don’t drink pop at all, but sparkling water? OH YEAH! :)


That is awesome Rhiannon that you can do 1-2! FIVE RACES BOOM. I love that and I’m cheering you on!


Jamba Juice and great harvest used to be my lunch in high school. So good!

I love their hair. I definitely saw Brooke’s but didn’t even notice skye with her being so busy haha. My guts definitely have matching hair as often as I can get them to, including yesterday.


That was my college lunch haha. I LOVED SEEING YOU YESTERDAY! Hahah yeah, hard to see skye besides just a blur;) Hope you are having a great day!


I have never been able to do pullups. I remember in elementary school if you couldn’t do pullups you had to do the flex arm hang where you saw how long you could stay in a pullup position.

I’m not a big soda person (I’m from the South…I love my sweet tea, and we call all soda Coke), but I bought some ginger ale with lemonade, and it’s pretty delicious.

In September I’ll start training for the Rocket City Half in Huntsville, AL. I just started a new teaching job after staying home for 5 years, so we’ll see how training goes!


I’ve heard people call all soda Coke before and it makes me happy for some reason. That ginger ale + lemonade sounds awesome. Congrats on your new teaching job and for the changes! Keep me updated with it all and I hope you are able to transition well and keep training!


I FINALLY got pull-ups after like 10 years of trying. It takes sooooo much work. 4 years of CrossFit is how I finally got it. And lots and lots of lats and back exercises. Consistently. Keep at it! Don’t get discouraged, it literally takes years. You’ve spent 33 years only using your leg muscles, so give your upper body some time to get used to even activating before it can even learn how to get strong. Stick to it!! :)


Huge congrats Janelle, that is AWESOME! That is just what I needed to hear, these things take time and I’ll stick to it. Hope you have a fabulous day and way to go.


I just finished Iron Cowboy on Netflix, I think you and Andrew both might like it!


Oh we loved that so much! I have seen him around town too (he is from here) and I always get excited. Thanks so much Lynsi and I hope you are having a really great Wednesday!


I laughed about the plants because I’m simply not capable of nourishing a thing that doesn’t cry, talk, bark, or meow, LOL!!
Those matching hairstyles–so cute! And Skye’s expression drinking her Jamba Juice looks a little bit like Michelle from Full House :)
I miss Great Harvest so much! Some mornings the promise of picking up a slice of Great Harvest was the only thing that got my daughter out of the house for preschool…then the shopping center closed for renovation :(
I couldn’t do pullups until several months after I started CrossFit, when I was 44 y.o. One thing that made the biggest difference for me was negatives (like another reader mentioned): holding with my chin over the bar and s-l-o-w-l-y lowering down to build up the muscles. You’ll get there!
My fitness goal is just staying consistent these days. It has helped a lot over the past several months, so I just need to keep showing up and doing the work.
I’m going to check for new Netflix recommendations later–need something good to binge.
I like Fresca better than most soda and went through a brief LaCroix phase, but I don’t usually think to choose carbonated drinks.
I’ll bet Knox is loving Lake Powell, it looks like such an awesome place.


You are so right… she does look like michelle from Full House in that picture! Carbs help me to do hard things too… your daughter and I can relate. Perfect goal==> consistency is everything. Going to try out the negatives tomorrow… huge congrats to you for your pull-ups!

Haha at least we can take care of the kids and animals though:) . I hope you are having a fabulous day Corey!


Janae, can you provide the link to where you got your resistance bands? The ones that were in your IG story yesterday? I swiped fast and couldn’t find the story later that day. Also, I’m considering trying out UCANN – I have the worse, finicky stomach before running, I can’t handle eating much before a run except for a granola bar and coffee, wanting to try something to help with that. What type of UCANN do you buy? Looking at the website and not sure.

Is Fresca soda?? I LOVE sparkling water!! I drink so much of it…my recycling bin is filled with the bottles.


YES FOR SURE… I hope you love them as much as I do: . Here is the other link: . I hope it helps, it’s hard to choke down for me (try blending it up with ice in a blender…) but my stomach and energy is so happy with it! Have a wonderful day and I’m not sure if Fresca is or not haha!


I do like soda, but I really try to limit myself. I like La Croix, but only the coconut kind.

I bought some weight gloves so I can attempt pullups without blisters……it really hurts my hands. But right now I can only do 1, ha!


WAY TO GO on your pull-up Loribeth! Maybe I need some gloves too:) . Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday!


Oh God- pullups, my arch nemesis! You’ll have to keep us posted on your progress. Make sure you’re using the correct muscles (in your back, and not trying to pull yourself up with your arms.) Negatives are great and they will make you very, very, VERY sore at first. Eventually, when you can do a pullup unassisted, you will have to post a video. Good luck! : )


I will absolutely post a video (or 20 of them)… I will be so so proud haha. THANK YOU for the tips, I remembered your comment as I was working on them this morning. Have a fabulous day Jenny!


LOVE that you are working on pull ups! When I first started Crossfit my coaches said you have to be able to do 5 strict pull ups before you can do the kipping ones. I felt so accomplished when I got those strict pull ups. Being a woman and pulling your body weight up like that is a big deal! And after two babies in two years I’ll have to work on them again. But it’s so empowering to see the progress and finally get them. First get this baby hear, heal for a while, then I’ll be joining you on those assisted pull ups!


Off to google kipping pull ups! WAY TO GO MEGAN… that is huge and congrats on two babies in two years! You are busy! Good luck and I hope you feel well right now:)


What pull up bar do you have? I’ve been looking at them but not many have consistently good reviews. I can do three unassisted and I want to build on that. I want to get to 15!


Hey! So Andrew just picked one up at our sporting goods store and we are actually pretty disappointed with it and it bends when Andrew uses it! We are searching for a good one on amazon… I’ll let you know if we find a better one! You let me know too:) Have a great day V!


I teach group fitness classes and pull ups are an awesome way to build strength and also build body awareness in your upper body. If you don’t mind I’d love to offer a few suggestions to help you build strength and ensure you don’t injure yourself! Just like you wouldn’t go into a tough speed session without a warm up its important to warm up your body (core and back) before doing pull ups. This can take less than 5 minutes, I promise!

Start with Body weight:
Transition from a down dog to high plank (~10 times) – warms up shoulders/back/core
Supermans (or superwomans :) ) (10-15 reps) – back engagement
Hollow Body hold (2 x 30 seconds, google this for tips on form, arms overhead) – this is the position your body needs to be in on the bar, so its great prep for your core and positioning

Then add weight:
Bent over rows with dumbells (depends on weight, I would suggest at least 10 to 20 reps, pulling elbows directly back, squeezing your shoulder blades together to engage lats)

Then get your body used to being on the bar (no bands) – start in a dead hang (hands on the bar just wider than shoulder width distance, palms facing forward), and then engage your core (belly button to spine), and draw your shoulder blades down your back engaging your lats (this is called a hollow hold). Alternate between a dead hang and hallow hold slowly 2 x ~5 times, thinking about core and back engagement.

While all of these are suggested as a warm up, they are all strength building in all of the muscles you will use to get that pull up! I’m happy to offer other tips or videos so let me know if you have questions :) <3


Jill, I cannot thank you enough for these tips. I honestly didn’t even know that you should warm-up… YOU ARE SO RIGHT! Why in the world would we just jump right into it (I do not want to be injured)!?! Mind if I share these?! Thanks so much and I will be back for questions I’m sure!


Yes please feel free to share! :) It’s quick and easy but will make a huge difference!


What is in the purple cabbage slaw?! We are having fajitas tonight and I bought a purple cabbage but didn’t know what I wanted to do with it!!


Enjoy your fajitas tonight! They have whole milk yogurt, shallots, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper. THEY ARE SO GOOD… try it!


You can totally get that pull up! If I can get one, you totally can with all that grit and will power!



Paige, thank you so much for the encouragement. SO awesome that you can do them! Hope you are having a fabulous day!


Yes, I can do pullups. :) only just! I have a video of me doing my first one on my Instagram.

Strengthening your shoulders and core with other exercises will help. Do some hollow body holds. Try slowly lowering yourself from the bar after jumping up, too. Also inverted TRX rows and dips! Real dips–not bench dips. Even pushups help. They set your upper body in place.

Good luck. I love seeing women do pullups.


Just the tips I need… THANK YOU! Congrats to you and your strength!


That’s a great new goal! I can’t do pull ups. My fitness goal right now is getting to my 10k in September injury free (hamstring is getting better and I’m loving running again). And then hopefully a half marathon again. There will be a half starting just around our corner on November 10th. I’m afraid it’s just too soon to build up from a 10 in only two months time, so maybe I’ll just do the 10k. On Sunday we’re leaving for three weeks in France, I can’t wait to run my favourite routes there!


Eva! SUPER excited for your 10k in September. Super excited for you and I hope your body feels 100%. Have the best time in France… what an incredible adventure!


I made a goal for myself to do at least one unassisted pull up and by the end I was able to do 3!! Crazy how when I was a kid, I was able to do like 7, but now I can’t do any. Also, you have to keep putting in the work for pull ups. After I stopped incorporating them into my workout, I lost the strength again…But now that I don’t have a gym to go to right now and we don’t have any doorways where we could set up the pull up bar, I think I’ll have to refrain from them for a big. But man it feels awesome when you can do one!
I want to get back into half marathon shape, but I am far from it. I find it hard to get out the door earlier enough to get in a long run. Since I’m just running for fitness now though and not a race, my main goal is to just get out the door and squeeze in as many miles as I want.
I do enjoy Frescas and LaCroix or other sparkling waters. It’s funny, I used to hate the taste of them, but I’m getting used to them and actually enjoy them now. I wanted to find something else to drink besides water, but didn’t want all the sugar that comes from everything else out there. But I do enjoy soda occasionally, mostly when I grab fast food of some sort.


THREE–> GO KATHY! I can totally see how you can lose them fast so hopefully I keep up with them once I can:) . I didn’t like LaCroix at first either! I love your goal and way to go getting out there each day! Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday.


I know you have mentioned it before and this is so random but….what running belt/clip do you use to hold your phone, lip gloss, etc.? I am in search of one! Thank you!!!


HEY! YES… the Koala Clip is my favorite running accessory. . HRG10 gets you 10% off:)


Current fitness goal: Birth my baby boy :) But I cannot WAIT to have him and get the all clear to get back to Burn Bootcamp!!

I am awful at pull-ups and honestly usually try to hide from my trainers at BBC when they have pull-ups on the workout board. HA! Post-baby I plan to work on that.

Netflix- not sure of movies but we recently watched the shows dead to me and what if.

LOVE La Croix. This preggo mamas best friend.


I can’t do pull-ups to save my life… Maybe that’s my new fitness goal! LOL
In all seriousness, half-marathon training cycle started Monday, so I’m bracing myself for the hike up in mileage. I have a good feeling about it, though. Mid-November can’t come soon enough, so excited to check a half off of my list!

Fresca all the way! My family has noticed La Croix doesn’t have the same flavoring Fresca does… it tastes more like a soda water rather than a flavored drink (we want alllll the flavor :) )


Ugh I can do like 2 pull ups. Why are they so hard!!

I don’t really like soda but I do like seltzer, and La Croix is the best!!


one of my resolutions for the past 2 (maybe 3?) years has been to do a pull-up! i do all the ‘prep’ –push ups, lat rows, hollow holds, dead hangs, jump up/lower down slow…just can’t seem to do the real deal. but this has inspired me to start working towards it again!
also. fresca is quite possibly the greatest beverage on earth.


I am better at my pull up game but I can’t do as many wide ones as I would like. My fitness goals revolve around getting back on stage and lowering body fat right now.

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