MY NEXT RACE IS IN 14 DAYS & We can’t let our dreams die when we get tired!

Sharing lesson #8274 from my ultra today:

I almost let my dreams die because I was tired during my 50 miler.  I had a dream of completing a 50 miler and at mile 33 when I sat down and cried I almost let my fatigue take over for my dream.  We practice enduring over the months of training.  We practice not quitting time and time again.  And when race day comes we have to endure well (unless you have an injury or medical condition) and not let the fatigue take those dreams away.

We HAVE to problem solve.  We have to be stubborn.  We have to remember our WHY.  We cannot settle for less than what we know we’ve worked so hard for.   We cannot let it slip out of our hands.  Our brains give up long before our body actually does.  We deserve great things so we can’t let the feelings of tiredness tell us to slow down or to walk off the course.

We will feel better again, we will gain a pep in our step and we HAVE to figure out how to fix things.  We can’t just let things happen to us, we have to do something about it.   Drink more, eat more, focus on the things that don’t hurt, talk to ourselves out loud if we need to, put on our power song, count our steps, pump our arms harder, take some caffeine, practice deep breathing and most of all, think about how grateful we are to have a body that allows us to do great things in this gorgeous world of ours.

Whatever you do, do not let your dreams die because your brain is telling you that you are tired.  You are going to feel a lot worse afterwards if you give up on yourself than you do during that moment of pain.

Just put one foot in front of the other and hope in good things to come because they always do come, just not always in the timing we want them to come.

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PS It’s fun to do things that you once couldn’t even imagine doing.   Vicki sent me an email last week that I had sent to her in 2013.  She had told me about her 50 miler and I wrote back to her that I couldn’t even imagine doing that… it’s cool to overcome those barriers we set up for ourselves in our brains.

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I am beyond excited to tell you about something!!  I am partnering with Almond Breeze to run BOSTON IN 14 DAYS!! I would love to have a get-together if anyone is available.

I’ve done Boston before (in 2015) and the weather was pretty terrible so I am very excited this year to run it and hopefully see a bit more than the ground in front of me;)  I don’t have any time goals and I can’t wait to share the whole adventure with you guys!

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Crossing every finger that we have some better weather this year and if we don’t I’ll wear more than shorts and a tank top like I did in 2015.



Now let’s talk about Sunday for a few minutes!

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It was just Skye and me for the majority of the day!

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She got in her yoga during church.

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After church I joined my sister and her boys on a nice little walk.

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It felt so so good outside…

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Then we went back to her house for the most amazing stir-fry (I tried to get the recipe but they don’t use a recipe… they just throw it all in together) and fruit.  I would eat this meal every day if I could.

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These two made it back last night!   57577454046 3A9FAA2C 7B05 42C6 BCF3 6838EA152B13

It felt very strange last night to not copy over the weekly mileage from my training plan into my day planner… it’s amazing how much more time I have when I’m not running 70 miles a week ha!


PS Just in case you missed last week’s posts, the 3 most viewed posts were:

*Buffalo Antelope Island 50 Miler Race Recap!!!

*Tuesday Tangents and a Movie from the Race!

*Friday Favorites + My 50 Playlist!


Who will be running Boston this year?  Who will be in the area?  Who would want to meet-up?

What percentage of the time do you use recipes when you are cooking?

When is your next race?

What is a current meal that you would be more than happy to eat every day?

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Awesome! I’ll be volunteering with the Maine Girls on the Run coaches at finish line gear check… maybe I’ll get to see you !!!!


NO WAY!! I better get to see you ! So awesome that you are doing that Rae-Anne! Have a wonderful Monday!


Your comment was right on top when I went to reply…what are the chances – I’m another Maine GOTRer who will be down volunteering! Although I wasn’t quite fast enough to get in the Maine GOTR group – I’m sure you all will have a blast though! Hoping to take in the expo and other running festivities while I’m there, and for more runner and spectator friendly weather this year :)


Caroline- so cool!!!!!! ??


Congratulations! I have been following you for years. I live in NH but am volunteering at Boston. Ill be at the bus loading in the morning at the commons. Hope to see you!! I would love a chance to say hi. If you do any sightseeing while on the east coast and decide to come north a state would be cool to arrange a get together. I am sure there are plenty of other people


AHHHH I better get to see you Elizabeth! Oh that would be so much fun! I will be there from Friday to Monday night so I hope we get to explore a bunch! I hope you have a beautiful day Elizabeth!


YES! Love this reminder not to give up. This is why running parallels so much with life. We are going to face times when we get discouraged and feel exhausted, but we have to keep pushing forward and striving toward our goals if we actually want to achieve them.

So exciting that you’re running Boston again! Coming off of your 50-milers, a marathon probably sounds like a breeze right now, as far as distance goes. Ha! Can’t wait to hear about it!!


Thank you so so much Natalie! You are back in Texas now right?! So excited for all of your changes! Have a wonderful day.


I am, and I am so happy about it!! :) Thanks, Janae! You have a wonderful day, too!


Holy cow, a 50 then a marathon? You’re crazy, (in a good “runners understand it” way). I totally get it, if I was trained up to 50 miles, a marathon makes sense!


I have a race on Memorial Day I think. I am signing up this weekend. It’s an 8k and evidently the oldest road race in our city. Then I am going to sign up for my 3rd ever marathon in October!


Oh I totally forgot it was April Fool’s until I was tricked this morning hahah. Definitely not a joke ha but I’ll be running it for fun and I can’t wait. I have never done an 8k… that sounds awesome! Ahhhh which marathon is it?


7 Bridges in Chattanooga. It’s a popular one here so I have been asking others opinions about it!


SO excited for you!


Aren’t all races done for fun though. I’m serious! I cant believe you are doing a marathon right after the 50-miler ultra… super intense and amazing you are! Running extraordinaire obviously. you truly motivate me in my runs.. I often think of you! I need to start running some outside. Haven’t in a year. Living in Chicago I am a treadmill junkie… I have never ran a marathon nor a half even but I did my first ever 20 miler on the treadmill last week and then I did 26.3 mile run the week after…so I did my own personal marathon! Lol… I finished first place because it was just me????. Never thought I could but i did and it felt so good, did it in 3hrs40mins, I ran 7.2mph the entire incline so much easier than running a real marathon outside! I added a few sprints at 9.5mph during the chorus of my favorite songs too??


Boston!!! YEAH!!! I would love it if you did a meet-up! I’ll be there running my first Boston and cant wait :-)


YOUR FIRST BOSTON!! I am cheering for you big time and I would love to meet you. I’ll post meet-up information asap! Have a beautiful day Kristen and happy tapering!


So exciting!! I hope to see you at the start!! Also crossing my fingers for a beautiful race day with zero rain, no wind, and 40 degree weather :) A girl can dream, right?!

Current meal that I’d eat every day all day – Peanut/almond butter toast. Simple and delicious!


I’ve been wanting to tell you that I’ll be there too wahoo but had to wait:) . I hope I get to meet you! That meal is perfect. Have a beautiful day Arthi and I hope you have a great taper!


Would love it if you did a meet up in Boston! I’m running this year (my first Boston)! The weather has to be better than last year :-)


AHHHHH GO CAROL GO!! I am thrilled for you! Yes, is it even possible to be worse than last year?! I can’t wait to meet you and details coming soon for a meet-up!


So excited you’ll be in Boston. I’ll be running as a member of Team Hoyt (I was one of 7000+ runners who qualified but missed registration – for me by 27 seconds). Instead of letting that dream die I found a way to make my dream more meaningful, by fundraising for a cause I 100% believe in.
I know I’m late to the party but I’m currently obsessed with plain Greek yogurt and honey.


RENÉ!!! I was actually talking about you with Teresa’s mom on Saturday and we just both think you are the most amazing person ever. You qualified AND you raised money for an incredible organization= you are something else! I hope I get to see you there!


Yay Boston! I will be there too and the last (only other time) I ran it was also in 2015 in the downpour/headwind/most freezing I have ever been in my life day! Hoping for a much more fun experience this year!


YES… This year is our year Donna! I hope to see you there! 2015 hurt so bad haha. Have a beautiful day and happy tapering!


ahhhhh congrats on boston! i live in boston and will be working the expo saturday and sunday (in the lululemon booth/spot) – come say hiiiiiii!!!! and of course i’ll be watching monday :)


AHHHH NO WAY!! I absolutely will come say hi. So excited to meet you Katie!


ahhh i’d be so pumped!! i’ll be there sat 12-7 and sun 11-6 :)


I am running Boston! This will be my fourth year, the past three times I did it, it has been HOT. Hoping for cool, windless and clear weather this year. I would love if you did a meet-up!


AHHH YES!!! 4th time kelly, you are on fire. This is your year for wonderful weather. I cannot wait to meet you ! Details coming soon!


Totally unrelated to your post. It looks like your mom is “talking you down from a cliff”. Haha. I mean she’s offering encouragement and strong words to help get you back in your zone. My daughter and I are the same way. We are each other’s sounding boards and cheerleaders; big time. Great news about Boston. I am signed up for my first half marathon in May and I cannot imagine running 26.2, yet.


Boston!!! Oh my gosh, so exciting! I can’t wait to hear all about it! One of these years I will be there!!
And wowsers you are strong! A marathon just a few weeks after your 50 miler??? So inspiring!
I don’t have any races coming up at all. Which is fine. I have been dealing with a hip flexor problem/injury, so I am focusing on fixing that and getting stronger! I did complete the LA marathon last weekend (the day after your race), but had no time goal or any goal this year because of my injury. But it was kind of nice to just enjoy being out there with all of the runners, taking in the sites… A really fun morning ?
Anyway… Way for Boston!!
Have a great day Janae ?


HUGE HUGE HUGE congrats on your marathon Wendy, I’ve always wanted to do that race. I hope your injury is healed asap!

Thank you so so much Wendy! You will be there.


Oh Kate, I love that you and your daughter I like that too! She was a little worried about me at that point but also being the best cheerleader. Your daughter is so lucky to have a mom like that too! Oh thank you so much! I am cheering you on for your first half marathon, please keep me updated!


So cool! I am happy for you! What a great opportunity!


Thank you Danielle! I hope you have a wonderful day!


Ahhh, YAY!! I am so excited for you!! I can’t wait to hear all about Boston!! I really hope the weather is great and you have so much fun!!!


You MUST come to the Ali on the Run live Podcast Saturday night!


I WILL BE THERE AHHHHHH! It is going to be amazing. Can’t wait to meet you Allison!


Love this post & the idea to not let fatigue win! I would love to see you in Boston if you arrange a meetup!!


I cannot wait to meet you Jeannie! I’ll post details about a meet-up soon!!!


This post was spot on! I tend to overthink everything- so annoying! I psych myself out . I need to learn to get out of my own way. Why is this so hard?? Your wise words encourage me. You are gonna dominate Boston!!


Oh girl, you are not alone… I’m right there with you! BUT you can do it! Thanks so much Kimberly and I hope you have a beautiful day.


I’m so excited for you to run Boston!!!! So exciting!


Thank you Laura. I hope your week is a really great one!


I am literally squealing with delight that you just announced Boston!!!!! I live in NH, but would love to join if you have a meet-up!! As a beginningish runner reading your blog some seven years ago, you inspired me to complete my first half marathon. Since then, I have completed 10 half marathons and two fulls, and I 100% credit you for that inspiration! I absolutely cannot live without running now. Needless to say, I would love to meet you. :) Can’t wait to find out some more details soon! So excited for you to be on the East coast and to run Boston again!!


50 miler and then a marathon a couple of weeks later?! Girl, you are AMAZING! Can’t wait to read about it!
I tend to use recipes for baking more than I do for cooking… you just have to be precise with baked goods and there’s more flexibility otherwise. Or if I’m making a recipe the first time, I follow it exactly, but then I put my own spin on it after that!
I’m running a 10k on April 27th! I’m ready for it! The nicer weather we’ve been (finally) having has me really excited to get out and RUN!


Your race is coming up… I’m cheering for you and I hope this nice weather continues on for a very long time for you guys. Thanks so much girl and have a fabulous Monday!


So exciting that you get to run Boston again!!
I use recipes a lot until its something I’ve made over and over again :)
My next race is 4/14!! Its my first of this year
A meal I could eat over and over again is Chicken Cesar salad!!


Thank you so much Lisa. 13 days… I am so so excited for you and now you have me craving that salad big time. Have a great Monday!


April 1st Much!?


I actually forgot it was April Fools today and got tricked myself this morning already! I hope you have a great day Mette!


Well, then you are just a wee bit crazy ;-) But have a FANTASTIC Boston Marathon. I can’t wait to read the recap!


That is so cool you get to go back to Boston! I have never run it but spectated a bunch of times while in school there. It’s really cool that you are in such great form from the ultra training that you can just hop into a marathon like NBD. Hit me up for ice cream recs haha.


THANKS GIRL! Oh send all of the ice cream recommendations please… I cannot wait for all of the food. I wish you were there this year!


Hi Janae! You are awesome and just saying hi. Great job on your 50 miler!!! I am always amazed at your weather in Utah. I know you get slammed in the winter but look at all these nice days you’ve had playing outside. I swear you have had more spring than we have in northeast OH! Seems crazy. Best of luck in Boston. Fingers crossed for a perfect temperature day for you! :)


HI BARB!! I hope that you guys finally get some spring days… you deserve it big time! Thank you so so much:)


That’s awesome, Janae! I hope Boston is amazing to you! My coach is running (@sugarruns)!

I almost never use recipes when cooking just because I always throw together what is in the house….when I’m grocery shopping on Sunday I may use recipes to get an idea of what I want to cook to get the ingredients and then when I make it I just throw it together, haha.

Next race–>who knows! It has now been three full weeks since my last run…I promise one day I’ll stop complaining about it…but this weekend I got invited to a cross fit community workout (after you and I talked about burn bootcamp/strength training last week!). So I felt like it was a sign and went even though I was intimidated. It was super fun but legit every muscle in my body is so sore to even walk today, hahaha. But I got to do a .25 warmup jog which I completed pain free and had minimal foot pain the next day and it is back to normal today. SO! I’m going to try a 3 mile jog on Wednesday! Fingers crossed everything goes ok and I’m cleared to start building again????

I would be more than happy to eat burrito bowls on the daily. It seems like a variation of that is on my weekly menu;)

have a great week!


Thank you so much Eleanor! Girl, injuries are so frustrating… I am always here if you need someone to talk about it with! Crossing all of my fingers and I am so glad you went to that workout and yay for .25 miles pain free! Well, now I know what I want for dinner tonight… BURRITO BOWLS! Thanks, you too!


What an amazing reminder not to give up on a dream because we’re tired. I’m SO happy that you were able to get up after mile 33 and finish your race (and do so well!). Thank you for today’s post–it’s so encouraging.

And WOW! Good luck in Boston!!!!


Thank you so so much Joy! Have a fabulous day and I love your name so so so much!


Adorable pics of Skye!! She looks like such a big girl now :)
That stir-fry sounds so good! I think I could eat that every day.
That is so cool that you are running Boston! Hopefully the weather will be awesome this year.


She feels like she is suddenly a toddler now… it’s crazy! Thanks you so much Elizabeth and I hope you have a really great day.


That’s exciting about BOSTON. Good luck!

I can’t even imagine saying: “okay I’ve only got 17 miles to go”. LOL yesterday during my 10 miles I was just trying to plot my way through that.


Thank you so much Hollie! Ultras mess up your perspective a bit that is for sure! I’m sure I’ll be back to normal with my thinking soon:) . Thanks girl and have a great day.


I thought this was an April Fools until I read the comments!
You’re awesome – enjoy Boston! I lived in Rhode Island for years and loved going to cheer on the runners.


Hahah I totally forgot that it was April 1st today… I was already tricked at Burn Bootcamp this morning because I forgot ha. Thank you so much and I hope you’ll be there this year. Have a fabulous day Samantha!


Wow! You’ll have a blast in Boston! I always thought I didn’t want to run Boston (so many people, lots of pre-race time to get nervous, etc.) and that I would be thrilled if I could ever just qualify. Then I qualified (by less than a minute) and was unbelievably psyched about my time, even debated applying for entry, and ended up disappointed when I applied and didn’t get in, LOL! I’ll cheer you on virtually, though.
I often use recipes when I first make something, but then I can play around with ingredients.
I could eat the salad I made yesterday forever (little exaggeration, but not much): avocado chunks, multi-color little tomatoes, and corn with lime juice, cilantro, and basil. Mmm!
Love seeing all that sunshine!


Thank you so much Corey and I am so so sorry that you didn’t get in… that breaks my heart. Thinking about you.
Send me that salad, reading about it made me drool.


Congrats on running Boston again!! All the runners deserve much better weather this year :)

One of my favorite meals lately is this chicken shawarma from Half-Baked Harvest. I love her blog, so many good recipes, with some new and easy meal ideas too (one sheet or one pot!):


I legit drooled looking at these pictures. Adding this to our ‘must make’ list! Thanks Mariah!


Hi Janae! I have been a reader for years now and will be running my first Boston marathon this year! I would love the chance to say hi – you’re such an inspiration:) crossing my fingers for good weather!!


I CANNOT WAIT TO MEET YOU and your first Boston… I am THRILLED for you and cheering you on!


Great blog post! I have a totally non-related running gear question relating to this specific post. I think you mentioned using a red reflector (that you clip to your clothes/camelbak). I tried to look it up both as a “search” and on your Gear page, but I can’t find it. What was that called and did you get it on Amazon? I run in the early morning and another runner pointed out to me I can barely be seen. I know you have a running vest that’s reflective, but I’m specifically looking for a light (flashing or non) that I can clip to myself. Thanks!


HEY AMY! You are going to love these so much… I’m obsessed! Here they are:


Thank you!


OMG!!! JANAE!! I am so excited you are going to be at Boston!! I’m running it this year too! I would 1000% meet up! Can my husband and baby come too? :P
So random side note about Boston – my goal this year is a 3:15 and I am super thrilled about that because I read that is Joan Benoit’s goal too! (Since it’s 40 minutes slower than her time from when she won it 40 years ago haha – she’s so amazing!)


OF COURSE THEY CAN COME!! I can’t wait to meet you three! You are going to ROCK Boston and get that 3:15 (or faster)… I am cheering you on big time. Keep me updated and I”ll post meet-up details soon!


OMG! JANAE! I am so excited you are going to be at Boston! I’m running it this year too! I would 1000% meet up! Can my husband and baby come too? :P
So random side note about Boston – my goal this year is a 3:15 and I am super thrilled about that because I read that is Joan Benoit’s goal too! (Since it’s 40 minutes slower than her time from when she won it 40 years ago haha – she’s so amazing!)


Yay for Boston!! Sorry if I missed this the other day, but I’d there a way to find your Spotify playlist without having to search for each song individually? How could I search for that / your playlists? I use Spotify almost every day but I’m not good at the “sharing with others” part haha


HEY!! I am not good at that either… I am private but tell me your name and I’ll accept you!!!


I totally needed that pep talk ! I am running a half marathon on Sunday and will need to remember this when I get to those not so great parts (usually around mile 10 for me) where I just want to stop and sit down and cry. So thank you for sharing these words today! And YAY about Boston!! That is super exciting! You will kill it, as always. :)


GOOD LUCK ON SUNDAY KERRY and please let me know how it goes. Don’t let the fatigue take away your dreams. You can and you will! THANK YOU!


Great reminder that the mind can be so tricky. That must have been such a hard patch to get thru!

Oooh have so much fun in Boston! The race plus the meetups – it sounds awesome!! Will be following to hear all the updates of how amazing it all was :)

Recipes are used 80 – 100% of the time when I am looking to change things up and 0 – 20% of the time when I am doing something I already know and have done before. It depends on the task at hand -!

Next race is Apr 20… it’s between Good Friday and Easter! It’s gonna be a busy weekend, hope it goes well!

Meal everyday? Lemon plus olive oil al dente pasta, freshly grinded salt and pepper, Parmesan, sautéed kale plus garlic. Maybe sautéed cremini mushrooms shallots, and/or cherry tomatoes.


I am SO EXCITED for you to run Boston!! I love to hear about that race! Someday maybe I’ll run it. For now, I love to live vicariously through others. You’re gonna rock it!


How exciting. I would love to be running Boston again. So exciting and running with no time goals sounds so perfect. HAVE FUN!

And FYI…..avocado toast is still a fave of mine. I never tire of it especially on sourdough:-)


How exciting that you’re running Boston! That is the only race I live stream (during work none the less!) and watch from start to finish! Speaking of, did you follow Barkley Marathons this past weekend? There were no finishers as the last 2 dnf’d during the 4th loop. Crazy!
I haven’t ran 50 miles before but you are the 3rd person to mention that emotional wall at/around mile 30. Each of my friends that have ran the distance have a hard time right around there. I’m glad you were able to pull through and continue on! Our mind can be our best friend or our worst enemy and it sounds like you had it figured out.
I’m a Pintrest cooker through and through! I get about 99% of my current meals off of there so I follow each and every step … unless I forgot to pick something up then I skip it!
No races coming up as my weekends will be all about t-ball, soccer and sunrise trail fun!
Have a great day!!


Boston!! Woohoo!!! My hubs and I are actually taking a student group to NYC and Boston over our spring break and we will get into Boston the night of the marathon. Agh! I can’t believe we’ll be so close and not be able to watch the race!

I rarely use a recipe when cooking. I do all the time when baking, but I like to just throw stuff together when cooking.

My next race is 4/27. It’s a 10 mile trail race. I’m currently up to 3 1/2 miles after breaking my ankle with no pain! I’m adding a 1/2 mile every other day so I should be right at 10 miles on the day of the race.

I accidentally glutened myself this weekend on stupid crackers so no food sounds best at the moment :( So sad. At least if I was going to purposefully eat gluten, I would have eaten something much better than crackers. Boo!


I ran Boston in 2015 too. What crazy rain! Good luck this year!! ill be cheering for you. =)


Omg how fun! I’ll start praying to the weather gods for you. ;-) Boston is the best as a fun race over a goal race!
I’m just now starting to entertain the idea of Boston 2020. It took me so long to get over last year’s terrible weather that I swore I would never go again. Lol. We’ll see! When people are excited about it I think maybe it’s not so bad. ?
My next race is another half this weekend! I’m enjoying this break from marathon training right now. It’s fun to focus on speed!
Have so much fun in Boston!!!


I cant believe you are doing a marathon right after the 50-miler ultra… super intense and amazing you are! Running extraordinaire obviously. you truly motivate me in my runs.. I often think of you! I need to start running some outside. Haven’t in a year. Living in Chicago I am a treadmill junkie… I have never ran a marathon nor a half even but I did my first ever 20 miler on the treadmill last week and then I did 26.3 mile run the week after…so I did my own personal marathon! Lol… I finished first place because it was just me????. Never thought I could but i did and it felt so good, did it in 3hrs40mins, I ran 7.2mph the entire incline so much easier than running a real marathon outside! I added a few sprints at 9.5mph during the chorus of my favorite songs too??


Hi Janae, I’ve been following your blog for years and have loved reading all about your running, family and life every morning . Thanks for letting us follow along! The Boston Marathon has been a bucket list item for me ever since I moved to the city a few years ago. I finally decided to sign up as a charity runner this year and I could not be more excited, it’s my first marathon! It has been SO much fun living and training in and around the city and I’m counting down the days until Marathon Monday!! I was so excited to read that you’ll be there as well…. fingers crossed for good weather!


Boston?! Yeah, girl! Take it very easy until then, and have fun!!


I really thought this had to be an April Fools joke. Even though you answered those who also thought so, I had to read every single comment in case you slipped a reveal in there. ? You are amazing and fierce Janae!


I fulfilled my dream of qualifying for the Boston Marathon, beating my needed qualifying time by more than 4 minutes. But when I applied to get in last fall I didn’t make the cut off. ? I was so sad! And now that it’s coming up I’m feeling sad all over again. But I’m excited for you and can’t wait to hear how you do!


Thank you, thank you! I needed this post. Life has been hard lately, not even necessarily regarding running. I now have “you can’t let your dreams die when you get tired” written in my planner as a reminder that life may be hard right now, but I just have to keep going.

Congrats on your race! That is an amazing feat.


Way to go fast to get to Boston! But I didn’t know you qualified this year? How? St. George is for next year Boston since I ran that too. Did your sponsor get you in, you must have known about Boston a few months ago…Gooood luck!!!!

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