Silentish Saturday.. GO Time.

It’s race day for Andrew!

5 miles @ 8:39 average.

It started off just raining really hard and then it turned to snow half way through my run= I was frozen down to the bones because I was wet from the rain.

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But it was pretty.


I FORGOT THE BRAID… but luckily the snarls weren’t too bad afterwards.

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Skye wanted to share her pacifier with you.

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Leg day!!!  Taking today and tomorrow off and then continuing the taper.

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Question:  How many utensils does it take a 6 year old to make a peanut butter sandwich?

Answer: 4

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Headed north!

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Hopefully this will be the last gas station hot chocolate of the season.

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Stopped to pick up his bib.

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Excited to see most of her name on a chair.

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A play area in a running store = genius.

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SO MUCH FUEL… I picked up mine for race day too!

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Carb-loading at my in-laws.

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Tower building.

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His stuff is out and he is ready to go!

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Tell me 3 things that you are doing today!

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good luck Andrew!

3 things: penguins, online shopping, getting rid of a pesky cough……at least it waited until after the half marathon.


Thank goodness it waited! Get well soon Loribeth!


Good luck Andrew!! ?

I’m a piano teacher & it’s piano festival weekend… 25 students participating! It’s like our race days Fri & Sat. It’s a marathon full day for me helping with it. Exciting and fun.

About to head out on a short run before everything starts.


Oh this sounds like so much fun! Have the best time seeing your students do their best (and sleep well tonight after everything)! I hope your run was great Jan!


ran a mile (WOOOO!) after a long two months off; work; hopefully watching Bohemian Raphsody……I LOOOVE Queen!

Good luck, Andrew!!!


You are back!!!! I hope that mile felt so so good. Thanks Lee and keep me updated with how your comeback is going. Enjoy!


20 miles, taking kiddos to in-laws for a free days, ice bath!


20 miles wahooo! Go Baili go!!!!


Getting my hair done, crafting and avoiding thinking about a guy I’ve been dating. Hahah but seriously dating shouldn’t be so complicated! I hope today is fabulous!!


Good luck, Andrew!!!
I’m running a 5K tomorrow and can’t even wrap my head around the distance you are about to take on! You’re a brave man!


Good Luck Andrew!!!
I’m getting my hair done today, crafting with friends and trying not to think about this man I’ve been going on dates with. Dating is confusing but fun hahah

I hope you get some Dylan’s hot chocolate or at least a donut from Tasty’s! Have a great day!!!


Good luck Andrew! Can’t wait to hear how it went. I desperately need to sign up for a race. I need the motivation and it’s been 3 years since my last one. Oops!


Good luck to Andrew! I hope the weather isn’t too terrible for him and I hope the kids have fun spectating!

We are so boring, Saturday = cleaning, running and maybe a park this afternoon.


Good luck Andrew!!!
Today is introducing my parents to a cute little fishing/shopping area near us (the Tarpon Springs sponge docks), running some errands, and a home pedicure.


So fun!! Best of luck to Andrew!!

3 things: cycling, getting coffee/hot chocolate from the gas station, and heading to an author signing with my daughter and hubs out of town.

Have a great weekend!


Go Andrew!!!

1. Short run with my husband
2. Grocery shopping and laundry
3. Meal prep for the week

(These are usually Sunday chores but I have an 18 miler tomorrow and I want to be lazy the day)

Have a fun weekend!


Good luck Andrew!! You’re going to do awesome!
Going to get a longish run in, still on the elliptical (darn hip), then off to a reception for the college our son will probably be going to, then home in time for his senior Sadie’s dance!
Can’t wait to hear about how Andrew did ?


Good Luck Andrew!!!


Did 10 miles with my “up north” friend who I convinced to join me for our first marathon next month! Ran 60 miles this week! Going snowmobiling today and then shopping for my daughter’s 10th bday party tomorrow! Good luck Andrew and you too Jenae on your 50 miler soon!


Good luck to Andrew!

Three things I’m doing today:
1. 8.05 mile run – DONE!
2. Haircut (long overdue)
3. Grocery store


Good luck Andrew!! You got this!! Today I’m grocery shopping, cleaning and anticipating a delicious steak dinner out with my husband.


Good Luck Andrew!!

Relaxing, relaxing, and more relaxing. This week was a beast! Have a great weekend!


That running store looks amazing. So many options!!

Three things I have going on today:
-18 mile run – DONE!
-Temple visit with my mom
-Laying on the couch and watching movies all night :)

Have a great race, Andrew!!


Good luck to Andrew!!!!!


I must have missed something along the way. I thought your races were the same day????


HEY!!! That was the original plan… with finishing up nursing school he realized he just didn’t have the time he thought he would to train. So he did a 25k today and rocked it. I hope you are having a great day Donna!


Hope Andrew had a great race today!

This morning I went out to run 13 miles by myself and it was gorgeous and my legs felt like they could go forever. I’ll take that.

We headed to the beach – cold but so nice, and so peaceful and now at home watching tv runs. I am watching re runs of Beverly Hills 90210 because I grew up on that show! It is a blast to my past.

Hope you had a great day!


Was just looking through this post and noticed the beautiful portrait of Mary above your in-laws mantle. It made me wonder if they were Catholic or if LDS members also typically have images like these? It’s just that I’ve never seen non-Catholics display portraits of Mary before but this image is my favorite!


Hey Sarah! That is a great question. It is a beautiful image… I completely agree! They are members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She saw the image and fell in love with it and wanted it in her home. It is beautiful. Have a wonderful day Sarah!


I am DYING at Knox in that dinnertime photo!! Looks like he wants to stab you in your sleep for taking the picture instead of letting him eat!! LOL! Then Brooke is just living her best life. Your kids are the cutest!

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