Wish him a happy birthday + made my heart grow fonder + we all fly!

I’ve got a new SKYE UPDATE for you over HERE!


First, and most importantly… it is ANDREW’S BIRTHDAY so please wish him a happy birthday in the comments and I’ll read them to him while he is driving us to In-N-Out (his favorite) today to eat.

HAPPY 30TH ANDREW.  You are my everything! I’ve got a really fun surprise for him today that I’ll share with you tomorrow morning.

This was our very first picture ever together… little did he know he would be taking 100s of selfies daily with me from that point forward;)  The dating days sure were fun (and short;)—>  12 miles of us running around in the mountains and trying to impress each other by pushing the pace faster and faster:

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Tuesday morning started out like normal for us.  After I took Brooke to school I set out for my run!  Six miles at an 8:33 average pace and a perfect 43 degrees while Skye snoozed and Andrew did his studying.  PS he is less than a year away from graduating!

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I listened to this podcast with Shalane Flanagan and it was SO SO good.  Listen to it now.  For part of the podcast Shalane talked about how her injury last year was a huge blessing in disguise.  Leading up to Boston last year she had to take 10 weeks off from running due to a back injury.  She then talked about how amazing that break was for her mentally and physically and how that helped her to get to her huge dream of winning the NYC Marathon that fall.

I really am so happy I took 6 weeks off after having Skye because taking breaks from running is really hard for me but in the long run, I think that was a puzzle piece that will help me to get to my sub 3.  I feel so excited about running after that break and ready to work hard.  I think that a few weeks off (from cross training and running) after big races will be a thing for me now after seeing how well my body responded to some time off!

For me, a little distance from running made my heart grow fonder for it:)

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I left for my run feeling crazy grumpy and came home feeling completely refreshed.  Nothing like a few minutes by yourself with a good podcast and some fresh air.

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Stretching didn’t happen until after lunch (we had leftovers) but it happened so that counts.  A shower happened after that.

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Brooke and Andrew went out for a little date together.  Brooke even grabbed her purse for the occasion.

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And then we stared at Skye.

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Clearly, one of our favorite activities.

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A bit later and I picked up my sister’s girls and took them for a frosty.

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We got to work on Andrew’s request for breakfast—>  CINNAMON ROLLS.

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The warmer temperatures have Brooke getting excited for summer…

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And talking himself into a run after we had Brinner.

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Eleanor shared this quote with me yesterday and I LOVED it.  Next time you are dreading going out for your run, remind yourself that you are actually flying most of the time!  I’m going to be thinking about my flying during my Cooper test today!

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This is what a Cooper test is… these 720 seconds are going to hurt but I can’t wait to fly.

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Time to get my speed on!

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PS Happy PI DAY!! Make sure to eat some pie today.



One more reminder if you want to check out Skye’s 3 month update!


Married readers—>  how long did you date before getting married?

-Our first date was on April 26th 2016 and we got married on July 8th 2016:)

In honor of PI Day, what’s your absolute favorite kind of pie or would you choose a cookie/brownie/donut/cake over a pie even on the day we celebrate pies?

Have you ever chosen to take a break from running for reasons other than an injury?  Did it help you out a lot when you came back?

Feel free to tell Andrew happy birthday!

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Happy Birthday Andrew!! Hope you have an epic day.


Happy Birthday to Andrew!! Hope the 30s are your best decade yet :)

I hate pie … Although I did wait tables at Marie Callender’s all throughout college and loved their cream cheese pie!

I always try to take AT LEAST a full week off running after every marathon and swim a ton instead. It helps so much from a mental and physical perspective. I love coming home from a marathon where I really pushed myself and putting away my running shoes. The break is so necessary!


Happy Birthday Andrew!!! Hope he has an amazing day!

My husband and I met online and were engaged after 4 months of dating (we met in person the second day we talked online). We got married after 1.5 years of meeting but that was only because I was finishing up graduate school.


Happy birthday, Andrew!


Happiest of birthdays Andrew!!!


Happy, Happy Birthday, Andrew!! You’ve got a beautiful family and less than a year away from graduating…looks like your 30s will be terrific!


Happy birthday Andrew, it’s a big one. Have a great day.
My husband and I dated for 4 years before we got married. My parents, from the first time they met till the day they got married was les than 5 months and they have been married for almost 48 years and still so in love.


Your comment made me so so happy Almarie! 48 years and still so in love! Wow!


Andrew, have a happy birthday! Enjoy those amazing cinnamon rolls!


Happy happy birthday Andrew!…My fellow Pisces!


Hope you have a WONDERFUL birthday, Andrew!! Welcome to the 30s. :) Hope it’s your best year yet!

If I could have some apple pie, that would be nice. I’d probably rather have sugar cookies, but I could go for some apple pie about now.


Happy happy birthday. Enjoy your day!!


Happy bday Andrew!
I request pie on my birthday every year…homemade though, not out of a box!
I think you have us beat – we dated for 3 1/2 months. Can’t believe that was over 15 years ago!!!


Oh I love it Dee and congrats on 15+ years!


Happy birthday to Andrew!


Happy birthday, Andrew!! Being a long time reader, it is so inspiring to see how much love and happiness you bring into Janae’s life- you’re so special! Wishing you many more joyful returns of the day and an awesome b-day!!



Happy Birthday Andrew!! Have a fantastic day!!

My husband and I went on our first date April 23rd, 2007 and we got married April 23rd, 2011 :-)

Cherry pie is my favorite and sounds so good right now!!

I took a break from running when my dad died. He died this past October and I actually still haven’t run. I have some other life stuff going on now that is contributing to it also. I know I’ll run again one day but it won’t be anytime soon.


hugs about your dad and about life stuff and about not running. hope everything comes together for you soon.


Thank you so much Snowecho <3


My heart breaks for you and the loss of your father. I am so sorry about everything you are going through. Running will always be there for you when you are ready so take all the time you want off! Keep me updated on how you are doing and I hope you get some cherry pie soon!


I’m so sorry about your Dad. I lost my Mom last November and it was so much harder on me than I thought it would be.
Thinking of you and sending you good vibes. Hope you are able to enjoy running again when you are ready.


Thank you Elizabeth – I am so sorry about your mom. It is so devastating to lose a parent, no matter what stage of life you’re at! Keeping you in my thoughts as well and I hope you find peace and comfort soon!


Happy birthday Andrew! Hope it is a great one.

I met my husband and married him within a year. It has been the best idea I ever had. I had 2 kids, he had 3 and we have a dog so we feel like we have 6 kids. 10 years strong in our zoo.


Happy Birthday to Andrew! I love pie, especially the ones my Mom makes each Thanksgiving.


Happy Birthday, Andrew! Welcome to your 30’s!
My husband and I dated for 5 years before we were married. We only had a 3 week engagement so we are not that typical at all! We were moving to a different country and we thought my visa would work as we were common law but there was a chance we would be declined so we had a very quick wedding 4 days after he finished an exam that he had been working on for 5 years. We moved across the continent 6 days after the wedding. So a really normal, non-stressful time in our lives hahahaha. We are still very happily married 8 years later.
I love cherry, key lime or lemon pie and my husband is crazy for raspberry pie. I might have to go out and get him a slice for pi day.


Happy birthday Andrew – and may you have many many more with your precious family! My husband and I dated for 3 years before getting married but I knew after our second date that we would end up together. I am a CPA and most years I take a little running break during tax season. I credit my annual breaks with keeping me loving running and helping me stay injury free!


Happy Birthday, Andrew!! I hope you enjoy your favorite meal– I’ve never had In-n-Out before, but I hear it’s delicious!

My husband and I were together over 10 YEARS before we got married! Sounds crazy, but we met each other/started dating when I was 14, so the long dating was necessary :)

Now we’ve been together for 13 years, married for almost 3, and we’re expecting our first daughter in April! (I can’t imagine my daughter meeting her future husband at 14–sounds crazy now!)


wow that is wild and super neat.


You two met at 14?!? Oh I love it! I’m glad you dated for ten years;) congrats on your little one arriving in April! Keep me updated on how you are doing!


Happy Birthday, Andrew!! That first pic of you two says a lot, you look so happy!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW! Have the best day in the whole world!

I am engaged currently but my fiance and I started dating on June 8, 2012 and are getting married on October 13, 2018. High School sweethearts :)

Thank you for the reminder that it is PI day!!! I love Pecan or Apple (duh) but really won’t complain with any desserts!

Have a great day you two!!!


Happy 30th, Andrew! Hope you have a great day!!! So glad you and Janae found each other!! You are awesome :)


Happy Birthday, Andrew! Hope you enjoyed those cinnamon rolls and get to have lots of other sweets today! Indulge, it’s your day!!! :)

My husband and I started dating in 1995 and got married in 1999 :)

I love sweets, but I’m not a huge fan of pie. Give me a big piece of cake with buttercream flowers. I’m sure I’ve told you that before though! ha ha

I am a firm believer in running breaks for both mental and physical reasons!!!!!!!!! I think that they’re absolutely beneficial and necessary :) I think it helps that I really do enjoy other activities like yoga and strength!

Have a great Wednesday, and enjoy the birthday celebrations!!!! :)


Happy Birthday, Andrew! Hope it’s a great one!

I had my first date with my husband in Dec 1991 and we were married in Sept 2001…we were babies (high school sweethearts) and still going strong almost 17 years later (Well 27 years later :)) there’s no one I’d rather do life with than him.


this is so lovely


Happy Birthday, Andrew!

My husband and I dated for a year and were engaged for a year before we got married. We celebrated our 10th anniversary November of 2017.


“And then we stared at Skye. Clearly, one of our favorite activities.”
LOL and now of course my ovaries turned. so want another baby!!! Marriage: We were dating 6 months before we got married, so it was short, but not as short as yours!

Pie: Any pie from Four & Twenty Blackbirds (the local pie place here in Brooklyn, NY). the Cranberry Sage and Black Bottom Oat are at the top of the list, but we will eat any pie from there.

Running Break: Just injury and ski season holiday and such. Then forgetting to run and getting out the door is tough afterward. Trying not to take a running break and improve while training.


Happy birthday Andrew!!!

Tom and I got married just this past Labor Day weekend. We began dating at the very end of 2014, and he proposed to me on July 30, 2016. About 6 weeks after we began dating we became long distance as his job made him move 2:45 away from where we both lived (Savannah GA). We were engaged about 13 months before we got married! We took our time (and even that felt a bit fast for us)–we were in our mid-30s when we got together and had both been VERY independent in our mindsets and lifestyles for a very long time. That said, I knew about 2 months into our relationship that this was it and he was the guy for me!!!!


My husband and I went on our first date May 5, 1998, and we were married September 28, 2002 – more high school sweethearts here! :) Really hard to believe it’s been 20 years since we exchanged class rings lol – do kids even do that anymore??
My favorite pie is from a local restaurant, Kewpee….strawberry rhubarb.
I’ve taken a break from running after each of my pregnancies. It did help me – I was recovering from c-sections, and it made me excited to get back at it once I had healed.
Happy Birthday, Andrew!!


I met my husband in July, and we were engaged in January, married in November, so a year and a half! Our very first selfie together was after a run, too! Happy Birthday, Andrew!!


My hubby and I dated for a good 12 months before getting engaged and then a long engagement of about 16 months before tying the knot. We will celebrate our 16yr anniversary this year-so far, so good! :-)
I am definitely a seasonal desert type of person but will take pie over cake any day. In the fall, I love pumpkin but come spring and summer, I love cherry, peach, blueberry-whatever fruit is in season is my preference.
I always take a month off of running after a marathon. Since I just completed the Napa Valley marathon on March 4, I am in the midst of such a break. It’s good for my body and mind and I love being able to cross train and do all of those other activities that I put on the back burner (barre, spin, heavy weights) in the weeks leading up to my race.
Happy Birthday Andrew-30yrs old, you two are such babies! :-)


Congrats on Napa Rosie! I loved hearing about your dating story with your husband and huge congrats on 16 years of marriage this year!


Happy Birthday Andrew! Congratulations on having less than a year of Nursing School! I can’t wait to hear about your birthday plans for Andrew tomorrow. :)

I probably love almost all pies (apple, cherry, mixed berry, key lime, pecan) but I don’t love the crust. I really like fruit cobblers with less crust on top or with a biscuit on top.


Happy Birthday Andrew! I will be 30 at the end of this month as well.

My husband and I dated for 6 years before we got married. 4 before we got engaged. We started dating when he was a freshman in college (I was a sophomore), so we needed to get big kids jobs and save up some money before getting engaged and married.


Happy 30th birthday this month! I hope you celebrate all month long Kelly! I love that you met your husband in college!


Happy birthday to Andrew! My husband and I dated for 7 YEARS before we got married. Quite a long time!


Happy Birthday, Andrew! I’m so jealous of your burger today! One of the many reasons I miss living in San Diego…. In-N-Out!!

My husband and I dated for a year and a half before we got married, but he wanted to ask me to marry him much sooner than that. We actually dated each other for about 6 months before we even said, I love you or referred to each other as boyfriend/girlfriend. We were so hung up on the idea that we wouldn’t get serious! :)

Yep…. we have been married for 10 years now!


Happy birthday Andrew!!!
My husband and I dated just under a year before we got married!


My husband and I dated for 2 yrs and 5 months before sealing the deal ;). I was 24 when we married so I was kinda youngish then but we knew from pretty early on we were meant to be :)

Favorite pie – Chocolate pie. I have some in my fridge at this exact moment. Counting down to when i get to eat another piece this evening. Lol

So I first have to say I started running for my husband. He loved it and I loved him. I did not love running. Atleast not then. Dreaded it actually. But did it anyways bc it was something he enjoyed. Well then we started to try for a baby and my doctor recommended I take a break from it for a while. GLADLY i said. LOL. So I took a break from running for the entire year of 2015. The doctor thought maybe if I gained some weight I could get pregnant. Hahhah I gained no weight. and Its 2018 and Im still not pregnant. BUTTTTTTTT…. in 2016 I started back running bc i needed a hobby, an outlet if you would have it. & low and behold I fell in love with running. It’s what is keeping me sane through this difficult journey.

HAPPPPPPYYYYYYY BIRTHDAY ANDREW!!!!!! Hope you have the most wonderful day!!!!!


Have a great day! Happy birthday!??


Happy Birthday Andrew!! Wishing you the best of everything on your special day!! Enjoy that In-N-Out Burger!! I might go get a Neapolitan shake in your honor hahaha
H and I were engaged after nine months of dating and got married eight months after that.
I’m a cookie girl all the way. Not a big fan of pie because I don’t like cooked fruit (too sweet). I like pie crust…it’s kind of like a cookie, right? Ice cream is a big second as far as treats go.
Thanks again for the Podcast recommendations! Please make this a regular thing! I have a hard time choosing one because there are SO MANY!!


Happy birthday Andrew!

I’m surprised how many people in the comments know the exact date that they started dating their significant other. I don’t think I’ve ever known that date with anyone that I’ve dated. My boyfriend and I don’t do anything big for our anniversary (it’s just not our style). We know we started dating around St Patrick’s Day, but that’s as close as we can get.



And on PI day no less! But you don’t like pie right?? It’s okay you can have ?, or better yet CHEESECAKE!! (It’s round too! That’s the most significant part of pi…. circumference and area of a circle! Plus zillions or other things!!)

Hope your day is super special! All of you!!! :D!!


So many good questions! First of all happy birthday to Andrew and congrats on only having one more year of school to go. In and Out is definitely the way to go! My husband and I dated for 4.5 years before getting married (he was gun shy from a divorce), favorite pie of all time is pecan but I’m craving carrot cake like nobody’s business so I’d take that over any pie right now. I usually take a day or two rest from running after a race but I also only run 3 days a week as it is.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW! You two look great together :)
We dated for almost 6 years before we got married!
I love key lime pie :)


Happy birthday Andrew! I hope you have a fantastic day! Best of luck on your last year of school – what an amazing accomplishment!
p.s. I always request homemade cinnamon rolls for my birthday treat! :)


Hi! long-time reader, first-time commenter here:)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANDREW! It’s true what they say, the 30’s are the best decade (which my 6-month experience has confirmed so far!)
My husband and I got married almost a month ago (Feb 16!) after dating for 4.5 years. My grandparents on the other hand were engaged within THREE DAYS of knowing each other, married within three months, and over-the-moon in love for over 50 years. I love those kind of stories!
I am not a huge pie person, but if I had to choose it would be apple pie w/a slice a cheddar cheese (this is totally a thing, I swear:) My order of dessert preference is cookie, donut, brownie, pie, cake.
I’ve had a very on-and-off relationship with running over the years, which usually happens because I’ve overdone it and start to resent running. Then I’ll take a few months off and get into another form of exercise and let myself get back to a place where I WANT to run and don’t just feel like I HAVE to run.
Happy hump day!


Jordan!! Thank you for reading over the years and for your comment today! CONGRATS on getting married last month, that is so exciting! Oh wow… your grandparents are awesome! I think I would love apple pie with a slice of cheddar cheese! I’m going to have to try this asap. I love your order of desserts… I agree with you a lot! Good for you to know when you need a break. Thanks again Jordan, have a wonderful day!


Happy birthday, Andrew… hope your day is full of apple pie (my favorite!) :)


Happy Birthday, Andrew! Enjoy your non-pie, Pi day with lots of cake!… Maybe 3.14 pieces ;)

My husband and I dated for 4 years before getting married!

About a year after my first -and- only marathon I went out for a run and walked instead. I wasn’t having fun running anymore. I was constantly stressed about hitting miles, paces etc. that I completely lost the joy and reason I run in the first place. I ended up walking a ton over about a 6 month period (still had my running sidekick (Naia our dog) so we had to get some miles in) and then one day it sounded amazing to run, so I did and haven’t stopped again. I no longer run with music or a watch! (EVER!) I just run for me


We saw each other for the first time on Nov 17, and a week later he proposed me and on Jan 5 we got married. It was love on the first sight for both of us :)


I LOVE THAT!!! Yep, love at first sight for us too!!! This makes me so happy:)


Happy Birthday Andrew! Praying it’s a blessed year for you. Being in your 30s is the best–enjoy it! Janae, I saw you’re doing the Cooper test. I go to church here in Texas with Dr. Cooper and his dear wife Millie. They are the sweetest couple. And he is still going strong!


NO WAY!! That is so so cool:) Tell him hi for me and that his test today nearly killed me off haha! Thanks Jen and I hope you are having a great day and I totally agree with you about the 30s:)


On Sunday I’ll be sure to tell him his test nearly killed you. He gets a kick out of things like that. :)


Happy Birthday Andrew!!! :)
Oh.MY.Gosh! I just read the Shalane article in my new Runner’s World magazine… So amazing, so inspiring!!! Now I need to go listen to the podcast!
Have a wonderful day celebrating Andrew!


Happy Birthday Andrew!!!
Wow April to July, that’s the dream!! I’m so happy for you guys. Its because of all that good karma you have :)
I would choose a brownie! or ice cream!! I’m currently not really running, I’m doing ClassPass for a couple months so I’m exploring a lot of different exercises and it forces me to actually go do a workout because otherwise I’ll lose money, haha! It’s been very cold and windy in DC, hopefully when it warms up I’ll start running outside again.


Happy Birthday Andrew.

My husband and I dated for 6.5 years before we got married. We did not live together so he drove a lot of miles during that time.


Happy birthday to Andrew. I’m not far behind you. Hopefully the 30s are as good as people say!

I usually take the winter months off running and just go whenever I feel like it instead of training for anything. This year I didn’t and I got injured so I’ll go back to doing that next time around.

I’ll take all the pie that don’t involve nuts. I love pie.


Happy Birthday Andrew! So exciting that you’re getting closer to finishing school! You can do it! Last year around this time I was finishing my Master’s, working full time, and planning my wedding. Not the same as having a family and a newborn, but I feel like we share(d) the lack of sleep thing :) Eye on the prize! You can do it! Hope you get to relax today!

My husband and my first date was on 1/9/2009 and we got married 4/22/2017! 2 funny things about this- My husband likes to give me a hard time that our first date would have been sooner had I responded to him. I claim I said yes right away, but the poor guy had to ask me out again 2 days after the initial “ask out” because he said I didn’t say yes…lies! Or maybe I was too excited I didn’t?? ;)

Second funny thing is that my husband would have proposed earlier too, but his mom ruined the surprise. She’s not so good with texting and is notorious for texting in the wrong group text. Long story short, she hinted that he was going to propose in a group text that I WAS IN! It was actually hilarious because everyone in the group text started texting my husband right after to tell him to grab my phone so his phone was going off like crazy (but I had already seen it). He postponed his original proposal plan but in the end, he was actually about to surprise me (and now we have a funny story :) )


Happy Birthday Andrew! In & Out sounds like the perfect way to celebrate.

My husband I dated for a year. We got engaged at the Boston marathon and then later eloped after the NYC marathon 7mo later :)

Pie. no, just say no to pie.


I’m only going to wish Andrew a happy birthday if he wishes me a happy birthday… BECAUSE ITS MY 30TH BIRTHDAY TOO!!!!!! Happy Birthday to us!!!!!!!!


You guys made one of the cutest babies I’ve ever seen. That smile is everything. And happy birthday Andrew!


We dated almost three years! Favorite pie is pumpkin! And I was chose ice cream over a pie! Happy birthday Andrew!!


Happy Birthday Andrew!! Today is my daughter Brooke’s 11 th birthday!


Happiest Birthday to Andrew! You two are just so cute — you can really see the support and partnership between you two (as well as the LOVE of course)! My husband loves In-and-Out Burger and I’m one of those weirdos that doesn’t understand the hype (which drives him crazy!) – love the idea of it being a birthday meal!

My husband and I dated for 3.5 years before we got engaged – but we were only 20 when we met. It still felt like an eternity at the time, haha! Now we’ve been together for 12+ years and it feels like a blink!

I’m not a HUGE fan of pie, but I’m 36 weeks pregnant today and am TOTALLY going to grab a couple slices to share with my husband and son tonight.


Happy Birthday Andrew! Wishing you a most excellent day and fantastic year ahead!


This week will be 3 years since we started dating. Still working on him re: the marriage part haha.

Favourite pie would be butter pecan, key lime or apple; I like pie but I don’t have it often.

I took almost a year off running when I first met my significant other. I think mentally I was tired and ready for a break. I still ran, but very unstructured and when I felt like it. We slept in on weekends, did brunch went camping etc. What normal people do haha. But after a year off I started to really miss the structure or more to the point just having a goal. I came back and finished an ultra and slowly I realized the hunger for running and races was coming back. Now, we try to plan a trip around races, and I try and make my race decisions with both of us in mind. It’s a balancing act – that sometimes. isn’t so balanced. This year I have done a couple of shorter races locally, and we will travel within BC for a couple of races this summer so it will be a fun trip for us both.

Have a super day!


Oh, I almost forgot. Happy Birthday Andrew!


Happy Birthday Andrew, hope it’s a great one.


Happy Birthday Andrew!! Your wife has been such an inspiration to so many, you chose well:) 30s are great but 40s are better lol


Happy birthday Andrew! Hope your cinnamon rolls were the best start to your special day! PS – My birthday is on Saturday :)

My husband and I had our first date on August 10, 2010 (a week after we started dating senior year) and we got married on July 20, 2014!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY ON SATURDAY… I hope your day is perfect:) Oh I love your dating story Meagan, thanks for sharing!


Happy Birthday Andrew! Good choice on the cinnamon rolls! :)
Favorite pie – my great-grandma’s lemon meringue pie. Never had a lemon meringue pie as good as hers since she passed away. Last year for Christmas my mom made a caramel apple pie that was SUPER yummy though, so I might have to vote for that one, too!
I took a break previously for about 2-3 months and just focused on other things – I was working out almost every day, but I took the opportunity to try new workouts and focused a lot on strength training. That majorly translated into my running! I ran up a hill yesterday that usually gives me trouble but I did it like it was nothing! Makes my legs and rear end look better in jeans too… ha!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! It’s my sister’s birthday today, too, she’s 20!

I prefer brownies over any other dessert. But I had some pecan pie in honor of Pi day. My favorite is cherry or Mississippi mud pie. My husband says pie is his favorite dessert, especially pecan.

We dated from May 2009 until getting engaged in May 2014 and married January 2015. I knew it was meant to be by the end of 2009, though.

I haven’t had big breaks from running, just occasional times where I miss a few days here and there. Luckily no injuries! I have only been running consistently for about 10 years, and I really picked in up in fall of 2012. Before that it was maybe once or twice a week.

once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


How long did you date before getting married?

Almost six months to the day! We got married one day before our one year dating anniversary ;)

In honor of PI Day, what’s your absolute favorite kind of pie or would you choose a cookie/brownie/donut/cake over a pie even on the day we celebrate pies?
Strawberry pie! But cookie cake just about tops everything ;)

Happy birthday, Andrew! Welcome to your 30s!


Favorite pie is warm blueberry pie with vanilla ice cream!

Happy Birthday to Andrew! I just turned 30 as well! Cinnamon rolls and cheeseburgers sound like an amazing way to celebrate! Have fun you guys! :)


Happy birthday, Andrew! Hope it’s a great one. So glad you’re part of HRG’s world and you are so willing to share it with all of us.

Les and I met on August 18, 1989 (one day before his 26th birthday) and were married on May 25, 1991. We took our time and drove many of our friends and family crazy because we took so long… there is no perfect length for courtship!

As long as it’s ala mode, I like just about any pie!

I can’t remember ever taking an extended break from running. I might take an extra rest day here or there, but that’s it.


Hey Janae!
Nice first date pic, that’s awesome!

Happy birthday, Andrew!! I hope it’s fantastic!
Linked is a birthday meme for Andrew, and two other memes that reminded me of him (hoping the links work!):





Happy Birthday Andrew, our Runner Girl looks so happy next to you! In-N-Out has not made it to the UK yet…. I guess we don’t know what we are missing!
My pie for pie day would be hot English Apple Pie with a heap of thick yellow custard. In London right now we need warming up.


I actually like meat pie more than sweet ones!


Happy Birthday to Andrew! My husband’s is tomorrow, so close :)
We dated for almost exactly 3 years before we were married, but I love how every couple is different.
I really don’t like pie, though my mother-in-law makes really good (tart!) raspberry pie.
I opted to not run for a week and then not use my Garmin since my last marathon. After my first I didn’t have a good time (they stopped it part way though) and I was frustrated so I immediately started a maintenance plan for one a few months away. I ended up on a 12 miler and realized it was terrible. Not just one bad run but that I was hating it because I was burnt out. The time to run (or lift, or cross train etc) with no real schedule was perfect!


Happy Birthday Andrew!

Hopefully I did not miss the on the way home reading, but seeing as though you probably wanted at least 2 of Janae’s cinnamon rolls, I am thinking late lunch. ;)

Have the best day!


Happy Birthday Andrew!!
My husband and I dated for 2 years, engaged for a little less than a year, and married for 2.5 years!
I’m not usually a pie person, but I do love pumpkin pie around the holidays and banana cream pie! I definitely don’t do fruit pies or cheesecake, other than that, I’m open to all other desserts!


Happiest birthday, Andrew!!!!! Continued blessings throughout the year!!! Thanks for making our favorite blogger the happiest girl in the world!


Happy happy birthday, Andrew!


Happy Birthday Andrew : )

My time getting to know my husband was fast as well. We met in 8/04 moved in together 10/04 and then was engaged 11/04. We did wait a year to be married but only because the location we wanted was not available.


Happy Birthday Andrew!


Happy Birthday Andrew! My hubby and I dated 6 months before we got married and will celebrate 25 yrs later this year. My favorite pie is pecan (once a year treat!) And I am being forced to heal/rest after straining my ACL during XC skiing last month. I’ll miss the Cherry Blossom 10 miler (a bucket list race for me ?) in April but feel better after listening to the podcast – thank you!


Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Andrew
Happy Birthday to you…and many more!!

It is my best friend’ s Husbands birthday also so a great day in addition to national Pii day
Enjoy Your In And Out burger


Happy Birthday Andrew! You have been such a fun addition to the HRG family;) Hope you and Janae have a fabulous day celebrating together!


Ps we are going to California in two weeks first time ever. My nineteen year old sons first request is to try In and Out burger!


Happy, happy birthday Andrew. In my experience, the 30’s are SOOOO much better than the 20’s. You’re in for a fabulous decade! Also, PIZZA is also a pie, so there will be no rip in the space/time continuum for your Pi birthday, so long as you love pizza! :)


Meet my husband at 15 on the track team. I was a runner, he was 3 years older and a thrower. We dated 10 years for married April 11, 1987 so married 31 years and still appreciate and cherish each other. He is my best friend and shops me at all my races. I still run but he no longer throws.


First of all I love your blog. I don’t love pie. I would rather eat candy and I think the candy drawer you wrote about the other day would be the best birthday gift ever.

I am still waiting for the right guy to marry. But my parents married after 5 months of sporadic dating and are over 40 years happy and going strong.

Have a great day celebrating your great partner in life.


30 is a big year! Happy birthday!

I had my first date with my now husband in Dec of ’05 an were married in July of ’06. I was 24, he was 27, and everyone thought I went crazy because it wasn’t like me to be so impulsive but, when you know you know. We just had our 4th baby last October and will celebrate our 12th anniversary this summer.


Happy birthday, Andrew (sorry, belated…)
also my husband’s b-day is March, 14 !!!


happy happy birthday Andrew! looks like it was a fabulous day. welcome to the 30’s…they definitely rock :)
most definitely choosing brownie, cookie, cake, doughnut over pie ANY day.
had a major injury to my hip/groin a few years ago (never went to the dr so i have no clue what i did), but i was limping for like a month and unable to run for 4 months. then, very long story short, this past november it was discovered i had 2 blood clots, one in each lung. needless to say, running after those 2 situations makes me SO grateful to do it at all! let alone miles at a time. working on building up speed, but still so so happy to be doing it.


^ just realized i did not answer your question at all, lol! i did not choose those breaks. someone needs to learn how to read *raises hands*

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