Family Dinner + Performance + Suunto (review) vs Garmin… what watch to get?

Time to talk about our Sunday happenings and most importantly, what we had for breakfast…  CREPES (remember my phase of eating Bisquick pancakes every day of my life?).

The best way to start the day.

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Yesterday was a big day for the kids… it was the Primary Program at our church.  This means that the kids all sit in the front facing the congregation and they sing a bunch of songs for the whole congregation!  They also had different parts they each said into the microphone too (our kids worked hard memorizing their lines).

Brooke asked for lip gloss for this big event and I agreed that was an excellent idea.

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The kids did awesome (Knox met us there) and it was quite entertaining watching them up front the entire time.

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After church, I had one thing on my brain—> I don’t know what it is about garlic bread but it is really a big deal to me.  Odds are that it won’t be soon because I will end up overeating it like I do with every other craving that I have had and then never want it again.

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We also went nuts on the raspberries yesterday.

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Our afternoon involved the Beauty and the Beast movie and lots of relaxing.

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And then we were off to my parents’ house for a big dinner with them, my grandma and my sister’s family.

Andrew and I brought THIS caesar bowtie salad that was SO good.

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We also brought this apple pie that I made that was also really good.  I used this crust recipe and this pie recipe (but I added a few more tablespoons of butter to the topping of this recipe because it needed it).   The lighting doesn’t give this pie the justice it deserves;)

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After we ate dinner, Brooke told me she was going to rub my shoulders… WHAT!? I hope this is a normal thing occurrence!

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Lots of playing!

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And then my dad updated his wall with everyone’s height.

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My nephew is ALMOST taller than Andrew now… he is growing like crazy (he passed me up a while ago).

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The sunset from my parents’ deck (no filters or anything)… it was beautiful!


Felt good to get in some quality time with these girls yesterday!

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Time to get this backsplash in before this baby comes… anyone wanna come join us today?!


In cased you missed out last week… the three most popular posts were:

*Unpopular Opinions Round 2 + learn from the pros.

*35 weeks + our nursery + what the heck do I need to pack?

*Friday Faves + Goodbye Kitchen


Let’s talk about my thoughts on the Suunto Spartan Trainer (with wrist heart rate)!  PS this post is not sponsored.  They did send me the watch for free and I am choosing to write about it:)  I also have zero ties with Garmin, they did not send me my watch.  PS I am not a professional on this kind of stuff at all… just sharing what I love about the watch:)

I’ve used a Garmin (I have the Garmin 225 now) since 2009 and this was my first time trying anything other than Garmin since then.  I’ve used the Suunto for about 2 months now and I’ve been really pleased with it both functionally and aesthetically.  I’ve never been one to wear my Garmin outside of working out (Andrew does though) but I find myself wearing the Suunto many days, all day.  I chose the white and gold one.  I think it is really pretty and the white stays extremely clean (easy to wipe off etc) looking!

Bullet points is my favorite way to review something:)

The Suunto Spartan Trainer (with wrist HR):

*Cost= $279-$329 depending on the color and if you want a metal bezel.

*I really love the charging cable.  I’ve had a few Garmins that take me a minute or two to get the chargers in the exact place to have it start charging… This one is easy and just clips in.

*You can plan your route with this watch!  You make your route on the Suunto Movescount and then transfer it to your watch and your watch will navigate your route while you run (or bike or whatever you choose) and also tell you when you get off course etc.  I think this feature is SO great and especially when traveling or in a new area!

*It is not a touchscreen, you use the buttons on the sides of the watch which I prefer… I had a bad experience with a touchscreen Garmin and it made me never want one again.  While I’m running, I want to be pushing buttons, not trying to figure out where I need to be pressing on the screen.

*Details included post-run (I’m sure there are a million others for different sports too) that you can see on this watch—>  Cadence, time, distance, pace, calories, recovery time, ascent, descent, each lap time, rpm, peak training effect, hr average along with a range from throughout your run and your heart rate average during each lap  (sorry about my post-run pancake plate in these pictures… I remembered to take pictures after breakfast).

I love seeing the altitude measurements right after a run (and you can see where you took breaks too.. the gap towards the beginning below):

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*I am all about having my heart rate monitor in the wrist of my watch.  I had this with my Garmin too and love it.  I have used heart rate chest straps before and those drove me crazy (chafing and just uncomfortable) so I love being able to know my heart rate by just wearing the watch.  I find it pretty accurate too (one day I wore the Suunto and Garmin at the same time ((without sleeves on under)) and both gave me the same reading for my heart rate during the run).

*I find it extremely comfortable to wear and I don’t even notice that it is on during the day when I am wearing it BUT if you are not a fan of a big face on your watch, this probably isn’t the watch for you.  I like it because I want to see my stats while running without having to hold up my watch to my face.  I prefer the bigger screen so that I can see my information while running.  This watch without the metal bezel that I have weighs 56 grams and mine weighs 66 grams.  When I wore it for my first run it definitely felt a tiny bit heavier to me but I’m very used to it now.  My Garmin feels a bit lighter but for training, the weight of the Suunto is great in my opinion (I’ll use my Garmin for races though because it feels lighter to me)!

*The Suunto CAN BE automatically synced with Strava (I’m not on Strava so I haven’t tried this but I did read that activities without GPS data will not sync to strava)

*The watch is able to track a ton of different activities (and 80 different modes) including—>  Running, treadmill running, trail running, cycling, cycling power, indoor cycling, mountain biking, pool swimming, open water swimming, triathlon race, obstacle racing, weight training, circuit training, hiking, cross country skiing, alpine skiing, ski touring and a setting for ‘other.’  I have only used it for the running, treadmill running and a short session of indoor cycling but I’m excited to try it out with all of the others too!

*I love that after each run it asks me how I’m feeling.  I think it is important to keep track of your post running thoughts (I do this on my training log too) so you can get a good sense for where you are at over time.

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*The watch offers a sleep mode to track your sleep (my garmin does not) but at this point in life with how many times I get up each night… I don’t want to track my sleep;)  But an awesome option if you are wanting that to be a part of your watch.

*The battery life of this watch is 10 hours in training mode (and up to 30 hours with power save options)… This is one of my favorite parts of the watch.  I feel like I never have to charge the watch and I’ve been using it for all of my running and most days I’m wearing it all day long.

*You can connect the Suunto to your phone and get texts/notifications/told when someone is calling you on your watch.  I love this option because I feel like I’m not just checking my phone throughout the day randomly… I get on my phone when I know someone texted me etc which means I’m on my phone less.

*They offer a free 3 year warrantee on their watches!

*PS I wanted to test out the GPS on the Suunto and see if it was correct so I wore both my Garmin and the Suunto for a run one day and they were RIGHT ON.  Andrew pushed start on one watch and I pushed start on the other at the same time and ran a mile and they hit the mile mark at the exact same time (I had trouble stopping them at the exact same time though ha).  I wore them both for the rest of the run too and they continued to be pretty much identical with the mileage/pace.  I trust my Garmin (because it has been right on with races etc) and this made me trust the Suunto for giving me correct data while I run (BECAUSE I LOVE NUMBERS)!  I don’t think the pedometer is very accurate.  Andrew and I have done runs together and checked the steps afterwards and they are way off from one another (I should have checked it on the run where I wore both watches)!

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So what do I like better… the Suunto or my Garmin 225?  PS Garmin offers watches ((the Fenix)) but it is more expensive than the Suunto) that are more similar to my Suunto, I just don’t have that watch so I’m comparing the two that I have:)

*Looks-wise, I definitely like the Suunto best.  I also love it for an all-day watch too so I can have my phone connected to it and I think it looks great:)

*User friendly—> I prefer the Garmin a bit more (but that could be that I have used it for longer and so I am more familiar with it too?)… my 225 is a bit easier for me to lap, start, stop and find some of the data like my splits for a run.

*I think the Suunto gives you more info than my Garmin on the actual watch (without having to pull up stuff on your app).  Whether that be ascent/decent, your personal log book on the watch, your sleep, your recovery time etc, you can find more data on the Suunto in my opinion.

*If you are doing all sorts of different types of activities (swimming, cycling, mountain biking, indoor cycling, triathlons, weight training etc) then the SUUNTO is 100% for you.  It offers so many different trackers for so many different activities!  If you are just a runner and need a great tracking watch for your running then the Garmin is amazing for that but if you do it all then definitely go with the Suunto.

*I love the battery life on my Suunto more than my Garmin (once again, I’ve had the Garmin longer so I’m not sure how to compare the Garmin brand new to the Suunto brand new but it does seem to last longer on the Suunto).  I love that it asks me how my run go afterwards and I LOVE seeing the ascent and decent on the Suunto after a run (I can find that on my Garmin app when I use my Garmin but not the actual watch).

*The navigation option on the Suunto is amazing and this will be especially helpful for me when traveling/in new areas.

Overall… I like them both a lot.  I guess I’m easily pleased ha (unless it is a touchscreen watch)!?  If you are needing a new watch, both are amazing watches—>  It just depends what YOU really want out of the watch and what you need for your training (my Garmin review is HERE)!  If you are looking for a watch with ALL OF THE BELLS AND WHISTLES = Suunto Spartan Trainer.  If you are just wanting more of just the basics for your training = go with something a bit cheaper!

Personally, I’ll be wearing my Suunto for the majority of my training but my Garmin for race day/speed work (because it is a little lighter and a little bit easier to tap the buttons quickly etc).


What do you use to track your running?  What are the pros and cons of what you use?  Have a dream watch you’ve been wanting?

What is the number 1 (2 or 3) thing on your running gear/clothing wishlist?  

Who did RNR Vegas yesterday?  

Since it is November—>  I MUST KNOW, what is your favorite type of pie?!

A question from R. Kay—>  she wanted to know my thoughts on the new Taylor Swift Album.    I want to know YOUR thoughts… loving it, not so much?

-I haven’t listened to it all but I personally liked her last album better and listened to that running and during the rest of the day.  Her new album is more just stuff I’ll randomly love on a running playlist for a few weeks but not something I would listen to driving etc. 

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Thanks for the shout-out and the Q! Excited to see comments :D! Tbh, those are exactly my thoughts on it. Some are good, but it’s nothing like 1989 that just really hit me. I was going through a long breakup at the time though, so maybe that’s why it got me xD. I don’t know though; not all of the songs are super relatable like most from the previous albums..

On the watches: I still have an old-school Garmin Forerunner 10 (“15” now) that I got from my bros for my bday last year, when I started training ‘seriously.’ It does what I want it to do; it gives me elevation on the app and splits while I’m running. I would like cadence (I use my phone for that), and obviously I’d love all the features you have above..but $300 is a lot.. that’s three pairs of shoes, or a half marathon and full marathon entry!

Also my watch is on its end, I think. It didn’t save my NYC marathon, and that made me SUPER SAD… thank goodness splits are available online :/. I stopped looking at my watch post-mile 15 bc I went my comfy pace instead of my “leash” pace (I was injured, and I just wanted to finish, so I went slow till post-Queensboro..).

Looks like you guys had an awesome Sunday with the fam, and it’s super cool Brooke and Knox performed at your church!! So special!!

Have a wonderful day!!


Sorry for early comments; I just check to see if you’ve updated during bfast, ha!


My Garmin 225 went haywire during the NYC marathon, the paces and distance were way off. Grr. It’s been great otherwise but ug! Way to wreck a long term relationship, Garmin! I can’t trust you anymore!

And T Swift new album? Meh. She’s so talented, she could do way better.
I also think the new Bey / Eminem song is, as my coworkers would say, not fit. Those two are brilliant, the song not so much.

Imagine Dragons, however, keeps being amazing.


Oh BUMMER about your watch not working well during the marathon Northanon… that is so frustrating! I completely agree about Imagine Dragons… they just keep getting better and better for me! Have an amazing day!


I LOVE the early comment and thank you for your question… I totally agree with you and I was going through the same thing when 1989 came out and it got me through it:) AHHHH YOUR WATCH didn’t save your NYC Marathon!?! NOOO I hope you find the perfect watch for you once yours is completely done. I hope you have a beautiful day!


I have the Garmin 220 and really like it. It’s much better than the Garmin I used to have, because that one’s band ALWAYS broke. I honestly only use it for distance and pace, and I don’t track it or record it anywhere, so I don’t need much in a watch.

So, I definitely miss the old days of Taylor Swift music (e.g., Fearless and Red), but I do like her new album. I think she’s a lyrical and musical genius, but I know not everyone agrees with me. I really love the song “New Year’s Day” a lot!


What a happy Sunday! A Sunday well-spent brings a week of content. :) Your dress is gorgeous and that pie looks delicious. My favorite pie flavors are pumpkin and apple. I once dated a Hawaiian guy and he baked me a haupia pie — it’s a pretty indulgent chocolate coconut pie. Yum!


I haven’t ever had a Garmin or anything like that. I usually use my phone in my roosport to track my runs, but who knows how accurate it really is right? So I considered getting one for Christmas but have no idea which I’m thinking of getting yet.

And I love pie! I’ll eat any berry pie, apple pie, peach pie is delicious and cream pies are delicious. I don’t care for nuts or for vegetables in my dessert so that takes our pumpkin and pecan.


Right now I’m using the Garming Forerunner 15 which is a good watch! I think in a year or so, I’ll upgrade to a bit more of a high tech watch with heart rate monitoring and what not but we shall see! Thank you for reviewing the Sunnto, I hadn’t heard of it but will be thinking about it now when I upgrade my watch.
My favorite type of pie is probably pumpkin but I did make an apple pie in September that was delicious!
A big thing on my running gear wishlist right now is a running safety device! With the days getting shorted, I think this is going to be a must have for me.


Yes I agree on the safety device ! I currently am looking into my options of getting a running safety device and would love any suggestions. Janae, maybe you could do a blog post on what you currently use or suggest. I’m a pretty new reader and if you have done one previously than a link would be appreciated:)


A few weeks ago she talked about one called Run Angel! I’ve also heard of Wear Safe. That’s all I know of though and haven’t tried either.


HEY!!! Great question! I am getting the Run Angel in just a few more weeks and I will write a full review of it as soon as I try it out! I wrote a little bit about it here and it sounds amazing:

Right now I just have some spray but I am REALLY looking forward to using the Run Angel for every run. I hope both of you can get one!! Have an amazing day girls!


Thank you so much for doing the review on your watch! I have been a Garmin user FOREVER (I have the 220) but recently I’ve been thinking about getting a “smart” watch whether that be the newer Garmin, an iWatch or maybe I’ll get a Suunto! I like the idea of not having to keep my phone on me all the time in the house/at work but still know if someone is trying to get in touch with me.

I am a big fan of pie!! I think my favorite ever is cherry but I also love key lime and apple and chocolate mousse pies :-)


HEY TORRIE!! Yeah, I really love having a smart watch… let me know what you end up deciding on! I hope you get some cherry pie soon and now you have me craving key lime:) I might have to get some today. Enjoy your Monday!


I like older Taylor Swift better. There are a couple of songs that I listen to when working out, but I don’t love it. More importantly, my daughter and her 14 year old friends don’t love it either. They were all talking in the car about “Gorgeous” and they “hate the words” but the music is ok.

I am making two pies for my church which is collecting them to donate to needy families and I am agonizing about what to make. In the end, I am sure I will make two pumpkin pies using the recipe on the can of pumpkin, but I am sure that I will Google recipes and debate endlessly for the next few days.


HAHAHA I do that too… It is amazing how much debate goes on in my head (and to Andrew) about which recipe to use for certain things!?! What is our deal? Let me know what you end up doing and I love that your church is collecting pies to donate. That is interesting that your daughter and her friends aren’t loving it either… yeah, I heard gorgeous and I had no idea what was going on in the song ha. Have a great day Allison!


“Gorgeous” is exactly the song that made me be like, “What?” TSwift usually writes stuff that’s so relatable, but that song is just..Idk. Made me feel like an alien, haha!


I have a Fitbit Blaze – I considered getting a fancier, “real runners” watch, but I like being able to participate in Fitbit challenges with my friends (a TON of us have them!). It works well for me, plus I use the RunKeeper app which gives me a little bit more data as well. I’ve been using that app for years now and I’ve found it’s pretty accurate! The only time I’ve ever had issues is when GPS goes out, which impacts the app and my watch so there’s not much you can do there!
Hmmm number 1 thing would be some more colder weather running gear – I don’t have nearly as much of that as I do shorts and tank tops!
Favorite pie – my great grandma made the best lemon meringue pie I’ve ever had in my life, and since she has passed, I haven’t been able to recreate it or had anything as good as that. So I guess caramel apple pie is the second best! :)
Taylor Swift is just… UGH to me. I think I used that in my unpopular opinions post :). I was never much of a fan, but I used to at least appreciate her lyrics. This new stuff is not impressive and it doesn’t seem like the real her – it’s like she’s trying to fit in with some weird genre that doesn’t suit her. The lyrics aren’t great either.


I’ve seen a lot about Suunto watches and been wondering how people have liked them. The color of the Suunto is really pretty. I’ve actually been looking to upgrade from the same watch you have but haven’t found something I’m married too. Thanks for the review Janae.


I use my Apple Watch Sport 2 to track my running. I know it’s not the most accurate, but I also love my apple watch for daily wear so it works out pretty well for me!
What do you use to track your running? What are the pros and cons of what you use? Have a dream watch you’ve been wanting?
I went running gear shopping over the weekend, so my wish list is much shorter now:) Picked up some new insulated leggings and long sleeve tops. I could use some warmer socks, though!
I’m all about apple pie, and I am also really liking the new T. Swift album.


Oh I LOVE my Apple Watch also… I have the older one but I really love the look of it. I’ll have to look into the Sport 2! Do you feel like it isn’t accurate on distance/pace? OH I LOVE that you were able to stock up on some great gear, perfect for winter. I need to find some warm sock options too, I HATE COLD TOES. I hope you get some delicious apple pie soon!


Thank you so much for your watch review – I’ve been waiting for this! I have a garmin 225 right now and love it…based on your review I’m thinking I don’t need to update my watch just yet ;)
I really need a new pair of running shoes right now, but I’ll probably just buy them instead of waiting for Christmas! I would also love more quarter zips and cold weather running gear!
My favorite type of pie is key lime pie!
I haven’t heard the new T Swift album yet, but I’ve heard good things! I loved her last album too.
Enjoy your day :)


I think the Garmin vivoactive 3 is more comparable to the Suunto. Price is same ($299), look is similar (I wear it all day, white with silver) & it has many of the same features. Also it is super lightweight!!


Thanks Aly! I wasn’t sure about the vivoactive 3… I’ll definitely have to look into that. I love the white watch look:) The lightweight part sounds extra appealing! I hope you are having a beautiful day!


I use my ipod touch with the nike+ app to keep track of my runs. Lately the headphone jack is acting weird, but it is fine if I remember to charge and use my wireless headphones. I got the ipod touch for free, so I can’t really complain………’s lasted years! I want to get a running watch, but still haven’t been able to commit because the price of one equals so many shoes and clothes for running! I could get a whole running outfit and shoes for that price, so I haven’t committed yet!
Number one on my running wish list right now is more compression socks. They have been helping with the shin splints and I kinda like that nerdy runner look with shorts and knee high socks!

My husband’s favorite all time dessert is pie, and he prefers pecan. (He does not like pumpkin or sweet potato anything, though, including pie!) I made a homemade cherry pie once and he loved that, too. I think cherry or chocolate pecan would be my favorites.


I use my good old Garmin — it’s a Forerunner 220 — so there are no extras, but it works!

I would love a new set of Bluetooth headphones that don’t hurt or fall off!

I love a good Pecan Pie — hubby thinks they are too sweet, but I love a slice with coffee! It actually feels like a treat!


I have the Garmin 220 and it works great! I used to use runkeeper, but we have very limited data and between that and listening to music, it kills the battery. I do wish it had a few more activities, like hiking. My husband has the Garmind Vivoactive HR and he loves it. It’s a smartwatch, so it’s touchscreen, but he likes that it can log lots of different kinds of activities. You can even upload golf courses and it’ll tell you how far away from the hole you are, which is pretty neat.
I’m actually not a huge pie person, especially fruit pies, but I do love pumpkin pie and banana cream pie! Hope you have a great day!


I love that your dad has a spot for marking everyone’s height, that is so fun! My favorite pie is a berry pie — my supermarket bakery knocks it out of the park! The pie is made mostly of blackberries with some rasberries and a few blueberries thrown in too. It has a ridiculous flaky crust…. yummm!! I can’t wait to eat it again!


My husband very sweetly replaced my very old Suunto with a Fenix 5 (he went basic black – not my first choice, but I am grateful nonetheless!); I think the Fenix 5 and the Spartan are comparable EXCEPT that the Garmin GPS (for me) is TERRIBLE!!! I’ve tried every fix I can, but it doesn’t seem to be improving. My Suunto GPS was awesome – even on trails! So that’s my main issue in the Suunto vs. Garmin debate.

I love this time of year and I LOVE PIE!! Strawberry/rhubarb, cherry and apple are all I want! Oh, and gingerbread, too!!!!

Love the wall measurements;, Janae – I had those for my kids and it was SO HARD when we had to move and leave those little marks behind!! I’m glad they make those nifty removable ones now!

No opinion on Taylor Swift just yet – I haven’t heard it all yet!! :)


THANK YOU LIZ for sharing… that is SO interesting! Have you written Garmin about this problem?! That is not fun! Oh we should get a removable one for our house. I don’t think my parents will ever move again so luckily they don’t have to say goodbye to the markings, that must have been so so so hard. I hope you have a beautiful day!


Thank you for responding!! Contacting Garmin directly is on my to-do list for this week!! Haha – if only I really DID run 37 miles at the Chicago Marathon!!! :)


you should check DC Rainmaker’s website where he talks of the Fenix 5 in depth – the comments is where everyone lists their problems, i would bet you would find similar issues to what you’re experiencing. they also update when Garmin gives them a solution that works (or doesn’t). doesn’t hurt to try!


I have the Garmin Fenix 3 HR and am very pleased to see your review on the Suunto. With my Garmin watch and footpod my treadmill runs are NEVER accurate. How accurate are your treadmill runs with the Suunto watch?


HEY!! My garmin is always WAY off on my treadmill runs (I don’t use a footpod with either) but I have found that the Suunto is actually a little bit more accurate (I forgot to put that in the review… thank you for the reminder)! For example, at the end of a 7 mile run on the treadmill it is usually off by about .3 miles but that is still way better than my Garmin. I hope this helps!


After a year and a half of dabbling in running, I feel like I can call myself a runner after finishing my first 10k race this year! I’m now ready to upgrade my Fitbit to a ‘real’ running watch and have found this very helpful. You mentioned you keep track of how you felt about your runs in your training log. As a newer runner, I’m struggling to figure out what information to keep track of (what will I want to look back at) and how best to do it. Could you give some advice on how and why you keep your training log? Love the blog and Thanks!


Amanda, HUGE congrats on your first 10k this year! You are amazing and you have been a real runners since you first started running! I’m excited for you to get into your training log! For me personally (when I’m not pregnant), I include how far I went, my pace, splits (if it was a speed workout), how I felt during and after my run, any thoughts I had about my training/running/mental game during the run and I also will include sometimes how I slept the night before and what I ate before the run (or the night before too… to help me figure out what works best with my stomach and running)! Keep me updated with how you are doing, I am so so excited for you!


I have had the Suunto Ambit2 for over 4 years and really love it. There is an app that I use to set up intervals that is really slick. You have to do it on the desktop but it works great. I like that I can set up ladder intervals (200, 400, 800, 400, 200) and I don’t have to remember where I am in the workout.

In my family we’re all about my grandma’s peach cobbler. One of my aunts has taken over the recipe and it disappears before anything else!


Oh my gosh Janae-you’d hate running with me the day you forget your watch (which I’m guessing is never?!) I look at my basic for the time, then again when I feel like it, and lastly when I finish. I pretty much know all the distances of my routes…….But the weird thing is that I am insistent on using my bike computer to measure my rides. Go figure.

Favorite pie? I love berry pie or anything with streusel but this month I’m going with pumpkin. My kids love this chocolate fudge cream pie (I think I sent you a recipe for that last year?) that is so simple but tastes amazing. My son loves a bourbon vanilla pecan pie and we all love pumpkin. It’s the clear winner! I sort of wish there was a pie crust pie….just some buttery cinnamony goodness.


Favourite pie = pecan pie or pumpkin pie.

I have a watch I love. My guy gave me a big chunk of change towards a suunto ambit peak which I love. I love the battery life (it lasted 20 hours on GPS for me), the fact I can sync it from my phone to straava as my old watch wasn’t quite as advanced.

Haven’t listened to the new Taylor Swift Album yet. No RNR vegas for me. It is a long weekend here in Canada, so we are enjoying an extra day for Remembrance Day. Happy Monday!


I have an older Garmin Forerunner that is in desperate need for an upgrade! I’ll definitely be checking these out for sure! I hate having to wait for mine to connect to the GPS signals! I use apps though on my phone mostly just because I carry it with me on my runs! :)

I’d probably say the #1 wishlist item I have for running would be a good watch now! I wear a FitBit Alta all the time, but I’d love to replace it with a new Garmin or something of the sort!

I love a good apple pie! Yours looked FABULOUS!!!

I’m not 100% sold on the “new” Taylor Swift album. She’s just changed SO much and I kind of like the old Taylor better! Some of her songs are still good and everything, just way different than I’d expect!

Have a fabulous Monday!!


I’ve been using a Garmin 230 for a while. I have my eyes on the Fenix 5, it’s sooo pretty, but I can’t justify the cost ;)

I don’t really love pie… I do, however love a good butter finger ice cream pie :)

I really like the few songs that have been released on Apple Music, but I haven’t listened to her own album yet.


Hi! I have a silly question about the Suunto watch. It looks as though you can connect it to your phone via an app and you can get text messages. You also mentioned that it is possible to tell when someone is calling you. Can you answer the phone from your watch? I am toying with getting an Apple Watch Series 3, but I am not thrilled with giving up my Garmin capabilities. It appears as if the Suunto watch might offer similar capabilities as the Garmin and with the “reachable” aspect of the Apple Watch Series 3. Thanks!


Not a silly question at all!!! You cannot answer and talk on the Suunto like you could on the Apple Watch! I think you explained the Suunto perfect… a nice combo of the Garmin and Apple Watch Series 3! Let me know what you end up choosing! Have a phenomenal evening Margaret!


Hi Janae,

Thank you so very much! Personally, I would be thrilled to stick with the Suunto watch. However, as I am looking for the “keeping me accessible wherever I happen to be running” option, I have a feeling that I will end up with the Apple Watch.

Thanks Again – I am so excited to meet your new little one and thanks for keeping us in the loop!


Janae – thank you so much for the review!! I enjoyed reading it…if you don’t mind could you do a picture of the sunto watch compared to the apple watch on your wrist? I am thinking of trading my apple watch in for the suunto but worry a bit about the side? How does it compare?


GIRL!!!! I will totally post a picture tomorrow on the blog of the comparison!!! I hope you are having a beautiful day!


Thank you for the review! It helps a lot. I was leaning toward Garmin but your new watch is so pretty. I think I’ll go with the Garmin because I don’t really need a looking at watch since I have about ten others that I use for telling time. I think a garmin will be my birthday present to myself.
Sundays with your family looks like a great time. It makes me wish that I live closer to mine.


I am SO impressed you made your own pie crust and apple pie!! I make easy pies amd don’t make my own crust. Good job!


I have the Garmin Vivoactive and I love it.

I need a good long sleeve shirt that will keep me warm but breath really well. I get hot fast even in the cold weather, but I am freezing when I start out. I also want gloves that I can like fold back or something when my hands get hot and not have to stuff them in my pockets, it gets too bulky.

My fave pie is apple as long as I have some vanilla ice cream to eat with it.

I think I have only heard 1 song on the new taylor swift album and I like it.


I love reading these reviews. I have an used Garmin that I bought for $50 from someone in my old running group. Haven’t used anything else and love it. But would be interested if anyone has used a Fitbit or Apple Watch for their runs and how they liked those.


What do you use to track your running? What are the pros and cons of what you use? Have a dream watch you’ve been wanting?
i use the Garmin Fenix 5S! it is more than i expected so it surpasses my ‘dream watch’ – but then again, this is also my first tech watch. my husband loved the fenix 3 but i wouldn’t get it b/c it was so big. so when the 5S came out – I said I would get it, so we got on the preorder. my husband got the 5X and i got the 5S. the pros is that the watch does everything and more. i can get training from my calendar that i set up with Garmin Connect and run my workout on the watch and it helps me do it. i can navigate to a waypoint (i.e. i’ll run south toward the water, and hey i want to end up at Coney Island, take me to Coney Island, little watch! and it does – i plug in the GPS coordinates and off i go) – it gives me cycling or running directions there, it can also navigate back to your start which is also really great. i never run with my phone so this is super helpful. in cycling, it’s far easier to glance down at the watch for what’s coming up on the course than to pull out my phone and glance at it. all my cycling partners on a bike tour were in AWE of this amazing machine when seeing the course directioning from GPS tech. on the 5X you can see actual mapping with topography. in hiking as well as rock climbing, it’s been helpful for my husband navigating the trails in the dark back to his car when he stays out past sunset. i’ve used it for hiking running and cycling and my main complaint is that it doesn’t last all day for a very long cycling trip. the battery is smaller. however there are things you can do such as hit “Resume Later” to conserve battery and take out the vibration feature to conserve battery. the 5X has a much longer lasting battery. i’m pretty sure the 5S won’t be able to track an activity that is multi-day.

Both Garmin and Strava are not as good at hike trails tracking. Also with big buildings in Manhattan, the GPS signal is not great and apparently bounces to give you really strange routes you did. but since both of them have this failing, i believe it’s more the limits of GPS. maybe in time both Garmin and Strava can create software that corrects the GPS errors.

What is the number 1 (2 or 3) thing on your running gear/clothing wishlist?
more tanks. but maybe now that it’s cold, more long sleeve running shirts?

Who did RNR Vegas yesterday?
nope not here – but Rock and Roll seems to be a fun running series tho!

Since it is November—> I MUST KNOW, what is your favorite type of pie?!
i am a fan of pecan pie.

A question from R. Kay—> she wanted to know my thoughts on the new Taylor Swift Album. I want to know YOUR thoughts… loving it, not so much?
i don’t listen to much music but i’m sure i would find it fun.


i’m being inaccurate. i have had the apple watch (1st gen) prior to this. it is a cool watch and i would start strava from it directly for my cycling. it was OK but the surface is small and i would always manage to touch the wrong thing or not touch it correctly and i’d spend a lot of time finagling with it to make it work. i always had to have my phone with me so i never took it with me running.


Hi. Would love to see you review of this watch and Garmin Fenix 5S. I have the rose gold version of that and love it! I am pretty sure it does all of the things you mentioned about Suunto. It my favorite watch – I got rid of my Apple Watch when I got this one,I love it so much. Thanks for the review! I’ve been wondering… Hope Garmin sends you a fenix.


I’ve had 3 garmins in the last 14yrs. When I went to upgrade I looked into switching over to the Suunto but ended up with the Garmin Fenix 3 in white with rose gold. I’m lazy and couldn’t be bothered with learning a new watch. It’s huge but I love big watches and wear it all day except at night. Thanks for your review. Mutlifuctionally-wise they sound like they do the same thing. The only thing lacking with mine is that the color I chose did have the heart rate monitor option but I’m not sure I could afforded another $100 for it if it did! Ha!


What a special bond those two littles have! Cutest!

I have been researching watches for the past 2 days. Suunto vs Garmin. Looking at the Fenix 5 (my birthday is the day after Christmas…hello combo gift! hahahah). I like the Suunto, but love the idea of the tougher face on the Garmin and it would pair easily with the power meter on my bike. :)

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