One of my prettiest runs ever, Friday FAVES and YOU GUYS are amazing!

I drove on over to my favorite trail yesterday morning to get in my run.  I wish you could all join me on this trail because it is absolutely gorgeous and completely covered with leaves.

We all partied pretty hard Wednesday night (the baby shower) so a run before the kids needed to get up for school didn’t happen.  When I went in to wake up Brooke she told me she just needed to cuddle first for a minute before getting up.  I get it.

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The kids went to school and I headed out for my run.  I probably won’t do a ton of stroller miles next year (my IT Band doesn’t love stroller running… I change my form a lot when I do it) but there will be some and I can’t wait for her to see things like this while we are out on our run together.

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Or things like this.  These 5.2 miles (9:37 pace) were some of the prettiest I’ve ever done.

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I have approximately 100 memories of using the couch cushions with my older brother growing up:)  We would usually set ours up at the bottom of the stairs and jump though… glad the kids haven’t thought of that one yet.

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Of course.  I have a problem.  I did the math on these croissants and the chicken salad from Costco and they were about $1.75 per sandwich… quite the cost effective meal for me too ha.  Who cares that it is pretty much the only thing I eat now;)  Socks from Monica that are bunched up because I can’t bend over all of the way to fix them.

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We made it to Cornbelly’s for the last time of the season yesterday.

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Andrew worked hard to figure this game out and he finally won!

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Hot chocolate for me and blueberry donut for her.

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The highlight for both kids was the mining section!

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And more carbs for dinner:)  Spaghetti with turkey and we watched the scene from Lady and the Tramp with the spaghetti before digging in.

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Time for some of my Friday Faves!!

*I listened to Ali’s podcast with Kara Goucher on my run yesterday and it was so great.  I feel like I’ve looked up to Kara since I first started doing marathons.  She is a huge inspiration to me and I LOVE how real she is.  I really need to get to her retreat one of these years.

*A friend of mine has posted about these affirmators so I ordered some of my own… I LOVE THEM!

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*THIS story about a Marine double amputee that runs marathons to spread hope.  Wow.

*Megan D is the queen of making amazing popcorn.  She made this Sugar Cookie Popcorn and it is SO GOOD (she added the circus animal cookies after she spread the mixture on the cookie sheet and then sprinkled it with pink sprinkles).  I had it before my run yesterday and I just need about 20 more bags of it:)

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*Andrew is loving his new watch bands… he has the Garmin Forerunner 230 and bought this 6 pack of different colors for the watch band and he is loving it!  It adds some excitement to his Garmin:)

*Three things in this picture.  My friend gave me this hairspray, this bath soak and this facemask (I used the bath soak and face mask last night after the kids went to bed) and oh my goodness, heaven.  Pure heaven.  She gave a present to the baby and one to me because she thinks the mom needs presents too…  I agree;)  She does hair professionally so I’m a new convert to her favorite hairspray from this point forward.

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*My friend from Hawaii sent Brooke CANDY CORN LEGGINGS (from LuLaRoe).  The cutest!

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*My top 5 running songs currently:

Love So Soft by Kelly Clarkson

Revenge (clean;) by Pink feat Eminem

Homemade Dynamite by Lorde

Glorious by Macklemore

Wolves by Selena Gomez & Marshmello

*Because I don’t want to buy anymore maternity clothing, now when I online shop I just stare at shoes—>  these, these and these are calling my name.


Another week of AMAZING accomplishments.  Thank you so much for sharing these with us!  If you want to be featured, send them in to [email protected]


Stacy!!!  “On Sunday I was selected to be one of the 2018 MS Run The US Relay Runners!  This is a huge honor for me because my grandfather recently passed away from secondary symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis in August 2017 and he was the main reason why I began running!  The relay begins in April of every year and finishes in New York City- 3,100 miles away.  I was selected to run from Steamboat Springs, Colorado to Denver, Colorado and will be tackling two major Rocky Mountain Passes during my 6 day, 175 mile journey!  I will need to average 26 miles a day and have a fundraising goal of $10,000 before I begin my run in May 2018!  I am so excited (and slightly nervous) for this endeavor, but know that it will be an amazing feat!  You can read more about my journey, MS Run The US, and how to help on my blog HERE!”

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Corrinne!!!  I have been training all summer to finally break 27 minutes at a 5k.  I get up at 4:30 am to get my runs in before my husband (a sub 3 marathoner) gets up for his training.  And on the weekends while he is out on his long runs I run pushing my 2 year old and sometimes also with my dog.  I even do speedwork… and actually enjoy it some mornings.  I got my chance this morning to get my PR at the Illinois State University Homecoming 5k (my alma mater) and I crushed it! I just wanted to break 27 minutes and my time was 25:14!!!! Next up sub 25 minutes.”



Linsie!!!  “I just finished my first half-marathon post baby #2.  I hadn’t trained at all for the half.. I had just finished running a few miles here and there.  Life is hard sometimes with 2 kids and a full-time job and I just needed to prove to myself that I could finish.  My goal wasn’t to run fast… my goal was to finish.  Before my 2nd baby I ran this particular race in 1:38, but my goal for this year was to just not walk.  At mile 11 my legs hurt so bad I honestly wondered if I actually could finish the race, but I did it!! Slow and steady, but I was so thankful this body got me to the finish line!!! My priorities are different these days…I choose time with my kids over hours and hours of training and that’s ok. Because life is short and I’m just so thankful my body allows me to run.  We are amazing!!!”

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Krista!!! “I started running several years ago to lose weight, I never got farther than a mile to a mile & a half without having to stop and walk.  I gave up after awhile of feeling stuck in both running progress and losing any weight.  I started at a new gym in January (Burn Boot Camp- if there is one near you, you should try it! The place rocks!) and started doing weight training.  I can’t go to the gym on Saturdays so, I started running again in the spring.  My first run I made the full 3.5 mile route without stopping! Not far, but I was so happy!  After a few weeks of running the same route, I got bored and took a different route.  It was spur of the moment and the turn I took added A LOT to the run- 6.5 miles total.  My first 10k and I made it!  A friend saw my run on Facebook and talked me into training for a half with him.  I started a training plan on Runkeeper and planned to decide in August if I would do it or not.  That was how I found your blog- looking for training tips! In August, another runner friend was doing the Ragnar trail relay and needed someone to fill a spot, so I did it!  15 miles in 2 days, running overnight in the woods in central Wisconsin.  It was terrifying but when I was done, I totally fell in love with trail running and night running, it was so amazing!  After that, I knew I could do the half so I signed up and made the commitment to do it.  I trained the rest of the summer and was super confident, I’m slow but I knew I could do the miles.  The Sunday before the run, I got sick.  A nasty sinus cold knocked me flat on my butt! I decided, I don’t care if I walk it, I am finishing this half!  I started taking coldeez like candy to kick this cold.  I did a super short, easy run on the Wednesday before the half and my lungs were on fire.  So, my goal of finishing the half in 2:30 seemed out the window, my new goal was just to do it.  I was bummed, but still was not going to give up.  The run was Sunday and I finished under my original goal!  Official time was 2:23:53 and I couldn’t be happier!  I turned 40 this summer and I had a really hard time leading up to it.  So far since I’ve turned 40 I’ve competed in my first trail relay and completed my first half marathon.  Now I just need to work on getting faster!  I’m looking forward to the rest of my first year in my 40’s and making big plans for 41! We are already planning for the Ragnar Trail for next year, I am putting together a team for the Ragnar Road relay that goes from Chicago to Madison, and we are talking about doing the Chicago Marathon in the fall!”

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Tamlin!!!  “Last Sunday I ran my first marathon! It was the Duke City in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  I noticed some pain in my left knee around mile ten, and by mile fourteen I was really feeling it.  I finished at a 4:34, which was a little slower than I’d hoped.  I’m still really proud though, because I finished despite having every excuse to stop.  I can’t wait to heal up and do it again!”

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What are you most looking forward to this weekend?!

Hot chocolate vs apple cider (or neither;)?  Any good special flavored hot chocolates you’ve had?

WHO HAS A HALLOWEEN RACE?!  Are you dressing up this year or not?

Tell me about one of the prettiest runs that you have ever had?

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I have the Affirmators and love them! A friend gave them to me earlier this year. I keep them on my desk at my home office and I shuffle the deck to pick a new card each week. They are awesome!


Oh that makes me so happy that you have them… I am loving them! Truth + humor = success:) Have an amazing weekend Pam!


Okay, that article about the marine made me want to cry… not because it’s sad, but because I love reading about people overcoming obstacles only to tackle even larger challenges. What an inspiration!
I would take hot tea or coffee over either hot chocolate or apple cider, although I do like both. Neither of them is my main choice though!
I am debating on whether or not to sign up for a 5k tomorrow – it’s a hot chocolate run! And it’s a somewhat easy course and I am familiar with the area, I just can’t decide if I want to do it or not… I am leaning towards yes, though!
Prettiest run – it’s a tie between running in Asheville, NC – I was there on vacation and took a winding route up into some of the mountain areas. Absolutely GORGEOUS. But also, running along the beach in Florida is hard to beat… so I have to say it’s a tie!


Right, such an amazing man! DO THE HOT CHOCOLATE RUN:) I support the idea! Oh those runs sound beautiful!!! I hope you have a wonderful day Rhiannon!!!


Steamed apple juice with a sprinkle of cinnamon is super yummy!


That sounds SO good right now. I might have to make it:) Thanks Amber and I hope your day is a great one!


That popcorn! I NEED it!! Question for Megan D…do you air pop or go straight for the microwave popcorn? I always feel like I get bigger kernels, better texture with the microwave popcorn but that recipe seems to discourage it. Hmmm… Hard hitting dilemma, right? ?

However, Janae, you need THIS in your life right now with your caramel apple cravings. Just trust me. LIFE. CHANGING. And super easy!

Happy weekend, Janae!


Oh! Also, Hot Chocolate! Add cinnamon creamer. ?


Oh. My. Goodness. Are you kidding me!?!? THAT LOOKS AMAZING. I need it now. Thank you! Megan D does the air pop popcorn:) Thank you so much Michelle and I hope you get some hot chocolate with cinnamon creamer asap! Have a beautiful day!


THAT.POPCORN!! OMG, I printed out the recipe immediately. I don’t love popcorn, but I’m a total sucker for those little iced animal crackers. Whenever I get fro-yo, those definitely are part of what goes on top!!!!!

I’m buying some of that hairspray, too!!!!

Prettiest run? It would be easy to say an exotic run, like Key West, but honestly I’m always just struck by the beauty around me on a run, whether it be a blue sky, a snowy day, a sunrise. When I’m not running due to injury, one of the things I miss the most is just being out in nature and seeing those sights. I love to take my camera (phone) on easy runs, too, and take cool pictures to post on Instagram of nature (along with a healthy dose of running selfies. ha ha)

I’m in a wedding this weekend, so it will be busy but fun! I’m looking forward to sharing the love of my friends, eating lots of good cake and cookies (and a chocolate fountain! Yes!), and having someone do my hair and make-up all fancy :) :) :) AND I have a personal day off work on Monday!

Have a great weekend, and I had to laugh at your pic of Knox above with his sweatshirt all zipped up over his face to show his character sweatshirt. Kids are so funny.


Yes, you are going to love this popcorn Jen! Oh I totally have to agree with you, it’s amazing how beautiful our every day runs can be (especially when we really look for it)… one of the many reasons we love running! I hope you enjoy every second of the wedding this weekend and enjoy your long weekend!! HAHA I’m glad you saw the sweatshirt zipped up… he is pretty impressed with the jacket:)


Oh my goodness, I saw that Marine- Rob Jones- in Boston a few weeks back right after his 4th of 31 marathons! Such an inspiration.
I am looking forward to running 5 WHOLE MILES tomorrow!! Starting to build real milage post-stress fracture now:)
Those pictures from your running trail are so gorgeous. I ran the New Hampshire Half Marathon two Octobers ago, and it was so stunning. Perfect foliage, lake and mountain views, and my family came out to cheer me on!


You saw him, that is so great Kerri! He is sure amazing. AHHHHHH ENJOY each and every one of your miles tomorrow, coming back after an injury sure makes you appreciate every minute of the run. Oh I bet that race was stunning! Let’s go do it next October:) Have an amazing day Kerri!


That sugar cookie popcorn looks SO good!! BOOMCHICKAPOP made something similar around Christmas time last year, and I hope they do again this year!

I’m looking forward to SLEEP and football this weekend. It’s been a very tiring week, and I need some extra snoozing! I’m also hoping to get a hike in, too. I had a really pretty run last week through a canyon that then overlooked the beach for part of it. It was a gorgeous sight to see. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Janae!


Oh I need to try the boomchickapop version! Oh I hope you get in as much sleep as possible Natalie! Enjoy your hike, and your run last week sounds like it was perfect. Thanks so much Natalie and I hope your teams win!


Hot chocolate, no contest.

What I’m looking forward to most this weekend is the half I’m running tomorrow. Hopefully in costume, but my sewing machine doesn’t like the fabric I used. It may end up being pieces of fabric pinned to my running clothes, but I’m gonna make it work.

Prettiest run is difficult. I actually like the run I usually do in the mornings in my neighborhood. I run around a little pond with ducks and geese, sometimes deer, and depending on time, I sometimes see the start of sunrise. While I didn’t get to run, the early mornings that I was at Zion this summer were amazing and I wished I could get a run in, but I was with my siblings and they are not runners.


GOOD LUCK LINDA!! I hope your half is amazing tomorrow and that you are able to get your costume finished:) Okay, that pond sounds beautiful… I want to join you:) Oh Zion is one of the pretties places on the planet! Thanks for sharing and please let me know how your race goes this weekend!


Chocolate Day! National Chocolate day is Sat 10/28 — How will you be celebrating? I’m thinking chocolate Kodiak Cake for breakfast, Hot Cocoa with lunch, and a slice of Chocolate Almond Pie after dinner — maybe even some milk duds with a movie?

Hot chocolate!!!!

One of my prettiest runs was two Decembers ago — I was back home in Michigan and it was a hill workout — but the night before had brought a fluffy layer of white snow. I was up early so my footprints were the only ones out in the otherwise perfectly white landscape — it was SOOO pretty watching the sun rise over the fully white and fluffy ground!

I also like the “crunch crunch” noise that snow makes as you stride on it.


AHHHH is it really!?!? I think I’ll drink it all day long and copy all of your other ideas too:) That sounds perfect. Thank you for letting me know about this special day tomorrow. Your run that you described in Michigan… wow, I bet that was incredible. Oh I LOVE that crunch noise too (and it usually makes me worry less about ice when I can hear the crunch ha). Susie, I hope you have a really great weekend!

PS I loved your bucket list/movie list that you posted on your Thursday Things… I want to join you!


Yes!! JOIN IN!!

Here’s a few items from my Upcoming November Bucket list —
Write or Share a Thankful thought (everyday!)
Espresso Day — Nov 23rd
Bake an Apple Pie!

I’ve also started compiling a huge list of Christmas Movies to start watching the day after Thanksgiving — I’ll keep you posted!

I hope you have a great weekend too!


That trail looks beautiful! Trail running > road running every time ;)
I’m looking forward to a low key weekend…we have parent teacher conferences tonight and I’m going to be at school WAY too late! Hot chocolate all the way…unless it’s hard cider.
Enjoy your Friday!


Oh I remember parent teacher conference days… those days feel like they are never ending! I hope it goes by quickly for you Erinn! I hope that your weekend is super relaxing after such a busy day today! Thanks Erinn! I need to try your one pot fajita pasta asap that you posted… it looks amazing!


I was wondering if you could talk about running alone on trails. The trail where you run is so beautiful but I would never feel safe running there alone. Is that something you think about?


Hey Susie! Great question! YES YES YES I 100% think about my safety on the trails. Andrew actually met me for two of my miles (while I was on that trail… he took the pictures) and for the other part, that trail is one that has a lot of runners, bikers (well, not as many when there are that many leaves) and walkers. I never run in the dark by myself and avoid trails that don’t have lots of people on them. I am getting that Run Angel thing that I talked about the other day and I can’t wait for it! I’m pretty paranoid to be honest about where I am running (I didn’t used to) so if there aren’t other people there, I’m not going to be there either:) Isn’t it sad that we do have to worry so much about where we run… I so wish it wasn’t that way. I hope your day is a great one Susie!


I really like that brand of that face mask, “By Nature.” It’s a New Zealand brand and I had tried one of their hand cream after shopping at TJ Maxx. It had a perfect level of thickness, it smelled good (I’m picky about lotion smells), and felt like a luxury for my hands. :)

I love how you calculated the per unit price for a chicken croissant sandwich. That’s awesome!!


Oh I want to try their hand cream now:) Thanks Nicole! Hahah… maybe I have too much free time on my hands right now:) That dump cake on your last post… has me drooling! I hope you are having a wonderful day Nicole!


:) I wish I stocked up when I had the chance! Right, it seems pretty simple to make but definitely indulgent. Thank you, I appreciate that — hope your day is swell as well!


This weekend I get to see my cousin and her family when they get in to visit! I’m so excited. We were roommates in college and she has two little kids right around the age of my lil one. It’s so fun to have FAMILY around!

I have a halloween race on Sunday. It’s my first 5 miler and I’m a bit nervous – this week hasn’t been stellar and I’m doubting myself. But – I think I will dress up – like a bumble bee (uhh, because they are quick, duh!)

Prettiest run is down by this river in NC. We’ve been going on the weekend and husband stroller walks the baby as I pound out 4 or so miles. We end by hitting the new Lidl grocery story and getting a black cherry filled donut.


Oh enjoy your time with your cousin and her family, that sounds perfect. You are going to rock your 5 miler Sage. No more self-doubts… those aren’t going to get you anywhere. You are going to have a fabulous time and go rock that bumble bee costume! I love it! Oh that run sounds perfect… I love running by water (and getting donuts after;)! I can’t wait to hear about how you rock your race on Sunday!


Hot chocolate for sure!

Prettiest run I’ve been on was the trails at Mirror Lake State Park in Wisconsin Dells. So pretty, rolling hills, nature…love trail running! Doesn’t get any better!

This weekend is trick or treat, so looking forward to the kiddos having all sorts of fun (and some adult fun after the kids are done – bonfires and adult bevvies, and just chatting and hanging out, good times!)

Thanks for posting my story! :)


Thank you for sending in your story, you are amazing Krista! Oh enjoy your weekend of trick or treating and the adult fun too:) Oh I bet those trails are insanely beautiful! Enjoy your Friday Krista and thanks again!


Hot chocolate every time.

That is probably one of the prettiest trails to run on. I should start trail running more. I don’t think I’ve really run that trail since high school. Well that part of it anyway.




I’m pretty sure you’re faster than me even being pregnant lol. Let me know next time you’re planning on running around there again. I’m like a mile from the river trail


That is one of my favorite bath soaks the scent is not overpowering and it feels so good.

3 things I’m looking forward to: We’re going to a winery this weekend, I’m looking forward to being outside, – the weather right now is crystal blue sky, chilly and the perfect fall day, and hitting an orchard for apples.

So I’m a weirdo with hot chocolate – I hate most packaged mixes because they’re too sweet. I like to make my own and I love it. I also like apple cider and I generally prefer it warm. If we’re out and both are offered I go with the cider. At home it depends on my mood.

I love running along the water and I did a run in Hoboken, NJ that had views of the NYC skyline and the river. It was gorgeous. Similarly I ran under the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco – what a view!


Oh Nina, enjoy the perfect weather and time at the orchards and winery. That sounds perfect! I hope you get some delicious cider too! Oh running under the Golden Gate, I want to do that and I want to do the run you described where you saw the NYC skyline and river! Running is the best, we get to see the best things!


Great pics today!! I love running in leaves. I like the way it sounds…crunchy :)
You are KILLING me with the Sugar Cookie Popcorn!! Two of my favorite things in ONE SNACK!!!
I am looking forward to my Sunday run because North Texas finally got some fall weather. I might have to wear long sleeves and gloves.
Hot Chocolate FTW!! Cider is not very satisfying. It tastes like sugar water to me.
We have some really pretty trails here. Whenever I get to run them, I remember why I love being outside. You can run them and be in a bad mood. If I was a Dr, I would prescribe running on pretty trails.
I’ve added the hairspray and the Affirminators to my list of things to buy. I still can’t find the Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheerios…but that’s probably a good thing HA!


**can’t :)


You need to have that popcorn asap… you will love it. YAY FOR FALL WEATHER in Texas, this makes me so happy for you. Drink some hot chocolate afterwards! I would TOTALLY PRESCRIBE that too Elizabeth! I hope you have a beautiful day and I’m going to send you some of the Cheerios, they are amazing!


BEAUTIFUL! Fall is the best!!

I was looking at a running pic and thought about elbows – keeping them tucked. With you in your 3rd trimester, the timing of this question probably isn’t great, but here it is: Are your elbows better? Did you try the drumsticks? I think the Commenter (months ago) recommended drumsticks and not touching them in front…. Well, you are doing the 5k this weekend…. Go Janae!


That pic of Brooke cuddling with you is the sweetest! Haha, tell Knox I like seeing his smiling face; his zipped up jacket over his face cracked me up. Thanks for sharing your favs, I’m going to purchase that Affirmator. I love quotes and stuff like that! Like always, I always look forward to some quality time with my husband and kids on the weekends. We live for the weekends. :) Have a great weekend, Janae!


We’re having a Strangers Things party for my son’s bday tonight :) And we get to have my niece this weekend and we’re taking her trunk or treating, which should be super fun!

I love peppermint hot chocolate. I just make it in my Keurig and it’s so yummy!

One of the absolute prettiest runs I’ve ever done was in Barcelona as the sun was coming up over the water.


The clouds on your run are beautiful! This weekend I’m looking forward to relaxing and hanging out with my husband. It’ll be perfect!


Totally unrelated… But Michael Jackson’s Halloween is on TV tonight! It’s an animated Halloween special. Thought of Knox immediately!


You are the BEST!!! Knox will be with his mom tonight so I will text her, he is going to love this! THANK YOU! Have a beautiful day!


The fall leaves are so pretty. Glad you got a good run. I did a face mask this morning before work, got my favorite Love Lettuce fresh mask from Lush. It was wonderful. I try to take a salt bath each week too. Good self care.


Three things visiting sun y new paltz college with my son
Staying in a nice hotel with hot tub
Going to see my other son at his college xc meet


You get a good stroller and I will push that baby, I did it for years and never had a problem


Have to get those affirmations! Am looking forward to making it to the end of a whole weekend at work! I need to edit a podcast together that I’m so behind on because I’m working a crazy 7 days straight.

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