I did not expect this result at my appointment + Friday Favorites!

(tank, shorts, socks)

My current life quote that especially helps with workouts–> The more you look for the good, the more good you find! It’s so easy to find everything negative possible during a workout, but it is a lot more fun when you see all the good parts of the situation.

Peloton ride + 10 min strength for runners class.

And then, it was off to the doctor. The amount of mental strength it took to not itch my arm off during this test…

The results from my appointment were much different than I expected.  

I am allergic to grass and some trees, so I need to take medicine before a trail run and be prepared with more in my pockets, so I’ll be good to go for now.  Down the road, we will figure that out more once we get control of what I didn’t expect to find out, asthma. I had no idea. I guess when you’ve been living with something, it feels normal, but he had me do the tests and found out that I have it. 

I don’t know much about asthma, so I think I’ll talk more about this on Monday, but it’s nice to have an answer to why I felt like I couldn’t breathe anymore last weekend (the pollen triggered it). I always have blue lips after a race (lack of oxygen) and cough pretty hard after a hard run/interval, but I didn’t know this is why. My tests were done at rest… so this isn’t just when I exercise but exercise and allergies can worsen it. Anyway, I don’t know much about what I’m talking about, but I will do a lot of research. I now have inhalers to use daily, so hopefully, those will help.

Andrew met me for this rice bowl before he had to go to work so we could talk about it all.

Our evening was with our neighbors at the park for a picnic.  

Still at a stage where all four love the park!

Let’s get chatting about some favorites!

*I take my lip gloss very seriously. I wore the same one for decades because I just couldn’t find one that I love more. Until this one off of Amazon. The color, the feel, the thickness, the smell… it is perfect.

*I love a cute phone case, and this is my current favorite.

*What Nicci said in the comments yesterday about PRs:

*The peach shakes at chic-fil-a right now. Andrew brought one home for me after work the other day (and it was a loooooooong day with a certain toddler in my life:), and my eyes filled with tears of joy.

Have any fun weekend plans?

Who offers the best milkshakes, in your opinion?

Okay, anyone with asthma? Tell me your story!

Listen to any good podcasts lately?

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That test looks like no fun! Just a heads up in case you ever have to do it again that you can absolutely do this test by a quick blood drawl. There are many offices that can do it this way but not all. It’s extremely accurate, shows everything you are allergic to and you do not stop any of your medicines prior or too. My 10 year old was tested this way because there was no way we could stop her meds because her eyes were swelling so bad even with them. It was painless and the results were so quick! I hope you get to feeling better quickly! She also got inhalers but have not had to use them since she began allergy shots which have helped tremendously! She is highly allergic to grass and trees.


Ummmm this is so good to know! Thank you for telling me… I was dying without my Claritin the last few days too. Your poor daughter. I’m so glad the shots have helped her so much. This stuff is scary as an adult, I can’t imagine being ten and having those reactions. Hope you have a beautiful day, Sara!


Just think what you’ll be capable of when your body has all the oxygen it needs!!


I’m excited to see:). Thanks Lauren, hope you have the best day!


Asthma?? Wow. V interesting.
I did a peloton ride and 10 minute strength for runner yesterday too!
I have been loving Flightless Bird podcast! The DMV part 2 had me laughing so much.
And follow up, The Perfect Marriage book was really good!


TWINS! Those Peloton rides are so dang hard. Oh I can’t wait for that episode, I love that podcast too. Adding it to my list, thanks Molly! Happy weekend!


I’ve had asthma my entire life. I’m actually at a point where it’s really well controlled. I struggled breathing in steeper hills but I take my time. I’ve also found that Vitamin B helps it, and less sugar. It’s actually crazy to know too much sugar can trigger it. So I take a B complex vitamin and do my best to control my sugar intake, which as a T2 Diabetic is an easier thing to do.
I’m allergic to a lot of outside stuff – grass, trees, everything native to Utah, my doctor and I talked about allergy shots, but I’ve not done anything regarding those yet.
Good luck. You got this!


Gabby, thank you so much for sharing. Ugggg I was afraid of hearing that. I just love sugar way too much but I want to do the things to help it. Let me know if you do the shots ever. Thanks Gabby and I hope you are having a beautiful morning!


I am a runner with exercise induced asthma since childhood. I also have environmental allergies that make me allergic to Earth. I control my symptoms with a puff of Advair at night and over the counter allergy meds during every season but winter. I actually think running makes my lungs stronger, though I was completely humbled when the Canadian wildfire smoke was in my area and I felt asthma symptoms for the first time in years. Also, allergy shots are totally worth it. Good luck and don’t worry – asthma meds/treatments are so much better these days!


I’ve had asthma since I was 3. I was hospitalized several times throughout my childhood from it, was on daily healthy maintenance of 3 nebulizers a day, and would often turn blue if I ran around outside. It is definitely no fun. But I had it pretty bad. I just turned 40 in March, and will say I rarely use any asthma meds. Your cardiovascular shape and endurace has definitely made your lungs stronger. I know that makes a difference for me. Cold weather and yes allergies can sometimes make it worse. I will say my Dr from childhood told me that strong lungs can really help to lessen the effects and number of attacks. He told me swimming helps a ton. Maybe a few cross training sessions in the pool per week could help strengthen your lungs even more. Otherwise, it’s good to know that the asthma meds will make you feel very jittery. It can feel uncomfortable at times but worth it if you’re having an attack. It was easy for me as an adult to sometimes use it as a crutch if I was getting back into shape and winded, or doing a hard workout and winded. So definitely for you find your threshold of just breathing hard, or having an attack. Our lungs can start to depend on the medication if we overuse it. But we have to use it when needed. It’s a catch 22 sometimes. I’m happy to explain in further detail my experience with it my whole life. No doubt you’ll continue to run and do great, and knowing this will help you to manage it!


Beth, that must have been SO scary to be hospitalized because of your asthma. Thank you for sharing so much with me. It means a lot to me. I definitely can look back and see now how bad it was when doing workouts in the cold this last winter. I will definitely get in the pool that is so good to know. Oh my goodness, during the testing yesterday I was SO jittery (I thought I was losing my mind ha) but then I could breathe so much better after. Crazy. Saving your email. Thank you so much!


Of course Janae. I hope my experiences can help. In my case when I was hospitalized I had pneumonia each time. Or got sick and it progressed to that. I haven’t been hospitalized since I was in 5th grade, but it was hard. My asthma was just so bad at that time. My body had a hard time fighting it, and with bad asthma and pneumonia I could physically feel myself able to get less and less air until I was taken in and put on oxygen. That 5th grade time I was in the ped ICU for like 4 days it was so bad. As a mom now I can’t even imagine how my parents felt. But by God’s grace I have mostly outgrown it like I said. Happy to help answer any questions anytime. Feel free to email me anytime. I know new diagnoses like that can be overwhelming and defeating, but be encouraged that you’ll find the tools and routine necessary to help you thrive! I’m always here.


You are the best! Seriously, cannot imagine how your parents or you handled that all! Thank you so much. I am so glad to be able to use you as a mentor!


Of course!!!


That is so good to hear that running makes your lungs stronger! Oh that must have been scary when you were dealing with the smoke. Thank you so much, Leeanna! I was definitely surprised!


Allergy testing is the worst! When I did mine, every single thing they tested turned into a hive. Except one. And I was so curious what it was. I asked the nurse. It was the saline control… Face palm. Allergy shots were a lifesaver! Just imagine your runs once your asthma is under control. Crazy!


OH GOSH! I am so glad that the shots have helped you so much. I cannot wait to see what it feels like to breathe normally. Have a beautiful day, Emily!


I am so happy you got some answers! That is surprising they found asthma!

I have to try that peach milkshake–everyone keeps talking about it.

Our weekdays are jammed packed with activities, but our weekends are pretty boring. Today we have the local county fair and a BBQ at my new employers house. Triathlon training group meets on Sunday, but my current motivation is low–I have a triathlon in a little over a month and haven’t swam or biked outside since my last August, so I should probably go ;-).

I love the Calm Down podcast with Erin Andrews and Charissa Thompson–it’s nothing earth shattering, but I like their banter and life stories.

Have a fabulous Friday, Janae!


Running and triathlons will always be there for you when you are ready. You have a lot of stress going on right now. I hope you get that peach milkshake and I can’t wait to check out that podcast. Thanks, Becky!


Oh wow! I had pneumonia that then caused athletic ashma for YEARS. Each time I got a chest-cold, I was on inhalers. Each time I went out for a run, I needed the inhalers if I pushed hard. I haven’t needed them in a very long time, obviously completely different than your situation! Glad you have some answers!


REALLY?! Oh that must have been scary, Jenna! Thanks for sharing and I hope you don’t need them ever again. Have a beautiful day!


I was diagnosed with asthma this year too. The inhalers have made such a difference – I never knew what normal breathing was like before. Hope they work out for you as well!


This is so good to hear. I’m excited to see what it feels like. Have a great day, Dee!


We’re getting our backyard ready for summer this weekend. Pulling out all the pool stuff, sun shades, umbrellas, etc. This is the latest we’ve ever done this!

I need one of those peach milkshakes!! The Habit has really good ones but I personally like to make my own. Might be time to pull out the ice cream maker, too.

Les had that same test done years ago and he has asthma along with a bunch of allergies. (I think this started when he was in his 30s.) His asthma is definitely triggered by allergies, which is why when we both have them his almost always lasts twice as long and is much worse than mine. He takes medication daily which controls is 95% of the time.


Yay for getting your backyard ready! I might need to try the Habit soon:). That is so interesting about Les! Thanks for sharing, Kathy!


Okay, now I need to make myself a smoothie – a cold peach treat sounds delicious!
I have asthma – diagnosed at 12ish, it plagued my track & field days and I had to carry an inhaler everywhere & take it before all my runs. Then I quit dairy in my twenties & I no longer have issues with it. Just very minor sometimes when I overexert myself (like if I push myself in a 5k, sometimes it’s a little tough to catch my breath after). The no-dairy thing probably isn’t everyone’s answer, and some say I just grew out of it, but it works for me! Glad you have some answers on your allergies & some initial solutions to help you – I bet it is so helpful to see what you react to with the allergy test! Hopefully your asthma is mild and/or easy to manage.
I am on a car hunt this weekend since mine died, and I am terrible at making decisions. That’s not a good combination! :)


YES, you do need a peach smoothie right now. Oh I bet that was so hard as a teen. You quit dairy and now it is basically gone?! That is so interesting. I wonder if the dairy was causing a lot of inflammation? I’ll have to try out different things. Thank you so much and good luck on your car hunt! Ummmm can I make the decision for you? I love cars probably too much!


I found out I had asthma about 5 years ago (I am 42). I also did one of those allergy tests and was allergic to every single one! I use an inhaler now every morning (2 puffs) and feel so much better while running. The only time I really notice is in cold weather – my lungs burn more, but its mostly the coughing afterward. Overall, it hasn’t effected me too much! I did have to try a few different inhalers to figure out the best one. Took some trial and error. I was also diagnosed with arthritis at this time – it’s all related to inflammation. I am still very active and run most days or bike, etc. I love trail running and still do it regularly with allergy medicine! Good luck – it all took a lot of doctors appointments, which honestly was the worst part (so much time).


Thank you so much for sharing, Alicia. am so glad that it hasn’t effected you too much. I can look back now at running in the cold and see how much harder it was to breathe. Arthritis too! You are amazing and I am so happy you are able to still do everything you love doing. YES… I was at the doctors for 2.5 hours! I was starving to death there haha. Thanks for the encouragement, have a beautiful day!


Hi Janae! So glad you got some answers! I hope it helps you out! Knowing the diagnosis will only make you stronger!
Fun story my college roommate had asthma as a kid! Her mom sent her to the mountains and she said it cured her and she never has to use an inhaler anything. She’s now a professional endurance athlete! She’s definitely not a typical person but I hope that story shows it’s not the end of the world and you can still continue to do amazing things.
Happy Friday!


Thank you so much! It helps to understand so much now too. WHAT?! That is so cool about your college roommate. I love reading this, thanks Amy. Happy Friday to you!


I’m pretty much allergic to everything expect foods. I did allergy shots years ago and they worked great but got expensive, so I stopped them and just took a Zyrtec every single day for years. 3 years ago, I started seeing and ENT and she got me on Allergy Drops, after 2 1/2 years I stopped them and haven’t taken any allergy medication since stopping. The ENT said I might need an allergy pill occasionally but for the most part my allergies are gone. If you decide to do the allergy shots you might look into the drops, you do those at home they don’t require going to the doctor’s office every week. Most insurance doesn’t cover the drops but in my case the drops actually ended up being less expensive because my deductible is so high, and the shots wouldn’t be covered until I met my deductible. I’ve had asthma since I was a child luckily as I’ve gotten older it’s subsided and I don’t need medication or an inhaler.


WHAT?! Ummm those drops sound incredible. I’m willing to pay to get this all taken care up and how nice to not have to go in weekly! Thanks for the tips, Joan. I am so glad you got this all figured out. Have a beautiful day!


Janae, I’m so sorry about your asthma but so glad you found out! Something kind of similar – I didn’t know I had asthma (also from Utah) until I lived in the Midwest (18-month mission) and the humidity triggered it for me. I had the lingering cough, and would be wheezy even when I wasn’t working out. The Dr. out there told me it’s common for people to not have symptoms when they live in the dry West. Isn’t that weird?! Now I have an inhaler that I only use as needed, so I’m definitely not an expert. But I hope you are getting relief!

Also, not sure about milkshakes, but I just made the chocolate chip cookies from Dessert Person by Claire Saffitz, and it was legitimately the best cookie I’ve ever had! Highly recommend, and I’m not much of a cookie person. Have a great weekend!


I was diagnosed with allergy induced asthma (trees) as an adult. Don’t let this slow you down. There are a surprising number of professional and Olympic athletes with asthma! One is runner is Jacki Joyner-Kersey but I’m sure there are lots of others runners too. If you are curious try a quick google search!

I’ve noticed that certain foods seem to also impact my breathing in addition to the tree pollen. There is an additive called carrageenan that is a trigger for me. Someone else mentioned sugar – I’ve noticed that too much sugar is not the best for me either. Everything in moderation is my motto.

Asthma does not have to slow you down – inhalers and knowledge about how to manage any triggers like pollen are definitely doable, you’ve got this!

I’m glad that the doctors were able to figure out what triggered your reaction- it must have been scary!


It takes every ounce of will power to NOT ITCH that skin test! So sorry to hear about the surprise asthma diagnosis but I hope with the inhalers and follow ups that you will feel so much better!!!

I did a search but didn’t find your post a few years ago about visiting Utah and the differen cities. I really want to do a running/MTB vacation in Utah so wanted to reference your blog post about it-there are so many options!!!

Enjoy those peach shakes! I think Burgerville has amazing shakes and their flavors are seasonal.


I cringed at your photos the other day of your eyes and allergic reaction. Scary for sure. I too am very allergic to grass pollens and had a much less reaction the other day after running on a trail but through a freshly cut area and also had a few higher strands of weeds/grass still standing. By the time I was home I was itchy and had some welts on my arms. I jumped in the shower and this helped. I know the rules, no sitting in the grass, no mowing the lawn (bummer haha) and whatever you do NEVER touch your eyes. One of the hardest things during grass season is that grass pollen is highest in the morning. Well I know you and myself included run in the morning. I think you’ll just have to take the meds and carry benadryl in case you need it. On the positive side the worst of the grass pollen season only lasts about 6 weeks for me. I have had some asthma induced allergy reactions but that was long ago! Blessings on your journey! I’m sure you’ll figure things out!


I;ve done the pins in the arm thing…everyone one, except for penicillin popped up, which is weird, because I know I’m allergic to penicillin …but every type of pollen, dust, grass and animal..pet dander….
but at least peanuts, I can still eat peanuts.


I ran a lot of Ragnars with a girl with asthma. After her run I would just stand there with her inhaler. She had some scary wheezing going on. Another friend carried her inhaler while she run. Now you know and life will be even better!

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