My top 10 lists + things are CHANGING + my current food need.

NEW HRG BABY post up HERE!!!  I’m talking about week 19 and what I plan on doing for the birth—>  epidural or no?!


My least favorite part of running with headphones = my necklaces always wrap up around them.  Heaven forbid I remember to take off my necklace before a run.

Make sure to say hi if you ever see me around Utah in the middle of my runs just hanging out on the side of the road taking a breather.  I do this a lot now.

I am REALLY missing running with my friends these days.  I feel so out of the loop.  I was a solo runner until I moved back to Utah a few years ago and then I ran with Josse and Rebecca pretty much every day of the year with a few solo months mixed in there when people were injured.  I am excited because my mom and I are going walking together this morning (she is walking like 6 miles a day right now!!) after I do a short run.  I won’t have to talk back to my podcasts today… I’ll be able to talk back to another human;)

I came home to Brooke waking up and she was in a beyond good mood/hyper yesterday morning.  It was hilarious.

After my run I did some strength training and goodness gracious, I can’t believe how much harder different moves are for me right now.  Squats etc used to feel much easier but things are changing and I’ll definitely be feeling these moves for the next few days.

I did three sets of these exercises:

Plié squats with a kettlebell x 12

Squats to overhead press with weights x 12

Deadlift x 12

Dumbell chest flys on stability ball x 12

Dumbell chest press on stability ball x 12

Stability Ball Bridge x 12

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We got to pick up Knox for a few days!!

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I came home to my second breakfast (I had a protein shake after my run and before strength) of toast with eggs and avocado on top.  I finished that off with probably the best peach I’ve ever had in my entire life.  I know I say that often but this time I am not exaggerating.

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We had to go to Costco to stock up our kitchen and they happily joined me in my need for a Costco hot dog.  Nothing like a $5 lunch.

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The second strength workout of the day… pushing them around.  A big reason I wanted to go to Costco yesterday was to get Bisquick because that has been sounding so good (for about a day now).  My dad used to make us Bisquick pancakes each Sunday after church.  He cooked them in some butter and for some reason I’ve just really been wanting those.  Costco was out but luckily the local grocery store helped me out with this one.

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I was gone for the afternoon with the youth in my area for an activity and then came home and took care of my pancake need.  The homemade hash browns with peppers on the side were delicious too.  This dinner was perfect.

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Andrew isn’t really a pancake person (especially for dinner.. I don’t understand;) so he had his hash browns with eggs, steak and pico.  It looked amazing too.

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We did some book reading with the kids before bed (they were in bed last night because they were fighting up a storm).

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The best part of the day… Hanging out with Andrew, watching the Bachelorette and rapid reboots (it feels like a leg massage).

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Quick Q:  Do you feel like your hair is in a ponytail a lot?  I feel like because of running (and laziness) my hair is in a ponytail a lot and I even sleep with a ponytail often because I hate having hair in my face… do you think that ponytails cause a lot of hair breakage?  If you tell me yes then I’m going to work on wearing less ponytails.

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My plantar fasciitis is reminding me that it exists just like it did when I was pregnant with Brooke.  Adding weight + changing my form + running differently = my plantar start acting up so I’m trying to stay ahead of it this time.  I roll them out each morning before I get out of bed with this orange thing and then also before I go to bed and that seems to help.  When things get really bad with my plantar I wear THESE BOOTS and they save me each time.  They might be the most annoying things on the planet to wear at night (and they wake me up a million times) but a few days of them and my plantar always feels so much better.

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My plantar had me thinking about injuries yesterday.  They really are the worst.  Some of us are more injury prone than others and some of us (ME) need a million injuries to finally learn to take easy days/rest days and to be smarter about our training.  Some injuries last longer than others but for me, there are always a lot of tears along the way and a lot of things I miss about running when I’m injured.  I try to be super proactive about recovery and I usually spend a lot of time pool running and then running happens again but let’s talk about….

Top 10 hardest parts about injuries for me:

1.  Everything reminds me of running when I don’t get to do it… songs on the radio, people outside running, my entire social media feeds (I love following runners:).  It makes me miss it!

2.  I don’t sleep as well when I’m not running!!

3.  PATIENCE.  Patience is hard for me in many ways but especially when it comes to recovery from an injury and waiting to work towards my goals again!

4.  Knowing that I’m going to lose some of my hard earned fitness!

5.  Sometimes injuries hurt outside of running too… My femoral stress fractures would wake me up throughout the night because they hurt so bad and they bugged me all day long.

6.  Missing out on races or group runs.

7.  Working out becomes a lot more difficult… I either have to drive to the pool or gym rather than just leave from my door and go for a run.

8.  I feel like I’m missing out on my ME TIME (until I realize that I can fill the time I would be running with something else to fulfill this need).

9.  $$$$ It gets PRICEY when the injuries are serious and we are in the doctor’s, physical therapist’s and chiropractor’s office often to get things working again!

10.  Recovery isn’t usually linear for me so there are many times along the way I get my hopes up only to move backwards again the next day with my injury.

With all of the hardest parts though, some of my biggest lessons have come!

Top 10 things I’ve learned from different injuries:

1.  I feel like our best learning/growth happens when the hard stuff happens… injuries always help me to learn so much about my body, myself and to reprioritize a bit.

2.  I don’t have to do nearly as much laundry as normal when I’m not running.  It’s kind of nice to not have 10 running outfits a week to wash;).

3.  Running will always be there for me when I’m ready to come back to it.  It doesn’t go anywhere, I can always pick it up again when my mind and body are ready to come back.

4.  There will ALWAYS be another race.  I’ve missed quite a few races because of injuries and there was always another race in the future for me to do instead.  When I had to miss out on Boston one year I signed up to do the NYC Marathon a few months later instead and it was by far one of my favorite races ever.

5.  Sleeping in on Saturday mornings feels really good too:)

6.  Running can’t determine my self-worth.  It gives me confidence and it helps me to feel good about myself but I can’t let it determine my self-worth!

7.  In the big picture of our running and lives, taking a few months off really isn’t that big of a deal (I never learn this lesson until I am back running again and looking back on the injury).  I try to take that time to find new passions and things that I enjoy doing because I’ve got the rest of my life to run.

8.  I always come back stronger and smarter after an injury.

9.  I always learn that we only get one body and that it is incredibly important to truly take care of that body.  To rest when we need to, to fuel it properly and to do all of the little extras to truly take care of this one body that we get is incredibly important.

10.  Injuries teach me to be resilient.  They teach me to bounce back when bad things happen.  To let myself be sad for a bit and then to move forward and find solutions!


Don’t forget… a new HRG BABY POST!!!


What would you say is the HARDEST PART about being injured?

What are some of the biggest lessons you’ve learned from injuries?

Is your hair in a ponytail often?  Do you think ponytails cause your hair to break?

Ever have breakfast for dinner?  What’s your goto for Brinner?

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Injuries definitely helped me realize that running doesn’t define me, and that there is so much more to life. I love running, but there was a point in my life when I placed WAY too much emphasis on it. Being injured is absolutely no fun, but it can give a person fresh perspective and, like you said, help you grow as you deal with the tough stuff of life.

I rarely wear ponytails, except when I’m running/working out. They give me headaches, but I’m also worried about the hair breakage thing.

I LOVEloveLOVE breakfast for dinner! Pancakes and waffles are my faves!!


I love breakfast for dinner! If I have it, then I’ll make a waffle ice cream sandwich. It’s the best on a hot summer night!
I also don’t like having my hair in my face when I sleep so I braid it! It seems to help with hair breakage but the real reason I use a braid is because I have curly hair so it doesn’t get as knotted this way.


I usually put my hair in a loose bun with a soft scrunchie to sleep which doesn’t hurt my hair and then reserve my ponytail for running. I think if you use the ouchless bands or a soft scrunchie you should be ok with hair breakage though!


I think the hardest part about being injured for me is just feeling like a failure. It’s not true of course, but it’s easy to feel that way. A couple of years ago I was training for a 15K and had to pull out the week before because of a plantar issue (I’m pretty sure that’s what it was, anyway). That sucked because it made me feel like I was never going to be able to run longer distances, but I was wrong. For this half marathon training, I’m doing a better job of listening to my body/stretching/eating OK/giving myself rest and now I’m up to 9 miles without any injuries (other than general soreness, which is normal!). So instead of being a failure, I just learned more about how to take care of myself when training ;)

I do wear ponytails a lot (working out, once I get home from work, to bed), and think that probably does contribute to hair breakage (I feel like I’m always pulling out A LOT of hair in the shower/during the day :/). I need to do a better job of at least taking it down when I sleep, because I think all the tossing and turning can really have an affect when it’s tied up at night.


I totally understand what you are saying Joanne about feeling like a failure because of injuries… but you are right, it’s all about learning how to prevent these injuries! I am SO happy you are up to 9 miles right now and feeling injury free! I toss and turn a ton too!! Thanks for sharing Joanne and I hope you have a beautiful day!


Well since I’m injured right now this one’s easy to answer. I’ve had the hardest time just slowing down and not being the “inspiring” person my friends and family have learned to appreciate. I had equated my running to my purpose. So with every double digit run and every race completed I felt important and accomplished and enjoyed the feeling of others being as proud of me as I was. Nobody looks at me limping around the neighborhood “inspiring”…. Interestingly though it took a few months for me to realize that I can still be inspiring to myself and others with the way I have handled this. I started yoga in April. Couldn’t do wheel pose until July but boy was that awesome when I realized I was improving. I’ve been swimming and biking when I can too and when I’m back to running I will continue to practice yoga.

I read that you should move your ponytail around if you wear them a lot. Try a high pony one day and low pony the next to help reduce breakage. I also now won’t put my hair in a pony if i wear a hat. I’ll just tuck it through the hole in the back.

My favorite Brinner is waffles or pancakes!


I am seriously so bummed about your injury Sally! YOU ARE INSPIRING… I’m so glad that you have realized this! You are doing what is best for your body, taking care of yourself and still rocking yoga/swimming/biking! Great tip on switching up the ponytail to reduce breakage! Thank you!


Having to be patient and just not feeling like you’re up to full speed. It sucks.

Also, how could one not want pancakes for dinner? Silly


My dad used to make us Bisquik pancakes every Sunday morning, too! In fact, he still does – I just don’t live at home anymore haha. So my mom and youngest sisters are the lucky ones that still get them every weekend. I suppose I could make them myself, but it’s just not the same.

And I hate to tell you this, but my friend who is a hairdresser told me that wearing your hair in a tight ponytail a lot does cause hair breakage :( Ever since she told me that I try to either do a low pony or a loose bun. I used to wear my hair in a high, tight pony almost every single day, and now I barely do anymore. And I really have noticed a difference in how my hair grows since that! I also started using this stuff called Roots from Lush that I think helps and I’ve been taking biotin, too.


THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME… I need to change! Roots sounds awesome, thanks Allison! I love that your dad makes the Bisquik pancakes too, I agree… always best when our dads make them:)


The hardest part of injuries for me, is blaming myself/the shame I feel for making a mistake or my body being weak in one area. If I am not perfect then what am I?!?! Oh right, no one is ;) The best thing I have learned from injuries is your body is going to get what it needs, one way or another. So if I am not giving it rest, fuel, stretching, etc…well, then it is going to take that break from me.
I dye my hair a lot, so ponytail or not, it gets damaged.
Great post today, pancakes for dinner are a staple at our house.


Breakfast for dinner is the best! I always have my hair in a ponytail, too! I can’t sleep with it in my face.


I’ve also suffered with really bad plantar fasciitis. It had gone away but now that I am on the final stretch of my pregnancy my feet have been acting up again. My hubby has been great at giving me foot massages though. ? The biggest thing I’ve taken from being injured is that I really need to take the time and listen to my body.


Such an important lesson!!!! I hope you are feeling well during this final stretch Daisy!!!


What I WISH I could learn from injuries is how to NEVER get injured again! That is my negative nelly reply :) So far, zero speedwork seems to be the answer which is a-okay with me. But yes, I’ve learned all the things you’v mentioned. And thankfully each time I’ve been injured, I’ve been able to elliptical which I love because I can read my book.


Being injured is the worst…I know what you mean about the not sleeping well if you’re not running – I have been there! And feeling extremely jealous when I see other people out running uninjured…that is very hard.
Since I’ve been slowly increasing mileage/pace after injury, my mindset about running has completely changed – I don’t beat myself up if every run is not at 8:00/mile pace, it’s okay to run really slow sometimes. Hey, I’m still running, and it doesn’t hurt!
I used to have breakfast for dinner a lot as a kid, but my husband seems to think it’s not a real meal (he has that in common with Andrew).


I think some things injuries are harder than others too. If you’re ok with needing a break, it’s not a big deal. But if you were hardcore training for something, it’s really hard to let it go. For me, it’s missing out on race experiences. I Enjoy local races and seeing friends so that’s what I miss.


Hair always in ponytail because of workouts or summer heat or just the stay home mom thing and no need to fix hair and just habit from when they were babies and pulled on my hair if it were down.
Love breakfast for dinner – pancakes or waffles usually.


And… How did you make those hash browns and peppers? That looked good!


HEY MARY!!! We just cut up potatoes in small squares, browned chopped up onions with olive oil, added the potatoes and cooked those until they were done and then added the peppers. We seasoned with salt and pepper (I cannot stand seasonings right now so we kept that simple)! I hope you are having a beautiful day!


Just not being able to run and feeling like that thing that makes me feel strong and powerful isn’t available really sucks. But I find other workouts to do that I always learn something from or maybe wouldn’t have tried if I wasn’t having to take a break from running.

The fact that breakfast can be eaten at any time of the day is probably its greatest super power. Andrew is crazy! Haha Lately I’ve really loved Kodiak cakes for dinner!! Which is funny because normally I’m not a huge pancake person.

Ok so for a while I was wearing my hair in a ponytail to bed because I saw this girl on Instagram say it helps her with volume and to keep the curls in fact longer. I loved the hair out of my face too. But then my hair girl told me that can cause breaking underneath the ponytail because you’re moving your head at night and it will rub and break since the ponytail doesn’t let it move. So she told me to be careful with it.


When my hair was long, it was always in a ponytail, too! I hated doing my hair, and even drying it. I’m just too lazy for that stuff. So, I ended up getting a pixie cut (about 15 inches just chopped off) and it is SO much easier! I know this isn’t the best solution for everyone, but I hated my hair blowing in my face, too, and now it just stays where it is in the wind. :P


That is BRILLIANT Katie!


Sleeping in a ponytail does cause hair breakage. I broke off some of my length on one side and my hairdresser thinks it was from sleeping with it up. I had to cut off my past bra length hair to above my shoulders! so sad!! A scrunchy might not be as hash…


I totally think that is what is happening to me!!!! Thanks for sharing Carly and I need a scrunchy!


Brinner, is basically my favorite thing ever. I love pancakes for brinner best, but also enjoy a good egg scramble.


This has nothing to do with any of your questions but related to your pregnancy hot dog craving – have you ever tried a Sahlen’s hot dog? They’re made and sold in Buffalo, New York (where I’m from), and once you have one, I swear you will never be able to go back to any other kind! Trust me on this and order a package online.


I never have Mollie.. now I need to go find some asap! I need to order a package now. Thanks for letting me know about this Mollie!


Breakfast for dinner. Breakfast for lunch. Breakfast for every meal if I could.

I put my hair in braids because it gets really knotted in a ponytail and I end up yanking a bunch of hair out trying to untangle it- especially if I get caught in the rain. I’ve also had hair stylists say it causes breakage but braids are a little gentler.


Oh man I can relate to this post. After back to back injuries a few years ago, I’ve learned a lot about taking care of myself and being smarter about preventing injuries, or at least catching them early enough that they only cost me a few days, rather than months. I was so bummed out not being able to run and missing out on races I had been training hard for, but I made it to the other side and I’m a much stronger runner than I ever was back then. So it all works out in the end, but man those injuries suck when you’re in them.


The hardest part of being injured for me is not panicking that I will suddenly gain tons of weight – I have to remind myself that part of my appetite is from running/working out, so if I have to take a break due to injury, I normally adjust my eating as well (subconsciously, most times). I also worry about losing my fitness, but I’ve found that it’s not that bad…I always think it’s going to be worse than it is! The biggest lesson I’ve learned is that rest and recovery for a few days/week (I’ve never really had a super serious injury) is so much better in the long run, rather than pushing yourself and ending up with something more serious.

What is that little orange thing you use for your plantar fasciitis? I have been struggling with that off and on and that looks like it would work better than my golf ball I’ve been using!

I try to alternate how I wear my hair – I often french braid it at night because I can’t stand it being on my face, but I worry about breakage, so I braid it or I use some old school scrunchies that feel less harsh/tight on my hair if I do wear a ponytail. I also started wearing my hair twisted up in a bun during a lot of my runs (mainly because it’s hot and my ponytail ends get soaked in sweat and become a tangled up mess) and that seems to help me with breakage.

New breakfast favorite has been homemade scones – they are a bit of effort, but they are SO GOOD! I have been making different kinds but I definitely have eaten them for dinner with a side of eggs and turkey bacon! I tell myself I’m just carb-loading :).


I’m currently going through post-injury *come back*, where it’s been pretty difficult to NOT compare [myself] to [myself prior to my injury] (I was out of running and cycling/spinning for six months). I just went through a brief stage of *mourning* (for lack of a better word) for my previous fitness. I had to remind myself that no one woke up and was fast — we were all beginners once — and that’s not even what’s happening. I have the growth, the knowledge, and the experience in getting faster, and I can get there again.<3

So many stages to getting injured. Let's just not do it anymore, k?:D

BRINNER = LIFE! Andrew doesn't know what he's missing, dude!

MESSY BUN all day, every day. Athlete + P.E. Teacher + lazy shorts = I rock it far too often.


I am going through something really similar! I broke my foot a couple of weeks ago, went through a 7-day pity party/mourning phase, and now I am trying to be more positive :) you got this!


My husband pretty much refuses to eat breakfast for dinner. My daughter and I take advantage when he travels for work and do pancakes with eggs and avocado. I try to make sure we get our veggies and protein in there too!

My hair is in a ponytail about 95% of the time. Sometimes when I take it out, I am surprised by how long it is since I never see it down. I dont notice a lot of breakage. I use the fabric elastic bands and I feel like they are easy on it. Sometimes they are not tight enough to work out in, so I switch to a stronger one for runs/races. They dont leave a crease in my hair so I dont feel like they are doing much damage :)


What is so wrong with breakfast for dinner!? The best! Glad you still get a chance to eat it sometimes! I definitely thing that the fabric elastic bands are better for our hair! Thanks Leeann!


Wow – this is literally the exact thing I needed to read right now with my broken foot! I love your point about how our best learning/growth happens when this stuff happens – I feel like I’m really taking a step back and thinking about the big picture and reprioritizing!!

I actually had the same ponytail concerns as you (I wear mine in a ponytail probably 85% of my life) so I got some “invisibobble” hair ties from Sephora! They’re supposed to prevent breakage and tangling, plus they’re really cute :)

Hope you have a great Thursday!!


Those are AWESOME… I’ve never seen anything like them before. Thanks Marina! Thinking about you with your broken foot… please keep me updated with how you are doing! Thanks!


I would suggest adding some baby related things to your social media! The bump I cute and project nursery will give you serious inspiration for baby’s room.


Brilliant. I need to do that asap! Thanks Jade!


This totally doesn’t answer any of your questions, but I had to let you know that I finally had a chance to listen to the podcast you did with Lindsey Hein during my 12 miler this morning. It was hot, humid, and my longest run since my last half in April (I’m toying with the idea of a fall marathon, but I haven’t committed yet :), but I loved listening to the podcast and it made my run so much more bearable. So thank you!! :) I would totally love to listen to more podcasts by you in the future!!!


Oh Emily! That makes me so happy! WAY TO GO on your 12 miler today… in those conditions too! Keep me updated with what you decided on doing this fall! Recovery well today! I am making another podcast this week ahhh!


Yes, the pony tail contributes to hair breakage.
Yes, breakfast for dinner is the absolute best
Kids going to bed early…not really a bad thing. :)
Injury is so personal it affects everyone different. we all handle it our own way and usually not well. ha. Prevention is so key. Nice job on that.
This was a long post! You had a lot on your mind.


Bahahah so I didn’t realize it until you said this… I really did have SO much to say:) I hope you get some brinner soon and I loved your comment. Thanks Tess and enjoy your day!


There are so many hard things about being injured! My body doesn’t work properly in terms of sleep and other things I won’t… but I think losing that part of my faily lifestyle is the worst. I LOVE to run and it i so much a part of my life that I just feel incredibly sad when it is gone. I am so, so happy to report that I have been back to running outside every other day and hit 27 miles last week with a long run of 8.5 ? I am finally starting to feel like myself again! This week I started my training for NYC (!!!) and I am gauging my schedule based on how my hamstring feels the next day. This is the first time I have run subsequent days since I have been recovered, so I want to be smart about it and not reinjure myself!!! So, I guess you could say that this injury has taught me to listen to my body more and adjust accordingly, instead of pushing through the pain!
I do think that ponytails cause hair to break if you pull it back tightly. I usually either braid my hair or twist the front into a clip and pull the back into a low pony. I think that helps it not break.. and I cannot wear it down when it’s this hot!
My go-to brinner is usually a loaded omelet… YUM. But, pancakes sound pretty amazing right now…


Oh yes… ME TOO! When I am not running, my whole body revolts! I am SO STOKED that you are running outside every other day again and congrats on the 27 miles last week! So excited for you to run NYC! Keep listening to that body! I need to do braids, loose ponytails and twists… thank you Annemarie! I hope you get a loaded omelet asap!


I love eggs for dinner, but don’t think I’ve ever made pancakes for dinner…I may have to start! My hair is almost always in a braid these days b/c my baby plays with my hair constantly and it looks CRAZY by lunchtime if I wear it any other way.


I think you need to start asap!!! I need to braid my hair more often:) Thanks Christina and I hope your Thursday is an amazing one!


Hi! Ponytails do cause breakage (for me, i have curly hair so it is extra frizzy if i get split ends!) but i use those claw-clips as much as possible to tie my hair up. They dont break your hair and are pretty reliable for day to day! I just cant use them when i work out because all the bouncing makes my hair fall out, but try it!


Thank you for letting me know! I need to get claw-clips asap… brilliant! Thanks Maeve and my sister has curly hair too and I’m always so jealous:)


Bah!! I’m still dealing with my plantar faciitis, too. I hate it!! I’ve learned that my calf is tight, and that’s what caused mine to go off the deep end. I roll my calves out a few times every day with the Stick. It hurts, but it’s at least getting better! Good luck! It’s no fun!
I never sleep with my hair in a ponytail. I was told it causes breakage.
Who doesn’t love breakfast for every meal? I’ll never understand that! :-) I could eat eggs every single meal for a week straight and be completely fine.


I hope your plantar starts feeling better asap! I TOTALLY agree with you that a tight calf causes a ton of problems! I hope you get some delicious breakfast foods soon Kelsey! Thanks!


Brinner = pancakes and egg casserole (chock full of protein) in our house.
I have very, very rarely worn ponytails for as long as i can remember – mainly because they make my head hurt in general and when running I hate all the loose pieces flying around and/or sticking to my sweaty neck/check/forehead/shoulder/back/etc. A braid is my best running friend! That said, considering the extra split ends I get where my elastic ties off the braid and my sister’s experience with hair breakage with constant ponytail wearage, I do think fewer ponytails are better for your hair. Sara at recommends the old-fashioned, 80s, fabric covered scrunchies for night time use – they aren’t tight enough for workouts but keep your hair out of your face at night without making dents and breakage.


I need your egg casserole recipe:) THANK YOU for the scrunchy idea… so smart!!! Enjoy your Thursday!


I used to ALWAYS wear my hair in a pony tail! And it definitely didn’t help my hair. My hair used to get tangled on my elastic hair ties and then I would have to break it to get the hair tie out. Here are three things I have done that have helped me a lot:
1) I have gotten the Goody Ouchless Ribbon Elastics and really liked those. They are not as tight and look really cute too!
2) The other thing I try to do is put my hair in a braid at night since I also don’t like my hair around my face when I sleep!
3) I also get small clips to put my hair partially up throughout the day if it is windy or just bothering me, that way it is not in a pony but it is also not in my way!

I had pancakes yesterday for dinner too! My boyfriend also don’t get the pancake thing, so I like to eat them when he is at his activities and I have dinner all to myself. :)


THANK YOU FOR THE TIPS EMILY… I’m going to try the braid tonight and grab some of those elastics and clips. Seriously thank you!


Janae, I heard a podcast last week I think you’ll enjoy. Several runners of various faiths share how their running is a spiritual practice:

My hair definitely breaks because of pony tails. I had those thick silicone bands and they really tore up my hair. I found some that are kinder to my hair at sephora ( but I still experience breakage.

Breakfast is my favorite food and I’ll eat it for every meal. Waffles are my favorite brinner, which is funny because my mom would make waffles for dinner when money was running low, but all of us kids loved it and wanted it all the time.


THANK YOU for sharing the podcast (that sounds perfect for me!!) and also the ponytail bands (I’m going to get some)! Thank you and I hope you get some waffles for brinner asap! Sometimes the most simple meals are by far the best!! Enjoy your Thursday Valerie!


If I remember correctly you have an apple watch right? That sucker can hold up to 1 gig of music on it and works with bluetooth WIRELESS headphones (heck yeah!!!) Easy solution to your necklace problem :)


Well that is brilliant. I didn’t know it worked with bluetooth wireless headphones… love it! THANKS REBECCA!


Game changer…I promise!


Home fries with steak and eggs sounds like the perfect meal, breakfast, dinner or anytime.
I am watching the Bachelorette too but I am seriously disliking the choices Rachel is making. At least from here, it looks like she sent home a couple of guys she shouldn’t have.
The hardest part about being injured – feeling rested enough to run but not be able to. That and seeing everyone else running in perfect weather and just feeling jealous pangs :-(


Injuries are such a bummer! I’ve learn to take the time to reflect and comeback slow!! Also not to run out to the nearest professional for help. Sometimes I over react a bit!!
I wear a braid when I run. I don’t like the bouncing of a ponytail. Also sleep sometimes in a braid too!
My kids and I like to do oatmeal “sundaes” for dinner sometimes! They have fun putting toppings and creating!


Currently dealing with an injury right now. It is a long story, but the last two years have been so much of THIS:
10. Recovery isn’t usually linear for me so there are many times along the way I get my hopes up only to move backwards again the next day with my injury.

And the last 6 months especially a lot of this:
9. $$$$ It gets PRICEY when the injuries are serious and we are in the doctor’s, physical therapist’s and chiropractor’s office often to get things working again!

I haven’t ran in a few weeks and I am still in pain a lot of the time. I am at a point where I feel defeated and completely unmotivated to even do any of my physical therapy and driving to gym to use the pool sounds exhausting. Lol.

I love reading your stories and reminders about injuries and how you feel during them and after them because I usually am the exact same way. It is a really lovely reminder that this will not be lasting forever (even though it REALLY feels like it right now). :) I have a bone scan friday so all fingers and toes crossed! Thanks for great reminders! :)


Ashley, I’m so beyond sorry about everything you’ve been through. You are not alone! PLEASE let me know how the bone scan goes tomorrow… thank you!


I get such bad breakage from ponytails that I keep my hair too short to wear one, but your hair seems thick and strong and I wouldn’t worry about it if you don’t feel like you’re seeing an issue. Don’t forget all the hair craziness that comes with pregnancy and post-baby!


I love breakfast for dinner! We usually do waffles or egg sandwiches…….we have a nifty egg sandwich maker that you put an english muffin, egg, cheese, meat, peppers, whatever you want, in there and it cooks in about 5 minutes!


Breakfast for dinner is amazing! I mean who says certain foods are for certain times of the day!?


This is a really good post, Janae. I haven’t been truly injured in five years (!!!) but prior to that, I struggled with continuous bouts of injury. I had disordered eating habits and ran way too much without enough nutrition to support it. I think one of the biggest things I’ve learned from injury (or simply taking time off from serious training) is not to reward hard workouts with food. Meaning, have treats despite not running “enough” that day! Like you said, running and racing will always be there if it’s important to me. Life is multi-faceted, and having to take extended periods of running usually means having time to spend on other parts of life.
Oh, and about your ponytails — I would try switching it up a bit! I have super long hair, am a runner, and work in a field that doesn’t allow for hair to be down. So, I ponytail (high, low, medium), bun, braid, etc. I sleep with my hair in a loose braid, and run with my hair in a double ponytail (ponytail with an extra elastic midway down the tail). Doing both of these things helps my hair not get tangled, which is when it tends to break.


Number 1 on your list is my life right now!! I’m pregnant and running hurt so much early on so I just walk and I feel like everywhere I look is an awesome race I want to sign up for and I started listening to “I’ll Have Another with Lindsey Hein,” (I guess I could just not listen to running podcasts but I love it and it has me so excited to start again!) and of course reading your blog- but again I enjoy it and it makes me excited to start running in a few months :)

I wear pony tails a TON but I try not to because I think it makes my head hurt! Sounds dumb but I swear it pulls and makes my head and my hair hurt!

And I totally love breakfast anytime. I have a ham and cheese omelette with cayenne pepper for dinner at least once a week :)


I LOVE breakfast for supper, but alas, my husband does not. :(
During the summer my hair is in a perpetual pony tail, but I don’t sleep with it in. In fact, my hair is in a ponytail SO MUCH, I’m about ready to cut it all off into a pixie cut. What is the point of long hair if I’m always putting it up??


I have been injured for 5 months now with several bulging discs in my back. By far the hardest part has been other people’s comments. They may think they are joking and teasing me but when co-workers say to me that I will never run again, that I will become fat and lazy like them, or that I should take up swimming, they do not realize the hurt and pain internally that that causes me. They do not see the hours of tears I cry a day. They also think that I don’t exercise at all now which is so not true. I still do hours of cardio, strength, prefab, rehab, and soft tissue work each day. It actually is more time consuming to be injured than to be running which non-runners do not understand.
The thing I have learned is to ask questions and talk it out with the professionals that still believe in you and believe you can run again. I get overwhelmed easily with the chronic pain and it helps to just share my concerns so I don’t let it build up.
And I have learned to stock up on Kleenex, lots and lots of Kleenex!


It’s so weird that you’re writing about injuries and I literally have a world of people in my network all recovering from one! (From Hip replacements to Knee injuries to broken legs!) I think the worst part is feeling like all your hard work is slipping through your fingers as you recover. :(

The biggest thing I’ve learned from injuries is grace — and compassion — often, I’m too hard on myself and blame myself for being careless or weak or making a mistake. I try to think of how I would look at a loved one if they’d done what I did and had gotten the same injury I had. I’m always more compassionate towards others, and this practice of considering if it was someone else has allowed me to be more forgiving to myself… mistakes happen, after all!

I’ve been trying to use ponytails less and less — because I’ve noticed more and more hairs falling out once I take my ponytail down! I still put my hair up — I just use clippy things for a bun instead. I seem to have less breakage this way… or at least I feel like I see fewer hairs in the drain after a shower!.

I LOVE BREAKFAST and could eat it for every meal of the day. My current favorite brinner is pancakes with fruit and turkey sausage patties —!


Brinner is my absolute favorite kind of meal. My go-to is French toast, a sunny side up egg on top of hash browns, and bacon.


ponytails daily! #momlife


The hardest part of injury for me is when you want to accomplish one goal but realize that goal is not realistic. The best part about it is when another goal makes its way to you through that process. It is so true that running should not determine self-worth but harder to put into practice, with my thoughts, at least. My plantar gets better when I lose weight and wear the custom inserts my podiatrist made for me. Right now I am heavier than I have been in a while, so I need to get back on track for this training season and just overall health if I ever want to have a baby. I am so impressed with your strength training routine. How often in the week do you do that while you are pregnant? And when you are not, how often? Have a great weekend! Love reading your posts!


I wear my hair in a ponytail a lot, too. At night I take it down and pull the front back with a clip so it doesn’t get in my face. :-)

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