15 things/pictures to discuss.

1.  The Fourth of July celebrating has begun over at our house… we’ll talk more about that later.

2.  I fell asleep Friday night at 8 pm.  While the movie Rock Dog was on and two 4 year olds were jumping from bed to bed.  I just fell asleep.  Andrew got them settled down and in bed by 9 but he said I slept through quite the party there for a bit.  Pregnancy exhaustion is just a whole other world for me and there is nothing that can keep my eyes open when I’m really tired.   An early bed time meant I was up in the 5 o’clock hour and I felt like I had slept for a year, it was amazing.  I didn’t feel comfortable running outside by myself so I went down to the hotel gym to run 8 miles @ a 9:10 average.   My biggest trick for making the treadmill more entertaining and fun is to bump the numbers around.  I don’t do it as much when I’m pregnant but I went anywhere from a 6.0 mph to a 7.0 mph.  I switch it every minute or two and it makes the time go by way faster.  I kind of love to just zone out on the treadmill too and not think about routes or sidewalk cracks that want to trip me or where the next bathroom is for my miniature bladder right now;)

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3..  We packed up really quick and hit the road to get back home.

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4.  It felt SO good to be home and to be eating a sweet potato with avocado and bbq sauce again.  I don’t know what I will do if there is ever a shortage of sweet potatoes.

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5.  These two definitely make running errands a lot more entertaining!


6.  Because the baby wanted Cafe Rio;)  I use that excuse way too often.  I’m just gonna keep going with it though.

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7.  I don’t think Beretta is ever going to let us leave on a trip again.

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8.  We took the kids to the Stadium of Fire last night!  This year at Stadium of Fire they had Little Big Town, Hunter Hayes and Brian Regan there along with a bunch of dancers, skydivers, jets and a really long fireworks show!  PS I washed my hair yesterday and I’m excited about my new shampoo and conditioner ha (clearly, I get excited over really big things).

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9.  Even Knox thought that Brian Regan was funny:)

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10.  MY kind of stadium food right now…  Along with popcorn.

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11.  The jets were both Andrew and Knox’s favorite part of the night.

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12.  Somehow Brooke fell asleep during the second half of the fireworks.  I’m sure our kids are going to be in great moods today after partying so late last night;)

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13.  I don’t know about you but I am still so interested with everything from the sub 2 hour marathon attempt!  This article is a long one but it goes into so much detail and I loved reading all about it all!

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14.  An intersting article if you want to check it out… Runner’s World had their experts include 10 essential strength exercises for runners.   They take 30 minutes to do them 2 times a week!  If you are looking for a strength routine to do to help your running (‘targeting the key muscles that will keep them balanced’) this routine looks great.  I’m going to try it this week but modify a few of them for pregnancy.

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15.  “How ice cream went from elitist indulgence to America’s favorite frozen treat”—>  do you think you go through 45 pints of ice cream a year?  I probably go through more than that normally but now… I rarely have it.  I miss my deep love for ice cream.  And donuts.

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What do you think… do you eat more or less than 45 pints of ice cream each year?  Is ice cream one of your top three favorite desserts?  Anyone like froyo more than ice cream?

How many times a week have you been on the treadmill lately?

What is the normal time you get into bed? Ever go to bed WAY earlier?

What single food would you say you eat the absolute most of?

-Probably sweet potatoes.

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I do like ice cream but I probably like froyo better……….still there’s no way I go thru that much in a year! Maybe I should up my game ;)
I love all of those folks! Brian Regan is hilarious! His bit about when you ask someone when their baby is due and they aren’t pregnant………..love it!
I don’t treadmill very often, only when the weather is too crazy outside. And I am normally in bed around 10.
I think maybe I eat more bread or pineapple than anything else:) Have a great 4th!


I think we all might need to up our games on the ice cream or froyo this year ha! OH MY GOODNESS… that is one of my favorite bits too. Hilarious! I hope you are having some great bread AND pineapple today! I hope your 4th is a great one too Loribeth!


Love my sweet potatoes too! Fireworks and partying last night also mean I have a tired little guy this morning. Plan for the day is to get back home so hopefully plenty of time for everyone to recover!


I hope you are all recovering well today… we are too! Glad you enjoyed last night Mel!!!


We’re not counting drinks, right? Because that would be coffee. But the food I eat the most is probably peas. It’s the vegetable my kids and I agree on. They also like carrots, but I don’t, and I like almost every other vegetable, but they don’t. So we have peas almost every night for dinner.


We can count drinks too:) PEAS… oh that is awesome. I love peas but I forget about them, thanks for the reminder. I need more. I hope you are having an awesome Sunday Lynn!


Technically, I eat less than 45 pints of ice cream each year… but that doesn’t count all of the Yasso and Skinny Cow ice cream bars I eat.

Now that the weather is nice, I haven’t been on the treadmill in a while… but in the winter, I may use it 3-6 times/week.

I try to go to bed by 10, but that doesn’t always happen!

Hmm… I’m not sure what single food I eat the most of…

Your hair looks great w/the new shampoo & conditioner! I’m going to send you a separate message about that!


I have never tried Yasso… I need to look into that! I’m like you with my winter and treadmill usage… I’m on it way more! Thank you so much and I’ll be sharing all about it real soon:) Enjoy the rest of your Sunday Amie!


I think you’d love Yasso!

I also meant to mention that I’m excited that you raved about Rabbit running clothes! I’ve been curious about them for a while and will have to check them out now. Running Warehouse now carriers them too!

FYI, just a heads up that I sent an e-mail to your accomplishments e-mail address. =)


I don’t have the opportunity to get the awesome salads you get at the Mexican restaurants. There isn’t anything like that around here. Do you think you could recreate one similar to what you usually get and share it here? Thanks Janae! Congrats on your pregnancy!


YES YES YES Kimberly! We need to be making them at home more! This is a copycat recipe you should try… YOU NEED a Cafe Rio salad in your life:


THANK YOU and enjoy your day!


THANK YOU SO MUCH JANAE! That is quite a recipe! Do you think there’s a way to simplify this recipe? It looks awesome!


I go through phases with Ice Cream. I really like it when it’s hot out, but not so hot and humid that it’s miserable (I only want water or ice on those days). Hubby, on the other hand, could eat ice cream any day — breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It’s insane. I think we even out to the average! Ha!

I try to get to be between 9:30 and 11. Ideally, the earlier the better — but some days it’s such a struggle to finish everything on time!

Is coffee a food? Coffee is what I have daily. Next to that I would say rice. I’m half-korean — so I have to have rice. I get anxiety when my 50lb bag gets too low. ^_^


Hahaha I like the way your husband eats ice cream! II’m with you, the earlier the better on going to bed… if only I could get Andrew to agree with me! Let’s say coffee counts! I hope you had some amazing coffee and delicious rice today Susie!


During the winter i do almost all my run on the treadmill but once the temperature warms up i try to head outside at every opportunity.

Surpringly i prefer froyo over ice cream and food i eat on a daily basis- eggs?


I hope you have an amazing cup of froyo ASAP Lindsey!!! I will send all of our eggs over to you:)


Sounds like you had a fun night at the Stadium of Fire. I went to my boyfriend’s place last night (he lives in a condo downtown), and we were able to see the Canada Day fireworks. They were really pretty. I can’t believe Brooke fell asleep during the fireworks!@


Oh that sounds like so much fun Fiona! Glad you got to enjoy that with your boyfriend! I hope your Sunday is a fabulous one!


Congrats on your pregnancy. My husband and I are trying to get pregnant. We’ve been trying for about 6 months. Not sure what the next step is but praying it will happen.

I don’t even eat ice cream. Weird, I know. I love dessert but would just rather have another treat.

I have a Kind bar every morning when I wake up. I eat a bigger breakfast/snack a couple hours later but I’m a morning person and always wake up super early even without an alarm and have water and a Kind bar right away. Every single day!


Thank you Becky! Please keep me updated with how you guys are doing! Which Kind bars are your favorite? I hope your Sunday is an amazing one!


I grew up close to the stadium and always able to watch the fireworks from my street or bedroom window. It was the best. Last nights fly over was pretty sweet too, but it’s always better being there, of course. That’s my favorite part, too.


Oh that makes me so happy Jenny:) I’m so glad you got to see it yesterday too! Enjoy your Sunday Jenny!


11pm is my normal bed time. I need to go to bed sooner. But lately it has been around midnight before I go to bed. Crushing goals left and right.

I should keep track of how many pints of ice cream Ross eats in a year. I am sure he is, single handedly, pulling his weight in that national average number. I guarantee he eats well over 100 pints a year.

Good luck today. We had a late night last night too and I am hoping I don’t have to endure melt down after melt down today.


I think Ross is the one that brings up that average number so high;) How has today gone for you in terms of meltdowns. I miss you. Can I see you soon. Please.


I don’t eat 45 pints of ice cream a year. I’m lactose intolerant. I’m pretty sure I keep it under one. Poor me! At least I can eat chocolate and peanut butter. If I developed some sort or allergy or intolerance to them, my life would be over.
I get 9 -12 miles on the treadmill per week. I do my two other runs outside and the elliptical the other days. Thanks for posting the workout from runners world. I need some new strength training moves.
I hope you enjoyed your vacation. We’re currently at the beach for a week. My son is the same age as Brooke and Knox. He runs, jumps, falls, and is generally rambunctious. The downstairs condo neighbor came up last night and yelled at me for it. There’s not much I can do about it. He needs to move and we can’t keep him outside all day.


I am so glad you still get to have chocolate and pb… the perfect combination! Oh I hope you have the most fabulous time at the beach and anyone with kids totally gets 4 year olds and their NEED TO MOVE!! Too bad we aren’t below you:) Have a blast Lee!


I love ice cream but I actually hardly ever eat it! Ben and Jerry used to do some good frozen yogurts I used to buy occasionally but they seem to have stopped them, in the UK at least. Daily food? Apples, blueberries and yogurt :)

It sounds as though you had a great holiday! I took my little boy to the cinema today and he insisted on bringing a blanket after seeing me reading your post that’s that what Brooke does :) We saw Despicable Me 3 – lots of fun!


Oh that makes me so happy… We want to see Despicable Me 3 ASAP:) The blanket just makes it that much better! Now you have me craving blueberries. Enjoy the rest of your day Lys!


I don’t remember the last time I had ice cream, I hope someone is pulling my weight for those numbers!
I go to bed at 7 pm, but I am up at 1:45 am Hawaii time as I work on east coast time (trade the market). It was crazy hard to get used to but now it’s pretty normal.
Single most food I eat the most of is arugula, it finds its way into nearly every single meal of mine.
I am maybe on the treadmill once a month…it’s too nice in Hawaii to be on them! I am done with work by the time the sun comes up so I go for a run then while it is cool so I don’t melt ?
Happy Fourth weekend to all of you! Truly a blessed day for our country.


HAHAH I know plenty of people that are pulling your weight for ice cream:) UP AT 1:45… WOW!! I am so glad you are used to it now! So you are inspiring me to add more arugula to my life, thank you! I hope you enjoy every second of Hawaii (I’m glad you get out before the sun comes up!) and can we come visit you soon… we love it there! Thanks Amanda! You too!


I make it my daily challenge to have something green every time I eat and arugula just makes it easy…can you say L-A-Z-Y?? :-) It seriously has made a difference in my life and I am grateful for sticking to it. Oh my goodness, I think it would be so much fun to hang out with your family here. A mama seal just had her pup on the beach right outside my place and I pinch myself that I get to watch this pup for the next 6 weeks grow up on the beach…little kiddos like Brooke and Knox absolutely love hanging by the fence to see them. So beautiful!


But what shampoo and conditioner is it?!?! :)


^yes so curious!!


HEY KRISTIN AND ERIKA!!! This is it… so far so good:

I’ll share more soon!

I hope you have had a great weekend!


I finally tried BBQ sauce, avocado, and sweet potato and added a fried egg. It’s delicious!


Oh this makes me SO happy! I’m so happy you liked it:) I’ll have to try the fried egg once I love eggs again! Thanks for letting me know and have a great night!


I’m almost positive I eat more than 45 pints of ice cream a year. Especially if froyo gets added to that. It’s just my night time go-to snack and it never makes me feel overly full. I eat even more of it in the summer when I want something cold!


Have you had Halo Top ice cream? I also love Yasso cookie dough bars! I am about to start Half Marathon training and I know the humidity in FL is going to be tough to train through! Sounds like you had fun with the family! We have opposite days off and are both working through the holiday. Maybe we will catch some fireworks after work Tuesday! Happy 4th!


You’ve inspired me to try the sweet potato, avocado, and BBQ sauce combination…I’ll let you know what I think ;)
I haven’t run on the treadmill at all lately but I may have too…it’s getting way too hot outside!
And it is ice cream over everything…I would eat it every meal if I could! (Can’t stop, won’t stop!)
Happy 4th of July!


I LOVE ice cream and for that reason I do not keep it in the house much. I am on the hunt for an ice cream maker. It is healthier homemade right?

We are like weird and go to bed at about 9 every night. I really never see 10. I get up at 430-5 a.m. though =)


I’m all about the froyo! I only have ‘real’ ice cream a couple times a year.
When I’m training/not injured, I end up on a treadmill 1-2 times a week when it’s decent weather, and INFINITE times per week when it’s wintery weather. It gets extremely cold, snowy, and icy for 3+ months a year here, so the treadmill has become a necessary evil. I also play with the numbers to keep myself entertained!
I love going to bed around 9, to be honest! I wake up early for work, so I have to get in bed early to get the right number of hours!
I probably eat bananas, carrots and hummus the most. but sweet potatoes are definitely in my top 10 frequent foods!


Ice cream is my number one dessert I want to eat! And I do eat it! and your food from cafe rio always looks so good but we don’t have that place here.


Oh my gosh I love Brian Regen!! The big yellow one is the sun! And I eat a ton of peanut butter… delicious!


I just bought the shirts that Brooke and Knox are wearing for my son and daughter. I can’t eat ice cream anymore since having gastric sleeve surgery, so I stick to Italian ice or slushies.


Obsessed with that zebra-ish Nike Run tank. Can you share a link or deets?


I love all the photos and all your fun captions too.

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