Now that I am wise, that is MY kind of date and trying a new sport out again.

I’m just going to warn you that I have quite the headache as I’m writing this so if there are a bajillion grammar errors, please forgive me:)

Spent the day with two of my three Valentines yesterday (we get Knox today and have him this weekend which we are all very excited about).

Yesterday started off with some pink (an attempt at pink) pancakes and pink sprinkles.

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I do little presents for the kids on V-day and Brooke was thrilled for the lip gloss that she has asked for every time we go to Target.  Between the evidence I have gathered about me, my sister and now Brooke… I think it is in our DNA to have an obsession with lip gloss and this obsession starts at a very young age.

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She also received a little stuffed animal and some fingernail polish because painting your nails 4 times a week is a very normal desire when you are 4 year’s old.

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And then we were off for the day and Brooke gave me a pretty great Valentine’s Day kiss.

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Met Andrew (he had some things for school to go do first thing) at the gym for our Valentine’s Day date.  Quite the romantic date if you ask me—>  side by side on treadmills, bright red faces from it being so hot inside, cursing our speed workout and hair horns (below picture was from the beginning of the run.. not after;).

Whenever it is a speed day and I am on the treadmill I tell myself I am just going to run easy before I start.  BECAUSE at the start of every run my brain/mind/body can’t possibly imagine going fast.  It just can’t so I tell myself I won’t and then get going.  It isn’t until about a mile or two into my run where I realize that I can do a speed workout.  Yesterday morning it took me two miles of warming up to realize that my body was ready to go.

2 mile warm-up

2 miles @ 6:44 average pace

.3 mile recovery jog

2 miles @ 6:39 average pace

.3 mile recovery jog

2 miles @ 6:35 average pace

1.4 mile cool-down

10 miles total.   My legs were really tired by the end of this one.  I felt like my brain/rest of my body were good but my legs were done = I need to remember to take today EASY and make my run on the shorter side.

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Just in case you needed a friendly reminder like I always do about how important it is to truly let your body rest/go easy in order to nail your other workouts:


Chocolate covered strawberries have to be on the list for best muscle recovery foods post-run right?  Well, they are on Valentine’s Day at least.

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Gotta love Costco—>  these strawberries were ginormous.

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Lunch included leftovers from our dinner the night before.  The restaurant we ate at gave everyone a meal to go home with them too!  Brilliant idea.  I’m a big fan of leftovers.

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Brooke got a few Valentine’s Day stickers from a friend and she told me to put this one on my dashboard.  I think I might keep it there… I felt pretty cool.

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And then we took around Valentine’s Day gifts to Mer and my parents.  Love those people so much.

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Last night we grabbed some milk shakes with Andrew and he took us to the sporting goods store.

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TO GET A TENNIS RACKET.  He wants to start playing this spring and I cannot wait.  I played tennis all throughout middle school and high school and in college (on intramural/fun teams) and then I stopped.  Nothing.  I don’t know why but I don’t even know where my old rackets are or anything so I’m really excited to get back to playing again.  Andrew plays so this will be a really fun (ehhh…maybe too competitive;) thing that we get to do together.  Running kind of took over my brain the last decade and I forgot about all of the other ways I love to be active.  Running will still take over my brain but it will just have to make some room for tennis now;)

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We came home and crafts are always on Brooke’s mind.  I think she felt bad that Beretta didn’t receive a V-day gift from us so she tried to make up for it.

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And then we played some hide and seek with Andrew.

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Excited for an outdoor easy run today.  It’s not quite as warm as last week (picture from last week) but we are done with January weather and that means a lot to me:)  I have come to the conclusion (because now that I am 31 I am quite wise) that running is my favorite time to think/pray/hope/plan.

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Outside of running… what are your favorite ways to be active?

Play any sports before running?  Any other tennis people?

Leftovers—>  Love them or no thank you?

Favorite milkshake flavor?  Place?

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Love In N Out! Did you know they have “John 3:16” written on the bottom of their cups?!


I didn’t know that! I am going to have to look next time we are there! Thanks Julie!


Okay, those are AMAZING!! Thank you for sharing… I can’t wait to send this to Andrew!


I love tennis! I played soccer, basketball, volleyball and softball when I was growing up, and we always played tennis for fun. It’s definitely a great way to stay active and such a fun sport!

We made pink pancakes at work yesterday, too, and had some pink sprinkles in there! :) And leftovers: YES. I mean, if I’m going to pay for good food at a restaurant and not finish it, I think it’s necessary to take it home and make multiple meals out of it. Plus, it’s less work with cooking/trying to decide what to eat.


Loved this! My four year old son has just discovered nail polish – the teachers at his daycare painted his nails with a clear glitter coat one week and he LOVED IT, so we now play around with different colours. He particularly loves having me paint his “piggy toes”, so he can show them to his swimming instructor.

You posting about tennis got me super excited for summer! We’re currently up to our eyeballs in ice and snow, but I just discovered how much I love playing (not well, just for fun) tennis last summer, and I’m pumped to get back into it in a few months. When we can see the courts again and stuff ;)

Leftovers—> Yes, please! Especially if it’s something that keeps well until the next day, or freezes well for another night.


I prefer leftovers (and cold food)! Sometimes I will order carry-out and put it in the fridge to eat hours later when it’s cold. :-) I love milkshakes of any flavor but Oreo milkshakes probably make me the most happy!


Favorite ways to be active: Hiking and climbing. I am really, really looking forward to getting in some outdoor climbs this spring/summer. We’re planning a girls climbing trip to Seneca Rocks. Can’t wait!

I love leftovers, except for things that get soggy.


I really like to hike. You can do it as a fun family activity, too. We even bring the dog. Before I became a runner, many years ago, I used to be a ballerina. Totally different from running.

I love leftovers, but my husband hates them. Luckily he is willing to cook something new nearly every night, so his refusal to eat leftovers is not really an issue. If I had to be the one to cook all the family meals it might be a problem :).

I love oreo milkshakes. The best one is at a restaurant called EZ’s in San Antonio, TX, where I grew up.


Hiking with the dogs is my favorite non running way of being active.
I love leftovers!!!
Ok so best milk shake I had was in manhattan at a restaurant called Black Tap It literally had a chocolate chip cookie sandwich decorating the glass attached with vanilla frosting and there weee cookie crumbles and chocolate chips in a vanilla shake in the glass.


I’ve never been a sporty person – I used to dread sports when I was at school, I’d always be the last person that would get picked and I was forever finding new ways to get out of class. Now I love running, going to the gym, badminton and I’m going to start ice skating lessons soon :) It’s funny how things change when you get older.

I love left overs! I always cook for more than I need so I can either freeze them or have them for lunch the next day. It’s cheaper and it makes life so much easier! I love that the restaurant gave you food to take away – that’s amazing!


I used to take tennis lessons as a kid! I last played over the summer. I really like playing tennis!


I’m not sure how it happened, but my whole Fall went past and I didn’t get to play tennis with my son, who loves to play with me. Neither one of us are any good, but it’s a fun “date” for us. It’s on the agenda for the Spring for sure!
Those strawberries look delicious!! Sounds like a great Valentine’s day.


I got those chocolate-covered strawberries from Costco, too! So good. But then again, so is everything Costco does.

I love leftovers. I typically think most foods taste better the second day.

I never got into playing tennis, but I always kind of wanted to! Another way I love to stay active is through yoga. I usually never want to go, but I always end up leaving feeling a million times better than before.


We try to do a lot of outdoor activities…running, tennis, hiking, canoe, swim, walk…we will do just about anything!
Left overs are so great!! Not having to cook and less dishes to clean up! Score.


Eek!!! SO excited for you to play tennis again! My favorite sport! I played in high school and a little for fun in college but then I didn’t play again until a few years ago. I think you have to have someone to play with who is similar to you in how good you are and that’s why it’s hard to keep playing post-HS/college. That’s my theory, anyway. So now I have this goofy grin on my face every time I play because I love it so much and am so happy to be playing again. Hopefully you’ll be the same and love it all over again!
Yes to leftovers and chocolate milkshakes for the win!


Why do you think you had a headache? Hope you feel better now! I love to snowshoe, cross country ski, bike, elliptigo, and walk and walk and walk. NOT a fan of leftovers.


Brooke’s face in that pancake picture is adorable! Like “Nice try, Mom.” Too cute and funny.
I agree, running is my favorite time to think and pray. I haven’t been running as much lately and probably won’t be for the rest of the semester but when things get too overwhelming or I need to talk to God, I’ll hit the trail.


I love running, but I LOVE skiing!! Too bad I live in Indiana and ski trips are a once or maybe twice a year thing since we have to fly. I used to play tennis in high school but I haven’t played much since I started running so much because I get hurt pretty easily with movement that involves a lot of twisting (played soccer all through elementary, middle, and high school, and then played a pick-up game with my kids last summer, twisted to catch a runaway ball, felt my knee give, and saw three months of marathon training flash before my eyes…fortunately it was okay after a couple of days of rest and ice, but scared the heck out of me and now I’m super careful about what cross-training I do once my mileage gets high). Tennis is on my “no” list so I’m curious if this is an issue for you at all or if it’s just me! Mostly I stick to hiking, cycling, and swimming.


Hey Rachael! Oh that sounds awful… I am so sorry about what happened with your knee! To be honest I haven’t really done much cross-training the last few years and so I’m not sure how my body will handle it. I will keep you updated though once we start playing!!!


I think biking is my second favorite way of being active. When I was a kid, I could’ve spent HOURS doing it.

Before I became a runner, I used to do Crossfit. Yup. I don’t like it anymore and I don’t do it anymore. But I do have to be grateful to that sport for building up my endurance to a point where I was completely sure I could become a runner one day (and I did).

Leftovers are a no thank you for me. I don’t know why but I will always prefer freshly cooked meals.

My favorite milkshake flavor is definitely one that involves cookies and creme / cookie dough. I don’t have a favorite place. I like them all. It is hard for a cookies and creme milkshake to disappoint me.


I like to play sand volleyball in the summer when I get the chance and we go on lots of hikes. I used to play basketball, softball, volleyball, swimming and diving (I was always busy!) I like leftovers but they must be eaten the day after usually for lunch or I throw them away. My favorite milkshake flavor is chocolate or chocolate/pb of course! Your pink (ish) pancakes look good!


I think I like playing tennis but probably not as seriously as other people. I really enjoy swimming, hiking and biking. Being outdoors in beautiful weather is pretty inspiring to do active things.


Brooke is so cute. It looks like a serious game of hide and seek.

I swam before running. Come to think of it, I swam 3x longer than I’ve actually been running. Crazy! I also played tennis as a young child. However, another girl was making fun of me, taunting me or something and I chucked my tennis racket at her. Needless to say at age 6, my parents pulled me from tennis.


Left overs: Now that I am the cook of the household…..yes, yes, heck yes, and how many days can we stretch it for?


Some of my other favorite ways to stay active are: biking, hiking, kayaking, and snowshoeing. Pretty much if it’s an outdoor activity, I like it :)


Thank you for keeping all us running folks motivated to run, and any other way to keep active…cuz I sure need it. It’s been difficult to keep positive/ motivated as I haven’t been able to run much this month with being quite sick – my husband and I have been fighting the flu and colds…can’t wait to fully recover!!!
But your posts have always been a good reminder that it’s ok, and I WILL get back out there lol, and that even a little bit of exercising is better than nothing!
Anyway, sorry, a bit off topic, but I wanted to let u know your posts make a difference ☺


Angela, your comment means a lot to me! Thank you so much for taking the time to write one… I needed it! I hope you start feeling 100% asap! Being sick is the worst!!!


Walking, hiking, and kayaking! I tried every sport at least once throughout my childhood. I played tennis for a year and a half or so in high school. I like leftovers but depends what the food is. Some things I won’t eat leftover, some things are way better the next day. My favorite milkshake of all time in the whole world is the Toasted Marshmallow Milkshake in DC at Good Stuff Eatery !!


It depends on what the leftovers are but typically I’m a huge fan of leftovers. Leftover Chinese, pasta, or chili, count me in! :)


Tennis is awesome! i used to play in high school…doubles were definitely my fav :) now my main two active stuff are running and dance!


That is awesome Bailey that you dance! I want to take some dance classes!!


aw thanks!! yeah it is SUPER fun you would love it!


I am AWFUL at tennis! Ha! I took lessons when I was younger but for some reason it just never stuck. Right now my other exercise outside of running and strength training is just hanging out with my 2.5 month old. We do lots of rocking, bouncing, and walk around the house so many times :) I’m sure I’ll want these days back again when I am chasing him everywhere! Ha!


I was a HS athlete way before running – softball, soccer, basketball! I still play beer-league softball in the summer.


I love tennis! I haven’t played in years because it’s such a nightmare in NYC(permits and court times and lines) and I really miss it!


Janae, have you ran the Vigor Big Cottonwood Canyon half marathon? I’m new to Utah and it looks like it might be a great race.


AHHHH I haven’t yet. I have heard so many good things about it though… I have never done a race in Big Cottonwood but I have done training runs there and it is gorgeous. I say go for it and Josse is currently talking me into Big Cottonwood canyon marathon:) Hope you are having a beautiful day and enjoying some of the sunshine.


Like you, I played tennis all through high school but haven’t picked up a racket in years. DH and I bike together and are really getting antsy to get our bikes out soon (we do not bike in the cold). We will be doing the Bike MS together for the second year in a row (we do this ride for a family member that’s fighting MS). Leftovers, heck yeah. We sometimes cook double just to have a few days worth of leftovers. Even my kids love them. Hope you enjoyed you Valentine’s Day. Love reading your posts.


Thank you so much Tina for your sweet comment! I think we are going to have to start copying your idea to cook double so that we have more leftovers! Andrew can’t wait to get his mountain bike out either! That is awesome you are doing the Bike MS again this year and please let me know how it goes!


I really like cycling. I started mountain biking 7 years ago and it’s a great workout.

There are only 2 of us so we eat a lot of leftovers. I think some things are even better after an extra day in the fridge!

Teddy’s on Oahu makes incredible milkshakes – they are made from Dave’s Ice Cream that is made here on the island. I also love the milkshakes from the Habit. Why do hamburger joints have such amazing milkshakes?


I COMPLETELY agree with you! Hamburger joints make the best milkshakes… you have been to 7 Brother’s (the burger place) on Oahu right?? the best chocolate and banana milk shake of my life!


I have not been to 7 Brother’s. Sounds like something we need to try while we are here!


Love tennis! So fun that you and Andrew can play together. My whole family played a ton when I was growing up and it was such a fun way to spend time together. I have great memories of summer evenings on the courts. I tried to pick it back up again a few years ago, but it kept triggering my achilles tendonitis so I had to retire my raquet for good.

Hope you feel better soon!


Happy Belated Birthday! I have really enjoyed reading your blog over the last year or so probably and it has been fun getting other people’s perspective on life and running. :) I have been on a running hiatus due to coaching a dance team (and also being sick) but now that our competitive season is over back to my running love! But my boyfriend and I also really like to play tennis when the weather cooperates. He is not a runner (plays basketball, which I don’t much enjoy) so it was a lot of fun to play tennis which neither of us is very good at but we get to spend time together!


My absolute favorite way to be active is to hike. Take me to the woods and I am at my absolute happiest!

I love tennis! My youngest daughter just started playing two summers ago. She has played on her high school team these last two seasons. I had never played until then, but now I get to play with her! We have a membership to a local indoor tennis club during the winter. Currently, she has a competitive match every Sunday, a lesson every Monday, and just for fun practice with friends/teammates every Friday. Needless to say, my car interior always has hints of green tennis ball fuzz everywhere!


I hope you’re headache left & you’re feeling better!

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