Lots of time with the family + 9 miles.

Hey, I cannot thank you enough for your sweet words yesterday.  It sure means a lot to me (and my family).  This life is sure a good one but there are a lot of ups and downs along the way… thank goodness for family, running and sugar;)  Just expect a lot of the three things that I just mentioned on the blog over the months up ahead.  Once again, thank you for your support and love.  We can feel it.

I’m going to share the highlights from our Saturday.

9 miles on the treadmill (it was 17 degrees outside and I did not want to mess around with that).  Like usual, running does that special thing for me and it even does it on the treadmill—> I step off the treadmill thinking more optimistically and hopeful than before I got on.

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Just started reading Open, an autobiography by Andre Agassi (Julie recommended it and I love her recommendations).  Also, athlete’s autobiographies are always my favorites… I love reading about what makes them successful and all of the things they do and get through to be where they are with their sport.

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I LOVE seeing Brooke doing her homework (what she calls anything involving letters or numbers) and her concentration levels.  This girl would do coloring and crafts all day long if she could.

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We had an early lunch of burrito bowls.  A base of rice with corn, peppers, chicken, onions, avocado and pico.  Topped with some ranch after the picture.

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Brooke adjusting the necklace that she made for Andrew:

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Gave Beretta some goodbye hugs before leaving.

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And then we met up with the family for my nephew’s basketball game.  I cannot believe how tall my nephew is these days… PS Andrew just became a Great Uncle yesterday!

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Brooke loves going to these basketball games so that she can play her own version of basketball with her cousins.

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My sister’s little man was out for the game.

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And he continued to stay asleep during the loud buzzers, cheering and being passed around from person to person.  I guess I could probably do the same thing… I did once sleep through a pretty big earthquake years ago.

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We are just wanting to spend as much time with my family as possible so it was Outback together for dinner.  Steak + salad + baked potato for me.

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And then for the evening we went on a drive.

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And to give Beretta some exercise.

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It was a gorgeous night.

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Also, Andrew picked these up at the store for me.  The perfect 9 pm snack.

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What is your Sunday going to be filled with?

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Wow, those pictures of the snowy evening are gorgeous. Hope everything works out well for your family!

Climbing today! There’s a 5.9 that I’ve been having trouble with…I keep getting stuck in a corner, lol! I’m taking a friend with me who is way better, so hopefully she can help me figure it out.


Happy Sunday! I Hope all is well with your family! Sending prayers & positive thoughts.


How do you read on the treadmill???!!!! I’m so jealous you can do that — especially as fast as you run. Bravo, girl!


Nice quality family time! I’m not a huge fan of those chocolate eggs but would still definitely devour them, haha. We are celebrating Carnival here in Peru today so I will be going to a house party and learn all about some wacky traditions they have here which include throwing water on people as they go by and hanging plastics up on a pole… haha !


Happy Sunday! Thinking of you and your family today!
Today is my rest day, so I plan to be lazy with my family. We all slept until 8am(which never happens, one of my dogs always wakes up at 6:30!!) and now my daughter is asking for donuts. We’ll see….
Looking forward to the Oscars tonight- I love award shows!


Continued prayers for your family!

Today is family, rest, church, and maybe a Costco run.


I wished my family lived closer. It’s definitely hard as everyone gets older. Today I’m teaching spin then completing a final exam and writing up nutrition notes to send to my clients this week.


Lots of prayers and hugs coming your way!

Today is church with the family. Then grocery shopping for the week. I have a new meatless stew recipe I want to try! My youngest has a tennis match this afternoon. And I need to get a bit of work work done. I’m traveling this week so I need to be ready!


I forgot to mention how glad I am that you are back in Utah and able to be with your family during times like this! It would be so hard to be states away. As much as I miss Oregon (daily!), I know being back here with my family is exactly where I need to be and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.


Prayers to you and your family!

Church and Harry Potter festival with the family today.


I’m glad the life event is a good one. Life is just full of crazy twists and turns.

My husband and I are spending the day together and hitting this cute little town that we like. We have some dinner Groupons so we’ll have to decide which place to hit up. (don’t you wish all decisions were this “hard.” :) they also have an amazing Trader Joe’s so we’ll be stopping there as well. (yeah, I’m a party animal).


I love sleeping in on Sunday mornings — and then tackling the TO Do LIST!

It’s always a great day when I’m all set for Monday — before supper time — that way I can relax and unwind all evening with hubby.

On today’s list: Dishes, clean out fridge, groceries, meal planning, and general tidying the place up!


So cold here lately! We were at a concert at The Depot last night and they advertised that Jimmy Eat World is coming back to Utah. They are touring with Incubus. I thought of you.


Church, 12 chilly miles and food prep/cleaning in between snuggles with the kiddos.

Sending love your way!


Blessings to your family. I hope everything is all right.

I have a suggestion for a future blog post. How do you organize your photos and what software/tools do you use? Currently I put mine in files by month/year, which works okay but not great. I have a hard time finding any particular photo if I don’t remember which month/year it was taken (which I probably don’t).


Sending prayers your way! Have you tried the cookies ‘n’ cream Cadbury eggs!? They are actually pretty good!!!!


The concentration on Brooke’s face while she’s writing is adorable!

For once I have a Sunday with no plans so I’m going to relax, although I do have some homework that I have to get done today.


Still thinking of you my friend, and hopefully things get better soon.

I’m done with the cold so I would have been right on the treadmill too. I love that tank!


Perfect 9pm snack? Ummmm perfect ANYTIME snack!

When I was in 3rd grade we were in Vegas for my brother’s football tournament and in the middle of the night the hotel’s fire alarm went off and the white hotel had to evacuate. My dad carried me out and I slept through it all. That worried my parents a little. lol. I slept through every loud thunderstorm in high school that my friends would talk about the next day that had kept them up. I thought for sure I would sleep through all my kid’s crying at night and was so worried. Little did I know how we are programmed to hear every little noise they make. Now I kinda wish I WOULD sleep through their middle of the night escapades. Ha!

I am glad you had a great day with your family. I am sure there will be many more in the future.


I’m glad everything is ok:) Outback is always a great idea!!

Also, that so funny that you’ve slept trough an earthquake. Wow! That was surely a deep sleep!

My Sunday will be filled in with grocery shopping. Lots and lots of grocery shopping lol


I am so impressed by your treadmill reading! I don’t think I could even do that walking on the treadmill.

I hope all is well with your family!!


I hope everything is okay with you and your family and that whatever’s going on gets better. Sending you lots of love <3
Also, thanks for reminding me that Easter candy is probably out in stores right now!


I hope things turn out ok. I don’t know what’s going on so I don’t know the right thing to say. I just hope everything is alright.

Did 8 miles on the treadmill and then Kettle bells. The temperature isn’t too bad for a run but it’s too windy today. Next up is laundry and baking raspberry bars for breakfast and cake batter rice krispy treats…..either work or preschool is getting those. If I keep them in the house, I will eat them all.


Keeping all of you in my prayers! <3


Sending lots of prayers to you and your family! <3


Praying for you and your family. Today we went to church and my parents joined since they were in town. Probably lots of cuddle time to follow.


Sending lots of positive thoughts your way. I hope you and your family will be experiencing highs again soon.

Love those pics of Beretta getting her run in. I hope to feel that happy during my long run tonight! :)

Have a great Sunday!


Sorry, I wish I knew when I texted the other day you were dealing with something heavy. Hugs to you.
“Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.” Romans 12:12


Still sending you and your family comforting thoughts.

Mini eggs are so silly delicious. When I was younger I liked to color my lips with the candy shell. They’re so fun to eat, too.

Today is Fasching-Germany’s version of Carnavale and Mardi Gras. It’s been a busy weekend of sports, high school dance, sleepovers, my daughters 17th birthday, and squeezing in a run and ride. After a nice long ride I threw dry gear on a rode to the local Fasching parade then came home for the usual evening flurry.

Hope you had a restful Sunday.


Brooke is adorable with her homework, you’ve got a good one there! Sending more prayers to your fam. What a blessing you can be there for each other.


I’m catching up on the blog right now, but I wanted to send some words of support and encouragement. I’ve followed your blog for so long and I feel my heart strings being pulled when I see you’re struggling. Never want you to go through tough times. My mind is with you sending lots of strength!


I did a family day today too. Family is so important.

Your nephew is sucking his thumb in about half of his pictures, I love it!


Sounds like a great day! Again, I’m so sorry for whatever you are going through.


Family time is absolutely wonderful! No matter the circumstances it’s always a great blessing to have.

I had no idea the Cadbury eggs were out already… That is DANGEROUS information to have. They are my favorite :) Hope you have a great week!

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