Tuesday TANGENTS (I’ve been doing this on Tuesdays for almost 6 years now… that’s weird).

I’ve been doing a bunch of tangents on Tuesdays on this blog for almost 6 years now.  That is a lot of tangents that I’ve been telling you, I’m sorry.

*We made a goal to go to boot camp or do some strength training together once a week.  Thank you Megan, my shoulders will be sore for the next 12 days.

*Strength training will always be hard (approximately 20 times harder than running) for me but Megan makes it more fun.

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*Afterwards we went with Brooke to get hot chocolate (I make her a little one and add creamer to it so it is just barely warm:).  She felt pretty cool.

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*And then Andrew and I watched this once she was asleep.  I’m okay never going into the ocean again.

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*My mom sent me this picture and told me that Brooke puts her little hand on her shoulder like so when she wants her hand to be rubbed.

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*Post marathon ice cream every night last week for a week.  It happens.

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*Beretta just sits there patiently the second her nose smells any food taken out of the refrigerator.  Yes, I am still working on switching Andrew over to the light (aka Brooks running shoes).  It’s a sore spot.

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*Andrew and I have quite a difference in our perception of temperatures.  I’m in a full on jacket and jeans and he’s in shorts and a short sleeve shirt.

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*I don’t even know how I came across this picture but I did.  This was many years ago when I went to BYU Hawaii.  We studied (ehhh… kind of) at the beach every single day.  Here I am talking to my mom on the phone on our walk back.  Random.

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*Right before they were off for their 5m race.


*HOW IS SHE OLD ENOUGH FOR THIS?!  PS we get Knox today which we are all beyond thrilled about!


*You were all right.  This show is so good.  I’ve laughed, cried and felt ten different emotions within the two episodes that I have watched.  I’m just going to sit here patiently waiting for the next one to come out.

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*He loves treadmill running too.  It’s wonderful.

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*Some people have asked how I do Brooke’s hair in a bun… I have no idea how to do hair but Brooke just has great hair so here is a little clip:


Have any Tuesday tangents?

Parents with little girls… have any hairstyles that you always do?

Who is watching This Is Us?  What are your thoughts on the show?

Who has a significant other that also runs?  Ever get to run together?

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My boyfriend runs also but he is 2-3 min faster per mile so we usually don’t run together.
I love French braiding so when my boyfriend has his girls I usually braid their hair.
Tuesday tangent is I am more sore after my half marathon Sunday than I have been from full marathons.


I love This is Us! For me, it is the best new show this fall! My husband (then boyfriend) introduced me to running 15 years ago and I have been in love (with both!) since. Since little guy was born 6years ago running together is a treat that doesn’t happen often enough. But we truly enjoy it when it does!


my boyfriend actually ran in college and is much better than I am, but humors me and runs with me sometimes. he always has the best advice though and helps me to structure my runs effectively which I can’t say I’m mad about haha.

and I watched half of the first episode with my mom a little bit ago and i’ve been wanting to get back into This is Us! Maybe there’s something I’ve got to add to my to do list today haha.


I recorded the second episode of This Is Us and need to watch it. I’m not sure how I can watch the first one, though. :/

Tuesday Tangent: I took off work today and plan to do at least one thing to help me get out of the funk I’ve been in lately.


Awww I don’t think Beretta likes treadmill running. Her face says, “hey guys, why aren’t we outside together!” haha

Adam HATES running, it’s so sad!!! He did a Tough Mudder once and after that 11 mile course he retired from running. I secretly think if he ran more in training (he only did 5 miles) that he would have enjoyed the running portion more – but what do I know? I’m only a runner. :D


That picture in Hawaii…You look just like your sister!

Hair: I do a lot of braids. My 7 yo’s hair is almost to her waist. Have you seen Cute Girl Hairstyles on YouTube? They have great how-tos for kids’ hair.


My boyfriend likes to run too! It makes traveling really fun because I have someone to go on self-guided running tours with :) We went to Paris over Memorial Day Weekend and spent a whole day literally running around the city to every major site (and obviously stopped along the way for croissants/macaroons)!


I do love the this is us show!!
My hubby does run as well, we usually run together every other Saturday. Weird I know, but that is only as often my inlaws will watch my girls.
I love how you do Brooke’s hair, and how still she sits while you do it. My girls have medium length hair and will only sit still long enough for me to put it in a messy ponytail ?. Love reading your blog!! You are such an inspiration!


My friends have recommended This Is Us and I want to start watching soon!


Love, Love, Love THIS IS US! I was bummed when last weeks wasn’t aired (Adulting and watching the debate is not fun, ha!) but super excited for episode #3 tonight! I also cried about a million times during the first episode, glad I’m not alone!

I wish my husband was a runner but he’s not, it’s okay. My neighbor runs and she and I love running together!


My father is a runner and he is the person who inspires me to do it. I used to go to the track with him all the time, since I was Brooke’s age to my early 20’s.
I’m now in a much better shape than before. I’m looking forward for his next visit so that we can go on a long run together.
I really hope I can become such a good runner as he is:)


Tuesday Tangent: Having a teething baby is hard…I’m sleepy. Also – I love treadmill running! My treadmill’s name is Miles and we’ve been running together for 7 years.

My husband can’t run anymore, but when he still could we tried to go together a couple of times. It wasn’t pretty. I’ve discovered I’m more of a solitary runner :O).


This is not at all related to your post, but I saw it on my local news site this morning and thought I should share. I know you’ve done your fair share of angry running! http://wtop.com/health/2016/10/beware-extremes-exercise-anger-may-trigger-heart-attack/


Our whole family is into running – we all had races at an event this weekend, and it was so fun! I can only run with my three year old now. My husband is way too fast for me, and my 9 year old just got yet another PB on the weekend for his 5k – 23:02. I can’t keep up!


I will have to save that video for when my daughter’s hair is long enough for that. Right now all we can do it a top ponytail lol

Haven’t watched This Is Us yet, might need to!

My husband does not run, but I am lucky he is 100% supportive of mine. SO much he didn’t mind when I told him I bought a treadmill last week so I can run when hes at work and we’re home lol


I haven’t seen “This is Us” but I’ve also been committed to Gilmore Girls and The West Wing at the moment.

My partner in crime also runs, but I usually prefer we run separate. Since running is both a really big passion for us, I prefer we let each indivudual craft it in their own artistic way and have their space. Buttt you best believe we talk non stop about all of our adventures and go to races together :)


I love This Is Us! I was sad when I thought my DVR didn’t record the last episode, but I guess it skipped a week, phew! Thanks for the video, I am in the I wanted to know how you do it camp. Brooke has awesome hair, I wish mine did that…looks simple, but is so not! hehe. You should watch Cute Girls Hairstyles on youtube, they have a TON of super awesome and fun hair tutorials!


My husband runs a little bit, but we don’t run together. I love treadmill running and catching up on my favorite shows…. I save them until I get on the treadmill so that is my motivation to run!


I’ve been wanting to watch the shallows! I’ve been anti-ocean since my dad and I watched Jaws as a kid (and we lived about 15 min from the beach).
I love doing my daughter’s hair, she’s only a year and half but she has a ton of long hair so we do ponytails and pigtails and little braids. It’s beyond cute.
Happy Tuesday!


My husband runs too, but he is more of a sprinter that long distance. Deep down, he is a soccer lover. But, we do you like to run together and I’ve convinced him to go on my long runs with me.
Oh my goodness, I was wanting to watch that movie. Just seeing the trailer was enough to convince me the ocean is meant for other people and not me. ;)


My husband and I aren’t runners, but we do work out together frequently. It always helps get me motivated to go to the gym knowing he’s coming with me!


My significant other runs in fact that’s how we met. We both run for a group that raises money for cancer. One morning it was pretty slushy and cold out & none of my running friends were going, but I still decided to go. In the middle of the run he came up to me and started talking to me… we ended up dating later on :) We train & race together all the time. Last year I had a goal to run a half marathon a month & he joined in on it with me. We’ve had so much fun running together. We have a little baby on the way now & still run together. We plan to after the babies born too.

Also This is Us is my new favorite show. It reminds me so much of Parenthood, but a million times better. I cannot wait for the next episode.


I love braiding my daughter’s hair and follow hair braiding accounts on You tube and Instagram. Cutegirlshairstyles is a great one! They post videos on the styles.

We love This is Us. I don’t watch much tv but really loved that show.

I’m not a runner but love weight training and use the bike due to back issues. I just recently injured it again though and got a herniated disc so I’m trying to have it fixed without surgery. It’s very slow-going and I’m missing out on some of my kids’ activities and my workouts so kind of bummed. :( I hope you’re having a great day!


Maybe Ross ran a million marathons in another life and that is why he eats ice cream every night. I don’t know what would be more shocking, Ross running a marathon, or Ross not eating half a gallon of ice cream every night before bed.

It looks like Beretta is sniffing Andrew’s butt in that picture. I thought the tangent was going to say something like that. Probably best it didn’t.

I pretty much only know how to do braids for little girl’s and ummmm my hair too.

Flip phones. #Memories


My little girl has super thin hair. I’m hoping it thickens up some so I have a chance at practicing fun braids on her!

My husband is a big runner too! We actually tan part of the TC Marathon together on Sunday. We had hoped to run the whole thing together, but he hit the wall so I kept going. I did manage to snap a pretty awesome mid run selfie of the two of us before we seperated though!


I might have to give This Is Us a try, I’ve had a few people now tell me how good it is. I’ve really been enjoying Designated Survivor.


I’m pretty sure I’ve been following your blog for most of your Tuesday Tangents. What’s going on in LOLZ life today? Not too much, I typically have Tuesdays off so I’m just relaxing and cleaning my house…something I should have done days ago…


I love This Is Us and can’t wait for tonight’s episode. What I can’t remember from the first episode is what story the doctor told Jack to get him to adopt Randall. They were in the hallway and the doctor said something to him…………can someone tell me what he said. Also……….did anyone catch the preview for tonight’s episode???? Who’s knocking on Randall’s door???


I can’t do scary movies. I’m such a wuss!


I sure hope I can find a honey one day that’ll be into running like me and motivate me to get up outta bed!

Megan is great to eyeing strength workouts for you. I was wondering if sometimes on your rest days you go out for an easy run and if so how long? And if you felt like it was easy do you count it as a rest day? Or a legit workout day?


We watched that movie……………I found it creepy in the thought of being all alone and injured in the ocean, but it got a little cheesy with the shark at the end…………..but still can’t believe that was Blake’s post baby body………….hello Hollywood personal trainers!

My husband doesn’t run, but he will bike with me on my runs, and I am always 20-30 seconds per mile faster with him………….think it’s like him being my pacer. He will bike ahead and wait for me at certain spots along our riverwalk trail. He listens to a podcast and I have my music on, but it still feels good to be out there together. And we go on walks through the nearby college campus alot, and we bike all over town (live downtown near work, and don’t even own a car!). We also live 2 blocks from a pedestrian only bridge that connects us with the Publix grocery store across the river………….very convenient!


I do a lot of braids with my daughter. Her hair is super fine, so it’s hard to do anything super intricate with it though (doesn’t help that my hair is crazy thick so the way I learned to style hair really doesn’t work with hers). She also loves to have it straightened, so we generally keep it pretty simple.
My husband doesn’t like to run, and he prefers to workout alone :( It makes me a little sad, but at the same time I understand the need to have that alone time to center yourself so I can’t blame him. I still hold out hope that he’ll eventually decide he loves to workout with me though lol!


Good Lord that child has so much hair. It’s unreal…


This is a tangent question for Tangent Tuesdays… Where is your table from??? I love it! my husband and I moved into our house back in March and still don’t have a kitchen table!


That pic from Hawaii – you look like your sister! I thought it was your sister!

I am watching This Is Us. I have cried (but I cry at commercials so…) and I am committed but still not sure how I feel about it. Excited it’s on an hour earlier tonight because well sleep <3


Dogs just know something is going to hit the floor during food prep. Beretta is being proactive.

When my husband was able to run, he never ran with me. Now he’s decided should his walking come back we’re doing a race together.

I tried a spin class again today. I tried it years ago and hated it. (no exaggeration). This wasn’t bad, except my butt is killing me. It wasn’t running though. :) On the other hand, it got me out of the pool which was a nice change of pace.

Have you tried Black Forest Gummies? they’re organic, free of artificial flavors and colors are from natural sources. They were pretty good but I don’t generally eat gummy candies so no idea what they taste like compared to others.


My husband is totally allergic to running, but we do bike and ski together, which I love! And when we go on road trips, he lets me do awesome point to point runs while he tinkers with the camper and then picks me up. Some advantages to marrying a non-runner :)

And do you think I could stop by your mom’s and lay my head on her shoulder too? Love that Brooke does that. We are all about head/hand/back scratchies in our family.


You totally can:) She would love to have you over. Allergic to running hahah! That made me laugh! I love all of the fun things you guys do together and that is definitely an advantage:) Hope you are having a great evening!!!


Yes!! I am also LOVING ‘this is us’. Can’t wait for the next episode.


My only tangent today: can it be the weekend yet?

I run, my husband cycles but lately we have been dabbling in each other’s sports. So yes, we do both of those together.

Btw- I love that Berretta sneaks in to so many of your pictures.


I MISSED THE PARTY! It’s only 9pm on the west coast but all you guys are fast asleep, I’m sure. Okay so I have 3 boys and 1 girl and my girl does NOT let me near her hair. :( So sad. Although I’m not much of a girly girl anyway, so doing her hair isn’t like, up there with meeting Chris Farley and eating chocolate covered almonds but it WOULD be nice if she let me run a brush through it once in a while.

I miss (my) Andrew running. He did 3 marathons and then stopped cold turkey. :(

I love the pic of you in Hawaii. Awesome.


I’ve watched three episodes of This is Us and had SO many emotions! It’s such a great show!


I LOVE This is Us! I can’t wait for the next episode. SO good :)


when i was little i used to wear a pony tail as high on my head as possible, and i had a hair tie with a pink rose. i thought it was the prettiest thing! haha it was a little obnoxious looking at those old pictures, but hey it was the 80s


Oh how I would love to get my hubby to run with me. Alas, he is not a fan of cardio — and that’s being kind. Honestly, he detests all things cardio!! He hates the feeling of being out of breath…

You work on Andrew to see the light and switch shoes — I’ll work on my hubby so he sees the light and runs with me!


I don’t know how you get her beautiful hair combed out!!! My youngest little boy has curly hair and he strongly dislikes when I comb it after a bath :s

Her pony is the cutest. I wish I had hair as thick as Brooke’s! She’s gorgeous!

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