Our most exciting thing recently—>  we told the kids what we are going to do for their Christmas this year.  Both kids will be with their other parents this Christmas (I’m really glad they are on the same schedule though for holidays so we can all be together next year) so Andrew and I have been deciding what to do for Christmas. We decided that we are going to skip the presents thing this year and drive to Disneyland at the beginning of December instead.

They were really happy about our Christmas idea but also beyond excited to see what treats were in their box from Main Street Creations.

Annette sent over the best box of treats that you can only get at Disneyland—>  She does a Disney subscription box of the best treats and snacks from the parks!  We used one to tell the kids about our trip soon!

Disney treats > all other treats.


Candy corn rice krispy treat success:


A workout wasn’t in the cards this morning because we had their cousin’s carnival to attend.


I’m glad they take the cake walk seriously.  Important stuff.

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Instead of a morning workout I will be using my treadmill in a few minutes.

Luckily, I think I love the treadmill more than most people but still, sometimes those minutes feel like forever.

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Or maybe I will use the spin bike.  Somebody decide for me.  Or maybe I will rotate back and forth.


We stopped by Mer’s house to show off their costumes.

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Bangs Friend sent this to me…. California (Brooke is going to see her dad) here we come!

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I don’t know what it is about grilled cheese sandwiches but I want one daily for lunch.


Part way into my sandwich I remembered what my family loves to do—>  top the grilled cheese with jelly.  Sounds really strange but in reality it is the best.  Let me know if you try it:)

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Beretta was so beyond happy when Andrew arrived that this happened… She can sure jump.


She started with her head on the pillow… I have no idea how this happened.

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How do you rate the treadmill on a scale from 1-10?  1 being you really dislike it and 10 being you kind of love it.

Disney lovers—>  what are your favorite treats from the parks?

Any weird food combinations that you love but others think is strange?

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I actually kind of love the treadmill (10 for me!) although that’s not to say I don’t live for my outdoor runs.
Farthest I’ve run on the treadmill is just over ten miles and I think I fit in a couple episodes of Lost. Treadmill running is a good excuse to binge watch a Netflix series if you ask me ;)


Andrew ran on the treadmill last night while watching Lost. It’s the perfect treadmill show:) I am just like you–> Love the treadmill but there is just something about those outdoor runs!


Treadmill gets a 3 from me. It serves a purpose but I have never had a runners high while running indoors.

I just had candied bacon. Hello. It was amazing. Perfect sweet and salty


Beretta looks like she is wondering why Goofy didn’t send her treats.

I like the treadmill for shorter runs and I’d give it a 7. For long runs I’m at a 3.5, I’m grateful it’s an option but I start hating it. Furthest I went was 12 mile.

I like the caramel apples from the confectionery (I’ve only been to Disney World) and the Mickey ice cream sandwiches.

I cannot bring myself to try your combo. My friends think it’s weird that I add spinach to my smoothies. It takes them a while to realize you can’t actually taste it.


Great costumes! I’m beginning to love the treadmill more than i used to. Something about being able to run in the safety of my home instead of solo in the dark in the morning plus netflix are winning me over. Weird flavor combos: I love ginger in salsa. Bin Appetit has a recipe for brown rice and black beans with ginger cilantro salsa and it is amazing. Such a kick of unexpected flavor.


I love mac&cheese with pickles on the side. Something about the vinegar/cold/crispiness of the pickles go so well with the hot creamy smoothness of the mac and cheese.

Am I the only one that like this? It’s the same for grilled cheese — gotta have pickles.

Maybe I just love pickles? Dill are the best!

I love the treadmill!! Air conditioning, easy access to water, and being able to watch a movie = some of my favorite things!

Bonus – NO dodging traffic! NO bugspray/sunblock needed! I can zone out and *usually* the miles just tick away!


Try sprinkling some garlic powder on the buttered part of your grilled cheese. Life changing.


Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Thank you Cortney, I will be trying that tomorrow.


I really want to love the treadmill, and it sounds appealing when I just want to squeeze in a run but can’t leave the house- but for some reason, it does hurt my knee. Just my right knee, but it irritates it. I just don’t know why!
(well, that’s how it was before…)

we used to go to Disney Land or Disney Sea (it’s a Japan thing..) at least once or twice a year- just because it’s quite easy to get there and you don’t have to stay overnight unless you want to. I guess the treats are completely different from Japan and US but I do know that all the treats they sell came in these really really cute tin cans or boxes that you can use after you finish the treats. I miss going to Disney!


I never knew that dipping grilled cheese in ketchup was my family thing until I started dating my husband. Also, love to dip bacon in OJ. I had a student that constantly brought a fried egg and jelly sandwich to school every day. I thought that was odd. But my 5 year old’s obsession with the combo of grapes and French dressing is just weird.


Try putting the jam IN the grilled cheese! My current obsession–apricot jam with Brie on sourdough! My panini press is a very dear friend. ??


Okay, that sounds absolutely amazing. I’ll be over next week sometime for you to make me one mmmkay?


Oh…and I’m a big treadmill fan. Only way I can get in runs most days with my kiddos! Added bonus is that I am WAY faster outside, so I can do a ton of treadmill stuff and then knock 2 minutes/mile off outside and still have it feel like the same amount of effort! My longest TM run was 18 miles. That one was kinda miserable because I had to stop to nurse a baby at mile 14 and then start again…it was like 11 pm and I was so cold and tired!

Better go now to start my TM time now that the kids are in bed. Hoping for 10-12 before the baby wakes up!


I go in phases with the treadmill. There are months where I ONLY want to run on the treadmill, and then months where I don’t even want to think about the treadmill. Currently I’m in the “I don’t want to think about the mill” phase, but I am sure I’ll be back to it at some point! Come to think of it, the phases seem to sync up with the weather. During the hottest months I seem to love the treadmill :)


I am totally a “1” when it comes to the treadmill. I have tried so hard to make goals to do at least four miles or an hour or get through a podcast or tv show and generally end up giving up after about 2-3 miles and call it a day. I just am so bored and it’s not enjoyable. I run outside generally despite the weather or lack of sun— although this makes my hubby not always the happiest!! I try to at least be reflective!!


I didn’t ever run on a treadmill for about 15 years because I was scared I’d fall off. We bought one four years ago (young kids at home and hot Texas weather means outdoor runs don’t happen every day) and I love it. 10 for sure. I’m actually embarrassed how much I love it. Partly I get lazy running outside and tend to go at a more comfortable pace whereas I often use the treadmill to do speed work… not gonna happen otherwise, sadly. Oh and I am too scared to wear headphones outside so I get to listen to music on the treadmill.

I don’t know if this is strange, but Brie and blue cheese together on a cracker is so good.


I can’t believe I forgot to mention French fries dipped in a chocolate ice cream. Try it at Dairy Queen with a blizzard. Just trust.


YES YES YES… we did that at Wendy’s growing up. Fries dipped into a Frosty–> so so good! I will have to try your cracker combo asap! Love to hear that you love your treadmill too… so convenient and nice to feel safe!


Applesauce and cheetos! Need to dip the cheetos in the applesauce! Or dip potato chips in it. Seriously my fav!!!


WHAT!?!? I have never heard of doing that but I will try it!!


I’m like a 5 on the treadmill. It’s not my favorite but it’s awesome when going outside isn’t an option!

California Adventure has a resteraunt near Goofy’s ride and it has some delicious pasta!

We love grilled cheese and jam! I also really like green bell peppers with peanut butter. And fries dipped in my milkshake. Hot Tamales and popcorn! Ow I’m hungry!


I love seeing you post your Mer in here!!! So cute the kiddos go show her their costumes! Speaking of dreadmill…I have a treadmill run right now! Hopefully I get 4 miles in now that baby is asleep!!!


running outside will always be my #1, BUT I give the tready a solid 8 … it’s helped me get used to holding certain paces that translate nicely when I run outdoors! your water is there and you don’t have to hold it! it’s safe to wear headphones! you can glance at the mirror and check your form! (i’m always straightening up when I see my Hunchback self in the mirror)


Ughh. It’s called a dreadmill for a reason! A necessary evil at times, but definitely not my top choice!


Love your posts, even though I’m not a runner! I spied your skin bike….is that a Schwinn? I’ve been looking to purchase one but they are so expensive, yikes! Could I ask where you purchased yours and if you have an idea on how to get a deal?


Hey Megan!!! Thank you for reading:) Oh I LOVE my spin bike. Love it. I’ve had it for about 5 years now and I bought it off of Amazon. I’ve used it a lot over the years! Here is the link and good luck:


I love running on the treadmill …like a 10. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy outside, but I love so many perks of running on the treadmill. I can run inside without worries of something scaring me or safety issues. I also enjoy that I can watch netflix during long runs and then get off and be done. Plus adjusting speeds and elevations is a button away compared to steps.

We typically bring our food at Disneyland but last time we had coke floats and they were yummy!


I used to hate the treadmill but know I really enjoy it when I do sprint intervals. Still can’t run more than 5 miles but it’s way more than I used to do.


that’s the greatest subscription box! I love the desserts at Disney world and just booked our next trip there for holiday time! we love the chocolate covered apples and the giant cookie ice cream sandwiches at the main street bakery the best!


Janae!!! I can’t believe you do the grilled cheese and jam combo!! I grew up doing that in the South, and I have not met anyone else that does it. It is THE BEST!!! So glad we have this in common! Yall are too cute. Have a great Halloween!!


Love the treadmill! It’s a life saver during our cold Canadian winters. I’m a suck and hate running in wind, rain, ice and slushy wet snow lol. During the summer though, I do all my runs outdoors.
Utah looks soooo beautiful…that “gold” mountain is spectacular!!! My brother and sister in law used to live in Eugene, Oregon which had an awesome running scene and I’m sad they’re no longer there. I think it’s time for another trip out west, this time to Utah :)


My kids have been bugging me to go to Disney. I have a couple of odd combos, first peanut butter and honey sandwiches. The second is dipping corney dogs in mayo. No idea how I started doing it but I have been doing it since I was little. My husband also thinks it’s odd that I will dip almost anything in Ranch. My daughter likes to combine ketchup and honey to dip her fries, chicken nuggets and apple slices in.


My family has always put strawberry jelly on our grilled cheese and everybody thinks we are crazy!!! So happy you know how yummy it tastes :)


I would have to say 10 on the treadmill because without it, there would be no runs sometimes.

Peanut Butter, Banana, and Mayonnaise sandwich. My grandma introduced me to it when I was little and still love it. People think my brother and I are crazy when we talk about it.


Don’t worry you aren’t the only one who loves the treadmill… I do about 99% of my runs on it since they are usually in the early morning hours. I just put on a good show and go and I tell myself that I can only watch the show while running so it makes me stay on there longer than I usually would.


We have been to Disney World 3 times ~ and have done all the parks however, right now I cannot think of ONE treat that is a must have. HA! I guess we are too caught up in the rides and what the next one will be that we just eat whatever. (And I do pack easy snacks because I hate paying those prices for snacks.)


Treadmill running = sometimes 10 and sometimes 1.

Favorite treat from the Parks = cinnamon buns with a cup of coffee.


So far this week when we have gone in to check on Felicity before we go to bed we have found her: On the floor next to anna’s bed, on the floor in the middle of the room, naked in her bed and on the opposite side of the bed. I would say this transition is going pretty smoothly.

Yay for Disneyland! Trips/experiences are way better than ‘presents’ in my opinion ;)

Have fun this weekend!


ALSO, a Matterhorn Macaroon from the holly jolly bakery and a Raspberry Rose Mickey Macaron. Notice one is a macaroon and one is a macaron. They are different, but both sooooo delicious.


Treadmill running is a 1 for me (I would give it a 0 if I could!). I just hate everything about it.

I think my favorite Disney treats are the Dole Whip floats (with pineapple juice) and the big cinnamon rolls from the Mainstreet bakery.

Something I love that other people always think it weird is cheese on pears! Mostly something like a shredded sharp cheddar on juicy sweet pear slices. So good!


I would give the treadmill a 5…………….I like that I have one, but I admit it doesn’t get much use. I would so much rather be outside running!
Disney treats: dole whip with the fresh pineapple, mickey mouse waffles, and mickey mouse ice cream bars…………..anything shaped like mickey tastes better!


haha! I used to always wake up upside down in my bed like that too! so funny :)


Treadmill = 10!! My treadmill and I are very close (his name is Miles). I hate running in the dark (and the cold) – so being able to stay in my house and not have to brave the outside world at 4 am is the only thing that gets my butt out of bed. I love that there are convenient holders for water bottles and gu/fuel and there is a wonderful fan if I’m too warm. I also love the treadmill if I’m not feeling well, or if I’m unsure of a possible injury. You never have to worry about being stranded somewhere with an urgent bathroom issue, or wanting to cut a run short because you feel crappy, but you’re already three miles away from your house. It is also the best thing ever when you have a baby and you can keep an eye on them while getting your miles in. Love it!! (*Proform should totally hire me for PR)


i’m like a 6 or 7 on the treadmill. sometimes i actually feel like it, but most of the time i prefer outside. time goes way faster and i run more efficiently and proper (i think?).
also–grilled cheese and jelly/jam is THE BEST. put an egg on it…you will die.


I didn’t know there was a subscription box for Disney treats!!! (I sort of wish I could unread that…) Taking the kids to Disney for Xmas is an AWESOME idea!!!

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