The waves of a runner, huge family dinner plus a life video from us.

Sunday church day with the family.  The kids did their best ever at church yesterday so that was a big accomplishment for all of us:)

We went with my sister and her family.

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Little guy has quite the cool hair style these days.

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Andrew and I have been craving sweet potatoes for quite some time now so we made them yesterday.  Sweet potatoes, olive oil, salt and an oven… all you need for success.


Brooke came up with quite the stylish combo.


And then we went over to my parent’s house to celebrate my brother’s bday (he is in town visiting).   She made her famous lasagna.  It truly is my favorite meal.


The kids all played outside for a bit.


My mom brought out the ginormous chocolate cake from Costco.  This cake will always remind me of the movie Matilda.


We finished off the night on the highest of levels by laughing non-stop at ridiculous things on the internet.  It hurt we were laughing so hard.

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And a random little movie with some clips from our life lately:


It’s always interesting going from training for a marathon to training for nothing.  After the holidays I will come up with what races I want to do for sure (and I might do a few shorter/just for fun races before then) next year but really right now, I’m just running.  It’s strange going from 55 miles a week to not nearly as many miles a week or from 20 milers to maybe a 7 miler.  My brain is scientifically wired (okay, that is just my theory) to tell myself that I am not doing enough.  I’m not injured, I feel great and I’ve got a time slot each week that I could easily fit in some good double digit runs so I tell myself that what I’m doing right now is not enough.

But then I am reminded that a runner’s year is filled with waves… between tapering, peak training weeks, race weeks, recovery weeks, injuries, base building, crazy times in life——>  I want to enjoy each of the different waves I go through as a runner and be patient with myself and my body while I go through them.  Oh and I think each runner’s waves last longer or shorter than others depending on their body/life situations/training.

And then I tell myself that for the wave that I am in right now as far as training…  I am doing enough.  I sat by some water for a bit last week on a 2.9 mile run just thinking about that.  My body is very happy with a 24 minute run, a little core and then being done and moving on with my day at this point right now.  I miss those long runs with Josse right now but waiting until I’m all recovered and rested up before doing it again is the best for me long term.

I think being patient with all of the different waves (and mini waves throughout each week—>  i.e. speedwork, easy day, long run, easy day) is one of the many keys that can help us to get closer to our potential as runners.

You are enough.  My favorite mantra right now (well.. ‘I am enough’:).   Look at where you are RIGHT NOW… not where you were last year or five years ago or 3 months ago.  I’m trying to focus on where I am at now rather than where I was last month or last year at this time.  Where I am at this moment is right where I should be during this running wave and I’m going to enjoy it while it is here.

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PS this is random but I take screenshots of a lot of your comments and emails so I can look over them and remember them:)  I LOVED what Hanneke shared from her coach:

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What wave of running are you in right now?  What is your favorite running wave?  

What was the best run that you had last week?

Anyone have a birthday coming up?  What day?

Any good running quotes you’ve heard lately (for me to take a screenshot of)?

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I love that mantra and definitely need to remind myself of that more. It can be difficult sometimes, because it’s so easy to get down on ourselves, but reminding yourself you are enough is so important. Thank you for that. :)

The best run I had last week was my long run at the lake on Saturday. I love running at the lake, and this one felt so good. I put some faster miles in toward the end, and I used your tactic of telling myself the things I was doing well, and it really helped! It made the tempo part of the run not seem so bad–it was actually a lot of fun!


My birthday is 10/25. Week from tomorrow. :)
I just entered my slow season for running. Last half marathon complete. Only fun runs for the remainder of the year so I’m walking and hiking more now and just want to work on injury prevention stuff with some short runs when I feel like it.


Right now I’m in between races, and after that I’m taking a break for the holidays. My favorite wave is when running feels easy and it’s just pressure, no rebuilding, just pure bliss :)


Funny story about running encouragement: For a long time, I found myself in the habit of trying to talk myself out of going for a run. (I don’t know why I bothered, since it never worked. I always ran.) I would tell myself things like, but it’s going to be boring, it’s going to suck, is it really worth redoing my makeup and ruining my good hair day? My running friend told me to stop doing that and change my inner dialogue to this is going to be great, or this is going to be so much fun. “You mean, lie?” I asked her. No, she said. I always feel really good after a run, so that means I would be telling the truth. All that other stuff I told myself? That was the lie.


I LOVE this Lynn. So glad your running friend helped you out with what you were telling yourself!


I just finished my last race of the year a week ago was really struggling with the same thing. When I am in an “off” time I feel like I have to hit a certain number of miles to still be a runner. Realistically my body needs rest and some short easier runs to recovery. I worry so much about losing fitness too. It’s hard, but I am doing my best to work on it.


YES YES YES I totally get it Rachel! Congrats on your race last week:) I get feeling that same way… it’s so hard to cut back but I know my body needs it to avoid not having to take time off completely because of injury!


Riding the recovery wave and struggling with it! My marathon was a week ago but I’m already itching to get back out there. It’s always hard the first couple weeks post marathon to be comfortable with not running as much!

Favorite running wave is the first 3 days post-marathon. Still embracing (and appreciating) recovery mode and still feeling the runner’s high!


My niece turned 12 on the 13th.
Unfortunately I’m in the running wave of injury. I’m dying to get back to running after not being able to run during pregnancy (due to complication, not just because I was pregnant), but I’m having some issues that are preventing it. I think this is the first time I’ve not been able to run for so long. It is super frustrating.


I ran the Chicago marathon a little over a week ago, and I’m still in rest mode from that. I have cycled and ran since then, but they were both short workouts just to get my heart pumping again. I’ll start ramping back up this week. My parents have the same birthday (!) and got married on that day, October 9, so it’s always a good month. :)


CONGRATS on Chicago!! That is awesome… I really want to do that race! No way about your parents… that is so cool. Lots to celebrate on October 9th!


This is what I needed to read. I ran Chicago a week ago, and haven’t run since, by choice. I woke up this morning, intending to do my first run, but I decided to skip the alarm and rest up a bit more. There was no guilt, and it felt great to have the choice to do it instead of having to get up and run so i could check a training day off the schedule. Now I’m looking forward even more to reuniting with one of my running buddies tomorrow morning for a catch up run together!


Way to go Bethany… that is awesome. Enjoy that run tomorrow morning with your running friends!


I think it’s important to take rest periods and down periods too. As much as I hate getting injured, it does allow myself time to just relax and not worry about anything. Glad you are enjoying yourself. Too funny about screenshotting comments because I do the same thing! That and texts :-)


Such a good reminder!
Currently I am in the “injured” wave of running and overcoming overtraining syndrome- just learning ot be patioent and your post definately helped!
My favorite running quote is from Cool Runnings! “…a gold medal is a wonderful thing, but if you’re not enough without it, you’ll never be enough with it.”


Fun family video.
I like the cycles, when I don’t take some time off I end up injured.

I tried adding easy running intervals into my walk on Thursday. I was good until mile 3.5 and I switched back to just walking. By mile 4 my foot had enough. I stuck with spinning this weekend and I will pool run today. It doesn’t look like walking the marathon will be an option. It’s not my ideal but I was hoping it would be an option.


Oh Nina. I am so so sorry about your foot. Please keep me updated on how your foot is doing. Hoping for quick recovery!


Thanks, Janae. My fascia ruptured 5 weeks ago. I was in a boot for 4 weeks and did pool running. Now I’m stretching it out and doing what I can, like spinning but staying in the saddle most of the time. My podiatrist (who is also a surgeon) said, “I’d fix it for you if I could, unfortunately it will heal in it’s own time.”


1. My Hus has wanted me to buy that cake from Costco for at least a year, and I won’t do it!!! LOL He has no self control, so we really need a party to buy it for so that we HAVE to share…lol
2. It must be “meant to be” when you say your mantra is “you are enough” right now, b/c the last 2 weeks during my girls bible study, that phrase has become something we repeat to each other over and over again.
3. I just finished Chicago marathon last Sunday. Missed my 4:30 goal by 19 minutes so by Monday, I was looking for another race haha. (As were the rest of the runners that did Chicago with me lol) By Tuesday, we all signed up for the Columbus half yesterday…Hit THAT goal at least! I love halves! I was able to shave off 8 min of my half PR and finished in 2:01. Felt great, but….I’m already spending my morning looking for races in November/December that are close! LOL As soon as a race is over, I don’t know what to do with myself! I need/love the schedule and structure and “goal”. Buuuuuut, I will NOT be running this week – just swimming, strength training, and spinning. :)


Nikki!! That is why I can’t buy that cake for my house… because I have no self control ha. Love that you have been saying that with my girls, that is something I want to do with our kids too. CONGRATS on the Chicago marathon! I am sorry that you missed your time goal.. I get that! Those marathons are tricky and I never know how race morning is going to go BUT HUGE CONGRATS on your 8 minute half pr. That is a huge PR. Way to go, and enjoy this week of swimming, strength and spin.


My boyfriend’s birthday is on Wednesday and my mom’s is on Saturday.


Loving your clothes in this post! Your outfit for church is so cute! But what I really want to know is, what is the purple striped topped you’re wearing in the pic with the yummy sweet potato fries?


Thank you Kate!!! Okay, so I am wearing the Moving Comfort Fusion Hoodie from a few years ago and I can’t find it available anywhere online. Let me know if you find it, it is so comfortable!!


Thanks for the info! I’ll see what I can find. I just love how the sleeves look nice and long. Looks so comfy!


I just finished my first marathon yesterday! So I’m going to take a few days to recover and transition to shorter/faster training. My next goal is to PR a 5K.


SUSIE!!! HOLY COW!!! Huge huge huge congrats!!! Way to go girl and recovery well!


Oh my gosh girl!! Thank you!!

I have to hand it to you, your posts kept me so informed and motivated!! I really couldn’t have done it without your blog!!


I love the video, little snippets of the week! Thanks for sharing.
Also your blog is not showing up in blogger feed again! Just a heads up. Well it’s not showing up in mine. Maybe others!


AHHHHH NOOOOOOOO!!! I don’t know why it keeps doing that. Thank you Sarah for letting me know. I will contact them!


This reminds me of how synonymous running and life can be. There are truly seasons for everything and each season has purpose. I enjoy the build up of a hard training cycle and after the race, it definitely can feel like a let down (even if you have a great race). I am in a “wave” of running a lot of short distance races. There are so many local 5Ks and 10Ks this time of year. I love it! I’m working on my speed instead of focusing on marathons. My best run last week was a 10K PR :) Woo hoo! I saw a quote that said, “Running is a mental sport and we are all insane.” It cracked me up, probably because it is so true!


“There’s magic in misery. Just ask any runner” – Dan Kanazes.

That is one of my favorite quotes about running. Sometimes I feel completely miserable while running. Everything hurts and my mind is telling me to stop. But when I finish It feels like true magic.

My run on last Thursday was exactly like that.


Okay, I LOVE that quote. That is perfect… we all know that magic!!! So glad your run last Thursday was so amazing:)


Right now I run 8 miles every Saturday, keeps me in good enough shape so if I want to train for something quick, it doesn’t take too long!


Thank you so much for saying that Costco chocolate cake reminds you of Matilda! We got that cake for my daughter’s 2nd birthday and I said that it reminded me of Miss Trunchbull and no one. NO. ONE. in my family remembered that from Matilda.


YES! Everyone always complains about the Taper Tantrums and I feel like I am the only one who gets the post-Marathon my life has no meaning crazies! This is the first year I have taken a full week off of running, and basically exercise altogether, post Marathon. I am just starting to get back into the swing of things and am trying to respect the fact that there are seasons to all things, we are not machines :)


Definitely still riding the pregnancy wave! Running was tough last week…my body felt fine but my FEET HURT SO BAD! I treated myself to a pedicure and I bought some yogitoes…so hopefully I can get some relief. The longest run I did last week was 5 miles and my feet were screaming the whole way. :( All part of this season, and probably my body saying to take it easy.
What were those socks you reviewed several months ago that had arch support? I had them bookmarked but somehow I lost it…I was going to buy them and then totally spaced, but I want them now! :)


I just did a HM last week with my 14 year old daughter and I was her pacer so it was a huge achievement for her and I was so proud and had so much fun with her..made me teary throughout!! I am riding on the wave of beginning training for my next half at my pace so have a 10k race in 3 weeks for fun and will be pacing a 14 year girl who is diabetic (a bit different as we are testing throughout the race and possibly treating a low thus having to walk?? If anyone has advice/ feedback on this..I would LOVE it.

My daughter’s first half…magic.

I saw the quote “If I pass out, please pause my garmin” and thought it so funny!!!


Love this post! I just finished my first marathon in Chicago last weekend and it seems so weird to not have a “plan” for my workout schedule. I have been trying to listen to my body but I am anxious to get back to a normal schedule.


Do you color your hair!? If so, what color do you use?!


How has no commented on your dancing???!!?Super great, made me smile on this rainy Monday.
Running wave=zero need to motivate myself.


I was thinking the SAME THING! How was no one commenting on Janae’s awesome dance moves!? SO adorable!


My wave right now:
First Half back after a serious injury (femur at hip stress fracture) yesterday at Duke City Marathon!
This year was interesting to say the least. Injuries make you evaluate everything about your life (or that’s what it did to me). When I didn’t know what was wrong but still tried to run but really couldn’t so I just walked home crying not sure if I would ever run again.

To say yesterday was incredible doesn’t come close to defining how it felt to be out there! I felt more strong than ever and so thankful. Those last 2 miles I turned off my music and listened to hundreds of people just quietly pounding pavement and breathing. It was amazing.

I didn’t PR but only fell short 1 minute of matching my pre-injury time last year!
Ran a 01:56:51 which for me was a huge accomplishment after what I’ve put my body through this year.

It’s weird but I’m thankful I was injured. It has made me stronger and more capable of coping with life than I ever imagined.


I’m in the Grove where longer runs are getting more and more easy!

I’m also in the phase where I’m getting injured in my ankles and hamstring ironically…


i have two half marathons and an 8k in November so i am in the running/training mode. i love fall/winter running so i get in as much as i can when i can. birthday was 10/3. :)


I would love to see a hair tutorial by your sister! I realize that she’s probably blessed with naturally beautiful hair, but I’m still curious to know which products and techniques she uses.


I LOVE that quote from Hanneke! Thank you for sharing!!


Love that quote. I think just in life in general it is so important to continue to be curious, which makes us step outside of our comfort zone and accomplish things we didn’t know possible.

PS. LOVE THE VIDEO!!! Brooke and Knox are absolutely darling!!! xoxo


I love your thoughts on the different waves of running. I am in a bit of a fitness rut right now, and need to try and remember to embrace this time instead of anxiously awaiting when I can train for my next race. I am enjoying the extra sleep, extra energy, and extra time with my kids. Thanks for the reminder :-)


Girrrllll you’ve got some moves!!!


I truly enjoy following your blog everyday. I’ve noticed that 99% of your followers are female so I hope it’s ok that I respond to some of your questions. I’ve only been running for about 3 1/2 years now. Currently training for the Rnrlv half marathon. Im only running about 20 miles a week right now. I think I’m kinda starting a little late in life, im 47 and Im not sure my body can handle much more mileage then that. But anyway I ran 10 miles today and it felt ok. 8:37 minute mile. Wanted to quit mid way through but kept going and felt energized again the last mile. Probably because I knew I was almost done. Lol. Any way have a great day and look forward to reading your blog tomorrow.


SCOTT THANK YOU FOR COMMENTING!! I really appreciate it!!! Congrats on starting running recently and already be rocking your runs. GOOD LUCK with half marathon training and I LOVE that half marathon. Please let me know how it goes!


One day we will do the robot together! =)


I posted this on my Instagram today: Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” – Buddha. (@RunningwithSD)


LOVE X A MILLION!! Thank you so much for sharing, living in the present is something I REALLY need to constantly work towards. Thanks for sharing!


I am in the rebuilding phase after taking a running hiatus – I just wasn’t in the mood to run/didn’t have the energy. Running takes so much energy for me! I was going through a stressful (first world stress) time and actually worked out a bunch at the gym to kind of numb the stress. But it weakened me at the same time – sooo much cardio. I feel like I’m getting a bit of mojo back and realizing that if I want to run, I need to be smart about eating and resting better. I ran 7 miles with my friend on Sunday and while slooooow, it felt great to get back out there and start a comeback of sorts :)


I love you and your sister’s church clothes!!! I have a race next week, and then it will just be basebuilding for a better more speed centered training cycle next. My best run last week was a 9 mile that I felt like I could keep running after when usually I am mentally and physically drained I don’t want to run more(long runs with a faster than me group).


Can you tell me where you got Brooke’s black and white striped dress?


My birthday was yesterday :)


I loved that little video!! Your kids are the cutest and so care free! I never had that as a kid, so it made me so happy! Cannot wait till I am a mom and try to be as good as a mom as you are! Your kids are a testament to you and Andrew and they are a gorgeous testament to you all’s love!


omg those two just look so cute and FUN!!! Thanks for the video!


I couldn’t eat it thinking about Matilda!

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