You get to hear from me twice today… muhahahaha!

11 miles with Josse with 4 x 1 mile repeats (6:12, 6:10, 6:15, 6:09) and 2.5 minute recoveries… 11.5 miles total with warm-up and cool-downs!

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It was 82 degrees by the end so Josse used the water fountain to help her cool off!

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Fall is showing it’s face around here…

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Speed work is more fun in these shoes.

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I swear now that she is 4, she talks a million times more than when she was 3 and she looks so much older!

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An intense round of Candy Land.

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We still make time to strengthen our relationship with Target even though our life has changed so much recently.

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Jess hooked us up with delicious veggies and fruit from her garden—>  tomatoes from a garden in fact taste 400 times better than when they are from the store.

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Leftover tilapia was added to the mix.

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Beretta has made herself quite at home in Brooke’s room.

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Holli is training for her 20TH marathon this November and sporting her Hungry Runner Girl tank:)


Turns out we still have some painting to do… I can’t wait;)

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BROOKS IS GIVING AWAY a sports bra of your choice to one lucky reader—> you can read my review on my favorites here!


To enter just leave a comment telling me whatever you would like!!! Giveaway will end on 9/3/16!

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I totally need a new sports bra!!!


I would love to try the red one!!


These bras look sooo comfortable!!


It has recently occurred to me that a few of my sports bras are WAY beyond their expiration date – whoops! I would love to try the Frontrunner sports bra!


Your blog is my favorite part of my morning! My husband hears a lot about you! ( : I told him to quit laying on his stomach at night. LOL!


Ever since I saw your review on that t-shirt bra I have been thinking about getting it, but winning it would be even better!!


Homegrown tomatoes are one of my favorite foods to look forward to in summer.
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity- Brooks has some really cute bras.


Oooh, I love the UpRise Crossback Sports Bra!


I’m 30 weeks pregnant and desperately need a new sports bra that will fit correctly on my changing body!!


I would love to win the red one!


I am in serious need of a Brooks sports bra!! :)


I’d love to try to sports bra with molded cups…and that red one is adorable :)


I would love the frontrunner racer bra! I haven’t bought new sports bras in forever and after having two babies I definitely need some!


I have been having the hardest time finding a supportive and comfortable sports bra now that I’m pregnant. I would love to try out one from Brooks!!!!


The veggies from Jess’ garden look delicious. I really need to plant a garden next year!


I love the look of the hot shot!


I’m always on the hunt for the perfect sports bra! I’ve tried so many and still haven’t found one that I completely love. I would love to try one from Brooks!


Would definitely love to try a Brooks sports bra! Love the red one!


I would absolutely love the Frontrunner Racer Sports Bra! I am really in need of a new, supportive sports bra! Thanks :)


I love my Juno bras from Brooks. I’d love to get one for free!!


I will be coming to your state in October for The Other Half Marathon!


The Frontrunner one looks amazing! I spend approximately 90% of my time in sports bras and haven’t treated myself to a new one in a long time!


I LOVE that red one! I feel like I go through so many sports bras a week with running and teaching yoga so, this would be awesome to try!


Those sports bras look so comfy!


My dogs LOVE hanging out in my daughter’s room. Dogs and kids have the cutest relationship. :)


I’m in need of a new sports bra!!!


Reading your blog makes my day. Did you know, I save yours to read very last every single day because it’s my favorite. LOL!

I’d love to try out the Brooks bras!


Well that just made my day:) Thank you Sara!


A new sports bra would be amazing! It’s one of those things I know I need to buy regularly but hate spending money on!


Love love love to try the gray one!


I’m so in need of new sports bras! All the inserts in mine just fall apart after several washings—-ugh!

Wow…that is one bright wall! Is it hot pink? Hope it covers well with your primer and new color! I just repainted a deep red room! Whew!

Haven’t commented in forever and just wanted to say congratulations on your marriage! So happy for you!


oh my word, please please please please please with sprinkles on top!
FRONTRUNNER RACER SPORTS BRA in any color I don’t even care, I just love that!


I need a new sports bra! I’ve been living in cheap ones and would like to try a nicer one!


I’d love to try the Fiona sports bra.


The just right racer looks awesome! I’ve always wanted to try brooks sports bras!


I would love a new sports bra! I think I have had my two regulars since about 2007! Oh man I can’t believe I just wrote that.
Yesterday I was proud of my speedwork! I did 6×400 m at the track and my 400s were all around 6:20 pace. I hadn’t done speedwork in awhile, also previously did not have a Garmin, so I was quite surprised at my time! Didn’t realize I could do that!


I am so insanely jealous of the leaves turning colors… we go straight from green to brown. Also it is a HUMID 96 degrees here in Texas!! I can’t wait for “winter” (I use that term lightly…)


I’m in major need of a good sports bra so this would be the perfect win for me! :)))


Oh how I need new running bras!


I need new sports bras so bad – a good one! I always buy the cheap ones and they fall apart so quickly – would love to try a Brooks!


These bras look sooo comfortable!!


The FrontRunner is so cute, and I love the red!


It’s too soon for fall!!!

I LOVE MOVING COMFORT BRAS! I have two of the Uplift Crossback and I LOVE THEM! Super cute & comfy, no bounce! I also would like to try the new everyday bra- it looks super comfy as well.


I’ve heard great things about the Brooks sports bras, would love to win one!


Yay for new sports bras!


I would love to win! Always looking for a good sports bra.


I have lost my running mojo, maybe a new sports bra would help!


Would love to try the Rebound Racer. I recently “Marie Kondo’d” my old sports bras and am in need of some new ones :-)


The Juno bra looks amazing! I have an awful time trying to find sports bras that fit me well. I would love to try it.


I’m getting married this weekend and I’m 11 weeks into training for my 1st marathon! I would love to win a new sports bra to start my new married life and to get me through the last few weeks of marathon training :))


Love the grey sports bra in the picture!

Ps – Totally making that fish taco recipe Andrew made for you guys the other night. My just bought a condo and is obsessed with fish tacos so figured that could be a nice housewarming dinner :)


Brooke’s dress is so cute! Where did you find it?


The search for the perfect running bra will NEVER end … or will it?! Maybe one of these is The One! Fingers crossed. Thanks for the chance to win!


I wish I had half the style Brooke has! She is a dollface!


I love the red one! Sports bras are so hit or miss. I’ve been wearing the target one’s for years and years because they’re the most comfortable for me. Tried more expensive one’s and they just don’t feel right. I would love to try a new brand.


I would love the Women’s UpRise Crossback sports bra! It looks so comfortable and I loved your review on your sports bra!!


I like the frontrunner racer. I just use the Target Champion ones – haven’t bought a new one in quite some time.


Seeing your running outfits daily makes me want to revamp my workout wardrobe! Those shoes are so colorful!


In the past couple of years I’ve begun realizing just how impt a great sports bra is, so I’d def love to try one of these.


I love the ombre sports bra! Plus red is my favorite color :)


I would love to have the red sports bra!
We are up to our ears in fresh tomatoes! Lots of salsa making here!


Those are cute sports bras


Women’s FrontRunner Racer Sports Bra
Side note that I think is worth mentioning … I literally just asked my running team for rec’s on new sports bras because my tried and true failed me on a 16 miler and chafed me like non other. They would all be so fired right now if I had others!!


Sports bras are one of those things that I probably hang on to longer than I should… and then they get all stretched out and gross. I could use a new one!


Those tilapia and veggies look so good :)


Brooks shoes for the win! would love to try their sports bras!


I would love to try the frontrunner racer sports bra.


YES!!!! Veggies from the garden taste 100% better!!!


I would love a new sports bra and that red one is super cute!


A new sports bra is always a good idea!


I would love to have the Frontrunner Racer bra for my first ever marathon! I’m in desperate need of a new bra, for some reason it’s just something I never choose to spend money on.


I am currently pregnant and have recently outgrown most of my sports bras… I’d love a chance to try a Brooks one!


I would love a new sports bra for my marathon! Have a great day!


Ohh I had a baby a month ago and now that I’m nursing I am seriously in need of a new sports bra. I would love to win this!


I would love to try the FrontRunner! The recent onset of rib chafing has let me know that it’s time to try new sports bras.


I am in desperate need of new sports bras! :)


love love love your blog! your little family is just too adorable, so happy for you!

&& i love the grey sports bra, so much!


Ohhh! I would love to try one of these sports bras!


Wow, those bras look cute! I really like the design of the Frontrunner Racer Bra in particular, and would probably get that in the 090 color.


I am a big fan of the rebound racer, but am itching to try out the front runner racer!


Will definitely need a new sports bra when I start nursing our first baby in just about six weeks! Brooks’ Juno bra looks like it would help me have comfort for running and easy access for baby’s snack time!


I could use a new sports bra!


A new sports bra giveaway?!?! Now that’s just fun, who doesn’t need or want a new sports bra, I know I do ! Pick me pick me !


I still have a sports bra that I wore in HS before I knew sports bras should have support! HAHAHA. So, let’s see, that would make it 10+ years old now. I have to say, for being like $9 from Target in 2005-ish, it has held up pretty well. Even if it is a little stinky.


I would love a new sports bra! Love the fine form sports bra!


That bra looks so comfy! Annnnnnnd now I want fish tacos, too.


Rebound Racer all the way!!


The red one is so cute!!


After 5 months of “injured reserve” I’m starting back at running. It’s been TOUGH so far. A new sports bra would make it easier I’m sure ;)


HI there! Thanks for the chance!


Always looking for a good sports bra!


I would like a bra that doesn’t chafe in the most awkward places.


I need a new sports bra so badly and the frontrunner one looks great!


Good sports bras are absolutely necessary, and it looks like Brooks has several great options!


I could really use some new bras and these look fantastic!!!


That red sports bra is adorable!


I can always use a new sports bra


If i won i’d love to try the WOMEN’S FRONTRUNNER RACER SPORTS BRA


These look so comfy! I can always use a new sports bra and I’m excited to try the red one!


I would love to try the red one :)


I really like the design of this bra!


love the sewn in cups!


I’d love to try the Front Runner bra!


I would love a new sports bra! I will be getting pack into shape after I have my second baby in two weeks!!


I’d love the Fiona!


LOVE that sports Bra!!! I am running my second marathon next weekend and shooting for my second BQ!! My first BQ still wasn’t enough to get me into Boston (BQ’d by 1 minute) so I am shooting for a 3:30 this time- wish me luck!!!


Sorry this comment isn’t about sports bras :) My sweet baby girl is 2 months today! Time really does go by SO fast. My son is almost 3 and a half and I feel like he was just born yesterday and I feel like you just had Brooke!


Love your blog and I could definitely use a new sports bra!


Never tried a Brooks bra, but would love to try one that has great control! Thanks for sharing :)


I’d love a new sports bra!


The UpRise Crossback would be awesome!


Now that I have lost all this weight, I truly need a new sports bra!! They look so comfy and awesome! It would be my first “normal” size bra!! Whoop! Thanks for the opportunity!


YOU WON ANN!!!!! I’m SO SO SO STOKED FOR YOU!!! Email me back ASAP:)


I can certainly use a sports bra! Great giveaway!


I would love to win a sports bra! I’m 22 weeks pregnant and my bra size has uh…changed. I’m sure you get what I mean!


I’m definitely in need of a new sports bra. Mine are all getting pretty worn out. Thanks for the giveaway!


Need that grey sports bra


Sports bras > regular bras!!

Our aspen trees are starting to turn colors too…eek, not sure I’m ready for summer to end!!


The Brooks/Moving Comfort JUNO sports bra has changed. my. life. Not even being dramatic, what a difference! I’m blessed in the chest area & it keeps the ladies under control & very happy :) I could use a new one for my fall marathon!


Love Brooks and the fine form c/d sports bra!


Every time the sports bra conversation comes up, I preach Brooks Moving Comfort and making sure the band is the right size (too big = chafing!).


Love the red bra! Also, your daughter is beautiful!


Down to three on rotation, so always always could use a new sports bra!!


I really need new sports bras – but they are so expensive! Great giveaway! I would love the uprise crossback.


This post could not come at a better time. I am in desperate need of a new sports bra – I have gained weight and another role as maid of honor so the bridesmaids dress this month isn’t going to allow for any extra spending. Crossing my fingers. Thanks for always hosting great giveaways, Janae. :)


The Frontrunner looks like perfection! I like sports bras that are cut a little lower and don’t peek out as much from under tanks. That way I don’t have to worry about matching as much!


I like the fineform A/B bra!


I want a new sports bra!!


I really need to try a new sports bra. Will look into that one!


I am running 3 marathons in 3 months, so I could totally use a new sportsbra!


I would also love the red one! I love how it has a deep V!


I adore your blog – you’re so positive! I could definitely use a new sports bra; I have battle scars from my most recent 12 mile marathon training run – boo :O(


I love the red sports bra!!!! I would love to try out either of them!


Like everyone else here: I love your blog, and I need a sportsbra <3


I’m long overdue for a new sports bra! The FrontRunner looks amazing! Thanks for the giveaway!


I need a new sports bra so bad! I have to keep myself away from the Brooks website because I keep shopping, but I have yet to try one of their sports bras. This would definitely be a treat!!


Frontrunner looks so comfy!


I’m in need of a few new sports bras and these look perfect!


NEED new sports bras! The red front robbed looks comfy! Live to try it!


Yay hope I win! I usually get cheaper sports bras from forever 21 or target, so I’d love to try a high quality one :))


I sound like everyone else but I’m so in need of a new sports bra! Maybe if Brooks will do a coupon code we will all go on and buy one!


I was just talking to my sister about how we need new sports bras.


I have been wanting to try that Frontrunner Racer bra……………..all of mine are Target ones (great and have lasted a long time) but I am in desperate need of a new one. That one looks comfy! And she looks so adorable in that dress……………you may have a sassy pants teenager on your hands, look out!


Comfort is always important but I’m currently a nursing mom so comfort is extra important when it comes to bras. These look and sound perfect!


Need a legit sports bra!! My body has changed so much after having two babies in the last few years!!


The new sports bras look awesome! I would love a new one, mine are ancient!


I’d love the FRONTRUNNER RACER SPORTS BRA! It looks like it’s made for smaller chested runners (like me!) I looked them up on Brooks’ website after your review and I’m hoping to try one on at my local running store this weekend. :)


Thanks for the giveaway! I am going to try those tilapia tacos! Can’t wait!


I would love to try one of the Brooks sports bras! I ran my 3rd half marathon this past weekend and had issues with chafing around my bra line…which is just nuts to me. Time for a new style :) Thanks!!!


Would love the sports bra!


I would love to try the UpRise Crossback Bra!


I’d love to try the Any Day bra.

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