Wedding checklist and we need your questions for a VLOG!

The girls are back.  They were gone for way too long so a catch up session today was very much needed.

The best floatie there ever was.

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Okay, let’s rewind to the start of the day.  Brooke had some important phone calls to make in regards to her dress for the wedding (she’s got a big job being the flower girl and maid of honor).

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8 miles this morning —> the first 6 miles were spent talking to my brother while running (thank you headphones ((don’t forget to enter the giveaway)) and then 6 x 45 seconds at 6:00 pace with 45 second recovery jogs in between.  I don’t do any real speed work the week of a race but I do like to make sure to get in a few strides to keep my leg turnover a little bit fresh so that they aren’t completely shocked on race day.

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The protein to carb ratio is probably perfect for post-run recovery fuel:

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And then I probably ran another 4 miles or so chasing after these two all day.

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So we have quite the wedding checklist going on and today I did the whole cancel lease thing (you have to give a big notice before you move out) so that I can move into Andrew’s house once we get hitched.

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The other day I went to get a salad at Harmon’s at 10 am and sadly found out that the salad bar wasn’t ready until 11 (I guess most people don’t want salads for breakfast!?!)… I have been craving it ever since then so today was the day for one.

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Three random things:

I was tagged in this today and they sound really cool (and you know I love their normal power cakes)… anyone tried these before?  Thoughts?

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My friend was sent this snap and then it was sent to me.  Brooke and I both need this.

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And my sister sent this to me today.  I guess her little dude just walks around saying mom all day long because he hears the older siblings say mom so often.

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I kind of want to start doing VLOGS (video blogs) sometimes… Andrew and I are going to make one tonight or tomorrow night and WOULD LOVE to answer any questions you have so fire away!?!  About kids, dating, life, running, the wedding, whatever you want!

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How did you fit in dating as a single parent? I’m often stuck at home with a sleeping kiddo with limited opportunity to actually go out! Just wanted to know how you guys made it work or any advice.

Also, I’d love to see you do a video on how to use the Instyler. I have one but I am pretty terrible at using it haha


I love the kodiak cakes! They are delicious…. my favorite flavor is the cinnamon one!


when will the wedding be?


Just for fun:
Big or small wedding? Near home or going away?

For Andrew – favorite thing Janae cooks?

For Janae – favorite thing Andrew cooks?

One thing you would change, and one thing you wouldn’t ever change about the other?


Yes! I have a question (that does not apply to my life at all…yeah).
How do you balance your individual running careers? Like, if one person is doing well and you are doing poorly, how do you balance the feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, etc? How do you balance the ebbs and flows of your running relationship with your own?

Thanks! Also, Kodiak Cakes= yo. Yes.


Ahh I am a sucker for hearing about people’s favorite foods. :)

Also: What kind of wedding cake?!?!? Its very important information.


It would be awesome for you guys to start doing vlogs!! When did you and Andrew know you wanted to get married?


For the VLog- how are you dealing with the blended fam thing? Lots of us are in the same situation and it’s nice to hear how other families navigate the new arrangement and make it work! Best wishes to you!


Janae- do you have your wedding shoes picked out yet? It’s okay, you don’t have to answer if they’re a surprise!

Will Andrew’s doggie be involved at all? I wanted my dogs at my reception, but they’re kinda bonkers in a crowd!:)
I look forward to your blog so much, and I’m so happy for you two!:)


So I am a little confused…does the new man have a son or is this young boy a relative. I love being able to follow (live my life through) your blog


Feel free to answer any of these that you want :) Where are you going on your honeymoon? Do you eventually want more kids? Favorite date night?


I definitely have a question for you two!

How can I get my boyfriend to run with me?! He’s a golf pro, so I’ve started having him teach me golf. As a compromise, he said he’ll do a 5k with me but I doubt it will ever happen unless I have a plan of action haha! How do you recommend getting someone to start loving running and training? Or also how do you just convince someone that running is such a fun couple thing to do!!?? (Insert the “SOS” emoji here).


Hi! My question is how you know someone is “the one” after such a short period of time dating. I know in some religions this is fairly normal, but my friends and family would think I’m totally crazy! I’m so happy for you and really looking forward to the wedding!


I have also wondered this…particularly since children are involved.


Details about the first date and subsequent dates after. First impressions, who kissed who first, when did you know he/she was the one, what did you eat on the first date, etc. Also, when was the first date to when the proposal was from a timing standpoint? Do you both want more children?


Question for Andrew: if he had a blog, what would it be about and what would his blogging style be like?


I tried the power cakes in the cup last August and did not care for them because they tasted kind of weird. Like they were extra dry and left a strange after taste in my mouth like some kind of artificial flavor. I love the regular pancake mix though and maybe they’ve updated the cup version since I tried it.

Can’t wait for the VLOG! Definitely would love to hear how you guys feel about having more kids together! :)


I’m so excited for your vlog!! Important question here… will you taste test wedding cakes and will you be able to agree on a flavor?! If so, what flavor? (My husband and i couldn’t agree so we had one cake of each lol!)


How do you feel that sodas affect your running? I know you used to drink them all the time but would you say you’re faster now? Pros cons!


How long have you two been together?? How do you plan on blending your families as far as co parenting.


VLOGS… those are fun (I always love to hear people’s voices :)).

So, my question for you: how long did it take you to get to a 8:00/mile-pace? I’ve definitely seen improvements ever since I started running (seriously, not just go for a jog here and there), but an 8:00/mile pace seems lightyears away.


So excited to listen to your vlog!
A couple questions for you- from first meeting to the wedding date, how long have you been in each other’s lives? (Side note: my husband and I from meeting date- to wedding was 9 months!)
Second question: big or small wedding?

Excited for you both!!


What are your thoughts on racing after having kids? My husband and I are wanting to have kids soon but I have this weird theory that I have to get all of the major marathons on my bucket list done before I have kids like my running career will be non existent afterwards haha. I know I could always run for fun but will I be able to really compete. How do you feel having children affected your training? Was it difficult to get back into it? How did you figure out that balance and do you feel like you are able to compete at the same level as you used to prior to have children?


How do you guys run together? Are you generally the same pace? I love running with my husband but he tells me I’m too slow and make his shin splints hurt and to just simply “run faster” – yes why didn’t I think of that, just go faster ;) our runs have resulted in some broken headphones or two ;)


I love the Kodiak Cake muffins-in-a-minute! My favorites are the cinnamon apple and chocolate, of course!


How are you incorporating Brooke into the wedding as a flower girl/MOH? When I was little and my dad remarried in the temple, those of us who weren’t 12 yet had to wait in their little nursery area. I am no longer Mormon (and much older now), so some things may have changed! I think it’s a great idea to have your kids involved in the wedding because I was very bitter that I didn’t get to actually be a part of it and felt left behind!


There are way to do it if you plan ahead. My husband has a daughter from a previous marriage that couldn’t be in the temple with us either, so my parents (who aren’t LDS either) made a big deal about getting her dressed up and to the reception. Then our Bishop helped us by performing a ring ceremony before the reception (which he made mirror a traditional Catholic wedding for my parents sake as much as he could within the guidelines he’s given), and we made sure my family and our daughter were included in that as much as possible. I think my parents were still a little hurt, but Kinsey remembers the wedding as a great day and has no feelings of being left out. Hopefully this helps a little!


You mention a lot of fun facts about the two of you as a couple (same favorite cereals, same favorite salad dressing) but I’d also love to hear some more serious ways that you’ve connected – without divulging info that’s too personal, obviously. Since you haven’t known each other for too long, it would be really interesting to hear how you came to be so serious in such a short amount of time.


How long were you and Andrew dating before he proposed?


Hwy, that’s me in the reflection of the donut outfit! I was totally hoping they had an adult version, but they donut. ??


How long did you date before you got engaged? Is Andrew’s ex in the picture, or is he a widower?


I notice we haven’t seen Andrew’s son’s face. Has his mother requested that he now be shown on the blog?


Have all of your friends met Andrew? And, how (if) have you told Brooke’s father about the engagement? So happy for you both! :)


So many questions:

– What does Andrew do for work? And how did feel about you having a blog?? You have an unorthodox job – you post what you do and pictures of your child everyday. Did that worry him or concern him regarding having a private life?? It seems he’s totally into the blog thing!


It’s probably too personal but, I kind of noticed you carefully picture the little boy. Is that an “ex” request? Is she in the picture?

And of course, the other question is pretty much the same as others have asked; How quickly did you both know you were perfect for each other? (To us it seemed to go quickly….but, I feel when you know, you know)


YAY OH BOY i’d love it if you started doing some vlogs!!! huge youtube fan over here :) but actually there was a question i’ve been wondering about….what is your normal, day-to-day stretching routine after your runs? do you switch it up based on the workout you did, or are there just some standard stretches you do each time? Thank youuuu!


How long have you been dating?


Congrats to you both. Happy for you and look forward to reading along. Your blog is my favorite. Love hearing about your life and your running. Definitely an inspiration in many ways.
-Will you take Andrew’s last name?
-What is Andrew’s marathon PR?
-More kids soon?? (ignore of too personal)
-How has your ex reached to the engagement? (Again, ignore if too personal!)
-How did Andrew react to learning about GOMI?? Does he read it?


Did you guys go ring shopping after knowing each other only a few weeks? My husband would’ve ran very quickly if I would’ve brought up marriage the first year of dating and we were both in our thirties.


Kodiak cakes are awesome! I would love to know more about Andrew’s running – how long, what races, ect :)
What does he do for a living?
What is Brooke’s favorite part about having a dog?
What does a normal day of eating look like for you?


What are your favorite running shorts to prevent chaffing?! Anything over three miles and I’m in capris for this reason!


Ooh…looking forward to your VLOG’s. I thoroughly enjoy Casey Neistat’s. It’s so cool to see his runs in NYC.


How long did you date before getting engaged? I remember reading you knew at date 3!
What does Andrew do (job)?
What are the wedding plans so far?

I’m sure we all want to know all the details of your lives! You guys are the cutest couple and both kiddos are adorable!!


Is it standard in the Mormon culture to date for such a short period before marrying? Genuinely curious! I thought manyyyy boyfriends in the past were “it” for me until time revealed that they were not. I truly wish you the best and all the happiness in the world! I hope this doesn’t come across as negative because I am one of your biggest fans! -Mallory


So you looked him up on social media, did he look up/read the blog?


I genuinely don’t understand the rush to be engaged and married. Do you think 8 weeks is a long enough time to actually know someone to make this huge decision? Is having a physical relationship part of the rush? Maybe you can explain Mormon marriage culture in general.


I love “day in the life” and “what I ate Wednesday” posts and I think you should do a post on both of these for you, Andrew, and your sister!! Congratulations Janae and Andrew! You make the sweetest family :).


What is a day in the life of janandrew like? (Hehe!!) ;) :)


I’d love love love for you to incorporate VLOGS!

Here is my question for you: WEDDING DRESS- what are your thoughts? Do you have a style you’re interested in? Are going traditional?


So excited for you! Is your snapchat private or do you allow blog readers to follow? If we can, what is your snapchat name?


My question is about preparation for a race. I have some sore shin splints and both my coach and physio therapist are helping me prepare them for my first half in two weeks!! The timing is really frsutrating and I can’t fathom sitting this one out…. I didn’t invest 20 weeks of training for nothing! If it were to get real bad, I’d rest bevause I don’t want a stress fracture, but do you have any tips to help my shins 2 weeks out?

Also, the last two weeks I am been instructed not to run, so I’ve been swimming and biking. Other than tracking my HR, what else can I do to ensure i’m maintaining my fitness/ endurance?



Mum jar comment! PRICELESS!! Oh you cancel your lease!! That’s -weirdly- awesome news!! LOL! So happy for you! you guys look like the perfect family!!!! <3


The Mom jar is great. 1) Is your dentist bill outrageous from all that candy, or you guys must brush very well. haha 2) Do you have another job besides your blog? 3) Any tips for beginner runners at an older age? such as, I’m 42 and found out my form and foot strike was all wrong, and I run-walk 3.5 miles for my starting point, but I have trouble cutting out the walking and running straight through. Is my 3.5 miles too much to expect starting out? Maybe starting 1 mile at a time is better. Congrats on your new man and your wedding. Your daughter is the cutest little thing ever!


Haha the mom jar! That makes me laugh!! I need one of those donut floats!


Yay! I love vlogs! Please do more of them. :) I need to go to Harmons and try their salad bar. I have heard so many great things. :)


I would love to know more about the single parent dating story- and how each of your ex’s is dealing with or handling the new step-mom and step-dad for their kiddos! Your new family will have a lot of love, congrats to you both :)


How did you know Andrew was the one?
How did you introduce Brooke to him?


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