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Wedding checklist and we need your questions for a VLOG!

The girls are back.  They were gone for way too long so a catch up session today was very much needed. The best floatie there ever was. Okay, let’s rewind to the start of the day.  Brooke had some important phone calls to make in regards to her dress for the wedding (she’s got a … Continue Reading

6 words per picture and JAYBIRD FREEDOM GIVEAWAY!!!

These kids have zero fun together;) Somehow my snack becomes ‘our’ snack. “We definitely need one of these.” Dark chocolate almond and coconut—> shemakesmesharethesetoo. Just sound asleep in my arms: My arms tired= he takes over. This salad from Corner Bakery = heaven. How we celebrate—> candy + The Office. —————————– And to finish things … Continue Reading