Benefits of marrying a runner and a HUGE giveaway from LG Electronics!!!

ONE LUCKY READER WILL WIN A FREE LG SideKick™!!! Do not miss out on this giveaway at the end of this post!


As you know, things are changing big time around here these days!  It has just been me and the Brookers for years and now we are doubling in size.

I feel ridiculously lucky to have found Andrew (well, Nolan found him for me) and that we get to start building a life together.

With many running adventures together too.

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Picture from us together on the bus at 4:30 a.m. on the way to a race:

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I think over the decades together ahead of us whether it is a random Thursday night, a trip somewhere awesome or an early morning treadmill session… running will always be something that Andrew and I enjoy doing together.  I tell him all of the time that all I need for a date is a run together (followed by some sort of treat of course).  It is something we will always have that we can do anywhere and conversations during a run always seem to be that much more meaningful to me.

I’ve been thinking about some of the many benefits/funny things/consequences/randomness that comes along with marrying a runner and I wanted to share them:

*Couples that carb load together, stay together.  That’s a thing right?  Well, it will sure be nice to have someone that will want to carb load with me the night before a race or long run and to have someone to cheers with some chocolate milk afterwards.

*He is more than okay with my runner’s feet and understands miles trump pretty toes any day;)

*We can show each other our love by doing things like making a nice ice bath for our spouse after they have a hard run or schedule an appointment for the other to get scraped/graston/sports massage… you know, romantic things like that.

*We will both be more than okay going to bed early on weekend nights so we can wake up early to run:)

*Foam rolling while watching a running documentary together, just normal married people activities.

*He is 100% on board with a chunk of the budget going towards all things running—>  race registrations, running shoes, all of the tanks, blister-proof socks, garmins etc.

*We will probably plan our trips around races and cool running spots every now and then.

*If one of us is injured than the other will be able to empathize and we will most definitely understand all of the weird terms that only runners understand—>  PR, DNF, fartlek, tempo, BQ, plantar fasciitis and the list goes on and on.

and lastly:

*The running clothes laundry that I will be doing is about to double in size.  

I laughed so hard at this because it is SOOOOO true:



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To help us out with all of the many loads of running socks, sports bras, running shoes, tech t-shirts, compression socks, headbands (I wash my running headbands after every run because they get gross fast), spandex and tanks——>  Andrew and I made our first very important purchase together.  We bought an LG Front-Load Washer and Dryer and as you can tell I am really excited about it.

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Andrew is thrilled about it too because doing the laundry is his absolute least favorite chore.  He does not like it one bit.  I weirdly enjoy doing laundry/ironing/folding so I’ll be in charge of all of the laundry at our house and he will be in charge of the chores that I can’t stand doing (aka all of the yard work and bathrooms:).  It works out perfectly.

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To add to my excitement, today I will be getting the LG SideKick delivered.  I’ll be waiting patiently by the front door for it to arrive (and today you get the chance to win one of these too)!

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The LG SideKick pedestal washer enhances your laundry routine big time and I’m so ready for that.  It goes directly below your LG front-load washer and it is an ADDITIONAL washing machine!  It is perfect for all of us workoutaholics because you can put your normal loads into the front-loader and then put your active wear and custom care pieces in the LG SideKick!  This can help us all to keep our expensive workout pieces/nice sports bras etc protected!

The LG SideKick and LG front-load washer can work together at the same time or independently—>  this means you can do one load of cold and one load of hot water at the same time.  Or one load of colors and one load of whites at the same time too:)  I also can’t wait to just use the LG SideKick by itself for my three pairs of running shorts that are my absolute favorites… I pretty much rotate through those three pairs and so I can put them in the LG SideKick for a quick wash in between my weekly laundry routine.  Washing won’t feel wasteful when I just need to do a small load or just a few pieces in the LG SideKick.  It also offers six different cycles like an active wear cycle!

I have a feeling that I will be spending a lot of time with my new toys… between the four of us now and any future kiddos—>  that is a lot of laundry to do (especially running clothes because I’m sure Knox and Brooke will want to be runners too;)

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Sponsored by LG Electronics!  Thanks for following along our random running/life/engagement/daily tangents!  We really appreciate you:)

Now for the extra exciting part!!!!

*****Time for you to enter a giveaway for your very own free LG SideKick:

Follow the widget below to enter!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You can find the Terms and Conditions for the LG SideKick Giveaway here

Check out the LG SideKick here and get a LG Front Load and LG Sidekick pair starting at just $999 (now is the best time to buy —> LG is running a promotion until July 13th where you can purchase an LG TWINWash starting at $999)!  You can also buy the LG SideKick separately because it works with LG front-load washers as far back as 2009!


What is your least favorite and favorite chore to do around the house?  How do you split up the chores with the people in your household?

How do you handle chores with kids at your house?

What percentage of your laundry are running clothes?

What are the benefits of dating/being married to/being best friends with/having family members be a runner?

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I do so much laundry! This would be so awesome! Our whites are always a much smaller load and it would be so nice to get them done at the same time (I used to wash everything together but my husband insists that they be done separately. I guess it’s fair because they are mostly his clothes anyways!) ;)


I would love to update our washer. As a new mom and a semi new (2 years ago still counts, right?!) newly wed it’s be a great addition to our household!


Drying my clothes in only one cycle would be so amazing! :)


These look amazing! They’d make the task of doing laundry a lot better!


Umm I would love one of those. I have an LG front load right now so that would be the perfect compliment!!


Oh my I hate doing laundry but have ALWAYS wanted a nice front loading washer and dryer. Fingers crossed!


SO much yes! This post is my life! Minus the Andrew part. :-)


I’m a little obsessed with laundry…definitely do it at least once a day- and we are just a family of 3. This machine sounds magnificent!!


Least favorite chore is the bathroom!!! It’s awful…the rest of the chores are just annoying ?

I love that my hubs runs with me! And I even convinced him to go to his first spin(flywheel!) class today…pelvis stress fracture = lots of spin and pool running and VERY thankful my hubs understands my frustration


That washer would look great in my new laundry room =)


With two kiddos whose stuff I was on delicate and my workout clothes that need extra strong lol and all of our regular clothes, my husband and I are doing laundry pretty much everyday! This would make a huge difference!!!!


Oh wow…I do at least 1 load of laundry a day!! This would be a awesome to have!!:))


Would love a new washer!


You guys are so cute!! I love the smaller washer because my husband is always doing tiny loads. This is perfect!! Congrats on your upcoming wedding!!


Love this little washer!!!


I would LOVE to win this! I’ve always wanted frontloading machines! I also wash more running clothes than anything else!


I would ADORE to win a washer because I DON’T HAVE ONE AT ALL. I just graduated with my master’s degree and moved into my first little rental house instead of an apartment and my new set up has no a/c and no washer or dryer even though it has hook ups! I have been washing my daily necessities by HAND and drying them on the line for a YEAR. The rest of my laundry I drive down town and do in a very nice laundromat that costs quite a pretty penny! I love the dry line feel, but washing in my bathtub is one of those hilarious stories that I don’t exactly tell everyone! I would buy a washer, but since I am in a rental, I hesitate to make such a huge purchase when I am making do- I was raised to be very practical and if I can make it work, then you make it work!

All of that said, if I actually won this, I would CRY OF HAPPINESS FOR ALL ETERNITY. FINGERS AND TOES CROSSED EVERMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It will help me save space and water :)


oh man i need this soon bad and would love it!!!!! such an awesome giveaway. we are moving into a new house from an apt and have to buy a washer and dryer. please please pick me!


I inherited my washer when we bought this house. I need a new one!


Honestly who wouldn’t want a sidekick?!


OMG these must have been designed by runners FOR runners!! lol I would loooooove the opportunity to win this. p.s. You know you’re an adult when you get ridiculously excited about an appliance. :)


I’ve been a quiet stalker for a while but I cannot pass this up!! I love my front loaders and this would be amazing! I’ve got 2 kiddos too and doing a quick wash in this sidekick would boost my mom chores for sure!


Our laundry is 50/50 tech to normal clothes.

My husband does inline racing. Because of that he understands long days, speed work, etc. The best part is that he’s there for me at the end of every race with all the goodies I need (clean shirt, wet wipes, and chocolate milk). Any race that has a running option he finishes in about half the time so it is awesome!


It would help keep my laundry baskets from overflowing!


I live in NYC and am newly graduated from college and dont have a washer quite yet!


My washer is 17 years-old! I would LOVE to win a brand-spanking new one!


My washer is so old and this one is just awesome!


What an awesome giveaway!! I have loved the LG sidekick since I first saw the commercial! It’s genius! I’d definitely use it for my running clothes and smaller loads of laundry.


I have six kids. I NEED this. :)


I feel like I’m constantly doing laundry with my 16 month old so this would be great to have. I’ve never owed my own washer and dryer!


Wow this is a great giveaway!

Yes, laundry, cooking, cleaning, getting kids ready, etc. are all my job. Yard work, scrubbing the bathrooms (tubs, shower, etc), taking out the garbage, and anything to do with fixing the house are all his job.

waking up early, enjoying the races, budgeting (yes, I totally agree on that one), eating the right foods, etc. are all perks of marrying a runner!

i feel like we’re doing so much laundry every other day…….. how do you keep those running gear/clothes from stinking bad after a few months? (even if you keep them washed)


Our family would love this heavenly brand of machinery! We are moving into a new house and our family of five would benefit from using LG’s washer and dryer! We have a baseball and football player, a softball and volleyball player, a baby, an active husband that sweats at the gym after work 6 days out of the week, and myself that manages to get to run and sweat in my favorite workout clothes! We need you LG, and we love your blog HRG!


This Sidekick looks great! The laundry never ends!


I’d love to own an LG sidekick because it will make my laundry experience more enjoyable and funner! ^_^


We are about to have a new baby, aka major new laundry! This washer looks amazing!


Laundry is a chore that, as long as I stay on top of it, isn’t one that I mind doing. As a mother of two & a wife, laundry is never-ending, but to me, it’s mindless; so when a day seems crazy busy, it’s a relaxing, welcome task.


I’m the same way with my favorite running clothes. I’m doing sports laundry often to keep my favorite running shorts clean. The LG sidekick looks awesome.


3 out of 5 in my house are runner – and the 4th plays hockey! Our washing machine is going every day! Would love the sidekick!!


I just started work as a physician and a lot of days I go through multiple outfits, so it would be great to be able to separate my work clothes from my home clothes.


Need a new washer like crazy–just bought a house in February and our laundry closet is being used as camping storage :-0!


Since I turned an entire load blue right after we got married (almost 14 years ago) my Husband does his own laundry. In my defense it was a common machine that must have been compromised. It seems like we have at least two loads of week of stinky workout clothes.


The laundry I do is divided between school clothes and running clothes! If I could get away with running clothes at school, I would wear them every day! I swear most of my laundry is workout/running clothing. I’m very particular about how I was my sports bras and my running tops. I’d LOVE to win the LG! I saw a commercial for it the other day and fell in love ❤️❤️❤️!


Mine is so old & inefficient. I would love a shiny new one!


I’d love to have a sidekick to help with washing all my delicates!


So I can wash my favorite running outfit every day! ;)


I usually generate 1.5 loads of laundry / week, so I usually just cram it all in to 1 load (eek!) and cross my fingers that no colors bleed. This would help we keep my clothes looking nicer!


hmm…2 workouts a day…so i guess about 2/3 of my laundry are running/workout clothes?


It would be nice to have my clothes actually dry in just one cycle haha


I have a washer and dryer that are 20 years old. I lost my old LG appliances in my divorce.


That’s awesome! I’m going to have to look into that for my front loader!


I would love an LG to keep all my running and workout clothes separate from my regular clothing. With two runners in the house we generate a lot of dirty workout gear.


The main reason I have to do laundry is for socks! I would love for it to be faster.


Need to keep my over used workout clothes in decent shape with delicate washing!


This is compact and perfect for my apartment!


OMGosh… laundry is my favorite! I know that makes me a dork. Don’t care.


I’d love an LG sidekick! We recently bought a new house so this would be perfect!


I would love to win a new washer. Our last one broke at a bad time for us so we ended up with a cheap one. Plus I really like how you can do 2 loads at once!


Least favorite chore…. Dishes!!! Like you, I also like to have fresh, clean, pressed clothing but it’s hard to keep up with(toddlers, work, school, running..)… It always seems like I have a mountain and it takes so long to get it all done!!! Would certainly help to have another washer/dryer set like this beauty!


Jammies, for sure. I wash so many small loads of pajamas


With a new baby in the house, the amount of laundry we do is insane! We are in desperate need of a new washer and dryer! These LG ones are beautiful!

On another note, I am loving the vlogs lately. Please keep them as an ongoing thing!


This machine looks magical! Perfect for swimsuit loads now that it’s crazy HOT swimming weather all the time!!!


in NYC laundry is not easy to do if it is not in your apartment. this would be a lifesaver!


id love to own one cause its just perfect for me and my family with baseball clothes and delicates clothes and needing to wash with small loads its perfect


I actually like laundry too… That sidekick is!


Like you, I’d use the sidekick for running and workout clothes


I do allll


I’d love an LG Sidekick because I’ve had such horrible washers over the past 20 years I’d love a great one! Perfect timing as I’m getting married too, and a time saver! Can’t beat that :)


I feel like 90% of my laundry is running clothes! I can usually re-wear most work outfits at least without having to wash them (it’s not that gross, I promise) and then the other 10% consists of pj’s and undies!!


How cool is this thing!?! I’d love to have it for the mid week my toddler’s out of underwear load I always end up running.


Ahhhhhh between a husband and 4 kids there is ALWAYS laundry to be done. I have the ugliest machine known to mankind but hey, it still works lol. I would love something that could hold more, and work better to cut down on laundry time and make more family time!


I do all the laundry for our family of 4 and with 2 runners and 2 kids it’s A lot of clothes!


I’d love to win because I hate running small loads of laundry. The LG sidekick would enable me to run small loads without feeling guilty.


I would love to wash my running clothes separate from other items AT THE SAME TIME!!! what an amazing giveaway!


I would love this! Maybe my nice sports bras would last longer.


This would be such a game changer in the laundry world! Between kids, colors, work, workout, and construction we have lots of piles! Double duty would sure help!


This is the best giveaway ever!! I do so much laundry but don’t mind it. My daughter hates the vacuum so it’s now my least favorite chore because I can never find a good time to do it.


I’d love it because there is at least one load of laundry a day it seems like around here!


Umm yes please! It’s idiot proof when someone *ahem* husband does the laundry.


The LG sidekick is a really neat idea…I’d love to have that for my dress clothes or running gear!


I’d love a new sidekick for my family, we need a great washing machine!! and we’ve always wanted a front-load washer!


That looks awesome and perfect for when you don’t have a huge load of laundry. I’m thinking kids clothes with stains that need to be washed before the stains set.


This would make it so much easier to wash running clothes separate from work clothes. What a cool washing machine!


Fresh laundry is my absolute favorite – I feel like I got so much accomplished when I’m putting it away, and I love breathing in the fresh detergent smell. Loooove.


Such a beautiful family! I love this SideKick! We need one because our laundry is insane. We call it the laundry monster!


My husband does MMA/BJJ so we have tons of laundry between that and my running. I’d love to win.


I love doing laundry and doing it in the sidekick would be so much fun (okay, that sounds weird, but laundry really is my favorite chore)!


This looks awesome!


That thing is cool!


I would love to win this! Between my husband and daughter, we have so much laundry!


What an awesome giveaway!! I actually like doing laundry but with three kids and an old machine, this would make it so much easier!


I hate laundry, but pretty new toys would make me my husband shrinks everything so have to do it!


Laundry is neverending at my house! I would love this!


Currently 75% of my laundry is running clothes and our movers broke our washer! This would be an awesome giveaway to win !


Awesome giveaway!!!


This is amazing!


With 2 kids and myself, we go through a lot of laundry! The sidekick would be great for all of my need quick, personal loads!


I like folding laundry too. It’s is therapeutic. And unlike running, doesn’t cause injuries.


I would love to win the sidekick because my husband plays hockey and I hate washing his clothes with our regular clothes. If you know hockey players their clothes and gear stink. This would be an amazing addition. Also I’m a running/worker outer and this would be great to wash my gym stuff separately.


Awesome!We need a new washer sooooo bad! Thank you!


Least favorite chore is cleaning the bath rooms. Only because I have a son. Followed very close by the laundry. It seems like the song that never ends. With a running husband and now with camping seasons…. It seems to be my life


I need this!!


New baby means lots of extra laundry!


What a great idea for a washer! It would be so nice to have the extra space to wash my nicer pieces or delicates.


This would be so amazing to win!!!! We need a washer and dryer! Crossing my fingers!!!


My 4 year old and husband go through 6 outfits a day I swear, plus my 1 year old usually drools his way through a couple outfits himself. Luckily I just stay in my workout clothes all day. ? I would love this because I actually like doing laundry… But it would be better with a new sidekick!


Would love to have one to wash a small load of my workout clothes asap after a run!


This is so crazy because I am shopping for a new washer and dryer right now! The army relocated my husband and I to Texas and the house we moved into has no washer and dryer. We are big workout people and this sidekick would be perfect! We had narrowed down our search to LG anyway!


That sidekick is AWESOME. I need one! I wash running/workout clothes 2 or 3 x per week and I hate using the full washer for such small loads.
My husband and I are both runners, albeit much different types. He does not love running. Lol. He does it strictly for finess. We both run, but rarely run together (unless I need a very easy-paced run!) That being said, he is INSANELY supportive of my running… almost to the point of being a coach. He goes to every single race to cheer me on, gives me pep talks, and encourages me like crazy. He “gets” it – the training, the loss I feel when injured or sick, ALL the lingo. Lol. I couldn’t love him more ?


I would love a new washer!!!! If I could, I’d toss mine out the window b/c it’s so maddening!!!


I would love love love to have one of these!


This is the first time I’ve ever been jealous of someone’s washer lol


so you didn’t actually ‘purchase’ these


I actually work from home so a majority of our laundry is my workout clothes! While I don’t mind washing my clothes… I hate folding and putting things away (that’s when I realize I have too much clothes and then stuff them into the drawers). It also doesn’t help that I’m anal about the way I fold my clothes so it takes longer… I actually don’t mind vacuuming and cleaning the bathroom!
Both my husband I will share chores. Sometimes I do the laundry and sometimes he does… Mostly bc he runs out of clothes before me and wants to do a load before I need to.


What a great giveaway! Thx


With 3 boys laundry in my house is endless! This would be awesome and super helpful. Congrats to you & Andrew


I really need a washing machine. ;)


i like to keep my sweaty gross workout clothes dirty laundry away from my “normal” dirty laundry, so this would be awesome to be able to do both at the same time!


I couldn’t imagine having a twin washing mashine! With three kids and my running clothes and my hubbys gym clothes my washing mashine never stops!!


This is an awesome giveaway. I have heard the sidekicks are really good and I would love to try one out.


Awesome giveaway! My husband and I are also runners, so I’d love to be be able to use the pedestal washer to clean the running clothes right away—especially after a FL summer run! :P


I’d say 95% of our laundry is workout clothes! This would be amazing to own!


This would be amazing to win! With two young, active kids and my husband and I (and pets) we do a TON of laundry! Thank you for the giveaway!


I do laundry for 3 kids and me. I’m always needing that extra sidekick otherwise it takes at least a week to get enough delicates to run a decent sized load!


I had to move back in with my parents for a little while and I think it would be a great gift for them. They have been in this house for over 20 years and so have their washer and dryer, they need an update! :)


As a mom to two little ones and beginning to train for a fall half and full marathon. I am needing a washer and dryer more than ever. Beats coin laundry!


We divide our laundry by whites darks and techs and we don’t run as much as you but as stay at home mom I wear excersixe clothes all the time anyways. Which makes me want to ask what are your favorite running/excercise apparel pieces. You mentioned you had 3 favorite shorts. Always like hearing from others their favorites when I want to get something new.


Great giveaway!! I am a runner too and spend about half my life doing laundry. This would be AMAZING for those favorite running shorts!


Holy moly!! I love my LG washer/dryer and would love to add the sidekick! I actually like laundry (although folding it is harder with an 11 month old around) but I’ll pass on yard work?


OMG the sidekick is the best invention ever, especially for a single girl like me. I can’t tell you how many times I ran a load for 2-3 pieces (especially before a race…we all need that lucky top to run in). I felt so guilty about the wasted water and energy…. What a great way to avoid that!


This runner is having a little boy in two months so this would be perfect to help us stay on top of everything !


We are moving in a couple of weeks and this would be awesome to win! I have never had new appliances of any kind! :)


This would be perfect for my small load of running clothes I have every week. I never know whether I should wash them separately and waste a large load or throw them in with everything else!


What an awesome giveaway! You guys are the best!


My washing machine just broke last week so this would be more than appreciated!! :) It looks so fancy and awesome!


I NEED this!! Such a great idea! Love it to wash delicates and those times my hubby washes ONE shirt at a time!!!


Wow sweet giveaway!! Laundry is my least favorite chore to do BUT an LG Sidekick would put a smile on my face instead of a grimace:)


This is so cool! I just moved and my washer in my new place is grossssss. Washing my tech stuff is my fav because it smells the worst!


I would love to own an LG sidekick because I just moved and found out the washer doesn’t work at our new house :( and this one looks amazing!!


Wish this would be so helpful! I’m training for an ironman right now and have an insane amount of laundry to do. This would make life so much easier!


I am not a fan of cleaning the bathrooms either. These machines can make laundry more fun I think! 50% of my laundry is running gear bad even more when I’m training for something.


Did even know this was out there! Would be great for all our running gear :)


I’m about to move, so I’d love a washer! And I too am a workoutaholic so I’ll take any assistance I can get!


I sooooooo need/want to win the LG Sidekick! We are renting and the washer and dryer that came with our unit are probably older than me ? We are in desperate need of an upgrade! I also love to run with my husband while he pushes our 2 year old in the stroller and my 8 year old runs next to us. The family that runs together stays together!


I don’t mind the laundry, except I have to fold it about 3 times because my toddler likes to UNfold it. I hate cleaning the bathrooms and I realllllllllllllllly hate making the bed.
I love how fancy this washer is! 80% of my laundry is workout gear.


Love the idea of being able to do different types of laundry at the same time. This way I can keep my smelly running clothes separate from my nice work clothes


I would seriously LOVE this. My husband (who hates doing laundry) and I don’t have a washer or dryer. :( I do hot yoga and he works in Plumbing so I actually have to put my sweaty yoga clothes, and his dirty work clothes in plastic bags so at the end of the week I can schlep them to the Laundromat. My husband is such a gentleman he usually goes with me because its so heavy to carry all the clothes. SO inconvenient. I actually look forward to the day when we have our own washer/dryer so I can do load after work or when ever.. because I too, oddly love doing laundry! I find the sound of a washer or dryer in the back ground soooo relaxing.


Wait,,, ironing???


I love that picture of you 4!! The smiles on your faces scream joy and “full hearts.” I just love it!

I also love that washing machine! I could certainly use it so that I don’t have to lug my clothing to the laundry mat weekly :-)


This would be amazing in my NYC apt!!

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