Benefits of marrying a runner and a HUGE giveaway from LG Electronics!!!

ONE LUCKY READER WILL WIN A FREE LG SideKick™!!! Do not miss out on this giveaway at the end of this post!


As you know, things are changing big time around here these days!  It has just been me and the Brookers for years and now we are doubling in size.

I feel ridiculously lucky to have found Andrew (well, Nolan found him for me) and that we get to start building a life together.

With many running adventures together too.

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Picture from us together on the bus at 4:30 a.m. on the way to a race:

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I think over the decades together ahead of us whether it is a random Thursday night, a trip somewhere awesome or an early morning treadmill session… running will always be something that Andrew and I enjoy doing together.  I tell him all of the time that all I need for a date is a run together (followed by some sort of treat of course).  It is something we will always have that we can do anywhere and conversations during a run always seem to be that much more meaningful to me.

I’ve been thinking about some of the many benefits/funny things/consequences/randomness that comes along with marrying a runner and I wanted to share them:

*Couples that carb load together, stay together.  That’s a thing right?  Well, it will sure be nice to have someone that will want to carb load with me the night before a race or long run and to have someone to cheers with some chocolate milk afterwards.

*He is more than okay with my runner’s feet and understands miles trump pretty toes any day;)

*We can show each other our love by doing things like making a nice ice bath for our spouse after they have a hard run or schedule an appointment for the other to get scraped/graston/sports massage… you know, romantic things like that.

*We will both be more than okay going to bed early on weekend nights so we can wake up early to run:)

*Foam rolling while watching a running documentary together, just normal married people activities.

*He is 100% on board with a chunk of the budget going towards all things running—>  race registrations, running shoes, all of the tanks, blister-proof socks, garmins etc.

*We will probably plan our trips around races and cool running spots every now and then.

*If one of us is injured than the other will be able to empathize and we will most definitely understand all of the weird terms that only runners understand—>  PR, DNF, fartlek, tempo, BQ, plantar fasciitis and the list goes on and on.

and lastly:

*The running clothes laundry that I will be doing is about to double in size.  

I laughed so hard at this because it is SOOOOO true:



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To help us out with all of the many loads of running socks, sports bras, running shoes, tech t-shirts, compression socks, headbands (I wash my running headbands after every run because they get gross fast), spandex and tanks——>  Andrew and I made our first very important purchase together.  We bought an LG Front-Load Washer and Dryer and as you can tell I am really excited about it.

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Andrew is thrilled about it too because doing the laundry is his absolute least favorite chore.  He does not like it one bit.  I weirdly enjoy doing laundry/ironing/folding so I’ll be in charge of all of the laundry at our house and he will be in charge of the chores that I can’t stand doing (aka all of the yard work and bathrooms:).  It works out perfectly.

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To add to my excitement, today I will be getting the LG SideKick delivered.  I’ll be waiting patiently by the front door for it to arrive (and today you get the chance to win one of these too)!

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The LG SideKick pedestal washer enhances your laundry routine big time and I’m so ready for that.  It goes directly below your LG front-load washer and it is an ADDITIONAL washing machine!  It is perfect for all of us workoutaholics because you can put your normal loads into the front-loader and then put your active wear and custom care pieces in the LG SideKick!  This can help us all to keep our expensive workout pieces/nice sports bras etc protected!

The LG SideKick and LG front-load washer can work together at the same time or independently—>  this means you can do one load of cold and one load of hot water at the same time.  Or one load of colors and one load of whites at the same time too:)  I also can’t wait to just use the LG SideKick by itself for my three pairs of running shorts that are my absolute favorites… I pretty much rotate through those three pairs and so I can put them in the LG SideKick for a quick wash in between my weekly laundry routine.  Washing won’t feel wasteful when I just need to do a small load or just a few pieces in the LG SideKick.  It also offers six different cycles like an active wear cycle!

I have a feeling that I will be spending a lot of time with my new toys… between the four of us now and any future kiddos—>  that is a lot of laundry to do (especially running clothes because I’m sure Knox and Brooke will want to be runners too;)

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Sponsored by LG Electronics!  Thanks for following along our random running/life/engagement/daily tangents!  We really appreciate you:)

Now for the extra exciting part!!!!

*****Time for you to enter a giveaway for your very own free LG SideKick:

Follow the widget below to enter!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You can find the Terms and Conditions for the LG SideKick Giveaway here

Check out the LG SideKick here and get a LG Front Load and LG Sidekick pair starting at just $999 (now is the best time to buy —> LG is running a promotion until July 13th where you can purchase an LG TWINWash starting at $999)!  You can also buy the LG SideKick separately because it works with LG front-load washers as far back as 2009!


What is your least favorite and favorite chore to do around the house?  How do you split up the chores with the people in your household?

How do you handle chores with kids at your house?

What percentage of your laundry are running clothes?

What are the benefits of dating/being married to/being best friends with/having family members be a runner?

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I didn’t even know the Sidekick existed. What an awesome idea!!


That pie chart is so accurate. I sleep in my running clothes, so I can wake up and go. Cuts down on laundry a little.


Oh my gosh, I would use that Sidekick all the time for my running gear! I hate doing small loads of exercise gear, but I also hate letting them just languish in their sweaty stink. What an awesome invention! :)


I just moved into a new house and the LG Sidekick would be perfect for me!


Between a husband who waits until he is out of clothes to do laundry (what!?) and myself, who doesn’t like to wait for her favorite running shorts to be clean before the next long run we NEED a side kick :D I can keep up with my smaller loads and leave the regular front load for him; newly-wed compromise!


I want the sidekick bc my stuff is so old!


I didn’t know the Sidekick existed! Looks awesome. My washer is super old and on its last legs. Thanks for a chance to win!!


Love the sound of this washer! My husband and I are both very active so our sad old washer does not have the wonderful features of this one!


I could really use this with my two kids! My current washer is a hand-me-down and I’m in need of an upgrade!


This would be amazing! I love the fact that I married a runner too! It’s the best.


I seriously need that or rather, my OCD seriously needs that!


I also hate doing laundry! But would love it if I could do two loads at once to cut down on the time it takes!!


Wow what an awesome giveaway!! Thanks for hosting!


Having a spouse who understands your running obsession is an important part of a long, happy marriage!


How cool is that! I didn’t even know the side kick was a thing. I could definitely use it since I am getting married!


Um, 5 people in my house, two of whom run, along with two dogs = tons of laundry! I so need this!


I have so many uses for the sidekick! So cool!


4 little boys + runner mom + cross fit dad = lots of laundry!


What an awesome giveaway!


Ahhh… the division of the chores. We actually both do our own laundry for the most part but my husband just started working out (and he actually told me the other day he hopes to run a 10K with me soon!!!!!!) so now we do our daily workout cloths together. Gotta love it!


That is amazing! Would love that set!


Best idea ever! This would be perfect for ski season too!


I would love the LG SideKick! It would make those small loads so much easier to do and it would make doing laundry go faster!


I love that you guys run together & such a good list! I wish my bf would run with me!

I would love to win the LG sidekick bc we currently have to go to the laundromat to do our laundry…. And I’m quite over it!


Awesome Giveaway


I didn’t know this existed until now but I need it!!


The Sidekick looks perfect for washing a load of running clothes, especially all of my running skirts :)


Not a fan of laundry at all! I usually leave all the clothes in the laundry room and take them from there!


Thanks for the giveaway!


Wow!!! I need this for my running stuff…and cloth diapers!


My husband and I have been running together for almost two years now! We did our first marathon at Disney this January and it is something I never would have been able to do without him! I still can’t believe we did it! It is fun to have a partner in crime throughout training and to get each other through the tough parts! Unfortunately one tough part that I get to enjoy myself is the laundry, but he takes most of the dishes so that’s fair! :) So glad I came across your blog! Looking forward to following more of your adventures!!


My husband and I purchased our first set of washer and dryer earlier this year, and it’s my favorite purchase together as husband and wife. And it’s the LG too! I just mentioned to my husband last week that I wanted the LG sidekick as an anniversary present because we could use it for small loads since our mega size washer is sometimes too large for our tech loads.


I would love to own a sidekick to be able to do two different kinds of loads at the same time with that washer, love the looks of it as well, small and compact. Thanks for the chance :)


Wife and I are having our first kid and looking to buy our first house, and we’ll need a washer/dryer!


DREAM washer & dryer! I would love to have a nicer set, my husband and I have tons of laundry, especially when we run in the winter (here in Chicago, we have a looooooooot of sweaty layers!). I could easily throw a big load of laundry in while still taking care of all the items that need extra attention!


We’re expecting our first baby in about 6 weeks and are planning to use cloth diapers but I’m nervous that our very old washer is not up to the task. It would be great to have a new washer to take on what will be a lot more laundry on top of the many loads we do each week for our workout clothes.


This would be great for cleaning bathing suits! It’s summer and we live in our bathing suits, but I never know how to wash them!


I would love to win this since I have an extra large capacity washer, which is great….except for small loads. I hate using all that water and energy for just a few things!


What an awesome giveaway!! I want :-)


?????????? seriously amazing! Dave runs all the time and his shirts are sooooo gnarly. It would be so nice to have a washer that I could just throw all Of our workout clothes into! And not have to sift through the piles to hang dry everything!!


I love this idea! What a cool invention. I definitely need a side kick! It would be amazing to just throw in a few of my son’s stained items or wash one of my nice shirts instead of doing an entire load. Hoping I win!

Also, I just want to say I really love your blog! Congrats on your engagement and thanks for writing. You’re the best!


That idea is AWESOME! I love it! I would love to win one because we are moving in a few weeks and having something like this in our new home would be great! Thank you!


I work at The Y, I run and workout. I definitely need this to help keep all of my workout gear clean and ready for the next round. When I do my laundry, I ALWAYS wah my workout clothes 1st. They are the most important!


What a cool addition to your washer and dryer!


that sounds awesome to be able to watch both separately!!


Awesome give away!


I need a new washer!! Pick me?


I love this! I do so much laundry!


Wow what an awesome giveaway!! Yes, please.


Our old washer and dryer could use an upgrade and with a baby on the way-it will be well loved! =)


I am newly married and about to move into our first place which has laundry hook ups but no washer and dryer!! We recently moved to California away from family and we are excited to start our life in our new place! We would really love a washer and dryer!!


We just bought a house with the WORST washer/dryer ever. Definitely looking for a new one since we are both training hard this summer and have laundry every other day. This washer looks amazing, I feel like 800s would be easier if I had it, ya know?


I want to win this because I need a new washer


I too love to do laundry & it always seems to be workout attire! These LG’s would sure make it easier, I LOVE them!


I didn’t know these existed! As a runner doing a small load of sports bras and shorts would be so nice. Our current washer and dryer are about DONE so the timing would be great!


My husband and I are getting our first home together this year! The washer would be the perfect addition with the sidekick – SO awesome!


Free stuff = good stuff.
Free LG stuff = great stuff.
Free LG laundry stuff = priceless!


I don’t mind laundry either! How cool is the sidekick!


I would love this because it would help me get my wash done faster :)


I’m currently 36 weeks pregnant with my first so a LG Sidekick would definitely come in handy soon!


Since your pie chart = my life I would love this:)


Congrats on the upcoming wedding! I would love a new washer :)


This runner and mom to three would put this to great use!!!!!!!!!!!


I want that!!!


We recently moved and got a new LG washer and dryer. I love them! I’m always behind on laundry, though, so a Sidekick would be perfect. We’re going to have four adults and two young children in the house soon. Between day to day laundry, cloth diapers, and workout clothes, we we’d extra laundry power! Thanks for the great giveaway!


How have I not heard of this! How awesome!


That’s a pretty high tech washing machine! That would be amazing! We have so much laundry for 4 people – work clothes, workout clothes, school clothes, soccer-tennis-basketball-etc. I usually re-use my workout clothes 1-2 times (probably yucky) to be a little easier on them as I feel like my washer and dryer really wear my clothes out quickly.


What an awesome washer!


This would DEFINITELY be useful for my many small pieces of athletic gear!


I just saw this in lowes! I would definitely maxiMize that little washer with workout clothes. It’s ridiculous how much laundry a family of 4 can go through.


great for those that wear the same yoga pants everyday (me)


I would love to win an LG Sidekick! Doing laundry for 3 people gets a little crazy sometimes – have a super cool washing machine that does 2 loads at once?! This is the stuff dreams are made of.


My goodness, what a giveaway! I’d like to win one because my mom needs a new washing machine!


Sweeet! I’ve been looking at the sidekick cause our dryer just broke and might as well get a whole new set and with four boys plus us– we do lots of laundry!!!


I would love to win a new washer/LG Sidekick…front loader is easier to load all things running, yoga, bootcamp and techno fabric related…besides, my washer is like 25 years old. So, please pick me.


What a gorgeous machine! 2 runners + a toddler = a ton of laundry so I know how you feel! I would seriously designate that bottom drawer for sock washing only. I can’t tell you how many missing pairs we have!


We just moved and this would be the BEST way to keep my running clothes clean running after around my new neighborhood!


What an amazing giveaway! Thank you! The sidekick looks so great…we love LG in our house!


So many sweaty workout clothes!!!! I would love this addition to our washer/dryer so I could wash my sweaty workout clothes separate from my kiddo’s dirty clothes.


I am a runner with an eight month old baby who is teething… Need I say more?


I’d love that SideKick ;o)


I want an LG sidekick because it’s probably also great for baby clothes in addition to my running clothes.


My washer is waaay outdated. I would love to win!!


Being able to wash my running stuff separate without feeling guilty about taking up precious washer time, would be priceless! Two adults who run and hit the gym, with two athletic teens … Laundry piles up! And especially during these sweaty Texas summers!!


I would love it because it looks amazing!


Wow! Best giveaway ever! Running clothes = almost all the laundry!


Wow I’m drooling over this. Love how advanced washers have become.


What an awesome idea! And lucky for me, I already have an LG washer and dryer! All I need now is a sidekick.


Wow! That is a huge giveaway! My husband and I so desperately need a new washer :(!!!


This may be the best giveaway… ever! I have such an old washer and by the end of the week it just wont fit all the smelly workout gear in my hamper!


Sounds perfect for all those stinky running clothes!


Perfect use for my tiny loads of whites!!


I’m getting married in less than a month (!!!) We are moving into a new to us house and still need to buy a washer/dryer so I’d love this!!


This is awesome!!! This would save me with all the laundry we wash in our house :)


The LG Sidekick would be perfect for heavy and light loads at the same time. I like washing everything white in one load but usually takes 2 weeks to make 1 load so that would be much more convenient. Thanks for the giveaway!


Because I run, and have a farmer husband, and well, I run!! :D


Doing laundry after running is the bane of my existence! In the winter it’s particularly bad because it’s SO MUCH extra clothing!!! And during the summer I just get gross, because I’m working as an archaeologist and I only have so many sports bras… yikes.


The LG washer looks so nice!


Awesome giveaway! Running laundry is my favorite because all the pretty colors!


Our washing machine just died last week so I’m crossing my fingers for this one. My running clothes need some tlc.


I had a baby 5 weeks ago so my running clothes are less but overall has really increased! :)


My least favorite chore is probably laundry. My husband always ends up doing it because I will just wait and wait until the last possible second. I like cleaning the kitchen and doing dishes (well…loading/unloading the dishwasher), so I always do that. The rest of them we tend to just take turns doing. My husband has been running recently and I love it! We run together a couple times a week, and now that he’s running on a more regular basis, he totally understands the necessity of planning a day around a run. :)


I would love the LG sidekick so I can do my kids clothes at the same time I do my work clothes.


Best giveaway ever! This would be an awesome win!


Running clothes and a husband who is in construction. Dirty clothes take over my laundry room!


I really hate putting clean laundry away. Now that my kids are older I have them put their clothes away after they are clean:). I think about 50% of my clothing is work out clothes! I think having a husband that also runs, makes them more understanding about the time that needs to be taken especially when training for a specific race. Its a win win ;)


I haaate dishes… and probably 50% of my laundry is running-related. I’m not married to a runner yet… I will be soon! :)


love this so much!!


My boyfriend and I are moving into our first house and could for sure use this! Between my running gear and his workout gear our laundry gets out of control quickly


I swear laundry more than doubles when Ross is exercising. I don’t know how. It’s like a mathematical phenomenon. This looks awesome. My least favorite chore is dusting…even though it takes the least amount of time out of all the household chores. I think it is because the one that took the longest when I was growing up and I have PTSD. Ross hates the dishes the most, but it’s all good because he claims he has a magic sink anyway. One where he puts dishes in and they automatically are clean when he looks there again. But the magic sink seems only to be around when I am home ;) weird.


Athletes must have multiple washing machines! What a cool space saving idea.


I would love this for so many reasons! For one, it would make doing laundry so much easier and faster.


my boyfriend and I just started our first home together, after graduating college and living with our parents so a nice new washer for all our running clothes (we both ran in college D1 and still run now) would be awesome!


I enjoy doing laundry as well and a brand new LG washer and dryer would be amazing!!! Thank you for offering such a wonderful giveaway.


such a neat idea for those small loads of laundry! I hate when my fave shorts/sports bras run out


Yes! I would love this! I JUST bought a house and it comes with an LG washer and dryer so this sidekick would be an incredible addition! I


Laundry is easily my least favorite chore! This would be amazing :)


um, amazing!! We need a new washer in the worst way!


It’s about 85% running clothes for me. This would be so great!!


What a great giveaway!


We are moving to San Diego as I write this! We would love one for all of the new adventures and outdoor activities we will be doing!


What an amazing giveaway! My least favorite chore is the bathrooms by far.


I need these!! When we bought our house 2 years ago, it came with a (very old) washer and dryer. They still work, so replacing them hasn’t been a top priority, but I can’t help but think that a new washer would do a better job on my sweaty running clothes! ;)


I love this!! I hate wasting water on such small loads of laundry!


I definitely wash a lot of workout clothes so this would be awesome!


Laundry and toilets are the worst! How are chores split up….I do them all so they get done “right”. I would love these…maybe a new washer and dryer would boost my mood when it’s laundry time!


How cool!


I’d say nearly 80% of my laundry is running clothes!! It’s crazy.


wow! this sounds cool…. great giveaway!


What an amazing giveaway ? we are a family of 5 so I am always doing laundry!


Awesome idea! Would be great for separating my sons clothes and mine.


What a great idea…this is genius!


I’d love to make laundery time easier!


I need a new washer so badly!! This LG looks awesome!


I’m getting married in October and purchasing a house soon thereafter. It would be amazing to have such a high quality washing machine for the start of our lives together!


This is an awesome giveaway!!!!


Between our normal sweaty running/mountain biking laundry and the increased laundry that comes with a five week old baby boy, this would be a treat to have in addition to our LG washer!


That washer looks awesome!


This would be awesome for washing baby clothes! We have a LG washer and I am pretty happy with it.


My dryer is currently taking foreverforever toto dry my clothes so I’d love an upgrade!


I do all the laundry in my marriage to a runner too! The LG set would be an amazing upgrade to our lives!


I have entire loads that are running clothes so I could use the sidekick for my regular load!


With 2 kids, 3years and 3month, and being an ultra runner myself, the laundry is 50% workout clothes, 50 kids clothes, many times spit up cloths or a stained shirt that just needs immediate washing. I need this!!


WOULD LOVE a more efficient machine!!!


I would la la LOVE to win and use the LG SideKick! I have two jobs and one requires a uniform that requires separate washings – this would be a dream come true time saver! #winwin #crossingmyfingersandtoes


Same here! I do laundry and my husband does yard work. It works out great!


I would love this! I do a ton of laundry!


They are so pretty! I’m in dire need of a new wash and dryer.


Between an 8 month old who for the life of him can’t refrain from blowouts (?), and daily workouts, this washer would be perfect!!


I need this in my life! Love the sidekick part.

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