Q&A about Dating with GLOSSYBOX!


***Don’t miss out on the awesome discount code from GLOSSYBOX at the end of the post!!!***

Let’s talk about beauty products here for a minute.  To be honest I wasn’t really that interested in make-up/beauty products etc until I got divorced.  Up until that point I am pretty sure I used the exact same make-up that I used in high school and it just wasn’t really in our budget either.  I got divorced and between dating again and just wanting to do something for myself to feel fresh and confident again I started really loving using and experimenting with new beauty products.

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While I think a lot of us running obsessed people are in running clothes most of the time and sweating out on the roads (or the stuffy gym;) it is always super fun for me to have days/nights to get spruced up and go out.


I wanted to share GLOSSYBOX with you guys because it is my go-to for finding new amazing beauty products.  GLOSSYBOX is a monthly beauty box subscription that delivers these amazing products (in the cutest boxes I might add) right to your doorstep.  The products they send over (5 in each box) are deluxe to full sized and it is only $21 per month (I was super surprised to hear how much it costs because I feel like I should be paying way more for how much I get)!  They are the only global beauty box that curates products from around the world.  These make for the perfect gift to show some love and I sent one to one of my girlfriends and they loved it as much as I did!

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My skin felt amazing during and after this Aloe Rescue face mask… I need to make this a regular thing.  I love the variety that comes in each box… the above one came with the face mask, lipstick, a hydrating cleanser, golden skin roll-on and the POREfessional (used to help minimize the appearance of pores ((I didn’t even know this existed ha but I love it)).  If you are feeling like you are in a rut with your make-up or skin care or you love finding new awesome beauty products then you really need to try GLOSSYBOX.

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She is surprisingly good about putting lipstick on me.

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So since we are still in the month of Love and talking about these fun beauty products… let’s talk a bit about dating.  Most of these questions are completely made up from my head but a few of them have been asked by readers before.

How do you meet people?

-Blind dates (I might be one of the only people that actually really likes blind dates ha), my girlfriends know everyone within a 10 mile radius and so I meet people through them and at church.  I haven’t tried the online thing.

When do you introduce people you are dating to Brooke?

-This has been so different for each relationship.  I dated a guy last summer that I had been friends with for months before we started dating.  He had already met Brooke when we were just friends and so she came on dates with us as soon as we became exclusive.   Most people I have dated haven’t met her and some were introduced to her a month or so into the relationship.  As she gets older I feel like I don’t want to introduce her quickly at all because she understands more now about what is going on.  She gets attached quickly because she doesn’t see her dad a ton and I think having a guy around makes her really happy and then the break-ups affect her too.  I am pretty sure my heart rate goes to 200 anytime somebody I am dating talks about meeting her.  She is just the most special thing in my entire world and figuring out the right thing for her in this situation is rough because her heart is just too important to me.  I also don’t want to fall in love with someone because it means I get the mom/dad/kid feeling that I crave so badly… I need to fall in love with the person and not just because it makes me so happy to see my guy playing with Brooke… but once they do meet her they have to be crazy good with her for things to progress.  How’s that for a long answer?

What is the hardest part about dating again?

-Break-ups.  Goodness gracious those hurt and I turn to Netflix and chocolate to get through them;)  How to tell that a break-up just went down over here—>  I start watching Gilmore Girls over again obsessively and wear the same sweatshirt every day for two weeks straight.

Are you awkward after a break-up?

-Yes, I actually don’t know how to act normal when I run into an ex.  It’s not like the relationships ended on a bad note or anything… I just stutter, have no idea what to say, look at my feet when we talk and feel super weird whenever I run into an ex.  If somebody could help me to act less embarrassing in these situations I would really appreciate that;)

What is the best part about dating again?

-It is super great to have butterflies, to get to know someone, to experience new things together, to laugh, and to feel again for somebody else (I used to think I would NEVER ever feel again… but I definitely do again and that is refreshing:).

Does dating stress you out?

-Yes, when things get serious… and let me know if you want a full post about this because I could go on for a year about it.  Maybe I’m just too aware of what can go wrong or the fact that I am not just dating for myself but for Brooke too makes me worry.  And maybe when it is the right guy I won’t feel stressed about it but the last few weeks have felt beyond good to just take a break (and I plan to keep taking a break for some time) from even thinking about dating and instead take care of the Brookers and me, family time and spend time with my girls instead.

Look at GLOSSYBOX helping me to try out new things like LIPSTICK!!!

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This post was sponsored by GLOSSYBOX—> Thank you very much for supporting our sponsors, me and the Brooker head.

The first 100 readers to use the code HungryRunnerGB will get 15% off your first box!  Go HERE!!!!!  (This code will work for 30 days).


Have any funny dating stories to share?  I would love to hear them!  Any other single parents out in the dating world… what are your thoughts on the whole situation?

What are some of your favorite beauty products?  What is your routine w/make-up, skin care etc?

Are you a lipstick person?  

What do you have on your running schedule today?

-A few Tuesday Tempo miles for me which I am excited about!

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You are legit sooooo beautiful inside and out Janae! I know God has the perfect man out there for you and Brooke. :-)


Full post on dating stress, please!


YES please


I started using Birchbox for the same reason. Without it, I would be stuck in the same habits I’ve had forever and never try new things! Sometimes I don’t care for the products but most of the time there’s at least one thing I really love! And it’s gotten me to try lipsticks too! Crazy! ;)

I LOVE Origins High Potency Night a Mins. It smells like Skittles (at least that’s what I associate it with) and it feels so good on my skin!

I love how open you are with all of this. You know what is right for you and Brooke and that’s all that matters! You’ll find the person you’re supposed to be with, I have no doubt!


I feel like I still wear the same makeup from high school – eek! I give you so much credit for venturing out to date because even without a child that is TOUGH!


I loved this more personal post! Thank you so much for sharing! Gosh, I’ve been dating my boy friend for almost 6 years now (I know!) and I would be SO awkward on a first date. I always tell him I’m so grateful I don’t have to do that because I wouldn’t be able to eat off the guy’s plate if I didn’t know him well enough.

I’m not huge on make up, but I will throw on some lipstick on the weekends just so there’s a little something extra!


I’ve never dated anyone, but I’m definitely ready for the whole dating thing. Hopefully someday!

I’m not a lipstick person, but I LOVE lip gloss. It’s not a good situation if I go somewhere and somehow forget my gloss.


Oh my gosh..I love hearing about dating and what’s going on..so please more posts like this! Thank you for sharing all this personal information also..I know that must not be easy but I appreciate the honesty!

Funniest dating story I have..I was out on a date with a guy on college and he took me to the grossest pizza place ever (the kind of place you only go when you’re in college and drunk..slices are only $1 and really nasty). That wasn’t too bad, but then he gets a call that there’s a fire nearby, and that’s when I find out he’s a volunteer fire fighter and we go racing across town going about 100 miles an hour and I have to wait in the car while he fights a fire. That was an experience to remember!


So many funny dating stories from when my boyfriend and I started dating 3 years ago, but I don’t think typing them out would do them justice. Looking back, I think Matt was just nervous because he was very clumsy. At the movies one time, he opened a bag of sour patch kids and somehow they exploded everywhere! I seriously think they hit people three rows behind us! We couldn’t control our laughter in the quiet theater…but I don’t think the people around us were amused!


You have so many exciting things coming up (moving, puppy!!!!) that will keep you more than occupied without the stress of dating. Although getting a new puppy in a new place is probably going to be a little bit stressful too, haha!


Great post! Thank you for sharing and being so honest. Dating is TOUGH. I ended an 11 year relationship recently and am no where near ready to date. Hopefully one day the desire will return. Right now I am just wanting to take care of myself (relationship was not a healthy one). Any dating stress posts would be appreciated! Take care of you and your daughter. The rest will fall into place. You will absolutely find a great guy when the time is right!!!


I was going to ask you if you could write a post about your makeup routine, so this is perfect timing. Would you mind sharing with us some of your go-to products or things you love? i.e. what face wash and moisturizer do you use, what is your make up routine, anything you have to have, anything you swear by, etc.


my sister is my makeup advisor lol. i think she gets to try a love of products because she’s in LA and knows people who do makeup for a living. but normally i’m a bronzer & mascara out the door girl. Working in a gym does that ;)


My boyfriend has 2 girls (almost 13 and almost 11). We knew about 4 months into the dating process that we’d be pretty much together forever but since his divorce was relatively new I didn’t meet his girls until about 6 months and then only once and a while did he overlap us. He wanted to spend time with each of us without neglecting anyone or losing focus. Gradually over the next year it’s become so natural to spend time together. They know I’m his girlfriend. I feel like their big sister in some ways. We just hang out and have fun together. I am so grateful to my boyfriend for taking it slow when introducing them to me and vice versa. It’s only fostered an easy transition for all of us.


Your photos are always so great! Did you use your phone for the picture above of you in your running clothes with Brooke in between you?!? The lighting is incredible! Second.. Thanks for being open about your dating life. I’m currently going through divorce & have a 3 year old & 8 month old… So I can’t imagine how tough it can be! Also I totally understand your Diet Coke addiction during your divorce ;)


Love this post!! Dating is so hard and I’m sure tons of people relate to your thoughts here (I certainly do)!

Not such a funny story but more of an awful dating story: I just went through a pretty ugly breakup with a guy I had been seeing on and off since August. We met at the dog park … Which btw, is a GREAT place to meet people. Long story short, I shared some pretty personal things with him in confidence and then he totally threw it in my face, made a jab at my MOM, and then asked if I’d put in a good reference with a friend of mine because “he treated me well in the grand scheme of things.” LOL. No.

Thanks again for sharing!!! Good luck out there!


Speaking as a kiddo that was the result of two divorced parents getting together (my siblings are from the previous marriages) I can say right now that you are doing a fantastic job with Brooke. Seriously.
I am a college kid so my beauty routine is to maybe shower and try really hard to smile, even when the air hurts my face.
Ran 9 miles on a bum hip because silly me thought it would be a good idea to do my 5k PR pace for a 6 mile fartlek last week. I guess it really isn’t my PR pace then…


You’re brave to like blind dates. I always refused to go on them (mostly because the people trying to set me up on them had crazy friends and I didn’t trust them) my dad tried to set me up once when my husband was on his mission, but my mom wouldn’t let him. She’d been routing for my husband since we met and it took us 5 years to try the dating thing.

Not much of a make up person over here. I use mostly just eye make up (that I used in high school) I’ve tried to branch out here and there. I don’t know how to do make up well though, and I also start feeling like I have too much stuff on my face.


My first date with my now-fiancé was to an ice cream shop near the college where we both worked (although we met online, we worked a building apart on a small college campus and had never met!). We talked for 2 hours and could’ve talked for more, except that I had tickets to a show that night and was almost late because we lost track of time. I knew then that I was in trouble!

I don’t have any kids, but fiancé is divorced with 2 kids, and it was several months before I met them. In fact, when I met them, fiancé and I had already decided to move in together when his lease was up two months later, but it was as easy a relationship with them as it was with him.


Aww I loved reading this! I love how open you are and I love reading just any type of personal posts. My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 4 years and he’s my first boyfriend so I have very little experience with dating, first dates. haha. I also am like the worlds most awkward person so I feel for you on that :)


Its great to have you open up about this topic as I know many other people can relate to your experience. Its just not easy especially when you have someone else (and their little heart) to protect. Good for you for doing what is best for you and Brooke! The right guy will come along during the right time. It just happens that way, just have to trust God :-). I am a runner AND and girly-girl at heart. I love running, working up a great sweat, and pushing myself but I also love clothes, make up and painting my nails! Its great that Glossybox uses full size products as many of them do not!


Today is Fartlek day! I wasn’t even considering dating after my divorce. I was a single mom with 3 kiddos. Then one day a friend that I hadn’t seen in a year or so asked me to hang out and catch up on times. We still joke to this day how we weren’t supposed to start dating…but it happened and we are doing absolutely wonderful!


Thanks for the honesty in this post.
I would love a full post on dating stress.


Love posts like this!! Thank you for your honesty and sharing your worries. The right guy is out there and it will happen when the time is right! I am going to run a few easy miles on the treadmill tonight while catching up on the Bachelor.


Full post on dating! Please! I am in the same boat and love others perspectives:)


I woke up and laughed out loud, I just posted my GB review for the month too. :)
Man, I hear ya on the Netflix. Years ago (before I met my husband) I broke up with a long time boyfriend and I watched soooo much Netflix, especially because I couldn’t sleep! Then my bff told me I needed to not date for a while, so I decided that day to focus on myself, and that day I met my husband. Haha. Good luck to you, you certainly have the right attitude!


Yes!!! I loved this post and needed it. Definitely do a full post on heartbreak/dating/etc. I think so many of us go through the same thing at the same time and it’s always nice to know we aren’t alone and how others cope. Loved this post!


I’ve been wearing the same makeup and have had the same routine for years. I feel like I need this to up my makeup game. If I ever have a hope of finding a man, I should probably be wearing lipstick to the gym. Haha!


Great post! I always wear minimal make up – mascara and eye pencil at most.
As for dating…. I got divorced after 26 years of marriage – my ex husband upped and left very suddenly. I met my now Fiance at the running club where we are both members 4 months later. He asked me out for dinner after knowing each other for about 8 months but the thought of it scared the live out of me! We were going to go to our local pub and I asked my best friend to be at the pub! Now a year later we are engaged to be married and extremely happy :)
As for running – did a long run yesterday – 12 miles – so rest today and 5 miles planned for tomorrow. Have a great day xx


WOW… Maree, thank you for sharing your story with me. That must have hurt so bad but I am so so so happy you found your fiancé (at a running club….how awesome!). I love it!!! Way to go on your long run yesterday!


I was so bad at dating…. my boyfriend had to literary chase me half around the wolrd… and then we he wanted to say i love you he was to scared that i might run away…Talking about commitment issues eehh???


god, i wish i was a make-up person. I work from home so chances of me putting on a full face of make-up day to day are slim to none. I still like to get all fancy when I’m going out, but my make-up habits haven’t changed much over the years #sorrynotsorry.


I ended an 8 year relationship in my early 30s and had to learn to date as an adult. As great as it is when things are going well….it’s a stressful, emotional roller coaster most of the time!! I did the online thing and had so many stories, friends would tell me to write a book!! I had to take lots of breaks from dating. It’s so cliche but so true…you meet the right person when you’re ready. Until then, love who you are, love your friends/family, love your life and do things that make you happy…the right guy will come along. I 100% believe you need to be happy, confident and content with who you are on your own before you can be 100% happy in a relationship.


WOW, Michelle… you nailed it! Thank you so much for sharing your experience and you are so right about needing to be in the right place to find the right guy! Love it. I hope you are having an amazing day Michelle!


I started reading your blog a couple months ago and haven’t really commented much but I just wanted to say that I love how authentic you are. Thanks for making my day a little brighter every time I read one of your posts! :-)


WOW! Thank you Alice for your sweet comment, that means the world to me! You brightened my day:) Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday and thanks for reading!


Today was my first speed workout of my half marathon training plan! I did a 30 minutes fartlek on the good ol’ treadmill because the weather was pretty yucky in my neck of the woods. It turned out to be good though because I could just set the speed and not have to think about anything.


Great post! I feel you on feeling like I’ll NEVER feel again! Ugh. Almost 3 months post breakup and it’s so hard! I miss him like crazy. I feel like I don’t have time to waste before trying to date again because I’m turning 30(!!) this year. But I’m also not ready to date so it feels like an unnecessary stressor right now. Thanks for sharing your life with us!~ :)


Hi Jill,
I’m pretty much in the same place as you right now. It is so hard to miss the guy.. but I agree dating now would be an unnecessary stressor.

I feel the pressure of age but I’m trying to stay positive….. and not turn into an old maid ;)

Kind regards,


Thank you so much for opening up about this, it’s so refreshing to hear that other people are going through the same thing I am. I would love to read more dating posts – I feel stressed about dating in the same way you mentioned! Thanks girl!


The stress is so real! Thanks Jenna and yep, I will do more posts about dating for sure! Thanks and I hope you are having a wonderful day!


Funny dating stories….ohhh man. So many to choose from haha. One of the best was the guy who spent the whole first date on his phone (and whem he was actually talking, he literally only talked about himself and did not ask me a single thing about myself) and then his card got declined so I HAD TO PAY. And it was not cheap. :( Eventually he paid me back, but I had to ask him…just super awkward all around.

WORST date ever, by far, was the guy who told me 30 minutes into our meal that he was married and asked if that was cool. UM, NO, ACTUALLY. Not at all. Ugh….needless to say, there was no 2nd date for either.

I’d love to see more posts on dating! It can be great, but also messy and weird and sometimes hard. ♡♡


LOL!! unfortunate date but at least you can laugh about it later. :)


Thanks for sharing and yes to more dating posts! I am working through heartbreak and trying to test the waters dating. It is so stressful and I have had some BAD dates in my small town. Not fun…I’m taking a break now.


Oh kelly! I am truly so so sorry about your current heartbreak. The worst. You’ll be in my thoughts and take that break!


I would love another post on dating stress..


Met my wife on a blind date. I opened my door and BAM, it was over the moment we saw each other.

Dated long distance (Germany to Florida, Bosnia to California) for two years before we got engaged and married at just shy of 3. Lots of Sprint Rewards points.


Love, love, love this post (can I just say your sponsored posts are the best I have ever read – you make them personal and I love reading them). I think you could make this “thoughts on dating” into a whole series. I know I would love it!


Wow! Thanks Meg!! You are so sweet and yep… let’s make it a series! Hope you are having a beautiful day!


I’m not a lipstick person, but I could really use a trip to the makeup counter to find some! I’d like to wear it, but not sure what color I’d like. Color enhanced Burts Bees has been about it for me. I really need to get out more. haha!!


I love those too!


I was not a lipstick person until I turned about 35. My best friend had to force me to wear lipstick for my wedding instead of clear gloss like I wanted. :-)


I like makeup, I always have. I don’t wear a lot of it, unlike when I was in my teens. :) But I feel like it perks me up, especially lipstick.

I’m pretty serious about skin care, I use serum then a moisturizer because I tend to have dry skin. And I wear sunblock, even though I hate wearing it when I run.

Today are speed drills, oh joy. It’s raining pretty hard so it will make the treadmill interesting anyway.

As the daughter of a former single mom I say kudos on not introducing Brooke right away. I was older when my mom dated but we only met the guys she was serious about.


Years ago, I had a guy take me to the Christmas bells concert at the Conference Center. It was really beautiful hearing all the music but the unfortunate part was I got the giggles when the big screen focused in on the guy who had to pick up a huge bell and ring it during the song. Everyone was wearing white gloves in the choir and were so serious looking, I just couldn’t hold it in. So suffice it to say, that was my first and only date with that guy. He was not impressed! Ha.
Thanks for your honesty in your post! Long time reader and I like how candid but positive you are. I get overwhelmed sometimes being a new mom but reading your blog helps me stay positive :)


6 miles including 6 x 800m done at 5h30am this morning ;-) I met my husband on a blind date and we’ve been together for 15 years now! I’d say it’s a good method ha. I love that glossybox removes the stress of choosing between a gazillion brand/type of beauty products! I never know what to buy! Now, if they could only provide a make-up artist in the box that would be awesome!


I have just re-entered the dating world, and I am scared! Turning 40 this year, and just ended a 6 year relationship that was going no where. I don’t even know where to start, but I am going to enjoy life, and have fun. So keep the dating stories coming – I am going to need some tips :)

I have vowed to myself to concentrate on the two most important men in my life, and really enjoy them. My boys are 14 and 10, so they keep me pretty busy. It has been an adjustment for them as well.

I am in the process of buying a house that the three of us have picked out, and are excited about going forward.


Oh Kate! I am so so sorry about the ending of your six year relationship. That breaks my heart but YES to enjoying life. You’ve got this! Keep me updated on how you are doing!


Please keep the dating stories coming!

I have online dated a lot in the past. The funniest story was when I met a guy who I didn’t necessarily hit it off with, but we became great friends and I even ended up living with him for a year! Turns out we went to the same college, too.

I have been dating my boyfriend for over 2 years. I wish I could say I am 100% happy, but I suffer from relationship OCD (basically constant doubts and worries about the quality and true nature of one’s relationship) that leaves me a lot of anxiety when I just wish I could enjoy being with him. I am starting a new therapist who specializes in it, so at least there’s hope. Sorry for my pity story ha.

<3 xoxo


MALLORY, I am so so sorry about what you are going through with your relationship OCD. That is incredibly hard and I hope this new therapist is able to really help. Thinking about you!


I love trying new makeup so this sounds awesome! As for dating again with a kiddo, I can’t even imagine! I bet it is so different and so much harder, but I think it is so amazing that you are putting yourself out there because you will find the right guy in the right time. :) You are such an amazing mom and I know you and Brooke will be blessed. As for the lipstick, LOVE it! Lipstick is my absolute favorite! :)


I got divorced when my daughter was really young, too, & I stayed single for many yrs. When I started dating again, I considered introducing my daughter nbd – just like she was meeting a friend of mine. But it’s not like I made a point to incorporate her into our dates at that point either; she would just meet someone if she happened to be there when they picked me up (depending on the babysitter situation) or if he came over for a little while. You definitely have a good point about developing the relationship between the 2 of you before you bring her into the mix in case your feelings are swayed by his interactions w/ her. I can see both sides of that actually… you don’t want to get all wrapped up in someone only to discover that he’s terrible w/ kids, either. It’s a conundrum. I would probably be tempted to introduce her if he expresses an interest in meeting her & try not to make a huge deal of it. You wouldn’t have to incorporate her in ALL of your dates, & that way they are getting to know each other on a more casual & gradual basis. Janae, you are going to meet someone as amazing as you are, I have no doubt! In the meantime, enjoy this special 1-on-1 time you’re getting w/ Brooke. I look back on the time I had w/ just my daughter & I SO fondly now! At the time I was pretty lonely for some adult companionship, & I wish I could go back & tell myself to cherish that time.


i love how you make sponsored posts actually fun to read!! i love how open you are about everything and i just want you to know you are the only blog i actually read daily anymore!! thank you <3


Loved this post — I’ve been reading your blog for years and years and feel like we’re friends :) Cheering for you and Brooke — excited for all the wonderful experiences ahead for y’all!


I am a girly girl when it comes to make up… that is except when I am running… usually I just roll out of bed and run! I sweat too much to even try to run with make up! LOL! :D

I am more of a lip liner with lip gloss kind of girl…. although I do apply lipstick in the morning prior to work, but as far as reapplying during the day, it is simply lip gloss.

I have no tips on the introducing a child to a new person when dating…. when I got divorce at age 28, I didn’t have any children; therefore, it was a permanent break from my ex….. I have a 6 year old now and can only imagine how difficult that would be……


Man, dating just blows. I was engaged when I was 20 years old and broke off the engagement 10 days before the wedding. I honestly thought I would meet someone I connected with quickly after that and felt that it would be happily ever after. Unfortunately, it was 10 years of the most frustrating relationships that I could ever imagine. I swear I tried everything! I decided after living 7 years away from Utah to move back and within 2 months met someone incredible! I would never have imagined that it would have happened this way.

I also noticed there was another reader that experienced a lot of anxiety in relationships. I am the same way. Even though I knew my partner was a good match for me, I always wanted to bail because I couldn’t deal with the stress I constantly put on myself. After lots of therapy and self-talk, I finally feel at a place where I don’t wake up anxious every morning.

Funny story about meeting my partner: we met online and the first time we met up in person, he didn’t tell me his name! I left the date totally twitterpatted with him and had no idea what his name was.


No run for me until saturday. I’ve been banned for two weeks since I have been sick so long. I’m feeling a lot better and Saturday can’t get here soon enough.

Love all types of makeup. The porefessional is awesome. I use it myself.

I went on a blind date a long time ago. The guy took me to dinner, he was so boring. He wouldn’t take me home because it was too early so we went to the movies. It was XMen so atleast it was good. After the movie, he still wouldn’t take me home because it was too early and took me to a party instead. I couldn’t stand his friends except for one mutual friend so I hung out with that friend until my boring date agreed to take me home. When he pulled up in front of my house, I jumped out of the car before he stopped and ran inside. We didn’t have a second date.


Wow great post Janae.

My dating struggles could fill a novel! But anyways, my favorite beauty product is South Seas Skincare Tahitian Tan Mist. I have olive skin and it keeps me looking alive during winter. :) I highly recommend it. It’s the same tanning product used in airbrushed tans.


The hubs and I actually met on a blind date. :) That’s how he fell madly in love with me. ;)

I ended up only running a mile today. I haven’t really ran in over a month, so I’m trying to ease myself into it. Plus I was running some angry miles for a friend.


Hey Janae,

Long-time reader/lurker. Just wanted to say that reading your posts are so helpful for me and it’s nice to see so much honestly. I recently got out of a relationship and it’s been difficult and sometimes you just feel so alone, so it’s refreshing to read your stories (and other commenters!)


Oh Allie, I am so so sorry that you are going through a break-up. The worst. I hope that each day gets better and you will be in my thoughts! You’ve got this. You can do hard things.


Aw, this post was so honest and real. Thanks for sharing! I’ve been single now for over 2 years (OMG! I just realized this!) but have been active on the dating scene. Right now I’m just so over it. I have no interest in meeting anyone new so I’ve been focusing on making lots of time for my established friends.


Oh my goodness. As a single mom in the dating world,it can be tough. I went through a break up a few months ago and it was rough. It was the first person I dated after my husband and I split and I fell for him hard. Sadly he did not feel the same way and basically broke it off in an email on New Year’s Eve day. But recently I have had some luck and I’m proud I have the courage to try again. :)


I am not allowed to date…long story but it would affect my Mr. 8…so I live by the “rules”


I just went through a horrendous break up and honestly you can’t talk about this enough. I’ve been depressed and struggling and I don’t know any blogs of other single people other than myself so it’s been really hard. When we were together I didn’t blog because I was so happy and now that we are a part I am in this horrible place and having to go and bank date posts to both tell our love story and then our flipping break up. It’s awful awful. I just got to the week before we broke up and I just froze in my writing because it was such a bad time for me. But once I get through writing about those last week or so I have all these depressed posts I blogged in real time… Not that those were really fun either!!!

This all sucks. I did just run into my ex for the first time and it was awkward but it was also very helpful and transformative too. I hope our relationship keeps moving forward. ?

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