I couldn’t possible live without my ______ and a bunch of tangents.

*Lindsey, the pictures that you take of Brooke make my heart explode.



 *The Purecadence 4s made their appearance this morning on my run.  I’ve got a lot of work to do to get back in running shape but I am sure excited to do it.  

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*Brooke taught me all about stretching at Dr. B’s office.

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*I’ve been searching for more learning activities/games for Brooke and I to do together—>  happy heart kid has become our favorite.  They are all about teaching values through play we are real big fans now.  

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*I purchased it.  Amazing.  Yep.  Buy it (Trader Joe’s).  I have about 7 different salad dressings currently in my fridge (too many?) and this one will take over as first pick until it is gone.  

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*A reader sent me What Life Is Like Before And After You Get A Dog, In 9 Comics… I can’t wait for this new life of ours:)  

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*Cafe Rio salad eaten in the car today.  I always show you what the top of the salad looks like and thought I would show you part of what is underneath all of the lettuce, pico and guac. 

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*Taking that run towards her next trick pretty seriously.

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*Breaking News:

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*I saw this on Beth’s Instagram yesterday and laughed pretty hard.  It got me thinking about the things that I couldn’t possibly run without…

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Besides your running clothes/sports bra and socks/shoes… what are three running accessories that you couldn’t possibly live without?

-My Garmin Forerunner 225, phone (because my music is on there) and headphones (and if I can combine the phone and headphones to count as one then I would add my sunglasses).

Have any tangents to share today?

Current favorite salad dressing?

Have a favorite Blizzard flavor?

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Beautiful pictures of Brooke!

I can’t remember the last time I had a Blizzard……I usually like plain Oreo (is that a flavour?). Super exciting!


I couldn’t run without my sunglasses (no squinting!), hat or headband, and music (phone and headphones). The hat and sunglasses are necessities though. I would go home for them!

I got up early to run this morning and I’m about to fall asleep on my desk. I may have had some extra energy this morning, but apparently I used it all up because I’m dying now (not literally).

I haven’t been to DQ in so long that I don’t even know what flavors they have anymore!!

Brooke looks so grown up! Beautiful photos!


The camera roll before and after a dog is too true! I always take my GPS with me on a run and couldn’t run without a hat because of how often it rains in Seattle.


So I went to DQ for the first time last week and their strawberry cheesecake shake was pretty good. But I left smelling like fried food (my coat still smells like that because I haven’t washed it yet) which wasn’t great.

I couldn’t run with out my blutooth earbuds, phone (music) and roosport.


Have you had DQ brownie batter blizzards? No other blizzard will ever be as good. Try it. You’ll see. (Ask for extra brownie batter, even.)

The before and after: life with a dog thing could not be more accurate! I’ve had my pup for 10 months now and found myself laughing at every single illustration.


Lately I’m pretty gadget free when it comes to running and I like it that way! But who am I kidding, I couldn’t imagine leaving for a long run without my phone at this point just in case. And to listen to podcasts!


Brooke is such a cutie :) !!! I could go for a run without my music/headphones and literally that is all I need. And socks ;) I dont really care what type of workout clothes I wear. Nowadays since I have so many proper running stuff I wear those but I still remember when I started running as a kid and back in college (as a pennyless kid ;) ) all i had was a pair of running shoes and i still enjoyed it a lot! Even though I cant imagine running a marathon in sweatpants now that I know the joy of light wear!


Great photos of Brooke!

Before and after dog is a true story. I have more photos of Missy than my husband. (or she’s in the photos with him).

I like water, my hat and a little mad money when I run.

I like peach balsamic vinegar with EVOO, fresh ground pepper and a pinch of Spanish Sea Salt that my friend brought me back from her trip to Spain. The peach balsamic is crazy good.

Tangent: I had a client tell me he doesn’t eat egg yolks because he’s avoiding dairy. (I had to explain that eggs aren’t dairy, they’re an animal by product. But how would the yolk be considered dairy and not the white?)


Okay, your tangent literally made me laugh out loud. I mean, does he think cows lay eggs? Or just totally clueless on what the word “dairy” means? I’m baffled.


After a another conversation with him, I’m going with clueless. Eggs are in the dairy section ergo they must be dairy. Some of my clients have the oddest ideas about food.


best blizzard: cotton candy. no question. they’ve had it a couple times in the last 10 years. it’s blue and has basically pieces of candied sugar in it.


The before and after dog comic is so true. It’s almost embarrassing how many pictures I have of my dog. It’s more than I have of my husband, that’s for sure. Speaking of, do you have to be single to get that blizzard. Because it sounds really good! My go-to blizzard is oreo with banana.
Three running things I can’t go without: my phone, headphones, and a really good playlist.


My must have running gear is definitely my garmin watch, my headphones/music, and my headband for colder runs.

Favorite blizzard flavor is cookie dough. Now I want cookie dough ice cream.


Her hair!! How is it so long and beautiful?!
My favorite blizzard is coffee Heath bar with extra Heath….and now I’m craving one


Brooke looks like a little lately. She definitely takes after her mom. :)

When I go to DQ (maybe once a year) I splurge on a chocolate extreme blizzard and add cookie dough. Yes, I go there. It’s so good!!!


Gotta have my tunes!

That blizzard looks awesome. I’m not single but I think it’s a must have.


I like trader joes feta dressing.
That life before and after dog article is so true. I just read it today and laughed at the camera roll because that is what mine is. If you look at my insta it’s more dog than running. Lol.
I am on my way to get a chest X-ray. Doc thinks I might have pneumonia. But I told her I had a great run just 5 days ago! Lol. Oh well.
I always need a hat or visor when running.


A good running hat on a sunny day is invaluable. And lightweight, long, comfy tank tops!!


You have to give Dairy Queens Chocolate Xtreme blizzard a try, so good!!
I need to have my iPod, headphones and Chapstick for every run!
Brooke looks beautiful! So grown up:)


I love anything with Oreos in it for a blizzard. Yum!

I had a really yummy one Monday night which was really really good. It was a honey mustard flavor. So good!


How did you like the pure cadence 4?? I just ordered a pair should be getting them tomorrow!


Brooke is so gorgeous! :)
That’s great that you do learning games with her. You two are going to be life long bff’s! Good luck with your dog search! I’m sure Ginger will be a big part of your blog in the future.
I can’t believe more people didn’t say water! A water bottle is definitely my #1 thing to run with. Maybe if I ran only like 3 miles I could live without it but once I got used to drinking all the time while running, I neeeeed it!


I think the fact that I run in total darkness at 5am probably explains why I need my music… there is nothing to see ;-) And of course, I need a watch (or garmin) to make sure I get back home on time to go to work!


Always need my headphones, phone, and EARMUFFS! Its colddddd here in NYC :)

Also, Brooke is soooo gorgeous!!


I cannot live without sunglasses, my Suunto Ambit2 watch, and Stryd power meter. And lately I’ve been running with a light because it’s dark and I really hate tripping.

Round Table has a Polynesian dressing (not sure if it’s available on the mainland) that has just the right amount of zing to it.


I LOVE blizzards. I get a mix of PB cups and Heath bar. It is TOO DIE FOR. You must try. That Blizzard for single people sounds pretty out of this world too.
I am on day 2 of no running for the next two weeks or so as we just did a cycle of IVF (our second). Hoping and praying for this one to work!


Prayers for you Sarah!


Holy is Brooke’s hair ever getting long, and those pics are beautiful! I’m not single but that blizzard sounds totally decadent…my all time fave is Oreo though. My one big running essential is a headband, I can’t handle hair in my face.


Sad note: We don’t have DQ’s here… so I’ve never had a Blizzard! I’ve always wanted to try one out though!!


Can’t live without my TomTom GPS, chap stick and my phone.

Red wine vinaigrette is my favorite right now, though I don’t turn down a good bleu cheese either.

I used to always get Nerds blizzards. Or tropical. I really want ice cream now.


I am so excited for you to get a dog! It is going to be so wonderful. My favorite salad dressings lately are the boathouse ones from Safeway :)


That before and after dog comic is 100% truth. My rescue dog Annie occupies nearly all the photo space on my phone. My poor husband, niece and nephew are a distant second. Can’t wait to find out what kind you fur kid you end up with, but am so excited for you and Brooke.


That before and after dog comic is 100% truth. My rescue dog Annie occupies nearly all the photo space on my phone. My poor husband, niece and nephew are a distant second. Can’t wait to find out what kind of fur kid you end up with, but am so excited for you and Brooke.


Brooke is adorable!
I could not live without my hat, Garmin and gloves (when running early in the morning).


I love Beth from SUAR! She’s hilarious. :)
Also, that Blizzard sounds delicious!


Fave Blizzard: their summertime smores Blizzard, when they release it. Holy party in my mouth. I’m okay gaining 10 pounds if it means those 10 pounds are a result of eating a smores Blizzard every day in the summer. And then any other time, probably cookie dough because…cookie dough everything is heaven.


I can’t imagine any blizzard being bad, but I usually combine cookie dough and butterfinger – to die for!
I have to have my iphone because it has my gps program as well as my music, bluetooth earphones and my knee strap. I’ve tried running without my music but my heavy breathing sounds insane.
Brooke is absolutely beautiful.


I definitely need my phone/headphones for music and motivation, if I’m not running with a friend.


the single valentine’s day ice-cream from diary queen hahahahaha. love your blog girl!Xo, Tara


Those pictures of Brooke are so stinking cute!!!


Brooke is so cute I can’t even handle it! I know you have to run with socks but I have certain ones that I will only run in. I have every day socks, regular workout/walking socks and then my running socks in about 6 different colors.

So today I tried to go to mass for Ash Wednesday and it took 3 different churches and 3 different times for me to get it right. I blame Mom brain.

Peanut butter cup is hands down my fave Blizzard.


Those pictures just melt my heart! She’s such cute kid!
I did not eat enough after my speed workout today, and we’re in a hotel with no food and I want that salad. And blizzard.
I couldn’t live without my oldest pair of black Lululemon shorts that I’ve worn for almost every race! They’re just my racing shorts, I guess.


We don’t have blizzards here but they look so good. Like a soft serve with all yummy treats in there!

I couldn’t run without my socks, shoes and a slick of Chapstick. I keep it simple and often roll out of bed to run first thing so I’m happy to just remember those things. Lucky no one can see me otherwise they might sometimes see my chalky zit paste on my face haha.


Ah, but the first marathon runner dropped dead at the end… probably due to not having a Garmin and fuel belt. I don’t really have any necessities when I race (besides the basics). I like wearing my Garmin, and when I do ultras, it’s smart to bring some water along. My favorite salad dressing is simple… balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt&pepper. I haven’t had a Blizzard in YEARS but now I want one. That singles’ one looks good! Maybe I’ll slip my wedding ring in my pocket and grab one this weekend ;)


Gum…if I run without gum I feel so off, its like my body just can’t move forward without it. I also have to have a headband on to keep my hair back…nothing ruins a great run for me faster than having hair stick to my face…and of course the beloved Garmin.
Brooke is so stinkin cute! I love the second pic! Lindsey seriously has some major talent! Love her work!


sunglasses, ipod & flipbelt for fuel/phone etc! brooke looks adorable in those pictures!


That DQ blizzard is making my mouth water and it’s not even 9am here!

I couldn’t live without: sunglasses, my watch, and if we’re not counting clothing, I suppose a hair tie comes in next. I stopped running without music lately unless I’m on the treadmill and most days I don’t even think about it anymore. It’s odd, I never thought I’d quit running with music.

And favorite salad dressing: Sesame Ginger. YUm!


I may or may not have to get that blizzard! It looks amazing. But my go-to is always a Butterfinger blizzard. It’s like, tradition. I get one every Spring Break at the DQ in Ft Myers Beach by the pier :)

My favorite salad dressing, at the moment!, is a homemade concoction consisting of olive oil, dijon mustard, lime juice, salt + pepper. I love love love ranch and chipotle ranch but I rarely eat it because of its fat content! Woof.


OH MY GOSH. That dog buzzfeed list is absolutely accurate :-)


I’ve been doing so good resisting a Blizzard run until I saw that picture and now I’m craving a Blizzard!
Before all the weird flavor choices my husband would ask DQ to combine turtle pecan cluster and Oreo. They often questioned what he asked for. It’s delicious!
I also love a Georgia Mud Fudge Blizzard. help.


That Blizzard looks and sounds amazing!!


Three running necessities – My dog, the ruffwear slackline leash, and my Garmin.
The dog – because she loves running more than I do and demands it at least daily, the leash – it’s hands free and makes running with a dog super easy, and my garmin for obvious reasons…

Favorite blizzard – Oreo. hands down.


I couldn’t run without head phones, my phone (music), and my knee brace to help with my runner’s knee. That pictures is too funny because it’s so accurate. A couple of things, your picture of Cafe Rio has me craving a salad SO bad and my favorite dressing right now is probably Cafe Rio house dressing haha! ;)


When I saw that you are looking for some educational/interactive things for you and Brooke to do, I thought of this awesome company, Seedling. Not sure if my comment will be flagged as spam with a link, so i’ll space it, but just visit seedling. com. I don’t even have kids, but find myself looking at the site for my friends’ kids and my nephews!


I saw the dairy queen blizzard. I hate sharing mine, so it sounds great to me.


I love garlic expressions but I also like making my own dressing with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, lemon, salt, pepper, garlic powder, mustard powder, honey and spicy mustard. so good!


Ha ha that is SO true about the dog pics on your phone! I have WAY more pics of my dogs than my kids. :P To be fair my kids are teenagers now so they aren’t as hip on getting their pics taken either, but they’re also not as cute (or as sweet) as my dogs. :P

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